The Sky Has Not Fallen 830

The shocking death of Lee Rigby quite naturally appals us all. The intention of the crazed little group who conceived this killing was to make it as horrible as possible in order to scare people.

Horrible, sociopathic violence happens to people from time to time. They have done since Cain killed Abel, metaphorically or literally as you choose. Here is another headline today, just as horrific:

A British soldier has been jailed for stabbing a 10-year-old boy after getting drunk on vodka while serving in Afghanistan.

Both that obscene attack and Michael Adebolajo’s appalling actions are borne out of the same conflict. But it is reasonable to suppose that both these incidents involved people with, for whatever reason, a pre-disposition to murderous violence.

Such people have always been with us and will always be with us, but fortunately they are very, very few. In a nation of 60 million, involvement in violent crime is very low. If you are the victim of criminal violence, the odds over the last decade are about one in twenty thousand that the violence inflicted on you will have any linkage to political or terrorist causation. And the odds that you will suffer any kind of violent attack are thankfully pretty remote.

We should not panic from theatrical violence, just deplore and take sober stock. Sadly if a lunatic on the bus decides to strangle you tomorrow, there are no pre-emptive laws that can stop that. We should stop pretending that the state can always prevent.

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830 thoughts on “The Sky Has Not Fallen

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  • Kibo Noh

    Suhayl. Thanks.

    Don’t we all deserve a break from the bleak stuff now and then?

    And thanks for all your other writing. Always shining a sober light on hidden depths I’ll never reach.

    I love how the “hive mind” nibbles away and more often than not, reveals otherwise unvisited landscapes. The many layers of the Woolwich story is, for me at least, a fine example.

    We don’t need to know all the hidden details to smell something very fishy.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    My pleasure, Kibo! Yes indeed, all joy to the thundermost (as Stabley Unwin would intone). And there is much that is fishy in Woolwich, the EDL, the whole panoply of bad-with-a-capital B, I agree. [argh! I can’t stop rhyming!] 🙂

  • April Showers

    ‘In Grimsby on Tuesday two men – reported to be former soldiers – were remanded in custody at the town’s magistrates court after a mosque was petrol bombed. Stuart Harness, 33, and Gavin Humphries, 37, were charged with arson with intent to endanger life. No pleas were entered and the pair are due to appear at Grimsby crown court next month.’

    Woolwich murder: 200 Islamophobic incidences since Lee Rigby’s killing

    Sharp rise in reported cases, including attacks on 10 mosques, raises fears of sustained targeting of Muslim communities

    Matthew Taylor and Haroon Siddique
    The Guardian, Tuesday 28 May 2013 19.29 BST

  • fedup

    Grimsby mosque since has been attacked again on Sunday, whilst worshippers were busy worshipping. The constant drum beat of hate against Muslims, has resulted in a slow burning kristallnacht redux.

  • April Showers

    One of Obomber’s drones has been shot down in Somalia.

    MOGADISHU (Reuters) – A suspected U.S. reconnaissance drone crashed on Tuesday in southern Somalia, where African forces are fighting Islamist al Shabaab insurgents, the rebels and the provincial governor said.

    Lower Shabelle region governor Abdikadir Mohamed Nur said that al Shabaab militants had shot at the aircraft over the town of Bulamareer for several hours before it crashed.


    I read the other day that this new drone control centre is being created.

    The Drones of Willow Grove
    The Afghanistan War Comes Home to Philadelphia

  • April Showers

    Way off topic but very important. It could affect all of us at some time in our future lives and is the thin end of the wedge. Please sign and forward to friends.

    From 38 Degrees.

    This could be very serious. The Conservatives are floating plans to cap the number of times we are allowed to visit our GP. [1] If we run out of visits – because we’ve got a sickly child or long-term health condition, for example – we could be forced to pay to go elsewhere.

    At the moment it’s just a proposal. [2] But if the Conservatives don’t see a big public backlash, it could soon be a grim reality. So let’s raise an outcry as quickly as possible and push them to drop the idea immediately.

    Please sign the urgent petition now: tell health minister Jeremy Hunt to rule out limiting our access to NHS GPs:

    Jeremy Hunt will be watching the public’s reaction carefully. He is an ambitious politician with an eye on his own popularity. If he sees a huge petition growing fast, he’ll realise this is damaging his ratings. So if enough of us sign, we could play a key role in getting this idea dropped.

    Being able to visit the family doctor when we need it is a bedrock of a decent health system. GPs are often our first port of call when we’re ill. [3] Limiting access to GPs could mean a dangerous illness is left undetected until it’s too late – unless of course you’ve got private medical insurance…

    But this isn’t just about GPs. This is about a principle at the heart of our battle to protect the NHS. Since the NHS was created, everyone in Britain has been able to rely on visiting a doctor as often as we need to. Limiting access would undermine the NHS at its very foundations. So let’s send the Conservatives a strong message: drop this terrible idea.

