Gently Back Into the Water 823

I had excellent news from my cardiologist yesterday.  Ready to think about other things now.  I am horrified by the continuing stream of ” royal” baby hype on television.  Truly pathetic – is this 1313 or 2013?  Who buys into this nonsense?

I thought the Lib Dem take on Trident missiles was hilarious.  This small group of islands does apparently need to retain the ability to wipe out one third of the urban population of humankind, as a defence against something undefined – possibly people we invade getting too annoyed about it – and  in order to increase our “influence” in the World.  As we plainly have less influence than the Germans, who don’t feel this need for the power of obliteration, I do not quite see how this works.  Nor do I see Pakistan, which does have nuclear weapons, as very influential.  Nor do I quite understand how our influence can be increased by possessing something  under effective American control.  But there you are.

Anyway, the Lib Dems have come to the intellectually scintillating conclusion that we do need this world shattering power, but we don’t need it on Wednesday or Thursday afternoons or on Saturday mornings, which will be cheaper.  Brilliant, and plainly does not dodge any big ethical or practical questions at all.





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823 thoughts on “Gently Back Into the Water

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  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    Villager; I remember when the Eagles broke up and later were asked when they would do a reunion concert…”when Hell freezes over’

    So in ’95 when they toured it was called… guessed it…..’The hell freezes over’ Tour, so don’t worry, it’ll happen, and that’s one reason they went to the WH. Old egos don’t die and they don’t fade away either.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    I saw that concert and Joe Walsh was in great form. The rest just played the CD. I go to concerts to hear some improvisation. It was in Blockbuster Pavillion in San Bernardino or San BERDOO as
    recounted in this CCR.

  • Villager

    Interesting story Ben and here’s CCR again. Lets celebrate the Full Moon

    The energy reminds one that the world is not such a bad place after all. Its each of our energies that shift the atoms of consciousness! Reminded of Marlin Brando in The Last Tango saying this is “my Hap-penis and your Happiness” !! I love the french accent. So, reminded of another one of my favs

    Enjoy! Love IS a state of BEING! That reconciles the whole world for me…

  • Villager

    Habby thank you for your [snipped] comment.

    Jon, pray, where were you when all that shit was being poured on Habbabkuk. You should take my cue and apologise to him, as i have done. I’m tempted to rake up all that stuff and re-post it here as an embarrassment to all you dissidents crying against injustice. I won’t do it because its not my style.

    Btw, i don’t believe either of Habby’s or Anon’s remarks were an ‘attack’ at all — please revisit the meaning of the word. Really a little bit of vinegary-stuff gets you snipping — you can not be serious.

    And again, roots and branches and all-that-stuff where did the word ‘acidic’ emanate from this evening — clue:7.30pm. No problem about that. Please stop being so over-protective of Mary. Reminds one of bureaucratic health and safety stuff one see’s in this oh-so-touchy world today.

    As for Habby, i respect him for having maintained his own dignified-classy way he handled himself through those muddy waters. Besides his cutting-intellect and the associated scepticism (which i know troubles more than a few) which comes with it, he has a great sense of humour. Bottom-line is has he harmed this blog in anyway — i think on the contrary you’ll find that he (and Anon) have raised the level of the debate. So why not ease off a bit? Add to that, Mary gives as good as she gets so why ‘protect’ her so especially. Btw, did you see how she asked me if i were here in 2011? Ever-so-subtly claiming her special-platinum-loyalty-card upgrade status. Very subtle.

    Another thing, Habby was the first one i read here to suggest a ban on unparliamentary language and he pretty much sticks to it.

    Its time to ease off when people like me start feeling we’re in the old USSR! Not good, not good at all. The objectivity of the blog is at stake.

  • Sofia Kibo Noh

    @Villager. 1140pm

    “The objectivity of the blog is at stake.”

    WTF do you mean?

    How do you propose to stop comments being subjective?

    Why am I writing this at all?

    I’ll leave the last word to Mark Twain.

