Blair and Kanye West are Prostitutes 2389


The Tony Blair House Journal (editor Alan Rusbridger) reports on Kanye West’s disgusting private performance for the Kazakh dictator and his family, and takes a sideswipe at David Cameron for visiting that country.

But peculiarly they fail to mention that Tony Blair receives US $4 million a year as a consultant to the worker murdering Kazakh dictator, and that Alistair Campbell and Jonathon Powell as well as Blair visit to give this support – which has included a behind the scenes campaign to help Nazarbaev win the Nobel Peace Prize, fortunately with no result to date.

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2,389 thoughts on “Blair and Kanye West are Prostitutes

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  • Jemand

    Doug Scorgie says –

    “Villager, it matters not whether Habbabkuk is a Jew, this is not a racist blog.”

    Maybe the blog isn’t, but you certainly are with your obsession with the cult of “race”.

    “I once suggested that Habbabkuk was a Zionist and instead of admitting or denying that charge he demanded evidence from me.”

    Do you often go around “charging” people with Zionism as if it were a crime and then think it “strange” that they put the onus of proof back on you, the accuser?

    What an arrogant little prick you are Dougie.

  • Krishnamurky

    Colin “Ice-cream Van” Powell has a chance to escape from the hottest part of Hell now! All he has to do is speak out about this evil spin emanating from the Pentagon Psyops Division, he is especially well acquainted with it. “Hyman Minsky” is all over the net/MSM urging war, that in itself should be enough proof this was a false flag with the mass well synced ranks of the Synagogue of Satan at work, yet again.
    But the dumb Romans never learn (they would kill another Son of Man again today), and now of course there is another episode of the Kim Kardashian reality show to serve as an additional distraction.

    The solution is very simple, the israeli “intercept” have to be made public BEFORE any strike. Comical Shlomo with his cousin Comical Ali, will have clearly given themselves away with an overdramatic propaganda in a bid to fool the Romans, like the concocted “auschwitz” IDF/Mavi Marmara crew conversation. Putin might also show a small Russian home video to his G20 guests, “utter nonsense” “liar” “sad” are the words he has used, he knows what he is talking about, the glum faces will be reversed compared to the Ireland summit.

    But there is a better solution, the Russians simply have to bring in a mirror resolution in the UNSC only with real PROOF (they already have it) that CW have actually been used by Chemical Bandar & Co rebels. After a US veto they go on to Iskander missile every rebel position on “humanitarian” intervention grounds as okayed in the recent ruling by our latest Lord Goldberg AG !

  • Krishnamurky

    BTW- I have archived the BBC napalm “zombie” approaching the cameraman video used to foment horror over CW attack, under the heading – Comical Ali and the BBC. Now we wait for the audio/transcripts of Kerry/Rifkind three “compelling” intercepts 1) Syrian soldier panicking to his superiors (implicating Syrian Army) 2) Syrian commander threatened with execution if he does not carry out CW shelling (Assad now responsible) 3) Hezbo underling calling Tehran handler, “Assad reckless in carrying out CW attack” (drawing Iran into the frame). All to be archived as Comical Shlomo and Kerry/Rifkind.

