Palestine 427

I am off to Baghdad on Sunday for an Arab League conference on Palestinian detainees held in Israel. This is part of my determination to devote more of my time to helping the Palestinian cause. It seems to me we are at a crucial point where the Palestinians are in genuine danger of an accelerated genocide, as Israeli intentions to annex Est Jerusalem and the West Bank become ever plainer.

In retrospect, my life has mostly been based on the idea that I may not be able to do much to help in a particular situation, but it is incumbent on me to try. So I am trying.

A “two state” solution has, from the start, been advanced in bad faith by promoters such as Blair and Bush, with the intention always that it would be a Bantustan solution. For those too young to recall, the grand plan of apartheid South Africa was that the black population would be corraled into a number of small regions which would become “independent states”.

I have said before that I am often pleasantly surprised by Sky News security correspondent Sam Kiley, who seems to get away with talking great sense by hiding behind a Ross Kemp style persona. A couple of days ago he reported from the West Bank that Israel was “moving towards an apartheid state”. There is no doubt that is true – even in Israel proper, there are over three hundred ethnically based Israeli laws prescribing different treatment for Jews and others, across almost every activity of the state. I fear Sam Kiley will not be on mainstream TV long – a tendency to tell the truth being career fatal.

Bibi’s desire to kill off the two state solution is a terrible, genocidal threat but strangely also an opportunity. Botha and De Klerk did not succeed, and Bibi may not either. I personally would have deplored a Bantustan based solution, with crammed and split Palestinian lands deprived of resources, water, communications and any hope of economic viability.

The ultimate solution must involve a proper single state in Israel/Palestine which is blind and fair in its laws to race and religion. That solution can ultimately bring security to the people of Israel, not based on their ability to kill or evict their neighbours and steal their land. The essentials of the agreement will have to be most people staying where they are – including most West Bank settlers – and very serious compensation to dispossessed Palestinians, with the settlements enlarged to become mixed communities.

On the Palestinian detainee question, for me it shows up yet again Israel’s extraordinary capacity for shameless sophistry in matters of international law. Israel justifies its naval blockade on the San Remo Convention, which is only applicable in times of armed conflict. Israel states that it is in a de facto permanent armed conflict. However it denies being in an armed conflict when it comes to its treatment of Palestinain detainees, captured outside Israel, who are not treated as prisoners of war. Both positions cannot be held simultaneously, but secure in the collusion of the West’s bought politicians, Israel does so.

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427 thoughts on “Palestine

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  • thatcrab

    “If they didn’t, we would be halfway to sorting this mess.”
    If you examine the graph i presented. Most of that year they were not shooting. Most of the year Israel was like a madman.

    Re Human Shields i recall reading how the supposedly non-terroristic side not only used their suspects as human shields in ‘operations’ but actually sought and were denied legal rights to do so. If you have never heard of it i can look it up for you, but it is just another sick twist of the militaristic ‘solutions’. The real solutions involve disenfranchising and dissolving the militaries, not justifying them. Sick historic monstrosities that they are.

    But Oniel for discussing your truth in a human way here, maybe distorting and deceiving a little, as we all do subconsciously or consciously, maybe not, – I am most admiring of your effort to witness and communicate in a hard crowd here and crazy subject. Good on you.

  • Herbie


    “Piling the blame on one side certainly won’t work.”

    Worked in South Africa. Israel is the agressor. You have to pile the pressure onto the agressor.

    It starts off with civil society imposing sanctions. That’s already happening. And it moves onto official sanctions. If, as seems likely, Netanyahu is reelected, he’s certainly insane enough to ensure that the US and Europe reassess their policy on the ME. That and other interests in the region will be enough to ensure Israel faces official sanctions.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    Mossad are the Avenging Angels—Ingenious assassins.

    “A friend, with good sources in the Israeli government, claims that the head of Israel’s Mossad has made several trips to deal with his counterparts in Saudi Arabia—one of the results: an agreement that the Saudis would bankroll the series of assassinations of several of Iran’s top nuclear experts that have occurred over the past couple of years. The amount involved, my friend claims, was $1 billion dollars. A sum, he says, the Saudis considered cheap for the damage done to Iran’s nuclear program.”

