Feile An Phobail Belfast 4110

The Respectability of Torture

St Mary’s University College, Thurs 1st August, 7.30pm


Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, was a whistleblower who was removed from his ambassadorial post by Tony Blair for exposing the Tashkent regime‟s use of rape and systematic torture, including the boiling to death of political opponents. He has also spoken out against Central Asia‟s appalling dictatorships, regimes which are allies of the West, involved in torture and rendition, and was accused of threatening MI6‟s relationship with the CIA. Now a human rights activist, author and broadcaster, he outlines the dynamics of torture and the hypocrisy of incriminated Western governments.


My first public appearance for a while will be in Belfast on 1 August where I shall be giving a talk.  Long term readers of this blog will recall that, while my focus is largely on international affairs, the domestic political achievements I most hope to see are a united Ireland and an independent Scotland.

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4,110 thoughts on “Feile An Phobail Belfast

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  • Komodo

    I somehow get the evanescent impression (probably due to my one-ness with the universe, but enough of me) that Villager is a follower of Jiddu Krishnamurti. Of whom it is alleged that he:

    Had multiple surreptitious affairs with his female followers and associates.[1]
    Fought with his publishing collaborator over copyrights and lost the case.[1]
    Dominating and impatient in dialogues, he usually did not allow any viewpoint other than his own to be considered seriously
    Frequently short-tempered and temperamental (His long-time discussion companion David Bohm reportedly went into depression because of Krishnamurti’s attitude)[2]

    Built a cult of mystery and reverence around himself.
    Towards the end of life, claimed that not even one person had understood him and his teachings in his entire life.
    Towards the end of his life, made the grand claim that a “vehicle” like him would not happen again for many hundred years.

    ( http://nonspiritual.net/Jiddu_Krishnamurti. References on site. )

    Perhaps Villager is his reincarnation?

  • Komodo

    The funny part of this saga is that it demonstrates, in shades of grey, the hypocrisy and Puritanism (for which we thank you guys) extant and unevolutionary in our culture.

    Don’t thank us, Ben. We should thank you, for being rid of them. Want some Welsh Nonconformists?

  • Phil

    “Now, road tax and insurance for bloody pushbikers….”

    Or new punitive taxes on motorbike helmets and dried flies to subsidise push bikes sales. Hurrah!

  • Villager

    Komodo LOL, when did K die? Your powers of deduction seem to be a bit shaky this morning. Also, although i’m glad you’ve been inspired to investigate, and its good to be skeptical, i’d recommend you try a more credible website for your research.

    More importantly if you want to discuss K’s work, i’ll be happy to engage and suggest you choose a topic.

    Meantime i wonder what you make of the trial verdicts in Turkey?

  • johnstone

    The US and UK governments methods of mass population mind control by the use of false flag incidents relies on the premise that you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, however you can NOT fool all of the people all of the time.
    History of false flag

  • Komodo

    Phil, I’ll say to you what I said to the pushbiker on a blind bend with 100 yards of cars stuck behind him this morning:

    “XXXXing bastarding whoreson shitbtrain wannabe Bradley Wiggins, you DON’T own the bastard road.”

    But fortunately I got past the idiot and only the middle bit would have been audible. It was vastly complimentary compared to what I call the two Lycra bunnies cycling side by side down a narrow B road with twisties. Have we met? I always give you room, for fear of the awful consequences (for me – the law prefers you) if you should wobble unexpectedly into my path. Give me some room too, hey? My petrol consumption is least at 60mph – think of the environment.

  • Komodo

    Villager: Krishnamurti: Just another fraudulent mystic. Symptoms caused by arterial spasm and reduced blood supply to brain. Been mystic, done mystic, neglected to buy mystic teeshirt. Then grew up.

  • Villager

    Glad to hear Komodo that you grew up, whatever that means to you it sounds like a conclusion, i.e. you’ve stopped growing up? At any rate, K was no ‘mystic’, nothing mystical about his teachings. Just a good, comprehensive understanding of life as a whole, holistically, based on a deep discovery of the workings of the mind. But i’m not here to persuade you. Good day!

    The Core of the Teachings
    Written by Krishnamurti in 1980 at the request of his biographer Mary Lutyens.

  • Villager

    “When did K die? February 17, 1986?

    Thanks for that Dreoilin. Was just trying to get across to Komodo that i couldn’t be K’s reincarnation as i was born just a little bit before he died. You may also want to read the link above on the simple Core of his work and tell me if you find anything that one would call mystical there.

  • Villager

    6 Aug, 2013 – 12:04 am

    Thanks for holding the mirror up TC. Was just trying to shake a bore off my back — as innocent as that. Good day!

