Gordon Brown 822

I have a guilty political secret.  I do not detest Gordon Brown.  That is such an unfashionable opinion that I don’t really expect any comments at all to agree with it.  And yes, I do realise that he went along with the Iraq War and all the other horrors of the Blair era. Interestingly, I don’t remember the question of what Gordon Brown really thought about Iraq ever being discussed; he deserves condemnation for having not tried to stop it, and perhaps he was indeed an enthusiast.  And I am well aware that the Private Finance Initiative is a terrible disaster, and that he oversaw creeping privatisation in the health services, and – worst of all – the introduction of tuition fees.

And yet I cannot dislike him.  Probably because I just know too many people who have  known him through decades, who are themselves good people, and who like him.  Around Edinburgh and Fife you will find it hard to find people who actually know him who share the hatred and contempt he seems to arouse among the political and media classes of London.

As a general rule I do not like or dislike people according to their politics, but rather according to the sincerity of their political beliefs and the goodwill with which they hold them.  I am sure Anders Breivik is sincere in his political beliefs, but those are lacking in goodwill. Sincerity is not enough – humanity and inclusiveness are also important.

There are one nation Tories who seem to me perfectly decent people, genuinely trying to do good.  I don’t hate them because their political conclusions on the best way to do good are different to mine.  Gordon Brown I put rather in the same category – I feel he was trying to do good for ordinary people, he just got it wrong.

Blair is in a whole different category again – insincere, absolutely focused on attaining personal power, and with a Messianic belief that what is good for him must be good for the World.  The Guardian is publishing some emails around the Blair Brown rivalry this week.  I don’t care and won’t read them.  But while I see Blair as quite properly damned for eternity to the seventh pit of hell, I don’t think Brown deserves anything worse than North Queensferry.

I have been in Ghana the last 20 days living in a house with no internet connection and working (extremely hard) in an office with virtually no internet connection – not enough to load WordPress.  I hope to get more chance to blog shortly.



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822 thoughts on “Gordon Brown

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  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    Anyone having trouble with cable or satellite reception/transmission? High freq channels affected. Local broadcast @ lower unphased. Magnetic interference? What the hey?

  • BrianFujisan

    Rouge Puts up a piece ( Cheers for that Rouge ) That i find interesting indeed, and i believe most of the regular posters here would as well, as the numerous reference’s to Monsanto would indicate.

    It’s also Evident on this Blog, that the Avalache of coments on Fukushima, Fracking, Climate change, ect – By Regular, Posters ( new and old ) Confirms that we are Very concerned about the mistreatment of the Earth

    RE Rogue’s Post – have been researching Exactly this subject myself only the last few days

    THEN We have This

    Villager –

    21 Sep, 2013 – 5:46 pm

    Thanks for posting that link on that Indian farm video.
    We must nurture our earth.
    Resident Dissident, hats off to you for educating our resident morons.

    Two faced Springs to mind

  • BrianFujisan


    I had come across this one – Bolivia’s Evo Morales said he will sue Obama in the international courts for human rights violations after Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro was blocked for a few hours from flying over Puerto Rico.

    I wonder if they are all worried / terrified about what happens when the u.s are in full control of the M.E

    Regards concern for the Earth

    Dreoilin, and i have Quted from the same book by Probably the most passionate voice Ever to be concerene about The Earth, and Mankind’s / Womankind’s Future – Carl Sagan…Not sure if Dreoilin’s post included this quote in Full so here it is, many poster’s readers may have read this highly evocative quote before Anyhoo, it;s certainly worth having again

    “Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every “superstar,” every “supreme leader,” every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there-on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.

    The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.

    Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.

    The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand.

    It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known.”

    ― Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space

  • Daniel Rich

    @ BrianFujisan,

    Ya, I read about PM Morales wanting to sue the US. It reminded me of what happened to him in July in Europe when France et al refused him free passage. What a sham/e.

    The World According To Monsanto – Full documentary. One of those docus that make you cringe and lose your cool. Un-flipping-believable.

