Pre-emptive Policing 153

I am deeply concerned about pre-emptive policing,  or arresting people who might be going to do something wrong.  I frankly don’t believe the BBC’s claim that intelligence indicated that anti-G8 protestors in Soho had weapons, or at any rate I do not believe it was honest intelligence.  I note there are no reports of these weapons actually having been discovered.

The rounding up, arresting and beating of groups of protestors before they had even begun to protest is so taken for granted in London now that I can find no reflection in the media of the outrage I feel.  If an old duffer like me feels completely alienated from the authoritarian state in which I find I now live, how do younger, more radical people feel?  There seems a terrible divide between the corporate-political elite surrounded by their massive Praetorian guard at Bilderberg, and everybody else.  Society is not stable.

The BBC has lost all sense of self-knowledge.  Yesterday it displayed scenes of police beating protestors for no apparent reason on the streets of London, which was presented as protecting innocent shoppers on Oxford Street.  This immediately followed very similar scenes of police beating protestors on the streets of Istanbul, which was portrayed as a terrible act of anti-Western suppression.  Irony is dead.

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153 thoughts on “Pre-emptive Policing

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  • Jives

    Right,fuck it.

    Thats me deleted my Google and Youtube account.

    Gonna be a pain but my 12 year Yahoo mail account going next.

    Then Windows Vista,Chrome and Google search engine for the chop after that.

    Sick of these nosey bastards.Its now abundantly clear the whole paradigm of these corporations is basically a monstrous blackmail machine.

    Anyone recommend a good browser and OS that takes client privacy seriously?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Peter Lilley… blond, seraphic face, diamond-hard eyes. Was he bullied at public (i.e. private) school by the Malcolm McDowall character in ‘If’? Was he the one who got into the that drawer and willing presented himself for a whipping? Does he need to imgest some microdot?

  • Exexpat

    @Jives – you can party like its 1999 using TOR browser if you like

    Or better still read up on some digital forensics here > and even ask the experts there.

    For true anonymous browsing – free of artifacts you need TOR on Linux thats run on a laptop with no harddrive or a writeblocker – from a disk or memory stick so that nothing can be written or any evidence is left.

    For basic anti-forensics you can start with tor and use ccleaner.

  • fedup

    using TOR

    Tor is a US Navy project, and will harvest passwords, accounts, and patterns.

    The securofucks are busy selling snake oil, most ISP s are reporting dutifully as well as the NSA giant taps on backbones which are syphoning off data.

    However choice of Linux as the primary operating system reduces the systemic back doors built into the other propriety systems. Although, with the advent of the cloud the data is yet again at the disposal of those who own the server farms.

  • technicolour

    June, Passerby – in longer version of video the man makes the same comments, the police were reminding each other, as they were mashing his face into the ground, that the media were watching.

    Occupy Gezi

    Today PM Erdoğan addressed to the mothers of the protestors and said “call them back to your houses for their own safety”. Mothers answered. They showed up at Taksim Square. Formed a human chain between the police and the protestors. In front of Gezi Park. This is the real “tear” gas.

  • Exexpat

    Fedup wrote “Tor is a US Navy project, and will harvest passwords, accounts, and patterns.”


  • fedup

    This is the fucking limit, when a “punter” calls the police to complain about a prostitute he has hired. He dials 999 and complains that the prostitute is in breach of Sales of Goods Act through misrepresentation, because “she is too ugly”.

    How far down the shitter has the society gone, that a moron verily believes as a consumer of the sexual services, and because he pays, he ought to be protected by the law of the land. Is this tweet a bankster, a city worker, or a minister?

    she thinks I owe her a living or something

    This is wrong in so many levels.

  • fedup


    Do your home work, and search mate!

    US Navy patents Anonymous Surfing

    anonymity network

    or software is now developed by the Tor Project, which has been a 501(c)(3) research-education nonprofit organization based in the United States of America since December 2006. It has a diverse base of financial support;
    the U.S. State Department
    the Broadcasting Board of Governors

    Way to go cowboy, why don’t you just CC all your internet activities to US state department, and US Navy and cut the fucking middleman out?

    Citation that you are not a shill.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Flaming June, wrt Lilley and the Uzbek British Trade and Industry Council, how very interesting. Someone else mentioned the British Uzbek Something-or-other on a previous thread. Might we discover one or other ‘ex’-SIS officer also on it? Let’s search around and see…

  • fedup

    Show me the back door

    What backdoor?

