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430 thoughts on “Baghdad Conference Photos

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  • Mary

    Why this secrecy and who made the application?

    She responded by inviting the now-disgraced DJ to lunch at Chequers, spending 11 consecutive New Year’s Eves with him and overseeing his knighthood.

    The letter, part of a Savile file released under the 30-year rule by the National Archives at Kew today, reveals how well connected to the establishment he was.

    But parts of some exchanges between Savile and Mrs Thatcher were censored in October this year – eight days after claims that he had sexually abused people surfaced in an ITV documentary.

    The text of a letter from Savile to Mrs Thatcher and a phone message that he left for her were deleted from the file under the Freedom of Information Act on October 11.

  • Mary

    Norman_Schwarzkopf ‘A true patriot’ – George Walker Bush
    Norman Schwarzkopf ‘A true killer’ – me

    Casualties and Losses


    190 killed by enemy action
    44 killed by friendly fire
    248 killed by in-theater accidents.
    Total: 482 Killed

    458 wounded
    776 wounded

    200 KIA

    Kuwaiti civilian losses:
    Over 1,000 killed


    20,000–35,000 killed
    75,000+ wounded

    Iraqi civilian losses:
    About 3,664 killed

    Other civilian losses:
    2 Israeli civilians killed 297 injured
    1 Saudi civilian killed, 65 injured

  • Mary

    A good grounding.

    His connection with the Persian Gulf region began very early. In 1946, when he was 12, he and the rest of his family joined their father, stationed in Tehran, Iran, where his father went on to be instrumental in Operation Ajax, eventually forming the Shah’s secret police SAVAK, as well.,_Jr.

  • Kempe

    Yes the Gulf War was all “Stromin’ Norman’s” fault and Saddam wasn’t to blame in any way, shape or form.

  • nevermind

    Yes, our man in Iraq Saddam, who went slightly awry after the oil price was hiked after the war against Iran, was never sold/allowed to buy Matrix Churchill, plans factory hook line and sinker, that was all an illusion, but thanks for the reminder.
    Saddam must have felt really bad about his Halabja strafing of Kurds, mainly, when the US released some 500plus million funding within 48hrs. of the horrific incident. Did he feel that he was paid to be nasty? Hmmm.
    When Saddam told the US that he will walk into Kuwait and help himself to oil, which he could not afford to buy and which his own interrupted facilities were not able to supply. They said that they would not interfere, but his previous muttering of wanting to be paid in a basket of currencies rather than chocolate dollars really meant that Kuwait was his Rubicon and that the US assurances were porkies.

    Saddam was always under western control, just as Maliki is.

  • mark golding

    Cyber-security is a major push by agent Cameron’s National Security Council which links to British industry via the ISRS. The connection provides a conduit to R&D effort that will advance the technology of miniature ‘endurance’ drones powered by fuel cells that are capable of analysing and retrieving information from ad hoc wireless networks favoured by hacktivists groups.

    Stuxnet, Flame and other state sponsored cyber attacks are prone to human flaws that propagate then into the wild allowing hackers to exploit the code and potentially use it to attack exposed industrial control systems such as the National Grid wireless infrastructure and more.

    Intelligence based information will initiate a drone response to spy on suspect wireless router data to pin-point the exact IP location. A silent inconspicuous stealth mini-drone is obviously far better at gathering information than a conspicuous ‘detector’ van at the end of the street, especially at night.

    I await further UK CAA amendments to ‘small unmanned aircraft’ or a new law by this ugly UK coalition (another amendment to the Magna Carta 😉 ) in the New Year that will approve by license this use of mini-drones by approved operators..

  • English Knight

    @LfromStl – if a picture speaks a thousand words, watch the free fall video of WTC7 it speaks a million. WTC7 47 stories, 100 yards long and 70 yards wide, fell UNIFORMLY along its ENTIRE length and at all 4 ends, despite umpteen steel columns engineered to hold up 47 stories. Not one resisted. Will there EVER be pools of molten metal for weeks after demolition in ANY BUILDING EVER until the Last Day? All caused by some kerosene and office furniture !! The real tragedy of 911 is all the good people who have had to become hasbara accessories after the fact, and ended up losing even their slim chance of finding safety in another Manchester (like good Kaufman), when the time comes.

  • Mary

    Weep Indeed
    by Jon Taylor / December 28th, 2012

    Twenty seven
    innocent civilians killed –
    women and children
    in Newtown, Connecticut.

