CIA Plot Against Correa Funded by Drug Money 1271

Hillary Clinton is repeating the methodology of the Iran/Contra affair, using “black” funds to finance the operation to ensure President Correa is not re-elected.

I had two excellent sources for the news that the US/UK strategy against Julian Assange was to ensure the defeat of President Correa in Presidential elections next spring, and then have him expelled from the Ecuadorean Embassy. One source was within the UK civil service and one in Washington. Both had direct, personal access to the information I described. Both told me in the knowledge I would publish it.

Of course Assange is not the only reason Clinton wants rid of Correa; but it adds spice and urgency.

We now have completely independent evidence from Chile that this CIA operation exists, from journalists who were investigating a smuggling operation involving 300 kg per month of cocaine, organised by the Chilean army and security services.

The links to US intelligence emerged after an anonymous source from the Agencia Nacional de Inteligencia (ANI) told Panoramas News that the smuggling of 300 kilos of cocaine was in fact a highly sensitive CIA/DEA operation that would help to raise money to topple the government of Ecuador. The operation is similar to the one carried out by the Agency in Central America during the Iran-Contra scandal in the 1980’s, the source said.

A few days ago I published information I had received that Patricio Mery Bell, the director of the news programme which broke the story, had been lured to a meeting with a young lady “informant” who had worked with CIA-backed anti-Cuban groups in Miami. She had then accused him of sexual assault (does any of that scenario sound familiar?) He was arrested and his materials had been confiscated. However I took the article down after jst a few minutes because I had received the information in emails from sources I did not know previously, and was unsure it could stand up. It does now appear that this is indeed true.

My Washigton informant had told me, as I published, that the funds for the anti-Correa operation were not from the CIA budget but from secret funds controlled by the Pentagon. This could not be done by CIA funds because, perhaps surprisingly, for the CIA to operate in this way is a crime in the United States.

Whether my informant knew or suspected that the “secret Pentagon funds” were drug money I do not know. They did not mention narcotics.

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1,271 thoughts on “CIA Plot Against Correa Funded by Drug Money

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  • Ben Franklin (head honcho CIA Office for Craig Murray Operations)

    Again, apologies to Clark. I have a low tolerance for ankle-biting and semantic opportunism for it’s own sake.

    Clashes between Palestinian and Israeli protestors outside the Federal Building in Westwood (LA) are getting some press play on the news. Can there be any reconciliation or truce when tempers and reason are at odds. Jeebus.

  • Jon

    Hi all, best wishes to everyone here. I’m not staying away for any reason other than I’ve been tied up with a million things – hope to join in the conversations soon. The news coming from Gaza is heart-breaking, but hopefully international opinion will constrain Israel at least to some limited degree.

    A quick scan of some of the last posts shows that the Jewish Holocaust gets a mention together with speculation and/or links about “the real number dead”. If this turns out to be tending towards holocaust revisionism then it will be treated as off-topic here. Although in theory it should be possible to subject such a discussion to the scientific method, the authors of such websites do tend, in my experience, to be anti-Jewish racists. Not “anti-Semitic” as per the reflexive accusation against any critic of Israel, but real, genuinely unpleasant racism, that posits Jewishness as having some innate evil and caricatured wickedness.

    I’ll pop in later this evening when I have time to review this thread. Meantime, if anyone is stuck wondering what they can do to help the Gazans, my humble view is that a donation to MAP would be a good start.

  • A Node

    Oop, sorry, thought there must be a fault posts every few minutes, then ….STOP! …. nothing for over an hour.
    Carry on.

  • Mary

    The opening line of the BBC 6pm news, as read by Ms Fiona Bruce.

    ‘As Israel and Gaza continue to fire rockets at one another…….’

    There’s equivalence for you. What liars. Rockets from Israel Ms Bruce? Really?

  • Hang 'em High

    “or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

    How is one to interpret that statement other than a warning to the Zionists against victimising Jews in other countries in order to get them to emigrate to Palestine? Which, of course, is exactly what they did.

    “Hang ‘em high – can you provide a source for the Begin quote?”

    It’s a quote from Amnon Kapelioukf (Knesset member) that appeared in a book called “Begin and the Beasts”

  • Chris Jones

    Jon 19 Nov, 2012 – 4:23 pm

    “Although in theory it should be possible to subject such a discussion to the scientific method….”