    Steven J. Murdoch and George Danezis from University of Cambridge presented an article[28] at the 2005 IEEE Symposium on security and privacy on traffic-analysis techniques that allow adversaries with only a partial view of the network to infer which nodes are being used to relay the anonymous streams. These techniques greatly reduce the anonymity provided by Tor. Murdoch and Danezis have also shown that otherwise unrelated streams can be linked back to the same initiator. However, this attack fails to reveal the identity of the original user.[28] Murdoch has been working with—and has been funded by—Tor since 2006.

    And then some.

    How many IDs will be shilling on this issue?

  • Zzzzzz

    Of course they test countermeasures, they test everything they can. And of course they find out that Tor’s not a black hole, and with money to burn you can squeeze a few bits of entropy out of a Tor network. This proves what?

    Tor is a tool like Freenet is a tool, like PGP is a tool, like waste is a tool, like activix is a tool like cryptocat &c., &c., &c. are tools for particular purposes. Your hopeless despondent paranoia is actually more suspicious than my guarded reliance on varying combinations of these tools. So don’t go calling me a shill.

  • Tech Savage

    the new IP6 infrastructure makes tracing *any* source traffic a piece of cake, rather than a PITA if people take basic precautions. It all happens at the routers, many of the major hubs are now interconnected on a ‘back-plane’, the network we see is a kind of ‘front-end’ for the users – approximate 25% of all infrastructure is carrying network ‘meta-data’ – internet anonymity is and always has been a complete myth perpetuated for obvious intelligence gathering reasons.

  • Komodo

    Think you’ll find plenty to entertain you in the UBTIC, Suhayl. The Azerbaijan equivalent is also interesting.

    R4 Today, this morning…as Obama decides he can’t hold off the rightwing crazies any more and has to send arms to AQ in Syria…US policy spokesman managed (in giving a mention to the I-word) to confuse the Golan Heights and Gaza before announcing: “This is a proxy war. We know how to do proxy wars.” How true. And so does Russia. Expect Hague to rattle his limp dick before the day is out. And noisy skies over East Anglia as our ‘defence’ budget is exhausted in America’s, er, defence.

  • Komodo

    One of the Taksim protesters has a job waiting for him – drone pilot. The police shoot it down eventually, but the footage, given the limitations of these things, is pretty damn good:

  • mike

    Not much in the mainstream about this survey, conducted last month by NATO. Perhaps someone should have told the Drone King before he decided to arm the Syrian “uprising” which, as NATO knows full well, is anything but widespread. This is the attempted removal (yet again!) of a regime we don’t like. It’s as simple as that, thought our state broadcaster will never say as much.

  • Komodo

    As far as can be told at the moment, Uncle Sam’s representative will be meeting a representative of the nice rebels, in Turkey, to establish where the nice rebels would like their weapons sent. This is good, because nice rebels can be trusted utterly to ensure that the nasty rebels don’t get the arms, just like the nasty rebels have never managed to get their hands on secondhand Syrian regime kit after killing its owners. And obviously nice rebels never have to join forces with nasty rebels, and nasty rebels can always be clearly identified because they wear headbands saying “nasty” at all times.

    That’s if Uncle Sam’s representative can find Turkey.

  • Herbie

    Interesting article in Counterpunch, arguing that the Syrian govt has been the West’s best protection against Islamist terrsts, and that fall of Assad will likely lead to more terrst booms in Europe.

    Any such booms will of course mean that we run to our leaders demanding ever more draconian protection, shedding the last of our civil liberties in the process.

    Cute, eh.

  • Komodo

    Hmmm…wonder if that might be because he has as yet unreleased material pertinent to the Special Relationship ™*? It can’t be because the US would have any difficulty in extraditing him.

    * Kinda like Special Brew, but distorts reality even more.

  • Jon

    Apologies if this has been posted before (and with the usual caveats about Avaaz, worth signing notwithstanding). It condemns the PRISM project, but importantly strongly supports Snowden at a time when the media have not (yet) massively swung in favour of the US government:

    Currently 0.8M signatures.

  • doug scorgie

    12 Jun, 2013 – 9:48 am

    Very true:

    Then (1984) such activity by the police was illegal but Thatcher’s government and other state players (MI5, police, military and the judiciary) played along.

    All this should be subject to a public inquiry but don’t hold your breath.

    However, pre-emptive arrest these days is viewed as legal.

    “According to the high court you no longer need to break the law to be arrested.”

  • Jemand

    I think the British Govt doesn’t want any unlikely appearance of Snowden on their doorstep because of the huge backlash that they would receive for extraditing him to the US. The damage has already been done to the US with the PRISM leak and the UK knows that prosecuting Snowden offers no benefits. There might even be some internal conflict within the political establishment over this matter.

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