I had excellent news from my cardiologist yesterday. Ready to think about other things now. I am horrified by the continuing stream of ” royal” baby hype on television. Truly pathetic – is this 1313 or 2013? Who buys into this nonsense?
I thought the Lib Dem take on Trident missiles was hilarious. This small group of islands does apparently need to retain the ability to wipe out one third of the urban population of humankind, as a defence against something undefined – possibly people we invade getting too annoyed about it – and in order to increase our “influence” in the World. As we plainly have less influence than the Germans, who don’t feel this need for the power of obliteration, I do not quite see how this works. Nor do I see Pakistan, which does have nuclear weapons, as very influential. Nor do I quite understand how our influence can be increased by possessing something under effective American control. But there you are.
Anyway, the Lib Dems have come to the intellectually scintillating conclusion that we do need this world shattering power, but we don’t need it on Wednesday or Thursday afternoons or on Saturday mornings, which will be cheaper. Brilliant, and plainly does not dodge any big ethical or practical questions at all.
“Just as Qadyanis contradict universally accepted parts of Islam, to get at what they believe.” Arsalan.
As do you. As does everyone.
“If anyone wants to be grown-up in their thinking, they really have to abandon childhood fairy-stories about cloud-beings and dark fiery pits.” Glenn.
I agree with Glenn and on a mythopoeic level, also with Rabia al Basri (C8th poet):
I carry a torch in one hand
And a bucket of water in the other:
With these things I am going to set fire to Heaven
And put out the flames of Hell
So that voyagers to God can rip the veils
And see the real goal.
Thanks for the link to the Navalny article. A thorough and interesting read –
Whilst there, I followed a link from a commenter, Alexander Mercouris, to his informed opinions on the legal aspects of the Pussy Riot case and appeal. Also very thorough and interesting –
Suhayl Saadi
21 Jul, 2013 – 9:25 am
quilliam have said exactly that.
Well it seems the only people who say that happen to be Zionists themselves?
Islamist is a new made up word, used by people who hate Islam. It is used to make racist feel good about themselves.
In the post people used to say “they hate Islam”, when that is what they mean. Now since the invention of that word, they can simply say, “I hate Islamism”.
Islam does talk does guide at the state level, it is very strange that you have to use a recently made up word to decribe someone that obeys these rules. That is something even you yourself can’t explain.
When it comes to Qadyanis, who other then themselves accept them as Muslims?
Just as christians, are not Jews. They believe in a subsequent Prophet, the Jews reject. And Muslims are not Christians, for believing in a subsequent Prophet Christians Reject. Qadyanis are not Muslims for believing in someone they call a Prophet that Muslims reject.
Qadyanis are loved by Zionists for their Zionism, they were loved by the Colonialists for acceptence of colonialism, and liberals for their secularism. But when it comes to Muslims, they are not part of us. That isn’t an insult. If Muslims make up 25% of the population 75% are not Muslim. Qadyanis are part of the 75% who are not Muslim.
When it comes to YOUR Islam, when the commands related to state, and others that relate to individual worship but contradict your liberalism are rejected as Islamism. I’m not surprised that your Islam accepts people that accept a Prophet After Mohummed pbh as Muslims. It Must, because your Islam must be a very lonely place without them, seeing as you reject anyone that accepts the parts of the Quran that talk about state as Islamist.
The charmer Crosby has a low opinion of ‘Muslims’ as he put it.
‘David Cameron’s controversial new campaign chief, Lynton Crosby, was in a fresh row last night after a leading Tory peer said his foul-mouthed rant against Muslims could be seen as ‘racist’.
Former Conservative deputy chairman Lord Ashcroft told friends that outspoken Australian Mr Crosby’s remark about ‘f****** Muslims’ was a major error of judgment.
‘The danger is that other people will see it as racist,’ Lord Ashcroft was heard to comment at the Spectator magazine parliamentary awards lunch at The Savoy in London. ‘Some people may assume he means effing Muslims, effing blacks and all effing immigrants and will not appreciate that Muslim is a religion not a race.’’
This morning on Marr Agent Cameron kept repeating that he had not been lobbied by Crosby on cigarette packaging. He would not answer the question ‘Have you discussed it with your adviser Crosby’. Crosby represents Philip Morris et al.