    Amen to that Jon-the scientific and evidence based method should be the only way to look at any such case,not any racially motivated method or doctrine. Incidentally, as a mod,and in the interest and balance and consistency, will this holocaust revisionism rule apply to all other holocausts as well? There are many questions regarding the varying accounts of the Armenian, Russian, Chinese and Indian holocausts as well for example. They probably should all be off topic i agree but i think they should all be open to discussion if keeping to the evidence based rule…

    Sorry to bring this up in view of all the atrocities going on in Gaza – it does have some context and relevance i believe…

  • Hang 'em High

    “since you’re concerned enough to warn someone that they might be ‘bounced off’ for their holocaust denial; perhaps you would like to address the lies they are trying to propagate.”

    Still waiting for those ‘lies’ to be exposed… is Google not helping?

    Did you know that the Romans invented mobile phones? How do I know this? Because no landlines have been found in any ancient Roman city.

    Did you know six million people were gassed in WW2? How do I know this? Because there is absolutely no physical evidence – which proves someone was trying to hide something.

  • Ironside

    “Ben Franklin” and “Karel” – I’m getting more than a little suspicious….on whose behalf are they posting?

  • Mary

    I Am A Palestinian by Gary Corseri, first published on Dissident Voice.

    ‘Gary Corseri wrote this poem during yet another shoah on Palestinians –in June, 2006. Now, more than six years later, the theme remains tragically relevant: recognize the suffering, repression and humanity of another and you become the other, and you will stand with the other against oppression and for humanity. Now, in November, 2012, we endure yet another Palestinian shoah–95 years this month since the infamous Balfour Declaration. Then the Briton Balfour handed over someone else’s land to another people in 126 words. The loss and the weeping has continued ever since. The flywheel of terrible suffering has now been given another kick.’

  • Anon

    FFS. How many Jews exactly died because of Hitler is irrelevant right now. And if the number is smaller than 6 million then that’s only because Hitler was stopped before he could cleanse the world of all his undesirables..

  • Mary

    Do you remember this dear man who lost his wife and three daughters in Cast Lead? He is a gynaecologist and was actually speaking on Israeli TV when he heard the terrible news that they had been killed when the family home was shelled. He now lives in Canada.

    I wept on seeing and hearing him here. His forthright speech from his heart and from his terrible loss went to the core of our humanity, and lack of it. ‘The dignity of our world’ Exactly. The contrast with the recordings of the ‘flattening Gaza’ speeches from the son of Sharon and Ben-Ami was absolute.

    Contrast this Palestinian human with the Fatah dross who have not uttered a word of sympathy or condemnation as far as I know. Prof Hassassian, who is the Palestinian delegate to the UK has not been quoted and a fellow campaigner who keeps an eye says there is nothing on the UK web site, the latter having taken years to emerge and which is largely social and fund raising dinners stuff.

    Dr Abuelaish, a Palestinian from Gaza whose three daughters were killed in 2009, spoke at last Saturday’s protest for Gaza held in the middle of Paris. Here’s a link to a video that was made. For those who don’t speak French, be patient. The beginning of of the video has people speaking in French but a bit later Dr Abuelaish speaks in English.


  • Anon

    Hang ’em High

    The person responding in knee-jerk fashion here is you. You can’t miss any opportunity to tell us all how evil lots Jews are or that The Holocaust is a myth. Seems to be a compulsion with you.

  • Phil

    Komodo 19 Nov, 2012 – 8:48 am
    “would you as a non-Jew, have been encouraged to chat up, let alone marry, a Jewish girl?”

    I use to live with a jewish girl. Her family lived five minutes away and made me very welcome. It was during the first intifada and they all knew I was fundraising for palestinian support groups.

    I have a jewish friend who is married to a non-jew coming to my place in about half an hour. Unfortunately, our mutual muslim friend, who introduced us, can’t make it.

    Look komodo, you explained in an earlier comment that you previously had a difficult interaction with some jews in the past. But to think your experience proves all jews treat non-jews as something inferior shows, to say the least, fucking stupid.

    And look who you find yourself aligned with here. Idiots who seem to think that having a jewish friend is colluding with israeli government crimes. People who think that jews are the problem rather than understanding that israel is just another part of the problem. My experience is these idiots never actually do anything. They do not mix with others who are not their immediate peers. They never take action. They love commenting on web sites. Using multiple identities and tor to evade the empire that must be hunting them down because of their dangerous insight. They never last long. In a few years these type of people will be really lost to the dark side, happily mowing lawns as they complain about how easteneders has gone downhill.

    Don’t know where you are in the country but you do have a motorbike. Why not come to the demo on saturday and I’ll buy you a pint. My real name is Phil. I even use my real email address.