    “Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”

  • Villager

    “Habbabkuk (La Vita È Bella!)
    21 Jul, 2013 – 10:30 pm
    I would like to award today’s “Foul-mouth Award” to Fedup, whose post at 16h02 today contained the following:

    little shit
    shag fuckers (sic)
    ziofuckwits (twice)
    fuck knows what
    fucking time.”
    Thanks for highlighting Habby. Splendid stuff! If this is the new permissive society, i’m happy to jump back in the freezer with the rest of the cubes.

    Dazed and confused.

  • Villager

    “WTF do you mean?

    How do you propose to stop comments being subjective?”

    Don’t be a dim-wit, i’m talking about moderation being objective. Next time ask politely.

  • fedup

    Jon, when I saw the “objectivity of the blog being at stake”, nearly lost my bladder control in a fit of laughter. Then I thought best to cut some slack, seeing as you have your hands full.

    I am not ignoring your earlier post or agreeing with it. However for the time being I have pepped myself up with Ratt, and Rammstein, thanks to the Fiest cue, and I am enjoying a pint of hizbuttahrir approved cider (it his crystal clear and has a crisp taste)*.

    * A geeky joke, for those linguists.

  • Sofia Kibo Noh

    Villager. 11 58pm

    I’m sorry you find Fedup’s strong language is worthy of comment rather than the points he makes. So, to help you, I have cleaned up his last post.

    You will surely agree, now that it’s cleaned up, with the points he makes.

    “None of these attacks have anything to do with attacks on the Jewish religion, or people who follow that religion.

    But they do! Ever since 1948 it has been so. The nice Zionists
    who are hiding behind the Jews are too comfy to snipe at anyone who questions the results of their handiwork, by accusing all and sundry to be anti-s….!

    Jon himself is on record; As a non-Jewish person, even I pause for the purposes of carefully choosing the words “political accommodation” – not to avoid charges of racism from the lazy right

    So much for Freedom brand! We are Free so long as we do as they say (they of course will be misconstrued as the “Jews” and in no-time some nice Zionist will pipe up and start the anti-s… rant)! Simple fact is, the wider world has been snookered by its best of intentions, and we are now walking on egg shells daring not to speak in case we are taken for anti-s…. Poor David Ward MP is an anti-s… too not forgetting bishop Desmond Tutu who is another one! As the Wiesenthal centre lamented the “calumny of Desmond Tutu”! Jenny Tonge is yet another anti-s… and even more so, she is a Muslim loving terrorist sympathiser;

    The leader of Britain’s Liberal Democrat party, Charles Kennedy, has sacked his children’s spokeswoman, Jenny Tonge, because of comments she made about suicide bombers.

    She’s been widely condemned for telling a pro-Palestinian lobby group she might have become a suicide bomber herself if she’d lived in the Occupied Territories.

    Conservative Party spokesman on foreign affairs, Michael Ancram, said the comments would “sicken those across the world who have lost loved ones to suicide bombers”.

    Because as we all “know/understand/” suicide bombers all want to go and shag fucking seventy two virgins in heaven and they are not desperately disenfranchised, marginalised, hopelessly oppressed, people who have reached the end of their tethers and have no other means of making a stand against the oppressive nice Zionists that are raining; white phosphorus (chemical weapons), Dime (Dense Inert Material Explosives), and flechette rounds on their families and friends on a routine bases. Moreover these hopeless and oppressed victims are further marginalised and disenfranchised by portraying these victims of oppression as deranged religious zealots who are intent on killing themselves for a bit of nooky in heaven! (there you have it, this will be now misconstrued as glorifying “terrorism” too, and lord knows what other charges will be added on top of the original charges of anti-s…, Jenny Tonge was lucky she was only sacked and not rendered to Gitmo)

    Anyone who thinks other than the officially nice Zionist sanctioned narratives then is an anti-s…. and a terrorist enabling rotter who ought to be sent to Bell Marsh. This is the Freedom brand that is on offer direct result of the “political accommodation”, that in effect is de-accommodating the rest of us, and sending us all into the political cardboard city (might as well be in fucking Australia, because none give a shit or care about our thoughts, unless to divine these as criminal and deviant, then bang us into a cell in the pleasure of her madge!) lest we commit “Tropes” and offend the delicate sensibilities of certain tribe (don’t mention the name it is anti-s…. too).


    fomenting tribalism and maintaining Middle Eastern dictatorships fuels it greatly.