    [1] Daily Mail: Fury as Tories look to limit the number of times you can see your GP each year:
    Independent: Cap on number of GP visits being considered by Tories:
    [2] The proposal is contained in a “Conservative Policy Forum” paper on NHS policy, you can see the whole thing here:
    [3] See for example this campaign on the importance of going to see your GP early if you could have symptoms of bowel cancer:

  • doug scorgie

    Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)
    28 May, 2013 – 2:50 pm

    The Scourge expresses some scepticism on :

    “There is a proposal to pump $4bn in to boost the Palestinian economy”

    If you are going to quote me HB please furnish details of date and time of my post so that others can refer to it and make their own minds up on the matter.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    It’s gettin’ uglier…

    “JERUSALEM—Israel’s defence chief said Tuesday a Russian plan to supply sophisticated anti-aircraft missiles to Syria was a “threat” and signalled that Israel is prepared to use force to stop the delivery.

    The warning by Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon ratcheted up tensions with Moscow over the planned sale of S-300 air-defence missiles to Syria. Earlier in the day, a top Russian official said his government remained committed to the deal”.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    @ KingOfWelshNoir (17h28):

    “Why on earth should he (ie, Jesuit Atheist)do something as stupid as that? He doesn’t know what happened and has said so”

    Really? He seems to have questioned just about every aspect of the official version of what happened (insofar as there is already an official version) and has prosed away in conspiracy mode at great length, so the gullible reader might well gain the impression that Jesuit Atheist has the “true” story.
    Furthermore, he is very long-winded : if he wanted to say he didn’t know (as you claim he has) he could have said it in one short, simple simple sentence, eg “I do not know what happened”.

    “…greater surveillance of the Internet, it behoves any vigilant citizen to be wary. This is our freedom they are trying to take away, so Jesuit Atheist and others are perfectly entitled to ask such questions”

    Can you just explain exactly which of our freedoms would be taken away if there were to be greater surveillance of the internet?

    BTW – does your leaping to the Conspiracy loon’s defence indicate that you subscribe to his theses?

    Word of advice to you (and others) : beware of leaping on board every conspiracy or other loony theory. Remember, for example, Lord McAlpine. Or, if you prefer, remember that President Chavez was “murdered” by being infected with a particularly virulent cancer. LOL

  • Suhayl Saadi

    April Showers, at 09:01pm, 28.5.13, wrt these Govt/Conservative Party proposals with respect to GPs/health service, yes, I totally agree with you.

    The reason these bastards float proposals that clearly are insane, illogical and inhuman (how’s that for a politician’s typically alliterative triad?!) – oh, and which, btw, also are extremist, extremely expensive and inefficient (I’m on a roll here!) – is that it is a softening-up measure so that in the end, people will come to accept something 60%, then 70%, then 80%… along the way to insanity, illogicallity, inefficiency and inhumanity. Do you remember that they began to use this tactic systemically during Thatcher’s reign? But of course, it is a well-known political tactic.

    O, how I despise them to their entirely venomous essence.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    @ The Scourge :

    “If you are going to quote me HB please furnish details of date and time of my post so that others can refer to it and make their own minds up on the matter.”


    Have you imbibed too freely again, Scourge?

    I wasn’t asking others to make up their mind about your post, or “the matter”, I was asking you a question about it.

    A question which I note you neither quote nor answer.

    Surely you can remember the date and time of your own post?

  • doug scorgie

    Lee Rigby was killed by radical Muslims under the control of the security services?

    The public in the video footage were actors working for the state?

    It was a false-flag by MI5?

    I am not buying it.

    The two killers were radicalised Muslims ;not radicalised by a “hate preacher”, but by the actions of the UK military carrying out foreign office policy in the Middle East and Africa.

    The security services certainly had their input but I don’t believe they played a part in the planning of this murder. Not that I would put it past them but I believe not in this case.

    The lack of large amounts of blood and the delay in releasing the post mortem cause of death indicates to me that Lee Rigby was dead before the knifes and cleaver attack i.e. he died from head injuries sustained when the car hit him (possibly a fractured skull when he hit the pavement).

    Such a verdict on cause of death though, at this time, would take the wind out of the sails of the hysterical right-wing media and those politicians calling for more powers for the police and security services.

    Time will tell.

  • KingofWelshNoir


    I will answer your questions if you answer the one I posed, which I will repeat for you:

    ‘Are you saying people are not allowed to be suspicious of Government narratives?’

  • mike

    What rot on the BBC news just now: arms to Syria will bring Assad to the negotiating table. Absolute crap. On several occasions over the last two years the regime has been DESPERATE to negotiate. It was ignored, and “we” continued to arm the FSA and the heart-eating animals of al Nusra. Now that the regime appears to be winning (cos it knows defeat means the end of Syria) it is not quite so keen – but it HAS been persuaded to attend the Geneva talks.
    There are discussions imminent that could end the civil war, and what does the EU do? It agrees to arm one side. It beggars belief.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)


    ‘Are you saying people are not allowed to be suspicious of Government narratives?’