  • glenn

    Phil: My misses is Jewish, I was surprised to find out, though brought up as a Catholic. She absolutely despises Israeli policy with a passion, as every right-thinking person should.

  • Mary

    Ref the Palestinian gynaecologist whose daughters were killed in Cast Lead, there is this article by Richard Silverstein which provides more background.

    Note what this commenter below the article says:

    Bessam January 17, 2011 at 9:50 AM

    I, too, admire Izzeldin Abu Laish. Shortly after his children were killed, several Jewish groups sponsored his visit to my city and several cities in the US. He spoke about how and why he “does not hate.”

    Here’s my ‘sour grapes’ note on that pilgrimage of Dr. Abu Laish: his Jewish sponsors used Izzeldin to cloak themselves in his victimhood, and his virtue. Not only did NO member of the Jewish organization express contrition or sorrow or guilt or shame that Jewish people had been involved in killing his children, three or four of the seven persons in the audience who were able to ask (public) questions of Abu Laish heaped opprobrium on Izzeldin. Uniformly, they refaced their question with, “I am a holocaust survivor,” then went on to excoriate Izzeldin and Palestinians for failing to rise above their refugee status, or for failing to accede to Jewish offers of peace in Israel, or for Arabs who murdered Jews in Palestine.

    It was one of the most disgusting displays of hubris and insensitivity that I have ever witnessed. Izzeldin was not ruffled, nor did he lash out at his tormentors.

  • Hang 'em High

    “You can’t miss any opportunity to tell us all how evil lots Jews are or that The Holocaust is a myth. Seems to be a compulsion with you.”

    Yet again someone (deliberately?) confuses my historical analysis with hatred of a religious minority. Please, try and show some intellectual manners. Anyone that has read my posts carefully will see that I do not employ hate speech or racism to get my point across, which is that Israel has no right to exist because the majority of it’s history, e.g. descended from Hebrews and such, which it uses as justification for it’s actions is provably false. As is the holocaust number six million, which is a religious number taken from the Talmud.

    If you want to accept that as fact (i.e. you beleive it) than become a Jew but non-Jews should not be forced, by law in some countries, to accept such nonsense as factually correct and historically accurate.

  • Anon

    Hang Em,

    I’m open to the possibility that the numbers are wrong but you aren’t convincing me. Doubt you are convincing anyone.

    Where did Poland’s 3 million Jews go?

  • Vronsky

    Multiplying instances doesn’t prove anything, but my wife is a Jew (I’m a Catholic, sort of) and if anything her anger is greater than mine at the behaviour of Israel. We recently visited LA, meeting her circle of old friends many of whom were Jewish (she had once been very active in the Jewish community there). I was occasionally conscious of being the only non-Jew in the company. However most expressed the same disgust and despair, magnified by a sense of personal shame. I’d guess that an average grouping around a dinner table in Glasgow would not be as informed, or as censorious.

    OK, we probably move in rather radical circles, but a general statement only needs one counter-example in order to be dismissed.

  • Hang 'em High

    This holocaust to and fro is becoming unpleasant and is also boring.

    Mary, this ‘to and fro’ is called a debate, although all I seem to be doing is correcting peoples ignorance and misinformed opinion. Unpleasant you say, how so? Would you like Jon to delete all the messages that mention the Holocaust? Would you be less bored if there were less messages?

  • Anon

    Actually according to Wikipedia the best estimate is 5,933,900 killed in Europe (in areas which came under Hitler’s control) out of a pre-war Jewish population of 8,861,800 or 67% murdered.

    If your theory is correct you should be able to find post war records of at least 5 million of those supposedly dead people.

  • Ironside

    Mary sats “..this holocaust to and fro is becomming unpleasant and is also boring”.

    Why so, Mary?

    The holocaust was the reason the state of israel was set up in 1948 – do you really think there would have been (or might be, even now)a state of israel without the holocaust? And the holocaust is constantly used – overtly (“Iran is threatening Israel with a second holocaust”) or implicitly (any critic of israel is an anti-semite and holocaust-denier”) to explain away/justify israeli policies and actions.

    Given that, why is in-depth and continuing research into the holocaust unpleasant and boring?

  • clark

    Phil, I hope I’m not intruding here, but I’d like arrange a meet-up, too. Things have got far from sanity on this site. Various people have been magnifying little things; having a sensible discussion has become very difficult. I think that a bit of human, face-to-face communication could help a lot.

  • George Orwell

    the reaction to that was to just add more camps, and then we all accept the new ‘facts’ without a blink, without questioning the old discredited ‘facts’?

    “A new rule was written at the foot of the end wall of the big barn…”

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