Gently Back Into the Water 823

I had excellent news from my cardiologist yesterday.  Ready to think about other things now.  I am horrified by the continuing stream of ” royal” baby hype on television.  Truly pathetic – is this 1313 or 2013?  Who buys into this nonsense?

I thought the Lib Dem take on Trident missiles was hilarious.  This small group of islands does apparently need to retain the ability to wipe out one third of the urban population of humankind, as a defence against something undefined – possibly people we invade getting too annoyed about it – and  in order to increase our “influence” in the World.  As we plainly have less influence than the Germans, who don’t feel this need for the power of obliteration, I do not quite see how this works.  Nor do I see Pakistan, which does have nuclear weapons, as very influential.  Nor do I quite understand how our influence can be increased by possessing something  under effective American control.  But there you are.

Anyway, the Lib Dems have come to the intellectually scintillating conclusion that we do need this world shattering power, but we don’t need it on Wednesday or Thursday afternoons or on Saturday mornings, which will be cheaper.  Brilliant, and plainly does not dodge any big ethical or practical questions at all.





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823 thoughts on “Gently Back Into the Water

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  • John Goss

    KingOfWelshNoir (2.08 pm) and Sofia Kibo Noh (passim) thanks so much for the entertainment.

    KingOfWelshNoir I’ve been meaning to buy one of your novels which I’ve dipped into with relish. I’m sure the collection is thoroughly entertaining, and Aberystwyth being a seaside town, with which I have family connections, in which dark humour is begging to be given its birth, especially with that ski-lift thing, or whatever it is, going up the face of the mountain. When (if) I get through my current reading list I shall be onto the case. I confess laughing out loud at the darkly absurd is a personality defect, but I read through Auberon Waugh’s stuff with some enthusiasm, so I realise I’m afflicted with this peccadillo, and therefore must learn to live with it, even embrace it, as some people must live with my peccadilloes and embrace them, or even me.

  • Fred

    “Apart from showing that Israel infant mortality is at Western European levels – for which it is surely to be congratulated, is it not?”

    Israel is occupying Palestine. Two sets of people in the same country one of which has an infant mortality rate four times the other.

    If coloured people in Britain had an infant mortality rate four times that of white people would you be congratulating our government?

  • Passerby

    the Ukrainian student Pavlo Lapshyn

    He is a post graduate student. That makes his crimes even more disgusting, because he knowingly and with ruthless premeditation went about killing and blowing up.

    What is his religion? So far no mention of his affiliation or religion. As we have become accustomed to; the cat breaking wind, that is followed by the “Islamic dressed cat, weapons of mass destruction, and oh the humanity of our heros, twix and marsbars.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    ” But let the blog itself flow, you are currently ruining it.”

    It is messy and cryptic when the posts are deleted, but the intent, glenn, is to keep the flow which suffers when the acrid back-and-forth ensues. It’s difficult to post something worthy of discussion when everyone is all heated up and bothered by a few whose goal is either to get the attention they feel they deserve, or pure disruption. It’s unfortunate that there are some good points to be made by the commentator in question. If he were patient and didn’t incite an answer, those points could be discussed in depth by any who wish to engage. We might disagree on the meaning of free speech, but are we all subject to an absolute interpretation, because that’s what it feels lkie.

  • Komodo

    Fred – just to amplify a little:

    Israel – 4.07 deaths per 1,000 live births
    “A combined estimate is not available for West Bank and Gaza. West Bank’s infant mortality rate is 14.47 deaths per 1,000 live births; Gaza’s infant mortality rate is 16.55 deaths per 1,000 live births.”

    Noted in:

    Ultimate source (cited):

    But, of course Gaza isn’t part of Israel, and it’s their own fault for not being allowed building materials or indeed anything much.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    worth a read.

    “The essence of the Postinfromational is as follows: information loses its essence and ceases to be information. It no longer conforms to the existing definitions of information and turns into un-information. The meaning of “post-” is not just chronological, it is also semantic. Society loses its awareness first of complex hierarchical information and then any information at all.

    Everybody is talking, but nobody is listening because listening to the speaker is hierarchy. One could try to predict how this will develop in the future. Some time later we will arrive at the stage of Everybody is making demands, but nobody is carrying them out. And the final stage will be Everybody is talking, but nobody can understand.

    Welcome to the Postinformational!”

  • arsalan

    You were the one being the racist.
    And like a typical Zionist, when you are accused of being racist, you accuse the accuser.
    Just as Zionists kill palestinian babies and say they are the victim of terrorists attacks from that child.

    I don’t know what your race is, I don’t want to know. No one wants to know. No one said any racist insults against you at all.
    What happened is you said some racist things, and we called you a racist.
    If you don’t want to be called a racist, stop being one.
    The solution to being called a racism isn’t to accuse the one accusing you as the Zionists have been doing for a very long time.
    Over use means it stops working.
    Now when Israelis kill palestinian children. People call them racist because of that. And the Zionists scream Anti-semitism, Racism, Holocaust, you are the new hitler, palestinian children throwing stones at them when we shoot them is worse than what hitler did to us, or what ever else they have over used. No one pays attention anymore.
    Over use wears it out.