    No excrement Sherlock and when anyone tries to give a break to those poor people (mainly Muslims) caught up in a world of shit of not their own making. Immediately the intervention is portrayed as a the rantings of a “Muslim Fundamentalist” Note not an orthodox/ultra orthodox Muslim but a “fundamentalist” Muslim (regardless of the actuality, because as we all “know” those not very nice Muslims lie about their “intentions” all the time). What is in a word? Everyone refers to “IDF” a nik given to a bunch of vigilantes in uniform that have offence as foremost on their minds, but hey it is neo-times, neo-normal times, get on with the “Zeitgeist” or you are a ………….. (fill as mood takes you and as per the “advice” of the ranting man on the telly)!!”

  • Villager

    Thanks Sofia, now that you’re playing secretary, perhaps you’ll give me an executive briefing summary if at all you want to tempt me. I already said i PassBy his ‘posts’. My comment was in response to Habby’s highlit observation. Enjoy your narrative dissembling. Night night.

  • Sofia Kibo Noh

    @Villager.12 36pm

    You want an “executive summary?”

    It’s only 54 bloody lines?

    I think I’ve messed with Fedup’s post enough. He makes his points clearly.

    What you you think he/she has got wrong?

  • Nextus

    @Villager (23:40): well said, but I would add a couple of qualifiers. I don’t think Jon is being heavy-handed or showing particular bias. In most cases, he’s not censoring or filtering, just trying to keep order.

    Equality doesn’t mean treating everybody exactly the same way. Successful moderating requires some judgement about how people are likely to react. Habby evidently isn’t easily offended (except on behalf of absent others), and he even relishes a feisty lashing of tongues – the perpetual campaigns to twist his name into gross vulgarities amply demonstrates that you can call him pretty much what you like and he’ll bounce back undaunted. On the other hand, Flaming Mary’s feelings are easily wounded by insults, implications or word-play. Now, if H is deliberately trying to provoke her, it makes good sense to snip those contributions, but not necessarily vice versa. H is not easily provoked.

    Ideally, both interlocutors would learn their respective lessons (i.e. stop trying to provoke, and stop filling the blog up with snidey O/T news bulletins). Maybe the discussions could then develop in an environment of peace and mutual respect. But I’m not sure we should really be aiming for some hippy Utopia. This blog is about political activism, which is by its nature controversial and provocative. There’s nothing wrong with a bit of well-aimed banter between dissenting adults – watch Galloway vs Hitchens, for example.

  • Sofia Kibo Noh

    “Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.”
    Groucho Marx

    Goodnight all.

  • Villager

    Nextus thank you for sharing your observations. A couple of days or so ago, Mary had raised the question of what non-commenters of the blog might think of the comments section. Your sort of response (though i recognise your name from earlier so recognise you as one, perhaps not as addicted or otherwise regular), upstream i believe on this thread did not escape me, so i am glad that you have now expanded.

    I agree with you, Jon is primarily trying to keep order, and as a result everyone was very circumspect y’day or resisted.

    In defence of H, i’d add one more concern: its one thing to have a teflon coat when imbeciles hurl abuse, which you refuse to dignify, quite another to be associated with the stigma of having your comment snipped in what is generally considered to be a fairly liberal blog. Means it implies that the comment was really crusted nasty. There’s also a little bit of shutting the stable door after the horse syndrome, with things having evolved.

    Totally agree with your last sentence and i will pick up on the link in the morning, thanks. Now for a spot of meditation in an attempt to sleep. My long exercise walk has left me with a buzz rather than tiring me out as the stress has done through the winter. And Huxley too wakes one up rather than tranquillise.