  • Jon

    Jemand, holy cow – that post of yours attacking Doug and, well, everyone, is pretty low even by the standards of your usual aggression. What happened? I let your unpleasant sexually-themed abuse of Fedup stand on the other thread because you didn’t throw the first punch, but honestly, you would be best going elsewhere if you’re going to drag things into the gutter.

  • Dreoilin

    One of my sons is in the Netherlands, Komodo. Lots and lots and LOTS of pushbikes. But funnily enough, my son and his GF both had motorbikes – as well as pushbikes. I’ve never heard of any problems.

    But of course, in the Netherlands, as I understand it, there are special lanes for pushbikes just about everywhere. It’s a cultural thing I suppose.

  • Komodo

    “They don’t cause pollution”….But they do. They increase the fuel consumption and emissions of vehicles stuck behind them from open-road to urban levels. One pushbike can keep a line of cars busy for five minutes on a B road, if traffic is coming the other way.

    Granted, much the same can be said for old ladies and many SUV drivers, but at least the speeds are slightly higher. JCB’s and tractors pull in where they can to let following traffic past – why can’t pushbikers? Answer – to get a license you need to know the Highway Code. To ride a bicycle on a public road, you don’t.

    And the visual offensiveness of sweaty Lycra. Don’t get me started on the visual offensiveness of sweaty Lycra. Please.

    Villager – I’m sure an authentic World Saviour ™ wouldn’t mind your date of birth being a bit before he’s shuffled off. Minding would require rationality, and you wouldn’t want that, and all things are possible when you drop that. No?

  • Phil

    “Was just trying to get across to Komodo that i couldn’t be K’s reincarnation as i was born just a little bit before he died.”

    You have embraced humility then! I suggest you are not your guru reincarnated for the more obvious reason that reincarnation is nonsense.

  • Komodo

    I’m having a rant Dre. Don’t take it too seriously. But round here, where cycle paths are provided on BOTH sides of some of the roads, we still get Bradley Wiggins making unpredictable moves in the middle of the rush hour traffic. In the Netherlands, I may be wrong in thinking, there’s a greater sense of social responsibility?

  • Villager

    Jon, reminds of who it was who said ” We’re all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”

    Re Jemand/Doug, wasn’t it Doug who threw the first punch again:
    ” “Doug Scorgie
    5 Aug, 2013 – 4:46 pm
    Jemand – Censorship Improves History
    5 Aug, 2013 – 8:32 am

    “I also notice, Flaming Mary, that you like to try and bait me with your anti-Australian propaganda. I guess you also hate us as you hate your own country. All this hate gets us nowhere, can we all get along??”

    Are you the same Jemand that hates Aborigines?”

    Just pointing out though i could be wrong about any prior history, i did wonder where the inspiration for that punch from Doug came from…

  • Villager

    Phil, i neither believe in it nor disbelieve preferring to simply say “I don’t know”, but i respect you for your view on it — fine with me.

    And just to be clear, K is not my Guru nor was anyone’s as far as i know and he utterly rejected that notion. But one doesn’t need to reinvent the wheel — his work was indeed very deep — like Einstein, i think he had a special brain or was simply able to push it farther. I don’t take on everything he says at an intellectual level. That would be a pointless game. I question it and relate it to my own life, conditioning and if i see/observe the truth of it then it becomes mine inwardly. Its a process. I am my own guru.

  • Dreoilin

    “I’m having a rant Dre. Don’t take it too seriously”

    No, I’m not. And I don’t go for the Lycra much either, in truth.

  • doug scorgie

    Jemand – Censorship Improves History
    5 Aug, 2013 – 3:14 pm

    “I’m so glad that I can be of use here on this blog as the proxy object of scorn and whipping boy for sexually frustrated, lonely people who are angry at the world’s injustice.”

    When did you last get laid Jemand?

    Was he good?

  • Flaming June

    For the attention of the persistent posters/pests. Get your facts right. My second post is being (deliberately?) ignored.

    Drop it. You are becoming more tedious than usual.

    Flaming June 4 Aug, 2013 – 10:25 am

    Hakluyt is also mentioned on that FCO Association link.

    Hakluyt avoids publicity, but is regarded as having a reputation for discretion and effectiveness among its client base. Hakluyt was founded by former officials of the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6).


    What a stinking rotten country I was born into. No wonder I hate it now.

    Flaming June 4 Aug, 2013 – 1:54 pm

    I did not say I hate the people Jemand. I just hate the rotten secretive system that controls our lives.


  • Phil

    Komodo, Dre

    I sizzle in my tight pants as I throw myself in front of speed obsessed bikers on the a23.

  • Flaming June

    We were given some outrageous anti-Muslim propaganda this morning on Thought For the Day.

