I had excellent news from my cardiologist yesterday. Ready to think about other things now. I am horrified by the continuing stream of ” royal” baby hype on television. Truly pathetic – is this 1313 or 2013? Who buys into this nonsense?
I thought the Lib Dem take on Trident missiles was hilarious. This small group of islands does apparently need to retain the ability to wipe out one third of the urban population of humankind, as a defence against something undefined – possibly people we invade getting too annoyed about it – and in order to increase our “influence” in the World. As we plainly have less influence than the Germans, who don’t feel this need for the power of obliteration, I do not quite see how this works. Nor do I see Pakistan, which does have nuclear weapons, as very influential. Nor do I quite understand how our influence can be increased by possessing something under effective American control. But there you are.
Anyway, the Lib Dems have come to the intellectually scintillating conclusion that we do need this world shattering power, but we don’t need it on Wednesday or Thursday afternoons or on Saturday mornings, which will be cheaper. Brilliant, and plainly does not dodge any big ethical or practical questions at all.
I gather that Flaming June and Dreoilin have a rather different view of the value of the Nobel Peace Prize.
Flaming June says :
“Regarding the request to sign the Nobel Peace Prize petition, would Bradley Manning accept a prize from the same outfit who awarded one to Obomber? I think not.”
Whereas Dreoilin informs us (correctly) and with seeming approval:
“Sean MacBride received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1974,…”
Just teasing, guys!
Well Habby the actual contradiction is why circulate a petition and then say ‘I think not’ . I believe her when she (Flaming Mary) says I think not 😉
@ Herbie
At 16h34 you wrote (presumably on behalf of Nevermind, who seems to have vanished) :
“Not exactly the greatest defense one might make of Israel, but then I remember that Israel makes a similar argument when presented with evidence of its crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.”
By “Israel” I take it you mean the state, the govt or some other person or body authorised to speak for the govt.
I don’t think you yet responded to my request to give a source for this alleged argument by Israel? A real source, of course – eg a statement by the govt, or similar.
Would you now like to do so? Thank you.
Check it out. Shaboroze: ‘Night and Day’. Glasgow-based leftist Pakistani commentary.
Why are you chaps so hung-up on Mary? It’s becoming a little like a school gang. Or is it some kind of troubadour thing?
Seriously, though, I borrowed them from Glenn.
Jon, hating on a public board of any personal to another comment is civil? Please cut things at their roots, not just trim the branches. Mine was a response to something, not out of thin air. Besides snip it again if you want, how do you propose to change the world without removing hate. Its related to life as much as politics.
Read again what you CHOSE to LEAVE STANDING:
“PS I hate Anon’s gravatar, or whatever it’s called, with its creepy specs. Probably chosen to imply a threat.”
THREAT? This reminds me of Ben’s metaphor of shouting fire in a cinema or whatever!
Think again, I am.
@ Jon/Mod
“PS I hate Anon’s gravatar, or whatever it’s called, with its creepy specs. Probably chosen to imply a threat.”
Please also remove this part of Mary’s post, which I consider insulting because it suggests that another commenter is threatening her.
Talking about two wrongs don’t make a right – Maybe we can rebuild
separation barrierHadrian’s wall after Scottish independence, many of theSentry towersgates through the wall might serve as customs posts to allow trade, levy taxation and detain irritating, stone throwing cheeky ‘ankle-biters’ for hours in solitary confinement.http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/The-need-to-tear-down-another-wall-of-division-30210718.html
“Interesting counterpoint you have here. I essence pondering eat of what was articulated in the post and concluded in sun you should blog more Japanese Ogg sock!”
[refashioned quasi-spam, after Anon]
Gotta get into that spam thang, man!
@ Suhayl
“Or is it some kind of troubadour thing?”
The above shows you’re a literary gent! 🙂
But I could see that from “The Valve Radio” – enjoyed it very much!
In the manner of Kamm, Aaronovitch and Rentoul, Kempe (earlier today following my post of Michael Mansfield’s message of support) dismisses as ‘conspiracy theorists’ those who seek for the truth and justice. Kempe has probably read that learned tome ‘Voodoo Histories’.
Some of us must be doing something right to have attracted all these fans.
“Why are you chaps so hung-up on Mary?”
Because the aim is not to disrupt the blog, but to support it, and ensure it really is amongst the very best political blogs in Britain, comments included.
19 Jul, 2013 – 8:09 pm
Seriously, though, I borrowed them from Glenn.
Anon, i don’t blame you, sometimes i think i need those shades to look at Flaming! 🙂
“Some of us must be doing something right to have attracted all these fans.” — Says the new political party FJFC
Suhayl, thanks. Yes, that discussion has been interesting, if not entirely productive. It may yet run, and I hope it does so; it is important. I am impressed with the cut of your bulletproof coat, anyway! I experienced some sadness around that exchange, as I felt it was emblematic of the power of fundamentalism, and the futility of railing against it. (Once my inner Zionist-Murdoch-reading-Crypto-Fascist has recovered, I might pop back in.)
Mary, don’t worry about the shades avatar – I think it is a standard Gravatar for “[email protected]” – anyone can use it afaik. Personally, I think it looks like a cartoon robber – it just needs a swag bag and a stripey jumper.
Anon – yes, Murrayistas, anti-semites, all-about-Israel, blah blah – we’re quite used to this sort of thing. If you stick around you’ll see that we’re quite capable of a good fight here, and hence do not all agree with each other (or Craig). I would be most grateful if you would engage with civil and reasoned argument, rather than persistent name-calling.
