Preparing to Bomb Syria 340

Quite simply I do not believe the US, UK and French government’s assertion that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons against rebels “multiple times in small quantities”.  Why on earth would they do that?  The claim that “up to 150 people have died” spread over a number of incidents makes no sense at all.  In a civil war when tens of thousands of people have died, where all sides have been guilty of massacres of scores at a time, I cannot conceive of any motive for killing a dozen or so at any one time with the odd chemical shell.  It makes no military sense – chemical weapons are designed for use against population centres and massed armies.  They are not precision weapons for deployment against small groups.

Why on earth would the Assad regime use a tiny amount of chemical weapons against tiny groups of rebels, knowing the West would use it as an excuse to start bombing?  It makes no sense whatsoever.  Cui bono?

The Russians have described the evidence as fabricated, and on this one I am with the Russians.

It is of course no coincidence that this humanitarian motive to start bombing Syria  arises just as the tide of war turned against the rebels, and the government forces are about to move on Aleppo.  I suspect now we will see massive NATO force intervention, with huge air to ground destruction of the government forces all over the country to “defend” Aleppo, just as we saw hundreds of thousands killed and whole cities destroyed in Libya to “defend” Benghazi.  Whose people showed their gratitude by murdering the US Ambassador.

It is a further fascinating coincidence that this coordinated western switch of policy happens immediately after the Bilderberg conference.  An analysis of which of the corporate interests there stand to gain in Syria might be a fascinating exercise.

There were two main reasons the tide of war turned against the rebels.  Firstly, Hizbollah’s decision to enter the war on a large scale was provoked by the Israeli Air Force’s massive attack around Damascus, a fact the mainstream media has managed to hide completely.  Secondly, at Turkish urging, the rebel forces had diverted much of their energies to attacking the Syrian kurds.  This opens the interesting question of what the American client Kurds of Iraq will make of their patron sponsoring the massacre of their brethren in Syria.

Finally, chemical weapons are a terrible thing and their use should be  condemned unreservedly.  But where was all this Western outrage and activity when the Israelis were pouring down white phosphorous and kicking and maiming thousands of women and children in Gaza?

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340 thoughts on “Preparing to Bomb Syria

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  • doug scorgie

    Flaming June
    16 Jun, 2013 – 3:59 pm

    Whatever you say I don’t think Putin is interested in back-passages; especially where William Hague is concerned.

  • Villager

    MJ thanks for your reply, but i didn’t ask what passport they were “travelling” on. I just ask which countries were they nationals of? Surely that is known?

  • doug scorgie

    16 Jun, 2013 – 4:24 pm

    “Which country’s passport did most of the 9/11 attackers have?”
    “Given that at least seven of the alleged hijackers were travelling on passports stolen or otherwise acquired from people who were still alive, that information isn’t particularly useful.”

    That doesn’t change the fact that all the hijackers were Saudi Sunni Muslims does it?

  • Dreoilin

    “travelling on passports stolen or otherwise acquired from people who were still alive”

    I thought that was an Israeli speciality.

  • MJ

    “That doesn’t change the fact that all the hijackers were Saudi Sunni Muslims does it?”

    Of course it does. It means that at least 7 remain of unknown origin.

  • MJ

    “I just ask which countries were they nationals of? Surely that is known?”

    See above.

  • mark golding children of conflict

    MJ – Welcome to the awareness club. Thank-you for the link Villager. America aligned itself with the terrorists when it created the ‘war of terror’ and murdered innocent people. This vexatious reality has taken 10 years for the world to wake up and fight.

    Russia and China must be prepared to signal Britain and America of a looming nuclear conflict on the horizon if she remains resolute on world domination.

    Personally I am willing to sacrifice everything to safeguard future generations, my children, from a ‘Disney World’ illusion dominated by fear, control, subjection and the iron hand of a Nazi inspired apocryphal world government lead by depraved gilt-edged debased animas.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    BRICS not yet operational as counter-point to petrodollar. But the sides have been chosen rather conveniently wrt the House of Saud.