  • Oniel Samuel

    Thatcrab – Hi. I did examine the graph, but unfortunately the idea that Hamas were hardly shooting rockets that year is mistaken. 1391 rockets were fired into Israel from Gaza in 2008. See:

    I was not aware that Israelis were using human shields. If so, this is sickening and I condemn this entirely. Have you got any info on this?

    Thanks for the kind words at the end, there. Much appreciated 🙂

  • Herbie


    The long run of FBI “terrorist” sting ops that they’ve been at since 911 have shown that the patsy tactic is one they use time and time again.

    None of these “terrorist” attacks could happen were it not for the assistance and resources of the FBI.

    There’d be no terrorists without the FBI, so they’ve invented them.

    Ordinary people don’t do these things. Even nutters don’t do them without assistance. That’s the point, and it applies to the assassinations too. It’s only ever other parts of the state or indeed other states who carry out these operations. This is so obvious that you’d think the official accounts would be laughed at, but no.

    It relates in a way to the Marxian point about how you change society. None of the main parties will do it because they’re all fundamentally the same. So you need another competing constituency to effect change, and since the demise of the working class there ain’t one about.

    You don’t really get much change by lots of otherwise disconnected, well-meaning people getting together. It has to be material interests that force the change. It’s the same with assassinations and terrorism. In short, if there were a real threat from a real material force in the world, you’d really really know about it.

    The rest is noise and distraction.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    Herbie; I think I understand your point, to which I ask…..

    Cui bono? Any effective investigation looks at the prime benefactor.

    Mossad seems to be a Unified Field theory in political assassination.

    From docs recovered from Iranian crisis of 1979….

    The documents supplied to CounterSpy deal with the triangle of U.S.-Israeli-Iranian relations. A careful reading of the documents illustrates that the Washington Post’s analysis was narrowly focussed on the “U.S. angle.” Other disclosures were simply glossed over — systematic Israeli suppression of domestic dissent, for example, or Mossad (Israel’s CIA) and Israeli military intelligence support for repressive regimes in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and even Mossad’s “psycholgical warfare projects.”

    The main document reprinted here is an in-depth CIA analysis of Israeli intelligence, written in March 1979 and classified secret. Other documents [not included in this online version] are cables between the State Department and the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, most of them discussing U.S.-Israeli-Iranian relations (documenting the close collaboration between Mossad and the Shah’s intelligence agency SAVAK).

  • Fred


    The building of Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory is illegal under international law isn’t it?

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    Manchurian Candidates—-

    “For the first time, Sirhan said under hypnosis that on a cue from the girl he went into “range mode” believing he was at a firing range and seeing circles with targets in front of his eyes.

    “I thought that I was at the range more than I was actually shooting at any person, let alone Bobby Kennedy,” Sirhan was quoted as saying during interviews with Daniel Brown, a Harvard University professor and expert in trauma memory and hypnosis. He interviewed Sirhan for 60 hours with and without hypnosis, according to the legal brief.

    Sandi Gibbons, a spokeswoman for the Los Angeles County district attorney, said prosecutors were unaware of the legal filing and could not comment.

    The story of the girl has been a lingering theme in accounts of the events just after midnight on June 5, 1968, when Kennedy was gunned down in the hotel pantry after claiming victory in the California Democratic presidential primary.

    Witnesses talked of seeing such a female running from the hotel shouting, “We shot Kennedy.” But she was never identified, and amid the chaos of the scene, descriptions were conflicting.

    Through the years, Sirhan has claimed no memory of shooting Kennedy and said in the recent interviews that his presence at the hotel was an accident, not a planned destination.

    Under hypnosis, he remembered meeting the girl that night and becoming smitten with her. He said she led him to the pantry.

    “I am trying to figure out how to hit on her…. That’s all that I can think about,” he says in one interview cited in the documents. “I was fascinated with her looks …. She never said much. It was very erotic. I was consumed by her. She was a seductress with an unspoken unavailability.”

  • Herbie


    “Cui bono? Any effective investigation looks at the prime benefactor.”

    Of course, but public investigations are only there to divert attention from what’s going on and additionally to create the illusion that public life is kinda organised by committee and due process etc; that it isn’t the fundamentally violent and force-filled process it actually is.

