Blair and Kanye West are Prostitutes 2389


The Tony Blair House Journal (editor Alan Rusbridger) reports on Kanye West’s disgusting private performance for the Kazakh dictator and his family, and takes a sideswipe at David Cameron for visiting that country.

But peculiarly they fail to mention that Tony Blair receives US $4 million a year as a consultant to the worker murdering Kazakh dictator, and that Alistair Campbell and Jonathon Powell as well as Blair visit to give this support – which has included a behind the scenes campaign to help Nazarbaev win the Nobel Peace Prize, fortunately with no result to date.

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2,389 thoughts on “Blair and Kanye West are Prostitutes

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  • Villager

    Daniel reminds me of this:

    “”It’s like the husband whose pregnant wife is about to give birth.
    When they arrive at the hospital, the man asks her, are you sure you want to go through with this?”

    Are the Germans (europeans, France aside) asking America “are you sure you want to go through with this?”

  • Villager

    8 Sep, 2013 – 8:21 pm

    Good on you Jon. Btw, was he, by any chance, the one who posted in Habby’s name the other day. Sounds plausible. At the risk of pressing you, with your limited time, please do oblige us and clarify. Thank you for your work. I rather sense that the pendulum has found its balance now, although page 5 is around the corner.

    Daniel, my overall point is that its a field of all possibilities. Unless the UN come up with something, even though its beyond their remit, one might never know. But i intuit something interesting will come out of the UN report.

  • Macky

    “deleted seven items just now from Krishamurky, who was I think banned as English Knight previously anyway, for persistent racism)”

    Just for the record, were these seven posts explicitly all racist ? Are you 100% sure Krishamurky & English Knight are the same person, (as you appear to be less than 100% that English Knight was previously banned) ?

    Not to waste a post without providing a few interesting links;

    Remember the photos links I posted a few days ago, well it seems there is an investigation now to identify the people shown;

    Then there’s this horrifying article;

    Finally points well made by this anti-war protester;

  • Mary

    Propaganda veiled as informed commentary
    8 September 2013

    Two appalling propagandistic commentaries on Syria in the Guardian in one day. The first is by art critic Jonathan Jones on Bashar Assad’s Instagram account. Assad is assailed for the banality of his and his regime’s evil. Pictures of his wife as do-gooder, as death and destruction rage all around, are “shameless and grotesque”.
    And yet when do we ever see a similar cynicism in our mainstream media directed at the grovelling photo-shoots of Obama, Michelle and the kids – the perfect American family – as the US president reigns down death in Yemen through his drone program, or backs wars of aggression in Libya, Afghanistan or Syria? Is there something less banal or meaningful about the kind of evil that our own leaders inflict on the people of the globe? For a bit of perspective, it is worth reading Jones’ words below while thinking not of Assad but of Obama, Bush and Blair:
    The other commentary is by the execrable neocon historian Niall Ferguson (by appointment to the British Colonial Office). Ferguson is one of those establishment courtiers whose job is to sell us myths about our imperial past, designed to ensure we feel a rosy glow about our history. Memoricide achieved, he then has a sideline in selling us continuing war crimes against the Third World as the glorious proof of our superior civilisation. On this occasion, he’s peddling a military attack on Syria.


  • NR

    Korean “police action” General Macarthur said, “Old soldiers never die they just fade away”.

    Not any more they don’t. They’re all over Fox, CNN, et al, largely advocating intervention in Syria. However, Fox found one who said that there’s no point striking Syria without a clear military objective, and, “… restoring US credibility is not a military objective”. Suggested the old, “We know more than you do but can’t tell you ’cause it’s a big secret. Trust us on this” is no longer working; a mantra recited by Senator Feinstein minutes later, “If only I could show you what I’ve seen”.

    Oh, oh. Both Fox and CNN are noticeably less pro-intervention today than yesterday. The gassing vids are now sub-captioned, “Do Not Prove Bashar al-Assad Ordered Attack” and “Not Proof Beyond Reasonable Doubt”. CNN had ex-CIA man who said, “It’s possible a rogue commander launched gas attack. Does that make Bashar culpable?”

