Crass 868

In the week they took hundreds of pounds from people in severe poverty, MPs and Lords claim up to £3,750 each to return from their luxury holidays to spout off in honour of Margaret Thatcher. Meantime the media are busy classifying any potential protest or expression of opinion at the taxpayer funded funeral jamboree as “potential terrorism”.

Whether protest at the funeral is tasteful or not is a fair question. But there is no question it is perfectly lawful. There is virtually no understanding of the very notion of civil liberty in the mainstream media.

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868 thoughts on “Crass

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  • Anon

    Quite astonishing that after the BBC and others bombarded us with the “fact” that Thatcher had destroyed “The Left”, we are now bombarded with the “fact” that the extreme left wing is so powerful it can hijack every download site at will. Not to mention every poll and even the comments on The Daily Mail.

    The division created by Thatcher has never been healed. And I say that as someone who handed out Tory leaflets outside a Polling Station in 1979.

    “Hang Nelson Mandela” was a Federation of Conservative Students poster in the 1980s. Sickened me when I saw it first then and it still does now. So fuck off anyone who tells me buying a song is distasteful.

  • Anon

    Ding Dong over Thatcher song makes the BBC no better than China

    The worst that can be said of the Tory press and the BBC is that they have now sunk to the level of the Chinese Communist party. Since MGM released The Wizard of Oz in 1939, few have found the Munchkins’ chorus – “Ding dong! The Wicked Witch is dead/ Wake up sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed” – obscene or subversive in the least.

    But Britain’s surreal conservatives did not want the BBC to ban the song because its words were libellous or a breach of the criminal law. They hated the song not because of what it said but because the intention of the left wingers who bought it was to celebrate the death of Margaret Thatcher.

    The silencing of the Munchkins must rank as one of the most inept acts of censorship Britain has seen.

    Uniquely, the UK under Thatcher did not channel any of its eventual North Sea windfall into a sovereign wealth fund. That’s something that even the most egregious Middle Eastern dictators were willing to do. Thatcher’s failure to create anything comparable had devastating consequences.

    …Margaret Thatcher achieved much. But her greatest achievement was to be in office for the decade that the UK’s chronic external and fiscal imbalances were relieved by North Sea oil. To have fuelled a consumption boom with it and leave subsequent generations with no lasting legacy except an irreparable loss of production and tax capacity is an indelible graffito on the monument her worldwide supporters will doubtless seek to erect.

  • Anon

    When will the fucking stupid twats supposedly running this country wake up to fact they’ve been played for years and Britain is fucked.

    Oh I forget they are inbred stupid fucks and can’t work it out.

  • Mary

    Good posts Anon.

    Off out to see a performance of Dancing at Lughnasa.

    ‘This play is loosely based on the lives of Friel’s mother and aunts who lived in Glenties, on the west coast of Donegal. Set in the summer of 1936, the play depicts the late summer days when love briefly seems possible for three of the Mundy sisters (Chris, Rose, and Kate) and the family welcomes home the frail elder brother, who has returned from a life as a missionary in Africa. However, as the summer ends, the family foresees the sadness and economic privations under which they will suffer as all hopes fade.

    The play takes place in early August, around the festival of Lughnasadh, the Celtic harvest festival. The play describes a bitter harvest for the Mundy sisters, a time of reaping what has been sown.’

  • KingofWelshNoir

    Mark Golding, yes, fair enough, the content is totally bonkers. I certainly wouldn’t disagree with that. I mean, drowning the whole human race in a fit of pique certainly takes some beating. The language, though, is sublime. Probably the only example ever of a great work of art being created by a committee. (Of forty-seven unknown scribes.) Or can anyone suggest another?

  • Ex Pat

    On Thatcher selling off British industry. Who benefits? Cui bono? The US Empire. No, Really! ; ) –

    “In my job I travel abroad and people ask me “Why does Britain not defend its industrial base?” Do you know that 20 percent of British GDP is now generated by US giant corporations.” – paraphrased. –

    (ER, Because the US Empire wouldn’t like it?? Ed.)

