The Respectability of Torture
St Mary’s University College, Thurs 1st August, 7.30pm
Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, was a whistleblower who was removed from his ambassadorial post by Tony Blair for exposing the Tashkent regime‟s use of rape and systematic torture, including the boiling to death of political opponents. He has also spoken out against Central Asia‟s appalling dictatorships, regimes which are allies of the West, involved in torture and rendition, and was accused of threatening MI6‟s relationship with the CIA. Now a human rights activist, author and broadcaster, he outlines the dynamics of torture and the hypocrisy of incriminated Western governments.
My first public appearance for a while will be in Belfast on 1 August where I shall be giving a talk. Long term readers of this blog will recall that, while my focus is largely on international affairs, the domestic political achievements I most hope to see are a united Ireland and an independent Scotland.
@ Jon: Baroness Deech, Mel Phillips ( surely you could have guessed that?) and Sara Nathan, in a post of FJ’s. (1.06pm) Objecting to Nigel Kennedy’s use of the term – and getting his speech censored accordingly.
Jon Said;
This sort of anecdotal stories always somehow overlook that a Muslim having met the grand wizard of the London KKK Lodge can always form his opinions around that interaction. If the said Muslim then wishes to convey his experiences, he or she will be denounced as a racist.
To home in a group of extremists, and pas these as the epitome of a vast swath of humanity is by and large a racist notion. However seeing as the group under the attack are not Jewish, then it is passed off as a critique of the group in a liberal debate.
However because some Nazi (yawn, sleep, snore, last century) at some point has mentioned “nest” that sounds like a “nest a vipers”, that sounds like “Eichmann speech” and best for us to prepare to lynch Mary for saying “nest”. That is before we have tied her to a ducking stool and subjected her to some jolly good enhanced interrogations (water boarding) to find out if she is a witch too!
By the way those differently attired individuals hopping around the pavement to avoid the shadows of the not so differently attired people, are friendly too?
Best method of political repression, is the kind that needs no official enforcers.
More on that:
Least of Longstreet’s problems indeed. I’d have him arrested for crimes against typography: an article in all-bold, and with underscore instead of italics? Bloomin’ illiterates!
Passerby, no-one is getting lynched, but meh. You’ve done your level best to ignore everything I’ve said, again – well done! You’re pretty good at whatever it is you do.
Argh – Komodo, well, yeay for freedom but generally a) can’t help feeling that ‘not sounding like a nazi’ is saner than ‘sounding like a nazi’ whatever the motive and b) feel definite unease at any replication of current Stormfront discourse, which is not at all well-motivated in any direction. But I am not suggesting that Mary is in any way intending to support either, thanks, Passer-by.
Hell hath no fury like a chef spurned
Long walk needed – very emotional and horrific stuff, all this, really.
Yeah, but.
Isn’t it curious that Nigel knows more about how media works than these three fine ladies, who’ve only spent most of their working lives in fairly senior positions in broadcasting.
Many will have been unaware that Israel is an apartheid state until their censorious intervention.
Now it’s all over the place:
The Streisand Effect.
Nice one, Nige.
“Some advice to the world: Shut the hell up and allow Israel to clean out the viper’s nest that is the Gaza Strip! It is nothing more that a snake pit filled to over flowing with terrorists and so-calledPalestinians. It is a pus-filled boil that begs to be lanced and drained. JD Longstreet
And here we are being asked to believe FJ is out of order using the word “nest” and John Goss is a racist for linking a poster named after a Jewish prophet with the word synagogue.
I thought I was absurd posting as Habba’s phoney daughter but I know I will never reach these heights.
Come on grown-ups. Let’s not let the language get occupied too.
[Mod: link fixed]
Sorry I cocked up the link at 3 55pm.
Here it is,
Thanks, Technicolour, Nevermind and Jon.
And you’re right, Jay, wrt energy, global warming and so on. I don’t know what the energy solution for the world is. A few weeks ago, I referred to it – the world on which we are temporary inhabitants – as the Titanic and us/our governments as ‘fiddlers’.
Good question, Sofia. Well, wrt sharia, there’s no consensus and that’s partly the problem, as you can imagine. I’d suggest you read widely and deeply, is all I can say. Check out the work of Ziauddin Sardar. Here is an excellent article by him on the subject of sharia and much else. I strongly recommend it:
Another interesting thinker is Hamza Yusuf:
There are also Islamist reformers in Saudi Arabia itself; their views are really engaging and they have had some support from King Abdullah, actually.
David Gardner (of the FT) talks about some of these in his excellent book, ‘Last Chance: The Middle East in the Balance’ (2009) which is well worth a read:
The Muslim Institute (UK-based) produce a detailed book every quarter, entitled, ‘Critical Muslim’.