  • DoNNyDarKo

    I watched Samantha Power put her case forward for ignoring the UN, and the UNSC because of Russia’s veto. It made it impossible to come to US conclusions.
    F-****n Hypocritical Bastards !
    US vetos at the UN Security Council
    List of UN Security Council resolutions vetoed by the USA, 1972 – 2002
    (Russia has used their veto TWICE)
    Year: Resolution Vetoed by the USA
    1972 Condemns Israel for killing hundreds of people in Syria and Lebanon in air raids.
    1973 Afirms the rights of the Palestinians and calls on Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories.
    1976 Condemns Israel for attacking Lebanese civilians.
    1976 Condemns Israel for building settlements in the occupied territories.
    1976 Calls for self determination for the Palestinians.
    1976 Afirms the rights of the Palestinians.
    1978 Urges the permanent members (USA, USSR, UK, France, China) to insure United Nations decisions on the maintenance of international peace and security.
    1978 Criticises the living conditions of the Palestinians.
    1978 Condemns the Israeli human rights record in occupied territories.
    1978 Calls for developed countries to increase the quantity and quality of development assistance to underdeveloped countries.
    1979 Calls for an end to all military and nuclear collaboration with the apartheid South Africa.
    1979 Strengthens the arms embargo against South Africa.
    1979 Offers assistance to all the oppressed people of South Africa and their liberation movement.
    1979 Concerns negotiations on disarmament and cessation of the nuclear arms race.
    1979 Calls for the return of all inhabitants expelled by Israel.
    1979 Demands that Israel desist from human rights violations.
    1979 Requests a report on the living conditions of Palestinians in occupied Arab countries.
    1979 Offers assistance to the Palestinian people.
    1979 Discusses sovereignty over national resources in occupied Arab territories.
    1979 Calls for protection of developing counties’ exports.
    1979 Calls for alternative approaches within the United Nations system for improving the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
    1979 Opposes support for intervention in the internal or external affairs ofstates.
    1979 For a United Nations Conference on Women.
    1979 To include Palestinian women in the United Nations Conference on Women.
    1979 Safeguards rights of developing countries in multinational trade negotiations.
    1980 Requests Israel to return displaced persons.
    1980 Condemns Israeli policy regarding the living conditions of the Palestinian people.
    1980 Condemns Israeli human rights practices in occupied territories. 3 resolutions.
    1980 Afirms the right of self determination for the Palestinians.
    1980 Offers assistance to the oppressed people of South Africa and their national liberation movement.
    1980 Attempts to establish a New International Economic Order to promote the growth of underdeveloped countries and international economic co-operation.
    1980 Endorses the Program of Action for Second Half of United Nations Decade for Women.
    1980 Declaration of non-use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states.
    1980 Emphasises that the development of nations and individuals is a human right.
    1980 Calls for the cessation of all nuclear test explosions.
    1980 Calls for the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples.
    1981 Promotes co-operative movements in developing countries.
    1981 Affirms the right of every state to choose its economic and social system in accord with the will of its people, without outside interference in whatever form it takes.
    1981 Condemns activities of foreign economic interests in colonial territories.
    1981 Calls for the cessation of all test explosions of nuclear weapons.
    1981 Calls for action in support of measures to prevent nuclear war, curb the arms race and promote disarmament.
    1981 Urges negotiations on prohibition of chemical and biological weapons.
    1981 Declares that education, work, health care, proper nourishment, national development, etc are human rights.
    1981 Condemns South Africa for attacks on neighbouring states, condemns apartheid and attempts to strengthen sanctions. 7 resolutions.
    1981 Condemns an attempted coup by South Africa on the Seychelles.
    1981 Condemns Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians, human rights policies, and the bombing of Iraq.
    18 resolutions.
    1982 Condemns the Israeli invasion of Lebanon.