Back on topic:
“I am horrified by the continuing stream of “ royal” baby hype on television.”
It looks like the Queen is in agreement with you, Craig. When asked by a ten-year-old whether she hoped it would be a boy or a girl, the Queen replied,
“I don’t think I mind. I would very much like it to arrive. I’m going on holiday.”
Still, at least we can look forward to plenty of hype here about how there is too much hype over it all!
“Focus on Tories not fucking Muslims”
“Focus on fucking Tories not Muslims”
“Fucking focus on Tories not Muslims”
Some people just put it in front of everything.
Hasbarista, thanks.
In this context, I understand such an analysis of a black person’s “colour” as a substitute for discussing his or her class relations with (black) society. As I white person, I am more comfortable using the language of class, but if that is what you mean, then I agree with you.
Obama doesn’t have much in common with the genuinely poor in the US, though I think he has at least acknowledged that poverty does disproportionately fall on the black population. However, he is rather like Cameron: well spoken, background of education and privilege, and good at appealing to the masses whilst concealing a conservative agenda. So, yes, a fraud.
Interestingly, when you said “Chicago cabal”, I first thought you meant the Chicago Boys, a group of US-trained neoliberal economics advisers who rewrote (and destroyed) the Chilean economy when Pinochet was installed in 1973. This would be a sentiment we would share, which would recognise that, even up to the present day, US military and economic imperialism is alive and well, even under its “change” candidates.
However, I think your reference was intended to mean AIPAC. Well, certainly US politics has been hugely poisoned by large donors – Big Pharma, tobacco manufacturers, agribusiness and GM interests, nuclear power and other energy companies, the arms industry, lobby groups, PR companies and front outfits – and extremely wealthy individuals wishing to garner influence.
Arsalan says that AIPAC are a Zionist lobby group, and I agree with this. They are a powerful organisation, without doubt, and that presidents of various stripes have felt the need to make a speech at their annual conference prior to election brings to mind British PMs fawning in front of Murdoch to attract the support of his newspapers. Both are an odious affront to a free democracy – they are the naked purchase of votes for favour.
There are two points I’d like to make about America’s relationship with Israel, in the context of Zionist lobbying groups.
The first is that we should avoid any analysis that says Jewish people control the world, or are its overarching and greedy usurers. That there are wealthy and/or powerful Jewish people is not proof of secret cabals or the validity of ancient racist memes that prove the Jews wish to dominate the world, or indeed that they have some quasi-spiritual capacity to do so.
It is perhaps the case that the Jewish people have received extra political accommodation as a result of the holocaust, a view that Norman G. Finkelstein propounds in his writings. As a non-Jewish person, even I pause for the purposes of carefully choosing the words “political accommodation” – not to avoid charges of racism from the lazy right, but because I too wonder if I need to be more accomodating. It is a difficult balance. The holocaust was a dreadful event, and is of such enormity – like the institution of black slavery – that its solutions and catharses will soothe and aggravate as they forever oscillate between under- and over-correction.
My second point is that the relationship is not at all one-way. Israel’s security situation makes it a prime target for the military-industrial complex and other large state-commercial interests. Also, where the US promises to be a “good friend to Israel” and “staunch ally”, the remote state becomes an instrument through which American hegemonic interests can be projected around the region. Again, this is highly symbolic of the invisible hand of late-stage capitalism.
Thus, we have no need for explanations of “Jewish money” – such arguments should be firmly rejected – since the problem is not really to do with race or religion, even though they are involved. As Suhayl points out, there is a feedback loop of permanent war capitalism, which has been engineered to worsen throughout the thirty years of the neo-liberal experiment. Peace and dialogue is bad for business, but fomenting tribalism and maintaining Middle Eastern dictatorships fuels it greatly. It is critical for such a system that it falls well outside of democratic control; as I noted on my PRISM piece, no well-informed citizenry would vote for such a dreadful invention, anywhere in the world.
Someone, thanks there mate, it is horrific, unfuckingbelievable!
You are not far off the facts there, Theodore Herzl the founder of it all, initially was trying to convert all of the Jews into Catholicism. Later, after Balfour give away bonanza changed his mind. Among his friends were luminaries such as Jan Smuts the founding father of apartheid.