  • Idol Spekulator

    OT: Given the recent NSA/GCHQ revelations, Idol speculates that Gareth Williams found himself in a similar moral position to Edwards Snowden, but made the mistake of following internal channels with his concerns. Big Mistake.

  • Villager

    Jon, thank you for snipping that long c & p earlier. I was half going to suggest it myself as i don’t want to propagate Chinese torture on others. Anyway my point’s been made and let’s see if the recipient responds with equal awareness, sensibility and grace. She should be reminded that many websites will limit the no of characters in your post.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    “Good on you Jon. Btw, was he, by any chance, the one who posted in Habby’s name the other day. Sounds plausible. At the risk of pressing you, with your limited time, please do oblige us and clarify”
    (from Villager)

    Request seconded!


    By the way, I take some exception to Mary’s claim that my beach volley and thés dansants are made up. I’m a dab hand (geddit?) at beach volley, beach tennis (rackets) and other beach sports, I’ll have her know. And you should see me glide over the dance floor – simply divine! As the quasi-haiku says (with apologies to our now happily absent poetess):
    “If Mary’s a good girl
    I’ll certainly
    Give her a whirl”

    On second thoughts, perhaps not.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    She might spoil the good fun by breaking step and giving us all a long lecture on the evils of the West.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    “La vita è bella’

    literal translation; ‘Fanculo’

  • Anon

    Macky to Jon:

    “Just for the record, were these seven posts explicitly all racist ? Are you 100% sure Krishamurky & English Knight are the same person, (as you appear to be less than 100% that English Knight was previously banned) ?”

    A sterling defence of Krishnamurky, Macky. Well done! I will address you as “Krishnamacky” from now on in recognition of your solid support for the blog’s most honest spokesman!!

  • fedup

    “The European race’s last three hundred years of evolutionary progress have all come down to nothing but four words: selfishness, slaughter, shamelessness and corruption.”
    Yan Fu

    The West Dethroned

  • Villager

    There are the real Anons and the unreal anions, even some unknown anions….but the Real Anon is back!

  • Villager

    Thats my spellcheck doing my work for me! Anions!!! Or amybe i should come up with a theory that PRISM has taken over my laptop 😉

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    This is SHIT software, craig/Jon.

    I need a program for the anons. Any who wish to be distinguished should do so.

  • fedup

    It is difficult to know whether citizens in the West hate their corrupt governments any less than do Muslims, whose lives and countries have been devastated by Western aggression, or than do citizens of third world countries who have been impoverished by being looted by predatory First World financial organizations.

    The idiot Western governments have pissed away their clout. There is no prospect whatsoever of the neoconservative fantasy of US hegemony being exercised over Russia, China, India, Brazil, South Africa, South America, Iran. These countries can establish their own system of international payments and finance and leave the dollar standard whenever they wish. One wonders why they wait. The US dollar is being printed in unbelievable quantities and is no longer qualified to be the world reserve currency. The US dollar is on the verge of total worthlessness.

    Washington represents Israel and a handful of powerful organized private interests. Washington represents no one else. Washington is a plague upon the American people and a plague upon the world.

  • Macky

    “A sterling defence of Krishnamurky”

    Is that really what it was ?

    No wonder you hide your stupidity behind “Anon”.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    @ Anon :

    “Macky to Jon:

    “Just for the record, were these seven posts explicitly all racist ? Are you 100% sure Krishamurky & English Knight are the same person, (as you appear to be less than 100% that English Knight was previously banned) ?”

    A sterling defence of Krishnamurky, Macky. Well done! I will address you as “Krishnamacky” from now on in recognition of your solid support for the blog’s most honest spokesman!!”