    6 resolutions (1982 to 1983).
    1982 Condemns the shooting of 11 Muslims at a shrine in Jerusalem by an Israeli soldier.
    1982 Calls on Israel to withdraw from the Golan Heights occupied in 1967.
    1982 Condemns apartheid and calls for the cessation of economic aid to South Africa. 4 resolutions.
    1982 Calls for the setting up of a World Charter for the protection of the ecology.
    1982 Sets up a United Nations conference on succession of states in respect to state property, archives and debts.
    1982 Nuclear test bans and negotiations and nuclear free outer space. 3 resolutions.
    1982 Supports a new world information and communications order.
    1982 Prohibition of chemical and bacteriological weapons.
    1982 Development of international law.
    1982 Protects against products harmful to health and the environment .
    1982 Declares that education, work, health care, proper nourishment, national development are human rights.
    1982 Protects against products harmful to health and the environment.
    1982 Development of the energy resources of developing countries.
    1983 Resolutions about apartheid, nuclear arms, economics, and international law. 15 resolutions.
    1984 Condemns support of South Africa in its Namibian and other policies.
    1984 International action to eliminate apartheid.
    1984 Condemns Israel for occupying and attacking southern Lebanon.
    1984 Resolutions about apartheid, nuclear arms, economics, and international law. 18 resolutions.
    1985 Condemns Israel for occupying and attacking southern Lebanon.
    1985 Condemns Israel for using excessive force in the occupied territories.
    1985 Resolutions about cooperation, human rights, trade and development. 3 resolutions.
    1985 Measures to be taken against Nazi, Fascist and neo-Fascist activities .
    1986 Calls on all governments (including the USA) to observe international law.
    1986 Imposes economic and military sanctions against South Africa.
    1986 Condemns Israel for its actions against Lebanese civilians.
    1986 Calls on Israel to respect Muslim holy places.
    1986 Condemns Israel for sky-jacking a Libyan airliner.
    1986 Resolutions about cooperation, security, human rights, trade, media bias, the environment and development. 8 resolutions.
    1987 Calls on Israel to abide by the Geneva Conventions in its treatment of the Palestinians.
    1987 Calls on Israel to stop deporting Palestinians.
    1987 Condemns Israel for its actions in Lebanon.
    2 resolutions.
    1987 Calls on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon.
    1987 Cooperation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States.
    1987 Calls for compliance in the International Court of Justice concerning military and paramilitary activities against Nicaragua and a call to end the trade embargo against Nicaragua. 2 resolutions.
    1987 Measures to prevent international terrorism, study the underlying political and economic causes of terrorism, convene a conference to define terrorism and to differentiate it from the struggle of people from national liberation.
    1987 Resolutions concerning journalism, international debt and trade. 3 resolutions.
    1987 Opposition to the build up of weapons in space.
    1987 Opposition to the development of new weapons of mass destruction.
    1987 Opposition to nuclear testing. 2 resolutions.
    1987 Proposal to set up South Atlantic “Zone of Peace”.
    1988 Condemns Israeli practices against Palestinians in the occupied territories. 5 resolutions (1988 and 1989).
    1989 Condemns USA invasion of Panama.
    1989 Condemns USA troops for ransacking the residence of the Nicaraguan ambassador in Panama.
    1989 Condemns USA support for the Contra army in Nicaragua.
    1989 Condemns illegal USA embargo of Nicaragua.
    1989 Opposing the acquisition of territory by force.
    1989 Calling for a resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict based on earlier UN resoltions.
    1990 To send three UN Security Council observers to the occupied territories.
    1995 Afirms that land in East Jerusalem annexed by Israel is occupied territory.
    1997 Calls on Israel to cease building settlements in East Jerusalem and other occupied territories.
    2 resolutions.
    1999 Calls on the USA to end its trade embargo on Cuba.
    8 resolutions (1992 to 1999).
    2001 To send unarmed monitors to the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
    2001 To set up the International Criminal Court.
    2002 To renew the peace keeping mission in Bosnia. The US of A: helping to make the world a fairer place.