The Yanks are bombing the Great Barrier Reef now. But not to worry…’the bombs posed “minimal risk or threat to the public, the marine environment or civilian shipping transiting the reef area”…
Puts this joke into context.
Believe it or not…this is the transcript of an actual radio conversation between a US naval ship and Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October 1995. The Radio conversation was released by the Chief of Naval Operations on Oct. 10, 1995.
US Ship: Please divert your course 0.5 degrees to the south to avoid a collision.
CND reply: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.
US Ship: This is the Captain of a US Navy Ship. I say again, divert your course.
CND reply: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course!
CND reply: This is a lighthouse. Your call.
*Note: USS Coral Sea (CV 43) was decommissioned and scrapped 2 July 1993.
Obama is ‘claimed’ by the Chicago Jewish News here. Chapter and verse.
OBAMA AND THE JEWS: A look at why some Jews love him and some don’t trust him; and at the key role Chicago Jews played in getting him to where he is
By Pauline Dubkin Yearwood (10/24/2008)
As for Netanyahu’s token gesture of releasing some Palestinian prisoners, in the BBC coverage of the upcoming ‘peace’ talks in Washington, Ms Kim Ghattas (who has travelled thousands of miles with the departed Shillary over all continents*) omitted to tell us, like so many other BBC staff reporters, that there are over 7,000 Palestinians in Israeli prisons including children. Nor did she mention the ethnic cleansing being carried out or any of the other atrocities the Palestinians and the Bedouins are experiencing.
* http://www.csmonitor.com/Books/Book-Reviews/2013/0320/The-Secretary-A-Journey-with-Hillary-Clinton-from-Beirut-to-the-Heart-of-American-Power
Mary writes: “The Yanks are bombing the Great Barrier Reef now.”
What the Sky article actually says: “The pilots tried to minimise the damage by releasing the devices over deep water of more than 164 feet (50 meters) and away from coral reefs, officials said. All four bombs were inert and so did not explode.”
The Harrier pilots were forced to jettison their unarmed load on realizing they were too low on fuel to land on their Carrier.
Quite how Mary translates this into “Yanks bombing the Great Barrier Reef” I do not know, but a little anti-Americanism probably helps.
So Hastings was getting close to “Endgame”. Apparently a CIA/NSA connected team of top class intrusive hackers with oodles of zero day exploits. Just the sort of people you don’t want anywhere near your car. Or anything else for that matter.
Don’t think I’ll visit their website.
Sad to see this once fit young player taken over by the dreaded C2H5OH. He is hardly recognizable.
To the US apologist above
Sky headline reads Great Barrier Reef Hit By Four US Jet Bombs
BBC headline reads US jets ‘bombed’ Great Barrier Reef
Guardian headline reads
Bombs dropped on Great Barrier Reef marine park
Senator asks ‘have we gone mad?’ after US planes jettison four unarmed bombs in training exercise gone wrong
etc etc
Alex Salmond will not be appearing for a photo op with the winner at Muirfield today.
Cameron joins criticism of Muirfield for men-only stance
PM agrees with Nick Clegg that clubs such as Open venue are out of step with times, while Harriet Harman calls for a ban
I don’t care what the headlines say, Mary. They are almost as misleading as your “Yanks are bombing the Great Barrier Reef now”.
“US apologist”???
This wasn’t gung-ho Yanks using the Great Barrier Reef as a bombing range – it was necessary to jettison the (inert) bombs, which landed in deep water away from the Reef, so that the aircraft would have enough fuel to make it back to their carrier. Presumably you would prefer the aircraft to crash? Perhaps if they crashed you would be claiming, “Yanks deploying kamikaze attacks against coral reef now”.
“Believe it or not…”
I think I’ll opt for not then.
To talk about the control that Zionists have over the world, or AIPAC has over America does not mean Jews control the world.
The Jewish person on JSA has no control over the world.
The Jewish land lord who someone might rent a house from has no control over the world.
The Jewish shop keeper we might buy from has no control over the world.
Jews that clean our cars, fix our drains, paint our houses or clean our gardens have no control over the world.
Attacks on AIPAC are attacks on AIPAC.
Attacks on the Neo-Cons are attacks on the Neo-cons.
Attacks on Israel are attacks on Israel.
Attacks on Zionism are attacks on Zionism.