  • Villager

    Mark, welcome and thank you for your posts — they add value, consistently so.

    China and India should also sort their differences out and be more openly constructive. India needs to stop being insecure. Of course the fact that she has a very large population of Muslims herself, probably with Sunnis in the majority (?), complicates things.

    Ben, regardless of the dollar, BRICS should be more emboldened to throw a brick or two for check n balance once in a way.
    We’ve got to change the way we’re living, both inside our skins and “Society”.

    Back to Mark, it just occurred to me this afternoon when watching the intro to the news how music was being played in the background while the Syrian conflict, Iraqi bombings, and Istanbul teargas images were being shown. They have become blasé and we, dull.

    Which is why i encourage people to begin very near and resolve their own inner fragmentation in parallel to influencing “Society”. We need change on this earth at a human consciousness level. Else we can protest here till the atomic-heart-cows come home.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    “Good news indeed that Iranians have thrown out the dishevelled used-car salesman, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and elected someone with a (hopefully) more constructive demeanour. Maybe the Iran war can still be averted.”


    I quite agree with this post from Jemand.

    Could it be that this good news displeases some of the regulars on this blog?

    The regulars have been strangely silent on this topic and such comment as there has been (cf. The Scourge’s, above) has strangely grudging.

    I suppose that some of the regular posters would be happy to see relations with Iran deteriorate rather than (potentially) improve, as an improvement would give them less opportunity to engage in their favorite activity of US-bashing. For them, a war, or the bombing of Iran, would be sheer (blogging) bliss.

  • technicolour

    Out of interest: first attempts at dialogue in 27 years:

    From Ahmajinedad’s letter to the American People:

    Noble Americans,

    Were we not faced with the activities of the US administration in this part of the world and the negative ramifications of those activities on the daily lives of our peoples, coupled with the many wars and calamities caused by the US administration as well as the tragic consequences of US interference in other countries;

    Were the American people not God-fearing, truth-loving, and justice-seeking, while the US administration actively conceals the truth and impedes any objective portrayal of current realities;

    And if we did not share a common responsibility to promote and protect freedom and human dignity and integrity;

    Then, there would have been little urgency to have a dialogue with you.

    From Ahmajinedad’s letter to Bush:

    If billions of dollars spent on security, military campaigns and troop movement were instead spent on investment and assistance for poor countries, promotion of health, combating different diseases, education and improvement of mental and physical fitness, assistance to the victims of natural disasters, creation of employment opportunities and production, development projects and poverty alleviation, establishment of peace, mediation between disputing states and distinguishing the flames of racial, ethnic and other conflicts were would the world be today? Would not your government, and people be justifiably proud? Would not your administration’s political and economic standing have been stronger? And I am most sorry to say, would there have been an ever increasing global hatred of the American governments?
    Mr President, it is not my intention to distress anyone.
    If prophet Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Ishmael, Joseph or Jesus Christ (PBUH) were with us today, how would they have judged such behaviour? Will we be given a role to play in the promised world, where justice will become universal and Jesus Christ (PBUH) will be present? Will they even accept us?
    My basic question is this : Is there no better way to interact with the rest of the world?

  • Sofia Zabolotna-Habbercake

    16 Jun, 2013 – 5:57 pm
    “Sofia: let me know how you get on with Klein?”
    Ch. 2 Torture Lab
    Well, I read half of it before bed last night. Not a good idea.
    Maybe this morning’s fooling around was necessary healing time-out for me.
    I just reread it and feel shocked and sick. I knew details of all this but had never been taken through the whole development of these techniques from Dr Ewen Cameron in the 1950s to present day Guantanamo.
    Her premise is that the lessons of MKUltra regarding the breaking of personalities by electric and chemical shock together with sensory deptivation, and the breaking of communities of people through “Shock and Awe” both military and economic, are …“different manifestations of the same terrifying logic”.
    Now we are being massaged by the corporate media to accept Syrians as the latest group to need these therapies. Words fail me now.
    I think I’m going to have to read this brilliant book in small doses.