    ‘Ken Gill reminds us of Thatcher’s Britain’ – posted by Richard, 11.48 pm, 12th April, 2013 – Media Lens –


    Europe – the ECB – Neo-Conmen, neo-liberal tools, of the EU Elite in cahoots with the US Elite. Perfectly according with Johan Galtung’s theory of Imperialism that handily explains colonialism, US neo-colonialism of the 1950s and 1960s and today’s neo-neo-colonialism of the US Empire???

    ‘A Structural Theory of Imperialism,’ _and_ how to combat it! ; ) – Johan Galtung, 1971 – revered father of peace studies –

    Plus ‘A Structural Theory of Imperialism – Ten Years Later – 1981. _More_ on how to combat Empires. Strangely enough the pdf is unreadable – the Empire has willing hands everywhere? – Printing it helps a very little!

  • Villager

    Mark “….yet the vast repository of sometimes bewildering stories IMO adds nothing to understand or reveal the nature of a universal life force that permeates the cosmos. We remain disconnected to such a force and each other.”

    Mark, you are onto something. But how many people are truly concerned about this? What one sees is people spouting, being critical about the system, about institutions, about the politicians, about banksters, about the warmongers, about the media, about the 1%; even about the so-called ‘religious’ leaders.

    And incapable of true response, they react. They react by spouting, by organising and joining social activist movements, by joining protests and marches, by signing petitions and so on and so forth. But none of this seems to make any difference. Were the million people that marched in London to stop the Iraq War able to make the slightest difference?

    Please don’t get me wrong, i am not saying people should or should not do any of these things. What i am saying, these things of their own “add(s) nothing to understand or reveal the nature of a universal life force that permeates the cosmos.” We can march and spout, say or do what we will, till the cows come home, and are dead and buried but, of their own, it will not make any difference nor bring about change.

    So, is looking within, understanding who we are, self-study of self-knowledge, the way out of this mess? How many are doing this, objectively? I wonder. I wonder if humanity has not taken a wrong-turn. Is there such a thing as psychological evolution? What will it take to achieve a transformation? How many people, Mark, are even talking about this?

  • Anon

    BBC News no coverage of Trafalgar Square protests. Wonder why? Just like Jimmy Saville. Ignore on orders from above.

    What member of the Royal Family is the peadophile in chief? Clue: It is not Charles as the disinfo campaign would have us believe.

  • doug scorgie

    Apparently Mrs Thatcher’s minge is to be cut out and preserved in a jar of formaldehyde and displayed at the British Museum so people can see what a Tory cu*t looks like.

  • doug scorgie

    Latest from the BBC:

    Minor scuffles at largely peaceful Trafalgar Square gathering to mark Baroness Thatcher’s death

  • resident dissident

    Occupy News Network Live from Trafalgar Square anti-thatcher protest

    Well at least the cheese advert beforehand was coherent and in better taste. Just a hint it helps to point the camera and the microphone at the person who is talking – but 50/100 idiots getting wet with nothing of substance to say just about sums it all up really.

  • resident dissident


    Is their no bounds to your idiocy and poor taste. Do you really thinks that comments like that will actually strengthen your political cause – they really say more about you than anything else.

  • Anon

    Res Dis,

    Doug’s comment should be binned for the horrible image now stuck in my mind let alone the bad taste.

    Another Tory student poster from the 80s said “Support the Cuts”. It featured a photograph of Linda Lovelace (I think it was) wearing nothing but a bra which was about to be cut off with a pair of scissors.

    How tasteful.

  • Villager

    For once, i too find myself agreeing with Res Diss. Not that i have been following him much or this thread as a whole, except i will watch the ‘Goodnight with George Galloway Thatcher episode, Explosive!’–thanks to whoever linked that. Its true he often does have a refreshing lateral view.

  • Anon

    A Tribute to Blacklisted Lyricist Yip Harburg: The Man Who Put the Rainbow in The Wizard of Oz

    His name might not be familiar to many, but his songs are sung by millions around the world. Today, we take a journey through the life and work of Yip Harburg, the Broadway lyricist who wrote such hits as “Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?” and who put the music into The Wizard of Oz. Born into poverty on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, Yip always included a strong social and political component to his work, fighting racism and poverty. A lifelong socialist, Yip was blacklisted and hounded throughout much of his life

  • doug scorgie

    I do apologise I didn’t realise that adult humour is frowned upon on this blog and I am surprised that certain people here seem to be shocked by a silly joke but not shocked enough to condemn the violence against innocent men, women and children around the world perpetrated by the likes of Thatcher and her international friends.