  • Jives

    Well im very drunk…and this is a great blog.

    But i wish we could all get along better.

    I know..i very idealistic of me..but..ach…you know??

  • glenn_uk

    Hello Arsalan:

    Actually, the reason I believe it’s nonsense (the stuff about Satan etc.) is because there is absolutely zero evidence to support it. Maybe this discussion does bore everyone, so it’s a good thing they are free to skip over.

    Something, or some property of nature, did call us into existence. But whether the aforementioned actually worries about our day-to-day thoughts and actions – all billions of us – and has a very particular idea of what we are duty bound to believe and do – that is another matter altogether.

    Of course, this – creator – that called us into existence, also has an opposite number (as do all super-heros in every good story). Rolling right along, this opposite number aids your enemies, encourages evil acts, and happens to be standing alongaside everyone you don’t like.

    Your notes on various belief systems is fascinating, and shows just how astonishing it is that supposed adherents to the wishes (nay, design!) of the creator of the entire universe, have such a hard time understanding what He actually wants.

    If an almighty creator had designed the whole universe (just for our benefit!) don’t you think it would be a bit more clear what we’re supposed to do? Founding a parcel of land this way or that, or making any particular building, is supposed to be the culmination of the entire existence of the universe – seriously?? And all this rests upon the case being argued the right (inspired!) way by a branch of semi-evolved primates who are also busy destroying their biosphere? It’s astonishing that these small matters, on an undistinguished planetary system on the outer arm of just one of billions of galaxies, can weigh so heavily in the large scheme of things.

    You’re right about Zionism being a form of nationalism, colonialism and racism though. You might have forgotten sexism, and that lies at the heart of every dictatorial religion – the subjugation of women.

    You’re clearly a person with the ability to think, Arsalan. You might even be one of my Muslim friends for all I know. Surely you can see the parallels between almost all mainstream religions, and recognise it as a man-made construction to explain the unknown, to control the fearful and easily led. (Not to mention controlling them women-folk!)

  • Flaming June

    Compare and contrast.

    From Justin Welby, the AofC, we have this defence of the bankers:

    The Archbishop of Canterbury has described the naming and shaming of bankers in the wake of the financial crisis as “lynch mobbish”.

    The Most Reverend Justin Welby admitted sympathy for former bankers when hearing evidence as a member of the Banking Standards Commission.

    From Richard Rogers, the eminent architect, we have this:

    A notebook from the early 1980s, when his practice established an unusually morality-driven constitution, reads “wealth like power corrupts and provokes greed + envy = no real community can be formed”. It is no surprise, reading this, to learn that 75% of the partnership’s profits are shared, and another 20% are donated to charity. The highest-paid employee can earn a maximum of eight times the lowest. “It’s all about transparency and fairness,” says Rogers, “just like the buildings.”

    What a disappointment Welby is turning out to be.

  • Flaming June

    More on Lynton Crosby. His association with the Tories is proving rather toxic one way or another. I would remind Crosby that it is OUR NHS and that it does not and will not belong to his clients.

    ‘I did not lobby that (prime) minister.’ in the style of Doug Scorgie above. 🙂

    ‘David Cameron faces fresh questions about his election strategist Lynton Crosby after it emerged his lobbying firm advised private health companies at the time of NHS reforms.

    Mr Crosby’s company told a group of private healthcare providers how to exploit perceived “failings” in the NHS, the Guardian reported.

    Labour frontbencher Andy Burnham called it a “shocking conflict of interest”.

    A Conservative spokesman said Mr Crosby had never lobbied the prime minister.’

  • Flaming June

    Another bucketful of the stuff about Crosby.

    Laura Pitel Political Correspondent at The Times
    ‏@laurapitel 16 Jul
    William Hague says he was not aware of Lynton Crosby’s reported work for Syrian National Council.


    It’s almost funny.

  • Sofia Kibo Noh

    @Villager. 12 36am

    Here’s the “executive summary” you requested. It lacks the passion of the original, but I’m sure you agree it just states the bleeding obvious.