So the discourse is very much evolving. That’s quite a lot on which to chew, Sofia (and everyone)! Good wishes to all.
Let’s not let the language get occupied too.
And while we’re at it, how about management bollocks? Can we start with “going forward”. Which actually means moving toward a vessel’s bows?
“And here we are being asked to believe FJ is out of order using the word “nest””
Dear Sofia, I was not asking you or anyone to believe anything. I was questioning the use of the word ‘nest’ for the very reasons behind the appalling quote you cite. It has precisely those connotations. I do not think Mary supports the far right. This discussion went on because Komodo was raising some interesting points about language speech in general. I do not agree that it is ‘racist’ to link the name ‘Habbakuk’ to a synagogue: the two are not linked.
John Goss could be forgiven for being racist and mocking Habbabkuk to be a Jew, as he probably didn’t realise it himself. You could be forgiven your ignorance for pushing your ‘Sharia-fusion’ (wow!) cocktail solutions upon us all, as you probably are lazy and refuse to think things through.
FACT is that John Goss could not and cannot know where Habby worships if at all. So his synagogue remark was *intended* to be derisory and framed as such. I don’t know what pleasure you get in stringing this out. John could end it here by seeing the subtle mischief of his brain and retract it. But his ego won’t let him.
Self-awareness is a difficult task — it requires a huge amount of ‘work’ and energy to see it. For God’s sake, enlighten yourselves.
You are no different from what Einstein described:
““Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”
As it happens Einstein was a Jew, he was even offered to be the first President of Israel which he declined. But he never practised and went to the synagogue. Study ‘cosmic religious feeling’, investigate it, get it, then the world will change, itself — it’ll happen at a sub-atomic level without your even knowing it.
And Miami University-based Glaswegian, Amanullah de Sondy has a special interest – did his PhD – in the subject of Gender and Sexuality in contemporary Islam. His blog is a hoot! I see he’s a fan of ‘Burka Avenger’!
“The heroine, Burka Avenger, is certainly an unusual role model for female empowerment in Pakistan: a woman who uses martial arts to battle colorful villains such as Baba Bandooq, a Taliban-esque figure who tries to shut down her school, and Vadero Pajero, a corrupt politician.” Amanullah de Sondy
Technicolour, hope you’re feeling better but its in the air — the messy human consciousness of now.
Btw, have you read John Goss’s original remark of yesterday re Habby and synagogues?
Judging the course of non debate, and the numbers of the comments. At this rate we best accept this blog is now officially an occupied territory, in which the political repression and persecution of nonconformists to the “rightful supremacy” of the ziofcukwtis is currency, With the imperatives thereof which deems these nonconformist to be harangued out, and banished from this blog.
I strongly record my objections to all this nonsense, and phony antisemitic witch hunt that is designed purely as a construct to suppress any debate about the inhuman conduct of the said ziofcukwits in Palestine. As well as making tolerable and acceptable the persecution and political repression of those in UK whom commit the thought crimes of thinking for themselves without letting the propaganda organ memes to be considered as their own thoughts.
Nothing on XKeyscore, the £150m NSA gave GCHQ, the Al Nusra massacre of Syrian Kurds, and now nothing on the Princess Diana investigation.
What the fuck is the point of the BBC?
Phil, at 11:59am, today: You asked what “HT typical” might’ve meant; you said you’d overheard some students referring to their professor as this. I think, if the context was Muslim professor, etc., it might’ve referred to ‘Hizb-ut-Tahrir’. ‘HT’ is often used a shorthand. But who knows, it might be some texting thing young people use!
The revolution that never was;
Egyptian Court Is Said to Order That Mubarak Be Released
Thank god for democracy, dunchyou just luv the smell of democracy from miles away?
Bloody gay bashing MB they should be all killed! Only a fucking thousand killed? Piffle! In the interests of democracy, and every hot blooded apple pie munching, freedom fries eating, beer guzzling, citizen of the free world (nothing is fucking free about it other than in the name free) Egyptian new democracy needs to kill at least half of the fucking Egyptians if not all of them.
Sharia must stop dead in its tracks and also dead must be all those fucking MB supporters.
Glenn_uk, I hope you find this; sorry I couldn’t answer you before. Yes, I received the e-mail that you sent to my GMX account on 06 July 2013 at 02:36 AM, subject “Still about?”, and I replied on 10 July 03:48 AM. Those are the only recent e-mails between us that I’m aware of. I’ll try a couple of other replies next…
All the Best, everyone!