    To which I would add the following observation, to demonstrate once again – although it’s not really necessary – that Macky isn’t (as Dreoilin once observed) the sharpest blade in the drawer:

    If Krishnamurky is really English Knight, then his posts should be deleted even if they are not “explicitly all racist” – the reason being that English Knight was formally banned and it is not by simply assuming a different handle that he can just unban himself.

    I hope Blunt Macky can understand that?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    @ Fedup :

    “There is no prospect whatsoever of the neoconservative fantasy of US hegemony being exercised over Russia, China, India, Brazil, South Africa, South America, Iran. These countries can establish their own system of international payments and finance and leave the dollar standard whenever they wish. One wonders why they wait.”


    “One wonders why they wait”.

    And I wonder what you are waiting for in that you haven’t yet left the sinking ship and emigrated to one of those shining beacons of hope you mention.

    Which one will you be going to, Fedup – Russia, China, India, Brazil, South America, South Africa or Iran? Do tell us!

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    @ Ben Franklin

    “This is SHIT software, craig/Jon.”

    To quote from the Book of Weed, Ben : “workman, look into thyself and blame not thy tools for the shit”

  • NR

    Propaganda strangeness. Remember the two pics of US military, their faces covered with anti-Syrian-intervention signs, that somebody posted days ago?

    Those were discredited as fakes made by Syrians and inserted on a Marine Corps recruiting site hacked by The Syrian Electronic Army, if I recall correctly.

    Today, CNN US, presents them as brand new and authentic, but posted on a “Tea Party Army” FaceBook page. They interview a military person, asking how these enlisted personnel might be punished.

    The “Tea Party Army” likely has nothing to do with the political Tea Party (I’m just guessing), but CNN implies it does, and to them that’s only a small leap to link the alleged anti-war protesters to the KKK, StormFront, the Holocaust and, Ta Da, ol’ Adolph hisself.

    @ Idol Spekulator 8 Sep, 2013 – 9:53 pm
    Agree totally with you on Gareth Williams. He’d just returned from a visit to the NSA, and previously expressed some disillusionment with MI6.

  • fedup

    Disarm zionistan of nuclear weapons

    But Israel is not advancing “peace and trust among the states of the area” because that would require ending the occupation, while Israel insists on continuing the occupation – even at the price of being stuck with the sad choice between a bomb and a military strike. The combination of counting solely on force and the addiction to the occupation has brought Israel to a broken trough.

  • fedup

    Do tell us!

    Up yours hasbawanker! There now you are told.


    Israeli Cruise Missiles Fired At Syria Destroyed by US Navy

    the Popeye ballistic cruise missile is the type used by Israel during its Dolphin submarine 5 July attack on an arms depot in the Syrian port city of Latakia that targeted a contingent of 50 Russian-made Yakhont P-800 anti-ship missiles; and the Arleigh Burke class of guided missile destroyers are the US Navy’s first class of destroyer built around the Aegis Combat System and the SPY-1D multi-function phased array radar making them some of the most feared warships in the world.

    The ziofuckwits are not going to settle down to whining, unless they start the WWIII.

  • Macky

    Habbu_Clown; “A sterling defence of Krishnamurky, Macky. Well done!”

    I refer you to my reply to your doppelganger:

    Anon; “A sterling defence of Krishnamurky”

    Macky; “Is that really what it was ? No wonder you hide your stupidity behind “Anon”.”

    If you had a pair of brain cells between yourselves, you might even work out that your own following comment is as much a “defence” of Krishnamurky as mine was;

    Habbu_Clown; “If Krishnamurky is really English Knight, then his posts should be deleted even if they are not “explicitly all racist” – the reason being that English Knight was formally banned and it is not by simply assuming a different handle that he can just unban himself.

    (The clue is in your word “if”, and note that unlike yourself, Jon the Mod is not quite sure if English Knight was actually banned or not)

    Goes without saying really, but Trolls are not too hot on logic.

  • nevermind

    Note its habit of trying to claim top spot for posting, once again, Jon, it has a canny regular habit here, bless, what transparency.

    good night and may the Zionists flame bright.

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