    Clifford Longley. Muslims are persecuting Christians, etc

    I know that in Syria that the 20% of the population are Christians of ancient origin have been given space in Syria’s secular state. They are now suffering and fleeing in the turmoil created by the terrorists that Hague and Cameron support with words and arms. And the same existed in Baathist Iraq and in Libya although in the latter those of Muslim faith were 97% of the whole.

    Not mentioned on TFTD – What is happening to Christians in Israel

    The plight of Palestinian Christians

    Israeli court approves building Separation Wall in Cremisan Valley
    By: Anica Heinlein
    April 26, 2013 11:15 pm


    Longley is also heard on the Moral Maze along with Ms Phillips.

  • Phil

    Villager 6 Aug, 2013 – 11:43 am

    “Phil, i neither believe in it [reincarnation] nor disbelieve preferring to simply say “I don’t know”.”

    I have fairies behind my fridge. They could save the world with a wave but instead prefer night time raids on my leftovers. I have no idea how they open the fridge door. Don’t tell me I haven’t because you don’t know.

    I say reincarnation is nonsense because I have never seen any evidence. Please correct me if you can provide anything, apart from faith, to substantiate the claim for reincarnation. Such life changing information should be shared.

    “K is not my Guru nor was anyone’s as far as i know and he utterly rejected that notion.”

    A man who claims exclusive understanding of the truth with followers who repeat his words even when he tells them not to? If it walks like a goat, sounds like a goat and looks like a goat it probably is a goat even if you call it a horse.

    “…his work was indeed very deep — like Einstein”

    To compare a minor cult leader with someone who radically progressed our understanding of the world betrays devotion and delusion.

    “Its a process. I am my own guru.”

    And that’s ad verbatim what your non-guru told you to believe.

  • Dreoilin

    “You may also want to read the link above on the simple Core of his work and tell me if you find anything that one would call mystical there.” — Villager

    Of or relating to mystics or religious mysticism.
    Spiritually allegorical or symbolic; transcending human understanding.”

    I have tried to read K, Villager (I mentioned here before that a family member quotes him), but I have never got my head around any of it. I find him hard to read because my brain refuses to process what he’s saying. Maybe that says a lot about me, but I don’t really care.

    It was suggested to me that I might benefit from meditation. It involved “emptying my mind”. I have tried this numerous times but my mind refuses to be emptied. It’s always doing something. Monkey mind, I’m told. But 90% of the time, I live in the day. And that’s enough for me.


    Phil, don’t sizzle too much. I’m told that spontaneous combustion is not a myth.

  • Komodo

    as I throw myself in front of speed obsessed bikers on the a23.

    Make sure it’s something as naff as Lycra, and which can’t manoeuvre, like a Harley, please. Two birds: one stone. Thank you.

  • Passerby

    Komodo says,

    In the Netherlands, I may be wrong in thinking, there’s a greater sense of social responsibility?

    In Holland the divers know damn fine well, that slightest touch of a bumper to any cyclist, will be ensued with huge hospital bills, compensation cost, and massive repair bills, the resultant is: Cyclists are the king of the road.

    In Germany the same rules apply, I was amazed when I found an eighteen wheeler juggernaut actually stopped because I had the right of way on my mountain bike! A refreshing change, I could have been knocked down with a feather, being used to the road rule in UK that find hunting the cyclists a mandatory part of their drivers test.

    No country on the planet is as Cyclist unfriendly as UK, the pavements are out of bounds, and the roads are out of bounds and unfortunately as yet bicycles do not fly.

    So far as the cycle lanes go, these were “painted” due to the free grant money from the EU that was tapped for other projects and a few lines drawn on the roads, that gave the impression of compliance, and another excuse for the drivers to ignore them or better still to park on them.

    It is a cultural phenomena, same as with the seventy mile an hour pratts sitting on the fast lane and upholding the queens speed limits in their part time capacity as the road speed enforcers.

  • technicolour

    Flaming June: Your pessimism about ‘indigenous’ UK residents not standing up for others is, I know you’ll be pleased to see, misplaced!

    Immigration checks disrupted again in Elephant & Castle

    Activists alerted others in the area to the presence of UKBA. They explained that people didn’t need to answer their questions and as a result many people just carried on walking.

    The police became violent towards the activists, pushing one man to the floor, one into the side of a bus and threatening another with pepper spray. Activists were told they were ‘not allowed to film’ and to ‘let them do their job’!

    After 10 minutes or so, the police and UKBA officers came together to discuss what was happening. Immediately after, both the police and UKBA decided to leave the Elephant and Castle area in the cars and van.


  • doug scorgie

    5 Aug, 2013 – 11:10 pm

    “… maybe, Jemand is just a product of his genes.”

    Yes, diarrhoea runs in the family – it’s in their jeans.

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