  • Sofia Kibo Noh

    @Ben. 4 11pm

    Thanks for the link.

    In a postinformational age a person “will still react to clear danger such as gunshots or sirens, but cannot discern the more subtle signs of danger.”

    “The media is forced to provide the mass person with what that person wants and make the information comfortable.”

    I got half way thru then realised I was skimming cos I’ve got stuff to do. So I’ll come back tonight and first thing read it in the way it deserves.

    Thanks all.

  • doug scorgie

    Will the new Royal baby be circumcised? (I hope not, poor thing).

    “Within a few hours of the royal birth, Jewish representative groups were falling over themselves to present their loyal congratulations.

    We can expect rabbis of various persuasions to refer to this auspicious occasion in their Shabbat sermons. And gifts with a distinctly Jewish flavor will surely follow.”

    “When the “young pretender,” also known as Bonnie Prince Charlie, sought to overthrow the Hanoverian George II (1745), there was panic on the London stock market – and Jewish bankers again came to the rescue.”

    “It was also thanks to the Hanoverians that the custom arose of having royal sons circumcised by Jewish mohelim.”

    The late Reverend Dr Jacob Snowman circumcised Prince Charles in 1948.

    “Whether the new royal prince will be similarly serviced remains to be seen, but is already the subject of much debate.”

    “This German circumcision ban is an affront to Jewish and Muslim identity”
    Giles Fraser

    “This German circumcision ban is an affront to Jewish and Muslim identity.” No it is not. No child should ever be subjected to physical abuse for any reason. That statement goes without saying in civilised communities.

    Circumcision (male or female) is child abuse; unless the procedure is medically indicated and carried out by a competent (qualified) medical practitioner.

    The practice of male or female circumcision for traditional or religious reasons has no legitimacy and is ethically and morally wrong.

    Female circumcision, in theory, is the removal of the clitoral hood (foreskin) without damage to the clitoris.

    In reality the clitoris is damaged or destroyed and in many instances is deliberately destroyed in some cultures.

    Historically, these procedures were carried out in primitive settings, by tribal elders using a sharp stone. Mutilation of the clitoris was common. It is carried out to this day in numerous Muslim countries (mainly in Africa) even in hospital settings for religious reasons.

    The same happens to male victims in Africa when the sharp stone used to perform this ritual in tribal areas, or the scalpel of a surgeon in a modern hospital, slips and cuts off the tip or the whole glans of the penis.

    In some Jewish communities (including in the US)[and UK] the person trained in the practice of circumcision (a mohel) sucks the male baby’s penis after the foreskin has been cut and removed.

    To me this is not only a deliberate wounding of a child but also sexual abuse.

    There is no justification for allowing these practices to continue on religious or cultural grounds in any country. No one has the right to damage a child.

    Doug Scorgie

  • Dreoilin

    Your avatar makes me think that that will be a mug of tay you can stand the spoon in, taken in your cabin by the fitful light of the sod fire that’s in it. Tell me I’m wrong. Enjoy. — Komodo

    Thanks Komodo. No, you’re not wrong. And you can also, if you wish, picture me in my Kerry shawl (a gift from my son) which is a wonderful, light but warm, garment that I wear almost all the time. Sometimes against the chill, sometimes just for comfort.

    Thanks for putting poor Komodo right. How has he survived such a musical past at all?

    I have no idea Sofia. Their musical pasts here (not everyone’s, but some) seem to have involved all sorts of drugs. Maybe that explains it? 😉 😉 😉

    if you should find a link to an Irish stew you approve of, that would be lovely. Thanks!

    Here you go, Villager. There’s all sorts of talk on the net about the original recipe, what it was and what it wasn’t. I’m sure it was originally made with mutton and not lamb, but many of us also make it with beef. (And the latest trend of course, is to add some Guinness to the beef version)

    Another says he would like me banned. Yes I get it. That would mean no Israel/Palestine posts.

    I don’t think so, Mary. You’re not the only one who posts about Israel/Palestine.

    Prior to November 2012 when Habbakuk/Habbabkuk arrived, things here were relatively peaceful. I hope that is noted.

    You’ve told us that numerous times now. But I think it should be said that while peaceful, it was also a place where 95% or more of commenters agreed with each other. And so, rarely had to justify themselves or what they wrote. Witness your anger when you’re asked to justify anything. You act like it’s beneath you.
    Disagreement is healthy, in my book.

    You cannot justify Israel’s theft of Palestinian resources by saying “well other countries do it.” – Doug

    Indeed. Or portray Gaza as something it’s not, by constantly pointing to places that are supposedly worse.

    Why not read the debate that Suhayl and I had with Arsalan? Despite severe abuse, racism and provocation, neither myself nor Suhayl lost our tempers.

    True, Jon. Very true.

    I’ll catch up again later.