    That’s about one
    for every hundred thousand killed –
    barefoot peasants in Vietnam,
    Laos and Cambodia.

    That’s about one
    for every one hundred killed
    when they bombed the slums of Panama
    to flush out Manuel Noriega.

    That’s about one
    for every twenty thousand killed –
    children under five years of age
    by sanctions against Iraq.

  • Habbabkuk

    @ Kempe, 2.32pm : exactly right, Saddam was entirely blameless, I have this on the authority of the Kuwaiti ruler himself. And while we’re at it, here are some more people who were entirely blameless of everything and anything, generally and specifically :

    – the Argentinian junta under General Galtieri ( it was those filthy, fascistic, colonialmist Falkland islanders!)

    – the Taliban government of Afghanistan (everyone knows that Osama was never there and even if he was, 9/11 was organised by Isreal and the CIA)

    – Saddam again (Gulf War 2) ( he was just a patriot and he he hadn’t been a Muslim you xcould have called him a Christian gentleman)

    – the Al-Hilil family ( purer than the driven snow; Mr A.H’s business was manufacturing childrens soft toys).

    Etc etc etc

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    “Heh what do you 911 truthers think about the fact that the CIA director couldn’t even keep his personal affairs secret? Kinda defeats your imaginative interpretation of the world, doesn’t it?”

    Well, he did allow his personal trollop to access his securitized emails That is truly a loose cannon loaded with the highly charged ordinance of sexual reciprocity; and that’s a nasty combo.

    After all, one of the most potent tools they employ is of a sexual nature, and they understand the pitfalls. They can’t exercise absolute control over a woman, scorned.

  • Fred

    LfromStl Why would he want to keep it secret? The real reason he had to resign, that’s what they want to keep secret.

    Now Bletchley Park, that was a secret and a half. Over ten thousand people worked there, probably the most significant factor in winning the war yet nobody knew it even existed, even after the war, not for 30 years. They say there was a married couple who had both worked there but didn’t find out till the 70s.

    You see they can keep secrets…when they want to.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    And, I think you’ll find the principles in the FBI who allowed this to come into public view, won’t be getting the career they wanted.

  • A Node

    It is documented beyond question that Saddam was installed and maintained in power by the West. However, it is equally beyond question that he was a better person than either of the men behind his removal, Bush and Blair.
    If he had been willing to sign over his country’s oil and allow US military bases into Iraq, he would still be there now, rich and feted. But he wasn’t prepared to completely sell out his country to foreign powers.
    And that’s where he differed from Bush and Blair.

  • mark golding

    No lunatic fringe here Larry, only ‘lower income’ defunct Zogby poll targets.

    The Petraeus affair was a slam-dunk put-up enacted after the Benghazi terrorist attack.

  • John Goss

    Nevermind, thank you for your comment on Christmas Day (the first on this page) regarding our article on the Swedish Ambassador to Australia, Sven Olof Petersson, his complicity in rendition and torture of, among others, two Egyptian refugees, and his efforts to get Julian Assange to Sweden so the CIA can pick him up.

    This is a follow-up article which casts suspicion that there is Zionist involvement to protect Petersson’s reputation and get Assange to Sweden.

    “Who did the independent Swedish government call to its aid in its attempt to prosecute Julian Assange on allegations to which he has already answered questions in Sweden and been acquitted of any charge? It is the firm of Borgström & Bodström. How independent is Mr Bodström from Mr Petersson? Not at all independent. In fact Mr Bodström was foreign minister when Mr Petersson was minister of justice. Both were privy to the rendition of the aforementioned Egytian refugees, and both approved of the rendition that led to such abominable torture.”

  • Mary

    Second that John.

    btw where is Craig? Has he gone off to sunny climes with the family leaving us to slosh around in the mud and puddles?

  • John Goss

    Mary, it’s that time of the year. My wife sometimes thinks I’m married to a computer.

    I guess Craig is preparing for Hogmanay after which we will not hear from him for a week.

  • English Knight

    @LfromStl – hows the forex business neil? Or are you in the “by deception you shall wage war” business?

  • Mary

    Thatcher’s secret plot to dismantle the welfare state and privatise the NHS revealed

    She and chancellor Sir Geoffrey Howe commissioned confidential report
    It suggested ending free healthcare and the introduction of school fees
    It proved so contentious it sparked what was described as a ‘riot’ in cabinet
    New documents contradict Thatcher’s own account in her memoir

    By Daniel Miller
    28 December 2012

    Planned in the 80s. Happening in the Noughties under NuLabour and now under the ConDems.