  • Mary - for Truth and Justice

    Out damned spot! And Purnell, Harding and Berg from ZBC.

    How dare this dangerous psychopath, who is the one most responsible for the turmoil in the ME, pipe up with more of his views and lies and how dare ZBC give him space on their website and the use of the airwaves. He is held in the lowest possible opinion by the British people.

    Tony Blair: Iraq War made UK ‘hesitant’ over Syria intervention

    Tony Blair There is a “fundamental battle” being waged within Islam, Mr Blair said.

    Protracted difficulties following the invasion of Iraq made the UK “hesitant” to intervene in Syria, former Prime Minister Tony Blair has said.

    In a BBC interview, Mr Blair played down the influence of the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq on the UK Parliament’s decision to block military action in Syria.

    Iraq had shown that interventions can be “very difficult”, he conceded.

    But Syria, left unchecked, could become a potent source of extremists, he said.

    Mr Blair, Middle East envoy for the Quartet of the United Nations, United States, European Union and Russia, warned that without foreign intervention, “you will have an Assad-dominated state, and that means in this instance an Iran-dominated state, probably around the borders of Lebanon and controlling most of the wealth of Syria.

    “And then you’ll have a larger geographical hinterland to the east that will be controlled by various Sunni groups, most of whom are likely in these circumstances to be extreme, and you could have a breeding ground for extremism actually much worse and much more potent than Afghanistan.”

    There was no question that chemical weapons had been used in Syria, he suggested, so UK MPs had not voted against intervention because they did not trust the government’s assessment of the threat Syria poses.


  • NR

    @ Daniel Rich
    “@ BrianFujisan + NR: Unfortunately for us mere mortals, we’re not privy to anything [you know, the stuff from behind closed door and curtains]. However, if everybody keeps dragging in links to a variety of articles, we can search for the one thing that always gives lies away: inconsistencies.”

    I posted this above, “Sept 04: Kerry assured the world Sunday [Sept 01] that traces of sarin were found on blood and hair samples collected from emergency workers responding to the scene.”

    Predating that is, “Aug 25: But a second U.S. official said Sunday [Aug 25] that tissue samples were collected from the scene in the hours and days after the August 21 attack. The official says the evidence was “collected by multiple international sources” and was being analyzed in secure locations. The official would not say how the samples were collected or specify where the analysis was taking place.”

    On Aug 25 they say they have tissue samples yet on Sept 01 the tale changes to hair/blood collected from/by/on rescuers. Possibly both are true, one is true, neither is true.

    Senators McCain and Feinstein admit constituents in their respective states are heavily opposed to military action. McCain hopes opinion turns around. Feinstein regrets people are unable to see classified info she’s seen. Both call on Obama to speak to the nation and sell his plan to strike Syria.

  • Komodo

    ‘What Syria means for Britain’ will be broadcast on Monday evening at 20:00 on BBC Radio 4.

    Then you can all learn why it’s such a good thing to spend money you haven’t got on supporting people you don’t like in an indefinite conflict with a regime you used tacitly to encourage, on the basis of nebulous evidence. As you have probably forgotten.

    To feature an extended interview with Tony Blair, you lucky people. Wonder if he did it for free, lol. Previewed this morning, he reckons that his knowingly supplying false intelligence in justification of an act of war against a sovereign state didn’t affect the Commons vote on Syria. He should be at the Fringe.

  • Mary - for Truth and Justice

    NR @1.15am I am posting this again in case you missed it before. You see the psychopathic tendencies. Leopards never change their spots.

    It’s written by the co author of Counterpunch.

    Weekend Edition July 26-28, 2013

    The Blood-Soaked Resumé of a Peace Broker
    What John Kerry Really Did in Vietnam


    With John Kerry currently in full Henry Kissinger regalia, parading around the Middle East, brow-beating the Palestinians and their allies in the region and Europe into signing onto a deeply flawed peace accord that primarily serves Israeli and American interests, it may prove a useful exercise to inspect the curriculum vitae of this putative peace-maker, especially during those formative years when the Secretary of State first carved out his name in the jungles of Southeast Asia. Though Kerry has a reputation as an anti-war activist, his brief tenure in Vietnam and Cambodia was notable both for acts of casual savagery and his striking lack of contrition for his own participation in atrocities that in a rational society might easily be classified as war crimes.–JSC

    In his senior year at Yale in 1966 John Kerry enlisted in the US Navy, with his actual induction scheduled for the summer, after his graduation. Already notorious among his contemporaries for his political ambition, he’d maneuvered himself into the top slot at the Yale political union, while also winning admission to Skull and Bones.

    While George W. Bush, two years behind Kerry, was seeking commercial opportunity at Yale by selling ounce bags of cocaine, (so one contemporary has recalled) Kerry was keeping a vigilant eye on the political temperature and duly noted a contradiction between his personal commitment to go to war and the growing antiwar sentiment among the masses, some of whom he hoped would vote for him at a not too distant time.


