I had excellent news from my cardiologist yesterday. Ready to think about other things now. I am horrified by the continuing stream of ” royal” baby hype on television. Truly pathetic – is this 1313 or 2013? Who buys into this nonsense?
I thought the Lib Dem take on Trident missiles was hilarious. This small group of islands does apparently need to retain the ability to wipe out one third of the urban population of humankind, as a defence against something undefined – possibly people we invade getting too annoyed about it – and in order to increase our “influence” in the World. As we plainly have less influence than the Germans, who don’t feel this need for the power of obliteration, I do not quite see how this works. Nor do I see Pakistan, which does have nuclear weapons, as very influential. Nor do I quite understand how our influence can be increased by possessing something under effective American control. But there you are.
Anyway, the Lib Dems have come to the intellectually scintillating conclusion that we do need this world shattering power, but we don’t need it on Wednesday or Thursday afternoons or on Saturday mornings, which will be cheaper. Brilliant, and plainly does not dodge any big ethical or practical questions at all.
American ‘sage’ i’ll learn to live with that derogation.
22 Jul, 2013 – 2:24 pm
Dear all,observe the sync of the sayanim singalong above aka “The Israeli narrative”, would put the miss-stepping five dancing israelis in the NY car park to shame!! Only the bass from Villager is missing otherwise the esayanim ensemble is in fine fettle, almost wish I could add to their annual $2,000 stipend!!”
Jon: “During this past week, we’ve held debate with religious and non-religious supporters of Islamic fundamentalism, and I think discussion may be pending with Hasbarista, who is normally prone to making statements here that are deleted for their anti-Jewish content. These debates are important, and I invite you to join in.”
Dear Jon,
Thank you, but no thank you for your invite to join in. As you can see above i have a prior invitation which i chose to ignore.
You are losing the plot and throwing the baby out with the bath water, e.g. Habby’s very valid point about computations and Gazan water. Also, by the time you finish there won’t be any humour left either, e.g. my point to Mary about water-boarding.
Everything was going fine until Mary started getting all excited and emotional, egotistic reactions which personally to me were water off a duck’s back, and i would’ve ignored. But you CHOSE to overreact and go snipping all over the place. Keep telling you that the pendulum is swinging the other way but for some reason you won’t listen to your customers preferring to believe you know what is right. Reflect and take it easy!
PS how did you miss Hasbaristas earlier post above or do you usually wait for our ‘heart and soul of blog’ Mary to appeal to you first? Why not give her a chance to grow up in grace, learning to ignore on occasion?
1- Can we use Islamic orthodoxies and Islamic ultra orthodoxies instead of fundamentalism that is a retrogressive label freely thrown around, change must start from somewhere.
2- My contention is only the Political Islam can offer organic solutions to the endemic/systemic problems of the swaths of indigenous people who have little say in the way of self determination. This due to the West evidently bombing the civilised/Christian into the lives/minds/hearts of these savages/fundamentalists/Islam-ists.
3- There is a singular failure to acknowledge the same bunch of fuckwits and tosspots who made the fight against Communism a mission objective and got on with murdering millions of people due to the domino effects, are now busy fomenting another mission statement; fighting the Islam-ists and Fundamentalists.
4- To foist alien theories of organisations and political schools of thought on the people who have been subject to exploitation of the Western Plutocrats and their proxies set up as the local leadership characters, and call it concern and liberalism is beneath contempt.
Good to see you blogging again Craig and glad you’ve recovered
“And where do you think Africans in the favelas of Nairobi get their water from? Their Franke stainless steel kitchen sink? And they don’t cook with natural gas or electricity either.”
Yes, Gaza isn’t the only place in the world with a water shortage, just the only place in the world with a water shortage while their next door neighbours have swimming pools in their gardens.
I am having a hoot here!!!
Jon Now that your “Insolence”, questionable “Impartiality”, and “crossing the line” has come to light, I hope you will go and find a couple of ostrich feathers and beat yourself silly and then write a hundred lines of “I am a bad, bad, bad, mod” (I cannot write for the laughter)
Well this is the reward for being patient and not blocking these characters, these cyber settlers verily believe they actually have a right to this blog, and can fuck around without getting pulled on it.
Now these cretins are still having a dig whilst addressing you, intent to complain to Craig.
Now that you are damaged for life, after a pretentious tosspots derogation, how long do you have to lie on the analysis couch before you can muster enough will to make a cup of tea and dunk a biscuit again?
ziofuckwit, It is not Palestine to force people to genuflect to your imperatives, you don’t like it fucking tough, “get over it”!
These critics here whining about Jon clipping the more insane and diversionary of their output might do well to reflect that their very existence here is testament to Jon’s perhaps overly balanced approach. That doesn’t mean that Jon is always correct, but it does mean that Jon is always srtriving to do the correct thing in the circumstances. And that honesty and diligence is so important, yet something I find signally lacking in most of these critics.
I thought the appeal to Craig was amusing.