    I do my best to minimize my impact on this planet, but I don’t do it to save, because that would be an insult. She has withstood the most devastating, life destroying impacts for hundreds of million years without us,so I reckon she’s resilient enough to see us pillage and plunder around the globe. I do it out of concern for my fellow human beings [not that I like them all, but you get the jest], because I, like anyone else will leave a legacy once we depart and I prefer to leave behind something good for others to live in. And then people tell me, ‘Dan, you’re so god darn naive!’ as if being naive is something really bad :o)

    As to WWII: of everybody I talked to, not a single one came up with a ‘happy’ story, because no matter what [even those joyous enough to have survived camps/warfare/bombardments] their memories were universally drenched in blood and tears. When you step away from the ‘Butcher of Baghdad’ BS and talk to ordinary Iraqis you’ll get a better picture of what is being done in ‘our’ name and it makes me want to puke.

    I want to take the wind out of the sales of the Apartheid state’s memorable yacht, without a single shot being fired or anyone hurt, but this collective madness has to be stopped.

    Fortunately, the truth seems to have the same effect on those defending the Apartheid state as holy water on a ‘possessed’ religious person.

    Oh, Jesus… Oh, God…!

    Wait a minute.

    That’s my neighbors having sex. Sorry :o)

  • BrianFujisan


    Oh, Jesus… Oh, God…!

    Wait a minute.

    That’s my neighbors having sex. Sorry

    What a chuckle Haha.

    Thanks for that Video, will check it out for sure tomorrow

    Re wars, here’s a poem i wrote, many years ago, i have already posted it here, and Mary Liked it. but again since you are new’ish here

    The Thorns Of Destruction

    Those Born
    with aims
    those thorns
    of Destruction pierce

    And some may cry
    as holocausts return
    but the world stands by
    as evil fires burn

    Sadly shaking heads
    of men grown old
    soldiers who bled
    for a World Grown Cold

    We watch the piling death
    as mighty leaders rant and rave –
    godless months of wasted breath –
    send people to the earth, in vast, mass graves

    Hard heavy years
    Like a bloody and breathless afro sky
    Or frozen ocean of world war tears
    The pain has waned, we voyeurs stand by

    As Genocide, is reapplied
    Sad,sad world of fears and hate
    worldly hearts have Ossified
    Stones wont bleed, for a millions sure fate


  • guano

    Ed Miliband demonstrates that the Zionist Bankster lobby in UK politics is no longer even trying to disguise itself. The Zio- banksters pocketed all the cash. Saudi and Qatar lent it the soot to black it up again in return for permission to make jihad in Syria, (they sent the imam over from Madina to butter up the Sufis in Birmingham last week to show what nice, caring, apke folk they really are).. and then Ed Miliband is told by his bankster minders to stop sitting on his hands and announce that New Labour is going to fix it for ya.

    The snake eyes or drooping jowls of the arch Zionist clowns Blair and Brown have been replaced by a tall, dark stranger bearing gifts, you can have your scabby bedroom back again. I want to vomit, the British people are going to fall for it again.

    Meanwhile David Cameron, Amsterdam legalised Zionist tart that he is, has started the Amsterdam legalised Zionist rape of Syria Rough sex is legal, just costs more. He is every bit as much of a war criminal as Brown and Blair and Clegg. and the other Miliband will probably turn out to be worse than his brother.

    The Ziobankers have to re-inflate the economy sometime stupid, or how are they going to pocket the value on the assets they bought from bankrupt stock?

    That nauseous little queer in the Amsterdam sex shop in fishnet tights and lipstick William Hague was whining again about Al-Shabab in Kenya, while wondering how to divert NATO weapons to Al-Qaida in Syria from Afghanistan. Look, if you fight against Islam and lose, you lose everything, Parliament Queen Privy Council, Mansion tax, everything. So you just have to join them.

  • Jemand

    Fair post, Craig.

    Politics is typically dirty. One cannot be successful in this field without getting a little dirty and sometimes a little bloody. The system attracts fools and psychopaths and voters enthusiastically support them. Some fools wake up to themselves and opt out. The psychos stay.

    Was Gordon Brown a fool or psycho? Compared to Blair, he seems to have been the fool.

  • Mary

    Mr Hague said the attack at the mall in the capital Nairobi, which has left at least 39 dead and 150 injured, was “callous and cowardly and brutal”.

    Britons ‘undoubtedly’ caught in Kenya attack, says Hague

    Agree there Billy Boy. He should know the saying ‘As you sow, so shall you reap’.

    What about the Israelis involving themselves in the affairs of sovereign countries and carrying out extrajudicial killings in Somalia?