  • Komodo

    Sorry Mary – I see you’ve already done him. Still, it seems as if the penny is slowly dropping:

    “And then you’ll have a larger geographical hinterland to the east that will be controlled by various Sunni groups, most of whom are likely in these circumstances to be extreme, and you could have a breeding ground for extremism actually much worse and much more potent than Afghanistan.”

    Hmmm, yes. It’s called Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Let’s invade them now!

  • Komodo

    Wow, Donny Darko! Thanks for the US veto list, including:

    1979 Opposes support for intervention* in the internal or external affairs of states.

    * Implied qualification: “by the Soviet Union”

    Also in 1979:

    July 3 – U.S. President Jimmy Carter signs the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul

    Plus ca change.

  • NR

    @ Mary – “Mr Blair played down the influence of the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq on the UK Parliament’s decision to block military action in Syria.”

    James Carville, Democratic Party strategist and Clinton pit bull blames Bush for Obama’s woes. The failure to find WMDs soured the public on intel and now they won’t believe our most excellent intel.

  • Mary - for Truth and Justice

    On Peter Day’s In Business on Radio 4 about UAVs, at 20 mins in, a Craig Hoyle of Flight International spoke of ‘several instances of Hezbollah militants flying drones over Israel which had taken off from the Gaza Strip.’ This was said in the context of drones delivering military cargoes. What nonsense. See how the little seeds of propaganda are planted to grow into big trees.

    Civilian Drones
    Duration: 30 minutes
    First broadcast:Thursday 05 September 2013
    For decades, unpersoned planes have been used by the military in places such as Afghanistan and Pakistan to watch the ground and deliver weapons controlled by remote pilots thousands of kilometres away. But now companies and experts are putting their minds to turning military drones into civilian vehicles that can do things cheaper and better than piloted planes. Peter Day investigates unmanned aerial vehicles and how they are already being used by farmers and the police. Also, could a drone be delivering your pizza in the not too distant future?

  • fedup

    Chinese Navy destroyer is to be sent to the Med. followed by a missile frigate and a supply ship.

  • Mary - for Truth and Justice

    Komodo I wish I could ‘do him’ with a smart karate chop across his jugular! He is the only one who provokes such thoughts within.

    Now await some preaching about evil thoughts from Villager who spoke at great pains about copying and pasting although we had a few inches of his K stuff yesterday. I scrolled on by!

  • fedup

    Is the Pentagon Prepared for East Med Gas?

    Note the sentence does not refer to the oil companies, but the Pentagon, the private security outfit for the said fucking oil companies.

    As Eastern Mediterranean gas development continues, and the region becomes increasing strategically important, it behooves the United States to plan ahead to ensure the safety not only of American personnel working in the region, but also of the energy infrastructure. To do so would not simply be to spend American resources to defend the flow of oil and gas to China, as the United States effectively does in the Persian Gulf, but rather to protect an energy corridor which undercuts and diminishes the leverage and income of American adversaries.

    Clearly Assad regime is a regime that has used WMD, and is seeking to acquire weapons that no human has ever thought of; from the alien visitors, whom in return for the water in the Med, will supply Assad with solar system destroying anti matter bombs, and even worse, than worse than, that shit weapon!

  • Daniel Rich

    @ NR,

    Thanks for the link. It also reminds me of Bill ‘I didn’t shag that bitch woman’ Clinton’s surefire proof, that resulted in ‘Operation Infinite Reach’ [1998] and the destruction of the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Sudan. In [an allegedly] retaliation for the August 7 truck bomb attacks on its embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya… LINK.

    “Critics of the attack have estimated that up to tens of thousands of Sudanese civilians died throughout Sudan as the supply of necessary drugs was cut off.”