I’d like to appeal to Craig that the fecker and its variants and hangers-on be banned forthwith, for crimes against the free flow of human discourse.
Fred :
“Yes, Gaza isn’t the only place in the world with a water shortage, just the only place in the world with a water shortage while their next door neighbours have swimming pools in their gardens.”
If that’s what you think, I advise you to visit Nairobi or Johannesburg (I’m using ‘neighbours’ in the same loose sense as you are).
And you haven’t been paying attention. Kempe has demonstrated (with some computational input from me – deleted by Jon) that Palestinian per caput annual water consumption (83m³) compares very favorably with that of the UK (range of 45m³ to 100m³ depending on region).
Further information on the “concentration camps” of Gaza and the West Bank (thank you, Jon, I’ve followed your advice and looked them up myself so you have no excuse to delete – more available of you like):
Infant mortality (deaths/1000 live births)
Gaza – 16
Brazil – 19,83
South Africa – 42,15
Kenya – 42,18
India – 44,6
(1) Youth literacy rate 15-24 yrs, 2005-2010
West Bank – 99%
Brazil – 98%
South Africa – 98%
Kenya – 93%
India – 81%
(2) Adult literacy rate 15 yrs and older, 2005-2010
West Bank – 95%
Brazil – 90%
South Africa – 89%
Kenya – 87%
India – 63%
And this understates my original point, which was a comparison of the “concentration camps” with the favellas of Brazil and their equivalents in India and Africa.
So let us have lesss of this stupid talk about “concentration camps”, shall we?
@ Ben Franklin :
“American ‘sage’ i’ll learn to live with that derogation.”
I think the illustrious American whose name you use mastered the English language rather better than you seem to: “Live with that DEROGATION”? 🙂
Try “derogatory” followed by an appropriate noun.
Alternatively, smoke a milder weed.
der·o·gate (dr-gt)
v. der·o·gat·ed, der·o·gat·ing, der·o·gates
1. To take away; detract: an error that will derogate from your reputation.
2. To deviate from a standard or expectation; go astray.
To disparage; belittle. See Synonyms at decry.
[Middle English derogaten, from Latin drogre, drogt- : d-, de- + rogre, to ask; see reg- in Indo-European roots.]
{dero·gation n.}
Sage is an herb used as incense in Native American ritual. It is noxious and not meant to be smoked.
“totally shocked at the Guardian”
“totally shocked at the Guardian”
I’m not.
Wow! Post-o-mania! Somebody really got under habbakuks skin!
Love to be a fly on the wall when they wheel the first Likudnik genocidaires into the Hague with blankets on their knees, wobbling their heads around to look extra pathetic and Gustav-Kruppy for the aw-shucks clemency play.
This one for Jon – in the bag!
Telegraph Road – Mark Knopfler – Live 2005
They’re still trying to keep the lid on the bungled false flag attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi which resulted in the deaths of four Americans, but the story refuses to go away. Hilary Clinton and her presidential election team must up their Prozac intake with every news bulletin.
Benghazi was an FU from CIA to Obama. But he lacks the fortitude to inquire, A Node.
I favour the theory that it was intended to have been a popularity raiser for Obama. Some Libyan agents were to ‘attack’ the embassy and take Stevens and staff ‘hostage’ and Obama would mastermind a daring ‘rescue’. However, the anti-American feeling in Benghazi led to a real mob joining in the attack …. oops!
But whatever the explanation, there can be no doubt it was skulduggery, there’s a cover-up, and Hillary is in it up to her presidential candidatorial neck.
Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!) 22 Jul, 2013 – 8:52 pm
What they’re covering up is Paula Broadwell’s intently-ignored pillow talk report that the Benghazi site housed disappeared prisoners. You’d think someone in the press would pick up on that, since disappearance is a per se violation of the Convention Against Torture, on Obama’s watch, revealed just in time for a quadrennial review by the Convention against Torture. So not only is Obama looking-forward-not-back in breach of CAT Article 12; Obama is in fact maintaining a worldwide US torture gulag constituting a crime against humanity in universal jurisdiction. CIA put him neck-deep in the same jeopardy as Bush to make sure he doesn’t rat them out when he retires.
Jon: I have hesitated a while before weighing in on your moderation efforts, because you surely have enough opinions to weigh up already.
Habbabkuk does have a point, and states it pretty well. It’s often arguable and I may not like it. That’s all the more reason that I should hear it. So do a good few other posters. But I don’t get to know what they are any more, unless I refresh (and keep) their contributions before you decide that I shouldn’t be troubled by them, because you deleted them to protect us.
Has Craig now decreed that posters here should keep their comments constrained to certain topics, with a certain bent, or they get deleted? Getting rid of obvious pests is one thing, but moving to line-item editing/deletion of posts on a blog like this is simply indulging in a power-trip.