    See Enthoven Rand Corporation – Introducing the Market to the NHS

    Enthoven was a key figure in the introduction of the internal market to the NHS in the UK. This was accomplished under the Conservatives in the 1980s and then built on by New Labour – though they claimed to have abolished the internal market. Enthoven seems first to have come to the UK as part of this work in 1984 when he was a Fellow funded by the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, London.

    Later Enthoven reportedly described New Labour’s reforms as ‘a logical extension’ or his own plans. Enthoven said that instead of the “comparatively timid Thatcher-Enthoven” model, Milburn was describing “a bold wide-open market”. He added: “Whether he means it or not, and whether he can or will deliver it, it is a logical extension of the internal market ideas.”

    Professor Enthoven told The Times: “I find it really rather irksome when I hear the Labour Party saying it abolished the internal market because it did not work, all of which is not true. It was a Thatcherite proposal to create the trust hospitals and the fundholders, which have now become the basis for the primary care trusts. You could say, ‘Look, Mr Milburn, what is different?'” “If the Thatcher Government did not go further it was because they were vilified for doing what they did. The attacks were extremely vicious and Labour said they would abolish it, but they have done no such thing. They have built on it.”

  • Mary

    Laughing in our faces time again.

    Cherie Bliar gets CBE for her charidee work. No, it’s not for her work in the UK property market where she has enhanced the income of estate agents, surveyors, builders, interior decorators etc. Oh yes of course it’s for her work in women’s charities. Any branches of your Cherie Blair Foundation for Women in Iraq Cherie? And pleased to see that you got your name in big letters included in the title just like your friends the Gates did with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation!

    Cherie Blair made a CBE for charity work in New Year Honours Disability charity Scope said Mrs Blair was one of its most ‘committed supporters’
    Cherie Blair has been made a CBE in the New Year Honours for her services to women’s issues and charity.

    PS Melinda Gates was the guest editor on yesterday’s Radio 4 Today programme.

  • Fred

    “Cherie Bliar gets CBE for her charidee work.”

    Well in my estimation that puts her right up there with the likes of Jimmy Saville and Cyril Smith.

  • Mary

    “Who do you think you are?”

    “Who, me? I am the heir to the throne.”

    Prince Charles held private meetings with eight ministers in 12 months

    Details of meetings with ministers including Michael Gove are not disclosed, prompting calls for greater transparency

    ‘Paul Flynn, a Labour backbencher who has been campaigning for greater transparency in lobbying, including by royals, called for the government to provide information about what Charles discussed with ministers.

    “No lobbyist is more influential than Prince Charles,” said Flynn. “We should know what is discussed, what subjects he is pushing and why, and whether it is influencing government policy.”

    Clarence House said it was Charles’s duty to hold meetings with ministers. “The Prince of Wales regularly holds official meetings with government ministers as part of his role as heir to the throne, and these are disclosed in the court circular,” said a spokesman. “It is a longstanding convention that the meetings are confidential.”

    Secrecy around the process is coming under pressure from the courts. In September three judges in an information tribunal ruled that allowing a cache of Charles’s letters to ministers to remain secret was an unjustified “massive extension” of the convention. The court order to publish the letters was then vetoed by Dominic Grieve, the attorney general.’

  • mark golding

    One rule for them (the Gov) and another rule for us (the people) . Our communication – emails – URL’s visited etc have to be retained for official scrutiny within one year and the government can hide crucial communication that directly affects our lives -for thirty years – Saville and the safety of our children comes to mind – Not right – John Goss – Can you organise a petition buddy?

  • Yonatan

    LftomStl whined: “You people seem to hate Jews, or, as you say, “Zionists”. Are you so dumb that you think the Jews were behind 911?”

    Mossad were trailing Atta & co during the time they were taking flight lessons. Israel knew Atta & co were up to something. The question is – how much did they know? They could deduce that Atta & co intended to take control of aircraft flying out of US airports. What next? Did they assume it would be a conventional hijack, as all such actions had been until then? Or did they know that Atta & co intended to fly the aircraft into buildings? Either way, they did not pass their knowledge on to the US government. They were happy to let Atta go ahead and do the deed, as illustrated by the dancing Mossad agents (moving company ’employees’ – the perfect front)caught in New York and Netanyahu’s statement that 911 (ie the death of 3000 US citizens) was good for Israel.

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