  • AlcAnon

    Mossad Bender

    23 Jul, 2013 – 12:34 am

    Fascinating. So either Geller is

    1) A genuine psychic “spy” with the ability to knock out unfriendly radar systems for Israel, wipe floppy disks for the CIA, locate secret installations, disarm nukes by telekinesis, remotely read the mind of US biowarfare experts, oh and bend spoons as well.

    2) Or perhaps Geller is an entertainer turned Mossad (double-)agent who may have simply performed conjuring tricks aided by like-minded individuals along his path to fool the gullible, while he infiltrated… well everything and anyone it seems.

    Geller cooperated with the filmmakers, and attended the premiere. But he was apparently somewhat conflicted about the result: “I didn’t realize that Vikram was going to do such a thorough job of tying all the loose ends… making that the little hints I dropped throughout my career were real,” Geller told The Independent.

    For viewers outside the UK

    If you believe in psychic powers, I suppose he could be both a genuine psychic and a secret agent. Which seems to be what most reviews of the documentary think it is suggesting.

  • technicolour

    Geller’s been saying he was CIA since Jon Ronson’s The Men Who Stare at Goats (2004) – great, mind-bending read btw.

    Thanks again, Jon. Glen, it became mind-numbingly dull, you know.

  • NR

    I stick this here just to stick a stick in the hornets’ nest.

    I also committed the high crime and misdemeanor of the 21st century, I LOLed, not ROTFLMFAO, just a plain LOL. Nonetheless, an insensitive, inappropriate hoot not meeting community standards. No plans for an apology.

    If the above meets Anon’s (of the scary blue sunnies) standards for a rabidly anti-Semitic remark, go ahead and buy another punnet from Israel.

    NAS1: What’s a punnet?
    NAS2: Don’t know. They’re conspiring to import them from Israel and maybe Palestine too. Can’t take a chance. Retarget the drones. (pause) Noooooooo!
    CIA1: Sorry. Too late. I started typing Crai and it auto-completed Craigslist.

  • Flaming June

    Dreoilin You have a habit of keeping something going instead of letting it die down. I do not get angry when asked to justify myself nor do I get angry about trivia but obviously react when under fire and/or when I am insulted. I also get angry about injustice and lies and seek justice and truth. I think you would agree that the majority of my posts are about Palestine for that reason.

  • A Node

    Uri Geller is a magician, and not a very good one at that. If he really had psychic powers, he wouldn’t confuse the issue by employing crude conjuring tricks in his performances. I can say with certainty that I have seen him do so.
    He does however, enjoy the support of the media. Their willingness to hype him and his ‘powers’, whilst never questioning whether they were genuine is very suspicious. This ‘documentary’ claiming his powers are genuine could be dismissed as a publicity stunt, but I doubt anybody would involve the Mossad in a stunt without their permission. This leads me to the conclusion that it suits the Mossad (or other organisations) to have people believe that his powers are genuine. Why that might be one can only speculate.

  • AlcAnon


    There are interviews with former CIA, US military, etc about that period (goat-staring and all the rest of it). But there’s loads more than that in the documentary. The makers even managed to get Benjamin Netanyahu to appear on camera to say a few words about his close friend Uri Geller.

  • AlcAnon

    A Node,

    The program itself doesn’t really make an ultimate conclusion. Geller himself acknowledges in the film that he is aware that some in the US agencies he worked with were of the opinion he was a Mossad double-agent. Apparently some even were convinced he had implants to help him perform certain tricks while others were complete believers.

  • fedup

    is a magician, and not a very good one at that

    I turned over the channel soon as he made an appearance right at the beginning. I am sure plenty of others did the same, hence the hype that is continuing, our license fees buying the best shit on the telly, that no one cares to watch.

  • John Goss

    AlcAnon, the secret services are renowned for misinformation. Anybody believing that Uri Geller shit needs help! It’s just another BBC programme!
    Wake up world.

  • A Node


    If I can see that Geller uses conjuring tricks to bolster his psychic credibility, so can the CIA. Therefore the CIA didn’t really ask him to use his ‘powers’ on their behalf. Therefore the double-agent stuff is crap also.

    What I find interesting is :
    why a 2nd rate magician was hyped to such heights in the first place
    why in all the intervening decades he’s never been exposed as a charlatan
    why he feels free to use the Mossad for his self-aggrandisement.
    why there seems to be an agenda to have us believe in psychic powers

  • KingofWelshNoir

    John Goss, greetings!

    No, no it’s not a ski lift it is the Cliff Railway, an antiquated wooden carriage that trundles uphill making a noise like a garden shed having an orgasm.

    Hope you enjoy the books, mate. They are guaranteed 100% free of cringing, fawning, forelock-tugging and genuflecting to the royals. And if you hang a copy above your door it keeps Nicholas Witchell away too.

  • AlcAnon

    John Goss,

    It may be just “another BBC programme” but I found it far more intriguing than I had expected it to be. And I nearly didn’t watch it either.

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