    Israeli terror drones kill 17 in Somalia

    A long way from Tel Aviv. ie 2000 miles.

    Obama is in the frame too.
    US terror drone kills 18 in southern Somalia

    and so on.

  • Mary

    I hope that those missed out in the questioning from the new Resident Interrogator last night do not feel too miffed. I have no intention of replying to the troll.

    Komodo for some reason has raked up the issue of a smear which associated my name with a post on Stormfront put up many threads back in my absence. For the record and as I said before I had nothing to do with the post and was completely shocked and angry to read about it when I returned to the blog. It just proves how low some of the trolls will stoop.

  • resident dissident

    “Agree there Billy Boy. He should know the saying ‘As you sow, so shall you reap’.”

    First sick remark of the day – and what exactly did those innocent Kenyan civilians sow???

    (Sorry that should have been the second sick remark of the day – I have now read Guano’s eponymous posting)

  • resident dissident


    re Stromfront – I made it very clear at the time that I accepted that you didn’t make the post on Stormfront. But you now appear to be making the counter-accusation that I or one of the other trolls was responsible (and we are all one in your eyes aren’t we?) – which I resent highly. I for one will stick to the remarks which I know to be yours.

  • resident dissident

    Guano 11.01pm – very droll – so when I’m being hung from the lampost by your friends it would probably make sense not to be too picky about the colour of the rope?

  • Mary

    Somalia is of course one of the countries in Gen Wesley Clark’s list.

    ‘These seven countries were named by U.S. General Wesley Clark (Ret.) in a 2007 “Democracy Now” interview as the new “rogue states” being targeted for take down after September 11, 2001. He said that about 10 days after 9-11, he was told by a general that the decision had been made to go to war with Iraq. Later, the same general said they planned to take out seven countries in five years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran.’

    and by Oded Yinon

    ‘According to Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya in a 2011 Global Research article, The Yinon Plan was a continuation of Britain’s colonial design in the Middle East:

    “[The Yinon plan] is an Israeli strategic plan to ensure Israeli regional superiority. It insists and stipulates that Israel must reconfigure its geo-political environment through the balkanization of the surrounding Arab states into smaller and weaker states.

    Israeli strategists viewed Iraq as their biggest strategic challenge from an Arab state. This is why Iraq was outlined as the centerpiece to the balkanization of the Middle East and the Arab World. In Iraq, on the basis of the concepts of the Yinon Plan, Israeli strategists have called for the division of Iraq into a Kurdish state and two Arab states, one for Shiite Muslims and the other for Sunni Muslims. The first step towards establishing this was a war between Iraq and Iran, which the Yinon Plan discusses.

    The Atlantic, in 2008, and the U.S. military’s Armed Forces Journal, in 2006, both published widely circulated maps that closely followed the outline of the Yinon Plan. Aside from a divided Iraq, which the Biden Plan also calls for, the Yinon Plan calls for a divided Lebanon, Egypt, and Syria. The partitioning of Iran, Turkey, Somalia, and Pakistan also all fall into line with these views. The Yinon Plan also calls for dissolution in North Africa and forecasts it as starting from Egypt and then spilling over into Sudan, Libya, and the rest of the region.’

  • resident dissident

    MArk Goulding

    Before worrying about my skewed moral compass perhaps you might want to look at your own when it points to the “Lion” Assad and the positive impact it has had on Syrian children


    On the other hand you could join hands with Mr Rich and his enlightened views about children:

    “Q: ‘targeting children..immoral.’
    R: If you’re in need of an enraged ‘enemy,’ who’s willing to do the unexpected, isn’t this a ‘way’ of ‘achieving’ that goal?
    I don’t like to speak in general terms, but aren’t most of suckers for kids who would come to their rescue regardless of what their religion, color or creed might be?”

  • Daniel Rich

    Ots been confirmed that the Israeli government—working in unison with the National Union of Israeli Students (NUIS)—pays Jewish college students upwards of $2,000 per year to disseminate state propaganda online.

    Concealing their identity under an assortment of generic-sounding corporate names, NUIS teaches recruits how to smear opponents of Israel, photo-shop images, alter news reports, and muddy the water of chat room conversations with ridiculous claims.