  • Herbie

    As someone else has pointed out, Habby, Ahmadinejad wasn’t thrown out, any more than Bush was thrown out.

    But that howler apart, great to see your welcome for the new Iranian leader.

    I too agree that it would be wonderful if the West elected leaders as constructive.

  • technicolour

    Sofia: yes, remorseless in its documentation, and I’m sorry, but it gets worse. By the time you get to Russia…

    And, for Habbakuk et al, what it establishes is that the almost universal failure of people’s movements which aimed for equal, or at least, relatively equal distribution of wealth, often after throwing off brutal dictatorships, is no coincidence, but orchestrated by a ruthlessly fanatical economic theology born and bred in the States. Causing, as one repentant former Chicago Boy says, ‘economic genocide’, and the jet-set juntas of all nations laughing all the way to their Swiss bank accounts. Cold-bloodedly awful.

  • fedup

    Personally I am willing to sacrifice everything to safeguard future generations, my children, from a ‘Disney World’ illusion dominated by fear, control, subjection and the iron hand of a Nazi inspired apocryphal world government lead by depraved gilt-edged debased animas.

    The story in Independent is misconstruction’s of the reality on the ground. Syrian Army is a big enough army, and the Syrian nationals having been witnesses to the destructive and deadly tricks campaign of the US sponsored Saudi, Qatari lickspittles and their proxy mercenaries, these Syrian nationals are no longer running away and instead they are joining the Syrian army in ever greater numbers. Why would Syrian army need more fighters when it has so many capable fighters?

    The Iranians are experts in reconstruction having rebuilt Iran after the disastrous war imposed by Saddam and his Western sponsors on Iran. This fact was clearly exhibited in Lebanese reconstruction, post the destructive carpet bombing of Lebanon as the ziofuckwits were beating a hasty retreat back into zionistan.

    Hence the revolutionary guards on their way to Syria are not needed to “fight” the terrorists injected into Syria. These are the reconstruction force to supervise the clear up the rubble to make good the damage inflicted by the war on Syria through mercenaries. Wining a war is not enough, Syrians need to begin to rebuild their country and Iranians are there to help them. Therefore if this story has any veracity, it is an indicator of the success of the Syrian army in the coming months to rid their country from the mercenary vermin infestation.

    However the mendacious Western operatives even at this late stage of the game are trying to steer a disastrous policy towards an even greater catastrophe through their disinformation propaganda. This fact is born by the cool approach of Putin in his meeting with Agent Cameron. Most of the stenographers present were befuddled when Putin did not mention Syria once in his speech and took an offensive line of Agent Cameron and reminded him (AC), he has blood on his hands too.

    Finally regardless of the hype surrounding the war between various sects of Islam, the facts are, these scenarios only exist in the sick minds of those bent on death, destruction, and war. There is no internecine Muslims war much to the dismay of the planners of the new mid east.

  • guano


    Tuba mirum spargens sonum
    Per sepulchra regionum,
    Coget omnes ante thronum.
    The trumpet, scattering a wondrous sound
    through the sepulchres of the regions,
    will summon all before the Throne.
    Mors stupebit, et natura,
    Cum resurget creatura,
    Iudicanti responsura.
    Death is struck, and nature quaking,
    All creation is awaking,
    To its Judge an answer making.
    Death and nature will marvel,
    when the creature arises,
    to respond to the Judge.

    This is your scripture, not mine.
    We shall be accountable to God, not to a blog, not to what suits LibDems or Tories or CIAs or Knesset or the New World Order.

    The purpose of politics is to distract people through anger at outrageous disobedience to God and to appropriate what belongs to others to themselves while they are confused and shocked.

    What possible distinction can you make between any politician of any nationality or belief. They create wrongdoing in order to distract us from looking after what belongs to us.

  • technicolour

    CameronB: well, yes – and ‘failure’ was rather the wrong word – they were often, as in Poland, and South America, entirely successful – before the powers ranged against them weighed in.

  • CameronB

    No pun intended Technicolour, but I don’t think ‘they’ had invented ‘colour revolutions’ back then.