    ^ a b Chomsky, Noam. “9-11”, Seven Stories Pres, 2001
    ^ Daum, Werner. “Universalism and the West”, The Future of War, Vol. 23, Summer 2001

    “But, hey, we do it and we’re the good guys…”

  • Komodo

    Source for the Chinese warship, Fedup? If you’re right, looks like USN Admiral Greenart has got his wish…

    The Russians are rotating their presence in the Med:
    MOSCOW, September 4 (RIA Novosti) – A new group of ships from Russia’s Black Sea Fleet will join the country’s Mediterranean task force within days, a high-ranking Defense Ministry source told RIA Novosti Wednesday.

    The task force currently includes vessels from the Pacific, Northern, Baltic and Black Sea fleets: the destroyer Admiral Panteleyev, the large amphibious landing ships Admiral Nevelsky and Alexander Shabalin, the frigate Neustrashimy, and a number of support and auxiliary vessels.

    The new group includes the large amphibious landing ships Novocherkassk and Minsk and the electronic intelligence ship Priazovye. It will relieve the current task force as soon as it passes through the Bosporus and Dardanelles Straits, which is expected Thursday or Friday, the source said.

    A high-ranking representative of the General Staff told RIA Novosti the Slava class guided missile cruiser Moskva, which is currently in the Atlantic, will arrive in the Mediterranean on September 17, adding that operational command will then be transferred from the Admiral Panteleyev to the Moskva.

    Two guided missile corvettes, Shtil and Ivanovets (Nanuchka 3 and Tarantul class respectively) will arrive in the area on September 29, the General Staff said.

    The Defense Ministry source earlier said there are also plans to send another two Black Sea Fleet warships – the Kashin class frigate Smetlivy and the Alligator class large amphibious landing ship Nikolai Filchenkov.

    A military-diplomatic source in Moscow told RIA Novosti on Tuesday Russia’s naval force in the Mediterranean Sea will not be expanded despite the worsening situation in the region. He also said Russia’s existing flotillas in the Mediterranean are undergoing routine rotations, and stressed “this is a regular rotation process, planned at the start of the year.”

  • Abe Rene

    I predict that Obama will lose the vote in Congress. There are too many against him – Democrats because they are against war, and Republicans because they are against Obama.

    If Obama does pull this off (which I doubt) it would be worthy of inspiring an episode in a sequel to The West Wing, should it ever come.

    To be honest, you probably didn’t read it here first. 🙂

  • Komodo

    Bloody hell. US backs Israel-hater!

    On CBS’s “Face the Nation” on June 2, Sen. John McCain recalled a trip he had made the week before to Turkey, and then across the border into a rebel-held section of Syria, where he met with some leaders of the Syrian rebellion.

    “So I met them,” said McCain. “General Idris, who is the commander of the military inside Syria, escorted me in and out. He’s a fine leader.”


    Mind you, this could all be a load of toss, as the original source is MEMRI – a neocon propaganda outfit with strong Israeli involvement.

  • mike

    Words fail me when it comes to guys like Blair and Bradshaw. On the BBC today, the master talks about “interventions” (corporation-speak for invading other countries) being “very difficult” because of Iraq, while, in today’s Guardian, the acoltye says the Labour Party has a “strong and proud tradition of supporting humanitarian intervention.”

    Here’s the Party’s most celebrated legacy: A million dead and four million refugees. A country’s infrastructure in ruins. A nasty regime executing political opponents. Huge rises in birth deformities where depleted uranium and white phosphorus have been used. And all of it based on lies.

    Yes, Tony, Iraq has indeed made “intervention” very difficult. Difficult also to see the humanitarianism in that list of horror, Ben.
    Death and destruction on a vast scale has been made virtuous. Evil has become good.

    “The devil can cite scripture for his purpose.”

    Well done, Ed Milliband. Last week’s vote might just signal the beginning of the end of the neocon nightmare.

  • Passerby


    They come over here and take our “puffs” and “faggots” too!

    Is there any end to this?

    Fact that the ex male has found a husband as well as converting to Islam is a real bad news for all those Muslim Haters who are always painting them as barbarians with a permanent blood lust

  • passerby

    Komodo said;

    Can someone confirm that this is the case?

    Yes the Chinese are sending their ships into the Mediterranean sea.

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