Remember that even trolls got tolerated, then warned, then banned by CM after blatant disruption. Even then, he didn’t demand their posts be deleted immediately. You’ve taken this role way too far, in my estimation. This has become the approved comment section according to one person only – yourself. This IS NOT a blog about whether Jon approves the comment. If it has become such, then it is truly worthless – you disrespect CM, and should get your own blog.
This used to be an incredible free-rolling comment section, now it’s got to pass the “Jon Filter”. I would really have appreciated knowing what the “[Jon/ Mod: Deleted]” comment was, that you saved my fluttering heart from having to witness.
Come on, FFS – we’re not all wilting flowers here. Save the “[Mod: Deleted]” for flagrant violations, and don’t worry – it’ll be obvious when they are needed.
You’ve already seen off more than enough decent contributors here, Crypto being just one. And don’t give me this tired “Well, if I’m pissing off everyone I must be something right” BS. You are going too far, and have been for a long time now.
If you’re trusted with mod’ing this blog – delete the spam, cut down the trolls. But let the blog itself flow, you are currently ruining it. Or do you see this as your blog now?
the samantha cameron is not behind husband’s syrian policy story looks a bit contrived to me.
same goes for the pretense at talking about peace talks between israel & palestinians.
the first would seem to play on folks who don’t like david, in an attempt to bring them onside for an attack on syria.
the second is too reminiscent of bush’s announcement of a two-state solution in 2002, which went nowhere naturally , but, at the time, made it look like the west was not against muslims per se, while preparing for the illegal attack on iraq.
call me cynical.
Israel – 4.03
“If you’re trusted with mod’ing this blog – delete the spam, cut down the trolls. But let the blog itself flow, you are currently ruining it. Or do you see this as your blog now?”
Why shouldn’t he? Every bugger else seems to.
@Jon – Its simple really, that this blog has a wide following and influence is not unknown. It follows that there have to be assigned professional hasbaratti within the existing esayanim ensemble of habba,anon,giles,resdiss,krishnamurski,etc, and not only on just a $2,000 annual stipend. The problem is how do you sort out the genuine sayanim with their right to free speech including propounding the Israeli “narrative”,from the trained disrupter? But a prat-zel may be easily spotted in a sea of matzos ! A well honed dershowitzian cunning is the dead give away – witness habba argument that the israeli water share includes agriculture, but conveniently forgetting the same also applies to the Palestinian share, and proportionately even higher!
ZimmerMan is being recast as SuperMan
Zimmerman Rescues Family From Truck Crash
George Zimmerman, the man acquitted of the murder of Trayvon Martin, has emerged from hiding to rescue a family trapped in an SUV.
The arrival of the royal babe is being militarized before he’s one day old. Gun salutes and I assume this is a RN ship and crew.
Last night the local church bellringers were at work!!
Dempsey is rowing back from military intervention in Syria. Note that his reappointment is being considered. He will probably get the chop.
Syria conflict: Top US general outlines military options
The Senate is currently considering re-appointing Gen Dempsey for a second term in his job
Syria conflict
Syria’s civil war within a civil war
Meeting ‘heart-eating cannibal’
Harsh justice
Fragmented future?
The top US military officer has outlined the costs, risks and benefits of possible American military involvement in the Syrian conflict.
Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen Martin Dempsey offered five military options, including limited strikes and establishing a no-fly zone.
But he said using force in Syria would be “no less than an act of war” and could cost the US billions of dollars.
Washington has so far ruled out military intervention in Syria.
Not only the Palestinians have had their land stolen, it is intended to cleanse 40,000 Bedouin people from their land too.
Video: Bedouins resist Israeli plan to expel 40,000 and “Judaize” their land
Ali Abunimah on Sun, 07/21/2013 – 14:39 http://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/video-bedouins-resist-israeli-plan-expel-40000-and-judaize-their-land
The Prawer plan – http://mondoweiss.net/2013/07/video-the-prawer-plan-what-you-need-to-know.html
The US Army is the only US institution where the organised jewry do not hold sway(remember Barksdale)in America. However the forces of Satan have come up with a cunning plan to short circuit the WASPs in control of the physical army, cyberwarfare is beyond the Dempsey fuddy duddies. Lani Kass & Co will start a digital war with GI Joe forced to follow up physically afterwards. The pieces on the chess board are being placed as we speak, a crypto as AoC, David Milliband on apprenticeship in the US,etc.
Flaming June – it’s on, it would seem, and i feel like crying:
22 July Reuters – Exclusive: U.S. congressional hurdles lifted on arming Syrian rebels
President Barack Obama can go ahead with a plan for the United States to arm the struggling Syrian rebels after some congressional concerns were eased, a key Republican lawmaker said on Monday.
“We believe we are in a position that the administration can move forward,” House of Representatives Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers told Reuters…
Committee sessions on arming the rebels are classified and have been held in secret. Senior government figures like Secretary of State John Kerry have briefed lawmakers behind closed doors to persuade them to back the White House’s Syria strategy. Rogers said he still had “very strong concerns” about the plan’s chances of success…