Villager, in trying to portray me as a racist will not wash with any long-term commenters on this blog. They know I’m not. There was nothing offensive in my remark and only you tried to make it out to be improper. But the trouble with you is when a real racist makes his evil feelings heard, and I’m talking about Michael Grunwald, you and the precious team, maintain an undignified silence. I can only assume from you trying to make me out to be racist your intention is to divert attention from the true racism. Do you support Grunwald’s tweet wanting to justify the extra-judicial killing of Assange? Or what?
I seem to have stirred up a hornet’s nest unintentionally by the use of the word ‘nest’. Not a ‘nest’ of vipers but another ‘nest’ of the Israel lobby. Nothing to do with Nazis at all.
When you see Bew, Matthew Gould, ambassadors and the others in the Anglo-Israel Association holding a gathering at the Locarno Room at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, that says a lot. I do not think that much benefit accrues to the UK from the Anglo Israel Assn – more likely to Israel.
Back to Nigel Kennedy.
The Mondoweiss link has already been put up.
I did not know that in the 30s and 40s there used to be an orchestra called the Palestine Philharmonic.
Melanie Phillips on the Nigel Kennedy concert.
Melanie Phillips @MelanieLatest 12 Aug
Good for you, @BaronessDeech. Hope other prominent and decent folk join you in protesting abuse of Proms as platform for lies and hatred.
Melanie Phillips @MelanieLatest 12 Aug
Even Vivaldi hijacked to promote lies, mind bending, hatred; Promenade concerts besmirched. No end to this obscenity. …
Sara Nathan ex BBC and C4News
Sara Nathan @SCNathan 15 Aug
@joerichlaw @BaronessDeech @MelanieLatest how can tweeting about the ghastly Nigel Kennedy possibly elicit that sort of response? bizarre!
Nice ladies.
@ Mike from Edingburgh. You are so right Mike, they do not deserve being paid by us anymore, they have no respect for British people, human rights or informing us, they are stooges, mouthpieces of a bygone era.
about time to stop them getting paid, not talking to Nigel Kennedy, because you might be afraid what a British violinist has to say to you, is enough of a reason to stop paying the license fee.
Thanks for the petition link,FJ, its done!
I meant that I’m in Edinburgh…:) bevvy Mike? I’m off again on wed.morning.
@ Nevermind (12h08)
“” namely that immigrants from the Indian sub-continent and their UK-born descendants are not distributed equally throughout the UK but are to be found in concentrations.”
And who designed these ghettos, made out that it was a good idea to group them all together, due to their language and culture? who designed this non integration?”
You are deviating from the subject, which was the uneven distribution of Welsh speakers(and, following on from that, Urdu and Hindi speakers). But never mind, Nevermind, I shall answer your question in the interests of enlightening you, which is something you’re sorely in need of.
The answer to your question is : no-one but themselves. It is well-known – and, I’d say, rather normal – that immigrants go to areas where (1) there is work, (2) there is cheap(er) housing and (3) where there is already a community of their predecessors.
No evil master plan, no satanic state, no rascist conspiracy, so do please stop your drivel and focus. If you have nothing useful or insightful to say, just Klappe zu!
BTW, why do you call me Moishe, Adolf?
John: “Do you support Grunwald’s tweet wanting to justify the extra-judicial killing of Assange? Or what?”
That would go down in history as one of most mindless, sick comments ever made by a journalist. Maybe he wants a follow-up drone to hit Horrids (aka Harrods) too?
Look re your remark its very simple: you don’t like Habbabkuk > you then term him to be a Jew and suggest someone might bump into him in a synagogue > thereby, you linked your dislike of Habbabkuk to a dislike of Jews. QED
Its very subtle: you’re taking sides. You’re an Islamic sympathiser. You like Muslims and defend them, and you don’t like Jews. Why do you have to get into all these man-made religions at all? Why not be free of all this i like this and i don’t like that. Why not think out the Truth and Beauty of Life and the Universe directly so that you have direct insight of the Sacred and leave behind your biases which only cause conflict?
I am sure you have been ‘fighting’ racism most of your adult life. But fighting is conflict and from conflict can only come more conflict. Besides i don’t know about your conditioning while growing up. Have you met with it and wiped it out with self-knowledge so you live with complete clarity?
I do visit Edinburgh regularly, Nevermind, and I’m not averse to a pint or three. But it’s a no-can-do I’m afraid. Otherwise, aye. Enjoy the festival.
I’m sure most of us know, but it’s always worth another plug. It’s what I call proper news.
No wonder the mainstream is struggling, when it doesn’t even mention the possible murder of the mother of a future monarch!
Perhaps one day other pivotal events in the recent past will also be subject to renewed scrutiny…