  • guano


    I believe that the troops labelled as Hezbullah in Al Qusayr were actually from Iran via Baghdad. As usual we are given information only after events. I make a distinction between Israel/ZFWland Nationalism and Zionism the art of shock-politics by Muslims, non-Muslims, or political manipulators/liars of any description.

    Just because ZFWland is drawing on the military resources that used to belong to Saddam before the invasion of Iraq, to control the flux of power in Syria, does not mean that the combined forces of raw evil, Muslims, non Muslims,ZFWs, nonZFWs etc, are not working on a grander plan of subjugating the Syrian people to a Sunni( in reality ZFW) Muslim Brotherhood government. Through terror, bombing etc.

    When the discrepancies between NWO rhetoric against AlQaida and its actual practise are now so obvious, it surely makes sense for us to assume that other contradictary, political shenanigans are also in the frame. Please do not be distracted by the Hollywood propaganda of the ZFW media that “Good guy Shi’a” soldiers come off duty drilling holes into Sunni prisoners in Baghdad’s jails to fight “Good guy” Sunni rebels who murder Sunni Muslims who set up their burger stalls inside the government zones.

    I agree with you that the sectarian issue is a spark which NWO/ZFW/political Islam all want to fan into a fire. The extinguishers of the fire will be the 4000 Shi’a reconstruction team, after US bombs the s**t out of Assad and the mercenaries genocide the Alawis. But the reconstructers will be Muslim Brotherhood?alias Israel/ZFW after the Shi’a troops scuttle back to Iran for some false emergency back home.

    The writing is on the (wailing ) wall but the wall with the writing on will soon itself be gone.

  • Alastair

    A bbc reporter said tonight “..the Syrian rebels who are committed to democracy.” The bbc cannae see the truth for their lies.

  • fedup

    But the reconstructers will be Muslim Brotherhood?

    That is not the case, you should know that already Mursi has closed his Embassy (whatever was left of it) in Damascus. Further Hezbollah got involved in the battle for Qusair due to the relentless provocations of the Qatari, and Saudi pederasts in charge of those benighted nations.

    The Iranians are not needed for fighting in Syria, their expertise are for reconstruction, the Muslim Brotherhood is not endowed with these expertise. Further, for Mursi to throw his lot with a bunch of pusillanimous sock puppets somehow further undermines Mursi as a stooge;

    days before President Mubarak was overthrown, both Netanyahu and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia called Washington to ask Obama to save the Egyptian dictator. In vain.

    (from the link above).

    The situation is beyond the poxy Arab despots and their shenanigans, it is the restriction of access to the resources and the terrain with a view to gain the military advantage on the up and coming block of countries and prolonging the US hegemony. Despite the appearances of the “Muslim on Muslim” violence and the “tayyyyrrrrreeeriists under your beds” stories, the real fight is over who owns the planet and earns a high rent for it?

    Russians, and Iranians are not about to hand over their sovereignty and turning tenants in their own lands.

  • Flaming June

    Same old. Same old. No doves of peace or olive branches from Bibi.

    ‘JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on Sunday for no relaxation of international pressure on Iran to curb its nuclear efforts after the election of a new president widely hailed as a moderate.

    Netanyahu said it was Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and not the newly elected president, Hassan Rohani, who set a nuclear policy that has been challenged by tough economic sanctions and the prospect of military action.

    “The international community must not give in to wishful thinking or temptation and loosen the pressure on Iran for it to stop its nuclear program,” the right-wing Netanyahu told his cabinet, according to a statement released by his office.

    But Israeli President Shimon Peres, gave a different assessment of possible change in nuclear activities that Israel and the West fear are directed towards developing atomic bombs. Iran says its is enriching uranium for peaceful purposes only.

    Asked if Rohani, a former nuclear negotiator with world powers, would alter the course of the nuclear program, Peres told Reuters: “He said he will not go for these extreme policies. I am not sure he specified his policies. But it will be better, I am sure, and that is why the people voted for him.”‘


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