    That’s been the case for a while, but it may be changing somewhat. I do detect a change to the extent that authorities are perhaps not so concerned as they were about being believed. That in itself would be quite an alarming indicator and certainly the extent to which they became more cavalier about this would raise many concerns as to just how much more violent our lives may become.

    Israel has always been quite cavalier and has probably infected western agencies and govts with this. Their state operatives are of course much closer to their terrorist roots in time and even within living memory so they haven’t developed the more subtle tactics of those who have been playing the great game for much longer. You’re seeing this in the Americans too of course.

  • Oniel Samuel

    Fred – Yes it is. And I don’t think the settlement enterprise is a good idea. If anything, they are provocative and make the situation worse

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    ” public investigations are only there to divert attention from what’s going on and additionally to create the illusion that public life is kinda organised by committee and due process etc; that it isn’t the fundamentally violent and force-filled process it actually is.”

    Herbie; Nuggets of truth still slip through, but the purveyors and speculators don’t have enough to definitively overwhelm with cites to convince and instead, can be dismissed as conspiracy nuts. I cannot believe how few have pursued the Mossad connection, but understand the fear of their power and reach.

    Examples abound, but focus on Sirhan

    It is difficult to remain objective when describing the horrors endured by Monarch slaves. The extreme violence, the abuse, the mental torture and sadistic games inflicted on victims by “notable scientists” and high-level officials prove the existence of a true “dark side” in the powers that be. Despite the revelations, the documents and the whistle-blowers, a great majority of the population ignores, dismisses or avoids the issue altogether. Over two million Americans have been programmed by trauma mind-control since 1947 and the CIA publicly admitted its mind control projects in 1970. Movies such as The Manchurian Candidate have directly referred to the subject, even depicting actual techniques, such as electroshock, the use of trigger words and microchip implementation. Several public figures we see on our TV and movie screens are mind control slaves. Famous people such as Candy Jones, Celia Imrie and Sirhan Sirhan have gone on record and disclosed their mind control experiences…and yet the general public claims that it “cannot exist”.

    The research and funds invested in project Monarch do not however only apply to mind control slaves. Many of the programming techniques perfected in these experiments are applied on a mass scale through mass media. Mainstream news, movies, music videos, advertisements and television shows are conceived using the most advanced data on human behavior ever compiled. A lot of this comes from Monarch programming.

  • lwtc247

    “There are no Israelis in Gaza.” – Typical Zionist slight of hand. What Oniel means is: There are no “Israeli’s” in the part of Gaza in which there are no “Israeli’s” because Gaza has like the rest of Palestine shrunk and shrunk and shrunk. What deplorable deceptions he is coming out with. Take a gander:
    Clark, you really believe this thing can engage in honest and frank debate? Saying P’s and Q’s while launching his hellfire propaganda shouldn’t confuse you, although I suspect his tongue is bleeding when he types them. You can tell when an honest “Israeli” is talking because he denounces Zionisn. Good luck Clark.

  • Oniel Samuel

    Lwtc247 – Another person I won’t be debating with. And you wonder why a peace settlement is as elusive as ever?

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    Oniel; It might help your dialogue to proceed if you simply say ‘Zionism is not Judaism”

    easy peasy.

  • Mary

    This is the MD of the UK Starbucks setup. He is an ex Clinton aide.

    Starbucks having never paid corporation tax on their UK profits over the past 15 years have very generously offered HMG £10m for each of the next two years. Big deal.

    Also a reminder that Starbucks are on the Boycott list. Their founder, chairman, president and CEO, Howard Schultz, is an arch Zionist and supports the little ‘democracy’ with all his strength (and money).

    Half way down

    Shame on them and all the others in these lists.

  • Herbie


    Pretty soon you won’t have anyone left to talk to at all. And that’s the way the Israeli govt works.

    This persecution complex or paranoia is quite well documented about Israel. It’s more amusing though to see it in you too.

    If we wait long enough of course Israel will destroy itself through these internal contradictions. Many have argued that it’s getting close now.

    The only question is will they take the rest of us with them.

  • English Knight

    [Jon/Mod: English Knight posting as “Congrats”. I’ve deleted comment text after repeated sock-puppetting].