    No, I’m not. People are allowed to think what they like. You are, for example, also allowed to think that the sun goes round the earth or that 9/11 never happened.

    And others are allowed to think that those theories are paranoid bunkum.

  • Kibo Noh

    Kukla Bak

    So after twice five sherrys downed
    With walls and and floors all swaying round:
    He from his fevered mind straight-way distills
    A tide of venom, sharp-tongued and sweetness-free;
    Vituperation, disrespect that kills,
    Derailing true discourse and empathy

  • Mark Golding - Children of Conflict

    FALL-OUT – British arms to Syria — Britain has already provided resources to the terrorists fighting the Syrian government.

    My good friend Annie Machon speaks to BBC Radio Ulster about the secur­ity fall-out of the Wool­wich murder and the cyn­ical polit­ical oppor­tunism of those call­ing, inev­it­ably, for greater powers for the spies and a rein­tro­duc­tion of the pro­posed Com­munuic­a­tions Data Bill, dubbed the “snoop­ers’ charter.” – Download is safe and an MP3 player is required.!ztBERJbL!NUNaEjI22S68T5JEI-FcoD98d1MMbdD0pj18BRdZnzE

  • Jesuit Atheist

    Habbabkuk – you have appointed yourself gatekeeper for the gullible? Well done sir, I’m so glad you have found your comfort zone, perhaps you will now kindly leave the grown ups alone? Run along, there’s a god boy – and do try and put some clothes on in future.

  • fedup

    My good friend Annie Machon speaks to BBC Radio Ulster about the secur­ity fall-out of the Wool­wich murder and the cyn­ical polit­ical oppor­tunism of those call­ing, inev­it­ably, for greater powers for the spies and a rein­tro­duc­tion of the pro­posed Com­munuic­a­tions Data Bill, dubbed the “snoop­ers’ charter.”

    There are certain ultra fascists elements who are busy pushing the above agenda, however the current dog and pony show; points to a turf war about the proposed ten percent cuts in the relevant budgets. This will be affecting the SIS in particular the domestic branch.

    Although all the problems can be solved by simply cancelling trident. Hans Blix precisely suggests this course of action . However the notion of swaggering around with big nukes is a habit that the successive UK politicians have failed to give up. This is despite the limitation of use that is entailed in owning these nukes.

  • KingofWelshNoir


    1. I would regard the government arrogating to itself the power to steam open my electronic mail every day as a grotesque violation of my privacy and a diminution of my freedom.

    2. I can’t asnwer the second question in its current form since to do so would validate the ad hominem ‘Conspiracy loon’.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    2.” I can’t asnwer the second question in its current form since to do so would validate the ad hominem ‘Conspiracy loon’.”

    I see what you did there, KoWN.

  • Kibo Noh

    Kukla Bak

    But oh! That deep Craig Murray Blog with planted
    Trolls there speaking denial, abuse and cover
    A wondrous place! A savage place! as holy and enchanted
    As e’er beneath a waning moon was haunted
    By Habba wailing at the demon-blogger!

  • BrianFujisan

    Love a wee bit of poetry mysel

    Yet Again It Kicks up a Storm
    Typical summer
    Friggin Bummer
    but it sure looks like Habby has lost form

    Jesuit Atheist Braves the rains and Wind
    To see
    Who’s Free
    And who it was that really sinned

    Anomalies For sure, a Gathering heap
    Time travels
    Lies unravel
    Spin or Truth – whichever Ever will Reap ?????


  • Mark Golding - Children of Conflict

    Possibly the spooks do read this blog as I believe Craig suggested – Senior spook says attempts to cite Woolwich killing as a reason to push forward with the controversial “snooper’s charter” was a “cheap argument.”

    Adebowale released from hiding hospital and taken to a South London police station.

    Brownie point to the head spook Andrew Parker for that.

  • karel (conspiracy a day keeps idiocy away)

    Jesuit Atheist
    be less harsh with halibabacus who is just a simpleton a lost insect of a large swarm. Like resident jemands, he either does not understand or pretends not to understand what a low probability event is. In that woolwich episode we see a chain of extremely improbable events. Well, what is the chance of being all that true. If Daily mail published a story about BoJo being buggered by a unicorn then halibabcus will be the first to shout at the doubters (conspiracy theorists might better describe these despicable individuals) “and just show me the evidence that it did not happen”. Poor lost soul this halibabacus.He used to be a better jester in his prime but all wit has deserted him since.

  • English Knight

    Habbakyke “No, I’m not. People are allowed to think what they like. You are, for example, also allowed to think that the sun goes round the earth or that 9/11 never happened.”

    Accessory after the fact, no refuge in Manchester like Gerald Kaufman for the Sayanim of Satan !

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