    1. Zionists conflate criticisms of the behaviour of the Israeli state as “Anti Semitism”.

    2. Debate about the state of Israel is hamstrung by the need to choose words carefully to avoid the same charge.

    3. People like David Ward MP, bishop Desmond Tutu and Jenny Tonge have payed the price of being vilified and labeled anti-semitic for simply telling the truth about Israel.

    4. We are fed false narratives and fairy tales to distract us from understanding the motives of suicide bombers and others who resist Israel.

    5. Thee false narratives provide cover for Israel to use an array of the most unpleasant new munitions against Palestinian people.

  • Clark

    Hello Ben Franklin, Nevermind and Jon; thanks for your concern. I’m still stuck in Wales doing emergency plumbing – I’ve solved the software problems, but the heat and the drought have really slowed me down on the plumbing. There’s no mains water at this house and both of the wells have dried up, so I drive into town every day to get drinking water and I get clean by finding a secluded stretch of river to bathe in. I can’t just drain the water system to work on it again after testing for leaks; I have to scavenge all that water because we’ve only got 1300 litre (of stale rainwater) between three of us, and fixing the plumbing won’t solve that. The weather forecast says heavy rain tonight; I’ll believe it when I see it.

    My apologies to anyone who’s e-mailed me. I haven’t checked my Inboxes for weeks, mostly because I don’t feel that I can spare the time.

    Jon, I haven’t been following matters here, but my thoughts are with you in your task of moderation. Regarding our oh-so peace-loving hippy Villager – when I was a moderator here, and Zoologist attempted blackmail upon me, Villager instantly gave support to Zoologist’s unfounded smear campaign:

  • Clark

    Never trust hippies or new-agers. Their “belief systems” are so ill-defined that they can use them to justify anything they like and to criticise anything they dislike. No rigour; nothing that can be checked, no consistency.

  • Flaming June

    This is the top of the Sky website. No other news today.

    Royal Baby: Kate Goes Into Labour
    Preparations Begin Ahead Of The Birth Of The Royal Baby
    The Duchess of Cambridge is taken through the side entrance of a private hospital in London with her husband at her side.

    Britain’s Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, look at one another after their wedding ceremony in Westminster Abbey
    Live Updates: Royal Baby On The Way

    Follow live updates as Kate goes into labour and the world awaits the birth of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s baby.

    (FILE) Princess Diana Departs From St Mary’s Hospital With Prince William

    How Newest Royal Will Take A Place In History

    A change in the law of succession means that unlike when Prince William was born the new baby will take the throne – boy or girl.
    Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge

    Baby Name: Royal Couple’s Big Decision

    The Duke and Duchess have been tight-lipped about potential baby names but they have plenty of options to draw upon – or avoid.

  • N_


    Thanks for the Dearlove ref.

    Realise that he understands PR.

    He’s playing to the Arab market, trying to keep what ‘friends’ SIS have got in that market who haven’t jumped ship to the cousins across the pond.

    Clearly doing so is going way too far for Melanie Phillips’s favourite organ. Dig his reference to the Palestinians. I recall on 911 when the major US media were reporting that the US State Department was on fire after being car-bombed and that bombs had exploded in the basements of the twin towers, the Israeli press was shouting that the BBC were saying (sic) that it might have had something to do with the Palestinians.

    File Dearlove (who played a role in the Princess Diana assassination) as the 7904th retired British foreign service or intelligence official who hints that things have gone too far with brown-nosing the Zionists. Well it’s all right for some, isn’t it?

    Note the following bit:

    My intention is that this should be a resource available to scholars, but after my decease (may be sooner depending on what Chilcot publishes). I have no intention, however, of violating my vows of official secrecy by publishing any memoir.

    I love it when they fall out with each other!

    Cyprus indeed! We didn’t hear a peep from Dearlove when the plan was to imprison hundreds of Iraqi scientists, and their families, on a hotel on that island.

    That went straight down the memory hole.

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