    Resident dissident

    Look at the pictures that are available on the internet of the dead and the tortured; particularly children, that have been (and continue to be) killed and abused; by our so-called “freedom and democracy leaders” like Thatcher.

    But you take offence at a rude joke.

    I doubt if any of you have even seen a dead body let alone that of a tortured and mutilated child or that of a woman murdered and raped by the military while she was “still warm”

    You are a pusillanimous bunch with big mouths that hide behind anonymity.

  • Anon


    So the songs keep growing with the times. People interpret them, you know?


    How did Yip feel in the late 1950s, when it was a hit, when people started hearing it all over the world?


    Well, I think they were quite surprised, along with the film moguls, you know, and the fact that — years and years later, he and Harold both said that they did not know what depth and strength that that song “Over the Rainbow” had. And also, one other one, the song “Ding! Dong! The Witch Is Dead” is a universal liberation, a freedom, cry for freedom, you know, which isn’t seen like that, but it — one time, when some tyrannical owner of an airlines company stepped down, all the employees started singing “Ding! Dong! The Witch Is Dead.”

  • Mary

    Staggering link there Hi. Chutzpah from the Thatcher family having it every which ways. What gross hypocrisy. I have spoken to several people today, some what you would guess to be Tory voters, and they are ALL very angry about this funeral especially the cost being borne by the tax payers when many people are suffering hardship. Some think that Agent Cameron and co have overstepped their mark and this damned funeral will come to haunt them.

    None of them have any interest in the political candidates in the local elections. I think there is a desire for change in the air.

    Anon. That link to Yip Harburg was interesting. I have skimmed it tonight but will read it properly tomorrow. I did note this:

    His son speaking – ERNIE HARBURG: Well, I think they were quite surprised, along with the film moguls, you know, and the fact that—years and years later, he and Harold both said that they did not know what depth and strength that that song “Over the Rainbow” had. And also, one other one, the song “Ding! Dong! The Witch Is Dead” is a universal liberation, a freedom, cry for freedom, you know, which isn’t seen like that, but it — one time, when some tyrannical owner of an airlines company stepped down, all the employees started singing “Ding! Dong! The Witch Is Dead.”

    So people use these words. And during the war, World War II, “We’re Off to See the Wizard” was sung by troops marching, you know? But nobody knows that Yip wrote the words, you see. Now, Harold wrote the music, and the songs were Yip and Harold. That’s it.

    Doug. I feel and share your anger.

  • Mary

    s/be Staggering link there Hi. Chutzpah from the Thatcher family having it every which way. What gross hypocrisy. I have spoken to several people today, some who you would guess to be Tory voters, and they are ALL very angry about this funeral, especially the cost being borne by the tax payers when many people are suffering hardship. Some think that Agent Cameron and co have overstepped their mark and this damned funeral will come to haunt them.

    Plus Ha bloody ha at this poll result

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    @ Doug “Son of Mary” Scorgie :

    “I do apologise I didn’t realise that adult humour is frowned upon on this blog and I am surprised that certain people here seem to be shocked by a silly joke but not shocked enough to condemn the violence against innocent men, women and children around the world perpetrated by the likes of Thatcher and her international friends.”


    Don’t use feeble nonsense like you’ve written above to excuse your filthy comment about Mrs Thatcher.

    I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again : you are foul-mouthed scum.


    La vita è bella, life is good!

  • Anon

    Yip Harburg. Once censored from radio play in the USA. Now his lyrics to “Ding, Dong…” banned by the BBC.

  • Anon


    Someone tweeted (can’t remember who) that crowds sang “Ding, Dong The Witch is Dead” in Trafalgar Square on hearing of the death of Adolf Hitler and the BBC broadcast that in full at the time.

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