Attacks on the bankers are attacks on the bankers.
None of these attacks have anything to do with attacks on the Jewish religion, or people who follow that religion.
If people wanted to attack the Jewish religion or the people that follow it, they would attack it the way you and SS attack Islam.
They would invent words such as Jewism and Jewist, make a distinction between them and Jews. They will state people who want to judge themselves by halaka law are not Jews, but Jewists. Just as they say people who want to judge themselves by Shariya are Islamists.
They would say all Jews who believe in the parts of their book that talks about governance are evil, but that does not make them anti semitic because they love secular ones.
[If our previous exchange is anything to go by, Mary will now go completely off-track and tell me I hate the poor and disabled!]
Arsalan, I agree entirely with your first three paragraphs at 2:24pm. My above post was not intended to be a thinly-veiled attack on you, in case you took it that way. We have had some anti-Jewish racially charged statements made here, which have been struck out, and I wanted to make my view clear on that.
I’ve not once attacked Islam on this site (or indeed anywhere) and repeatedly suggesting I have does not make the charge more true. One-party, Sharia-courts and theocratic rule by force is what I have criticised on the other thread. That, I believe and hope, is not Islam.
Reading the ‘Arsalan and Fedup’ combo posts recently is like listening to a session with a gospel choir:
“He will come down and save you!”
“Yessir, he will!”
“He will lay his hands upon your bosom and will take yar bosom into his”
“Yessir, he will do that!”
“He will lay his palm upon your brow and take away all yer sins”
“Ah feel his hand, Lord, ah feel his hand!”
“He will tell ya to reach down into your wallet and take out a $10 bill”
“$10 bill, he will!”
Must be the heat. It’s renders unto one’s mind, a Deep Southern cadence.
“… your liberalism…” Arsalan.
I’m not a liberal. I’m a Red under the bed.
@ Anon (12h45) re the “bombing of the Great Barrier Reef”
Excellent post, Anon – it is always good to set the record straight by giving the facts in order to expose the carelessness and/or misleading nature of some commenters’ posts.
Your post clearly exposes (1) that the original post contained material inaccuracies (the bombs were dropped in deeper water and not on the Reef) and (2) that the original post might have misled (whether intentionally or not), in that (a) it did not mention that the bombs were inert and (b) it gave the impression that the act was deliberate (“Yanks are bombing”).
I would appeal to all commenters to be a little more careful about how they post because we do not want this blog to fall into discredit through the actions of a minority.
US warplanes drop four 550lb inert bombs on the world’s largest coral reef stretching well over 2000KM in length.
Big Fucking Deal.
We’ve heard it all now. Israel trades weapons and military training for African states in exchange for taking unwanted refugees.
Israel to Sign Guns for Refugees Deal With African States
Flaming June
21 Jul, 2013 – 11:39 am
“This morning on Marr Agent Cameron kept repeating that he had not been lobbied by Crosby on cigarette packaging. He would not answer the question ‘Have you discussed it with your adviser Crosby’. Crosby represents Philip Morris et al.”
“I did not have sexual relations with that woman”
(Bill Clinton on Monica Lewinsky)
“He has never lobbied me on any of these issues”
(David Cameron on Lynton Crosby)
But they do! Ever since 1948 it has been so. The wankers who are hiding behind the Jews are too comfy to snipe at anyone who questions the fucked-up results of their handiwork, by accusing all and sundry to be anti-s….!