Habbabkuk – thanks for engaging where you do (and, of late, you mostly have been). However, if you make the same points repeatedly to Mary, it becomes the Habbabkuk-and-Mary show, which, I’m sure you’ll agree, isn’t desirable. My personal view (if it is of any interest) is that folks here (e.g. Herbie) are reticent to engage with you fully because they aren’t sure you’re here in good faith. If you can lay off the snark a bit (Buy Shekels, Holiday In Israel etc) you might get some more engagement.
Ooh, look – a kind poster offering bargains just for us! I’m off to buy some Ray Bans 😎
Jon: “My personal view (if it is of any interest) is that folks here (e.g. Herbie) are reticent to engage with you fully because they aren’t sure you’re here in good faith.”
Jon, the truth is you can’t know and if you follow the thread closely Habby has Herbie, even now in a corner. You missed a TKO the other day. Herbs can produce a lot of hot air.
Further, your consolation of Mary is very noble but where’s the caution on pointed emotional language?
I fully agree, Jon, and if any evidence were needed that we can all live in peace and harmony together, then this is surely it:
Cory Doctorow on MIT’s puppet show.
‘I agree with Poulsen. This is a dark day in MIT’s history. Today, the administration devalued the reputation of every student, alumnus and faculty member. The “MIT” on your resume is in danger of becoming a source of shame. MIT’s stakeholders must demand better of their administration.”
‘Parry; retreat’ Just like D’Artagnan .
” ‘Why are you chaps so hung-up on Mary?’
Because the aim is not to disrupt the blog, but to support it, and ensure it really is amongst the very best political blogs in Britain, comments included.”, Anon.
Okay. But actually, continually confronting Mary just lends added weight to her comments, no? She’s not advocating fanaticism of any sort. The more you focus on her, the more will tend to post and the rest of us then feel we need to rally round her because (whatever might be our views on what she posts), we feel she’s being singled out. And then there’s the Punch and Judy Show dynamic, as Jon suggested.
So, by trying to tackle what you see as a problem, you risk exacerbating it.
Might it not be better, if you want to optimise the content of the blog, just to post your views on this or that subject? I’m sure you’ll have a lot of knowledgeable and engaging things to say.
“I’m off to buy some Ray Bans”
Make sure they’re Warfarers, Jon. It’s the fav of spooks, at least it used to be.
Habbabkuk, at 8:14pm, today. Thanks a million! Glad you enjoyed it. It worked really well on radio, actually. Anna Magnusson produced it – like a lot of BBC Radio producers, she’s a real sonic artist, herself. They conjure up amazing soundscapes from a vast library and from the most unexpected and mundane objects, then mesh them into a coherent narrative.
Suhayl, be careful, according to Jon you are supposed to be wary in engaging with Habby. Something to do with ‘good faith’, which frankly i don’t understand.
The moderation pendulum is now swinging the other way after months of benign neglect. Frankly this pm has all just been an unnecessary storm in a tea-cup, the aftertaste of which is not very nice.
I don’t get your “the rest of us then feel we need to rally round her” at all. Why? Surely she’s experienced enough to handle herself. I really question the objectivity and independence of some commenters here — its fundamental to serious debate about grave subjects. Why is it so difficult to see the rigour that Habby adds to the sometimes lazy comments made.
Life is Good! Question it — its a living thing. Question everything!
Tony Blair Faces Criticism For George Bush Iraq War Letters, Chilcot Hints http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/07/19/tony-blair-iraq-chilcot-inquiry_n_3621716.html?utm_hp_ref=uk
“The inquiry recognises the seriousness with which any criticism of an individual is likely to be regarded by that individual and it is determined to adopt an approach which is balanced, considered and fair.”
Like Blair was ‘fair’ to the Iraqis. ‘Seriousness’ – try being blinded Chilcot by a coalition missile or shredded.
Why are you upset at the rolling stone photo Ben? Could you elaborate?
Fedup; Sorry if I left the impression. A cop with 25 years experience released a non-flattering photo and has been somewhat disciplined. People, (not me) are upset because he has an angelic face. I think the article was well conceived as an attempt to understand the motivations.
Oh I get now (short circuit, Johnny No. 5).
@A mode – Instead of telling other people what they ought to be talking about, perhaps YOU might like to talk about Navalny. Make it interesting and you might attract some responses. That’s the way it works.
@Ben Franklin – “I, too am interested Resident. I know you are capable. Go out on a limb. I won’t saw it off.”
I think you (and others) may have missed my previous post on the subject, made before the inevitable court decision (only 1% of Russian court cases result in acqitals – and that figure falls to zero when Putin and his cronies have a direct interest – even dead are not excused as the recent Magnitsky case demonstrated)
I wouldn’t be fooled by Putin’s release of Navalny for his appeal – this is just part of the game that Putin is playing – although perhaps he is just a little concerned by the sponataneous demonstration of a reported 10,000 brave Russians last night in Moscow and the impact that this might have on the Moscow mayoral elections.
All credit to those who attended the unsanctioned demonstration in Moscow many of whom were arrested by riot police for their crime and now face a pretty automatic fine of 1m Roubles. Perhaps Flaming June might take a more favourable view of the British state which allows her to attend demonstrations of her choice and even provides a subsidy to her travel costs, even if it is much reduced from what it used to be?
Rather than letting Putin play Navalny like a fish now is the time for real supporters of truth and justice to stand up and be counted in support of Navalny.