  • Herbie


    I’m not sure you’re gonna get far trying to elicit details and then hope that when all is revealed everyone will be up in arms.

    It’s enough that you know how the game is played and it’s probably better to focus on that.

    Most people don’t want to know the truth. They want to believe that their govt is basically good and will look after them. It’s a coping mechanism. Israel is just the worst example of this.

    It could change I suppose, but it won’t be through details.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    Herbie; If you mean I’m wasting my time preaching to the choir, that’s not my intent.

    I have a curious mind and do not understand mental laziness. I research this subject because it adds to my fund of information. I share it here in the hope someone here can enlighten me as to my naivete, or lack of perspective. After all, this is where I had my ethnocentric cherry, popped 🙂

  • Herbie

    Has anyone else noticed that apart from the German, Bruno, Sacha Baron Cohen only lampoons muslim characters.

    How does he get away with it.

    I noticed too that the bloke who did fonejacker (of Iranian origin) seems to have a number of Jewish characters whom he mocks.

    How does he get away with it.

    Anyway, one of the latter’s characters reminds me of Oniel.

    There was a brilliant sketch were he phones up a detective agency and accuses them of spying on him, but he won’t give his name or address because he says they’ll only spy on him more. You have to hear it really.

  • lwtc247

    Oniel. I know you won’t debate; I can see from your multiple postings that debate is quite beyond you, what with being utterly incapable of distinguishing between debate and sputtering out Zionist Propaganda.

    And true to form, like so many little Zionists before you, who consistently fail to address the barbarism of Israyhell, you try to shift the conversation, sometimes by shedding tears of the Jews are not safe (including those piloting F16’s firing lazer guided bombs at ambulances, paraplegics and funeral processions) or by trying to blame the Palestinians who you are trying to present as being ‘50%’ responsible.

    The Palestinians only continue to exist because they continue to resist, which I believe commentators have drawn some parallels to those oppressed Jews in the Warsaw ghetto.

    “There are no “Israeli’s” in Gaza.” Bet you thought you’d gotten away with it too. Regev University seem unable to updating their learning objective.

  • Phil

    Venceremos 6 Dec, 2012 – 3:40 pm
    “The reality is that politics is the (dialectical materialist) science of making what is not possible today possible tomorrow.”

    Chomsky is up front that the two state solution is a pragmatic step. I guess he just doesn’t see a global worker’s uprising on the horizon. He wants to improve the palestinian’s lot today.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    I actually heard someone say Sacha is critical of Jews because he plays an anti-semitic character (borat)who makes fun of Jews. Heh.

  • Herbie


    Absolutely. He’s simply perpetuating the endless myth of Jewish persecution.

    It’s all in their heads, as some are beginning to realise.

    The Unionists of Northern Ireland used to say of Catholics that they were all MOPES. Most oppressed people ever, as an ironic comment on some Nationalist mythography.

    When the Israelis are able to publicly laugh at themeslves too, they’ll be a lot better off. It’s a common enough trope in Jewish comedy. Strange that Zionism is so keen to deny it.

  • Anon

    On twitter onielsamuel is followed by wait for it…


    Friend of the Israeli soldier and Mossad agent. Champion of the victory forces of Ha Shem. The Voice of Israel and Prophet of Israel. Warrior Class.

    Oneil himself follows include

    Captain Barak Raz ‏ @CaptainBarakRaz

    29yo Tel Aviv dweller proudly serving Israel as IDF Judea & Samaria Division Spox (West Bank).Love job & life so I tweet about both!Follow/RT not an endorsement

  • macky

    “He’s simply perpetuating the endless myth of Jewish persecution.”

    He has to, it’s the fall-back lie that Zionist use as blanket justifications for Israeli crimes. There is a documentary called ‘Defamation’, in which this culture of victimhood, and that everybody hates Jews is cynically cultivated in Israel, to the extent that young Israeli children are delibrately traumaised by it;

    Oniel alludes to Islamic antisemitism as an example of this persecution, citing the mass emigration of Jews from Arab countries, but the historical records show to the contrary, that is was these same Arab countries that gave shelter to the Jews fleeing European persecution, and that these Jewish communities thrived & peacefully co-existed with their Islamic hosts for centuries, until of course, the tensions & problems caused by the creation of Israel.

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