Jon himself is on record; As a non-Jewish person, even I pause for the purposes of carefully choosing the words “political accommodation” – not to avoid charges of racism from the lazy right
So much for Freedom brand! We are Free so long as we do as they say (they of course will be misconstrued as the “Jews” and in no-time some little shit will pipe up and start the anti-s… rant)! Simple fact is, the wider world has been snookered by its best of intentions, and we are now walking on egg shells daring not to speak in case we are taken for anti-s…. Poor David Ward MP is an anti-s… too not forgetting bishop Desmond Tutu who is another one! As the Wiesenthal centre lamented the “calumny of Desmond Tutu”! Jenny Tonge is yet another anti-s… and even more so, she is a Muslim loving terrorist sympathiser;
Because as we all “know/understand/” suicide bombers all want to go and shag fucking seventy two virgins in heaven and they are not desperately disenfranchised, marginalised, hopelessly oppressed, people who have reached the end of their tethers and have no other means of making a stand against the oppressive ziofuckwits that are raining; white phosphorus (chemical weapons), Dime (Dense Inert Material Explosives), and flechette rounds on their families and friends on a routine bases. Moreover these hopeless and oppressed victims are further marginalised and disenfranchised by portraying these victims of oppression as deranged religious zealots who are intent on killing themselves for a shag in heaven! (there you have it, this will be now misconstrued as glorifying “terrorism” too, and fuck knows what other charges will be added on top of the original charges of anti-s…, Jenny Tonge was lucky she was only sacked and not rendered to Gitmo)
Anyone who thinks other than the officially ziofuckwit sanctioned narratives then is an anti-s…. and a terrorist enabling scum-bag who ought to be sent to Bell Marsh. This is the Freedom brand that is on offer direct result of the “political accommodation”, that in effect is de-accommodating the rest of us, and sending us all into the political cardboard city (might as well be in fucking Australia, because none give a shit or care about our thoughts, unless to divine these as criminal and deviant, then bang us into a cell in the pleasure of her madge!) lest we commit “Tropes” and offend the delicate sensibilities of certain tribe (don’t mention the name it is anti-s…. too).
No shit Sherlock and when anyone tries to give a break to those poor bastards (mainly Muslims) caught up in a world of shit of not their own making. Immediately the intervention is portrayed as a the rantings of a “Muslim Fucking Fundamentalist” Note not an orthodox/ultra orthodox Muslim but a “fundamentalist” Muslim (regardless of the actuality, because as we all “know” those bastard Muslims lie about their “intentions” all the fucking time). What is in a word? Everyone refers to “IDF” a nik given to a bunch of vigilantes in uniform that have offence as foremost on their minds, but hey it is neo-times, neo-normal times, get on with the “Zeitgeist” or you are a ………….. (fill as mood takes you and as per the “advice” of the ranting man on the telly)!!
Compliments from the Medialensers to Ed Murray for his e-mail to Ms Lyse Doucet, from the same BBC stable as Ms Kim Ghattas whom I mentioned earlier.
Lyse Doucet: John Kerry…a third party is necessary to get them to negotiate directly…short email
Posted by Ed on July 20, 2013, 11:50 pm
Lyse Doucet as usual prattling on about the US being the “third party” like they are some unbiased, independent arbitrator instead of the facilitator and bankroller of Israel crimes.
Ms Doucet,
in your online report: “Can Israeli-Palestinian talks achieve breakthrough?” you sate: “But US Secretary of State John Kerry has proven again that a third party is a necessary condition to get them to negotiate directly.”
When are you going to cease with the insulting canard that the USA is some sort of unbiased, independent arbitrator in this conflict?
Only a couple of days ago, the new U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, loudly proclaimed: �America has a special relationship with Israel…I will stand up for Israel and work tirelessly to defend it…I commit to you wholeheartedly to go on offense as well as playing defense on the legitimization of Israel.�
She also supports and reflects the US position on giving Israel a UN Security Council Seat, the very UN in which the US voted against Palestinian statehood last year.
You state: “Everyone knows, roughly, what must be done. But can all sides now do it?”
You know what really needs to be done? Influential journalists like you should tell the bloody truth about the American role in the Israel/Palestine conflict and stop presenting them as honest brokers when in fact they facilitate the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands and the resulting crimes against the Palestinian people.
The USA bankrolls this to the tune of billions of dollars every year.
Some “third party”!
Ed Murray.
The piece in question. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-23391352
‘But US Secretary of State John Kerry has proven again that a third party is a necessary condition to get them to negotiate directly.’
Messrs Gould and Fean have been to inspect the ‘cockroaches in a bottle’*. The stopper is on the bottle.
Palestinians in Gaza feel the Egypt effect as smuggling tunnels close
The Egyptian clampdown on black market trade, a lifeline for Gaza’s 1.7m population, is causing vital supplies to run low
*When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle.”—Rafael Eitan, April 14, 1983
The Lone Ranger rides in to save our Village from the evil of microfacts running rampant and uncontrolled. I just have one question, was it the LR or Tonto who wore the mask? This is a pressing question and I demand it be answered post-haste.