    The NUIS approach is so complex that participants are provided with specific scripts to use on enemies, complete with details involving sensationalized accusations against enemies, divide-and-conquer strategies where one individual is pitted against another, plus a variety of distraction techniques and the marginalization of opinions that differ from the official Jewish party line. Other tactics include denying inconvenient facts, refusing dialogue by sending conversations off into absurd directions, or dishonestly manipulating sources to entrap a foe.

    “So, the student of war who is unversed in the art of war of varying his plans, even though he be acquainted with the Five Advantages, will fail to make the best use of his men.”

  • Anon

    For the record, Daniel Rich’s cut and paste above is from one Victor Thorn, author of The Holocaust Hoax Exposed.

  • NR

    “The memo thus adds 9/11-official-story skeptics to a growing list of targets described by federal law enforcement to be security threats, such as those who express “libertarian philosophies,” “Second Amendment-oriented views,” interest in “self-sufficiency,” “fears of Big Brother or big government,” and “Declarations of Constitutional rights and civil liberties…
    A newly released national poll shows that 48 percent of Americans either have some doubts about the official account of 9/11, or do not believe it at all.”

    Proof that a large majority of Americans are terrorists: To the 48% who disbelieve the official 9/11 tale, add the other categories and top off with real terrorists, and the number must approach 75%.

    The MSM is busy explaining how the Kenyan mall shooters are al Shabaab, a branch of evil AQ. No discussion of the myriad Syrian rebels many of whom are members of presumably good AQ.

    Some MSM had stories on the trial of Chinese politician Bo Xilai, whose wife murdered “British businessman” Neil Heywood. Not a hint about Heywood’s ex-SIS background or his 007 number plates or his employer.

    In 2012 politics on the left was all “The 1% vs the 99%” and the Occupy Movement. The right complained that they were engaging in class warfare. In 2013 the left and right have come together and it’s all “The hard-working middle class vs the non-working class” with the 1% forgotten.

    Is there an economist among our worthies? One who understands US fiscal and monetary policy and the mysterious workings of the Federal Reserve? Might he or she explain how it comes to be that if the Fed creates $84,000,000,000 of new casino chips each month, we need once again to increase our debt limit so we can borrow enough to at least pay interest due on what we already owe. Allegedly, if we don’t do this, we’ll default on our debts, will look like total asses, Putin will mock us, and we’ll go over another fiscal cliff, plunging the entire world into the abyss of financial hell.

    Why doesn’t the Fed just do extra keystrokes or some screen-swipes on the chairman’s iphone, however it’s done, and add enough cash to pay our interest due, plus enough to keep us going for another year without sitting by the road with beggars’ bowls?


    I would hope that one of the benefits of Scottish independence is that meddling Scots such as Brown will have their own Government in which to play and need not come down to bother the English.

    “Gordon is a Moron” is the title of a 1970’s pop song that befits Brown so well. He was complicit with Blair in those ten ‘magnificent’ years and later shown himself to be a moody, authoritarian control freak and totally out of touch with the electorate when he reached the giddy heights of Prime Minister, the incident in the Rochdale hustings referring to that “bigoted woman” who asked him a question about the economy is just one such example.

    Make your excuses for Brown all you like, personally I would put him on trial with Blair and the rest for his war crimes and secondly for his malevolence to fuck up the British economy big-time and allow the UK to become a cess-pit for all of the worlds dross who want to come to the UK. We don’t need people like Brown here, let him sod-off back to Scotland and let him stay put! Independence can’t come soon enough and you can take your Lords with you too.

  • Mary

    Just two articles on some of the ‘seed sowing;.

    May 07, 2013
    Inhuman Crimes in the Horn of Africa
    The UN and 250,000 Dead Somalis


    The UN has announced that in 2010-2012, including the Great Horn of Africa Drought period, at least 250,000 Somalis starved to death.

    Most of those who died from starvation were internally displaced persons, displaced in the main by the military invasion and occupation of southern Somalia by the UN backed Ethiopian Army and then the AU “peacekeepers”, today some 25,000 strong.

    When I last wrote about starvation in Somalia I spoke of the UN budgeting 10 cents a day for food aid to feed each Somali refugee. Its called a “budget shortfall” as in “we want to help but we just don’t have the money”.

    When I last wrote about starvation in Somalia I spoke of the UN budgeting 10 cents a day for food aid to feed each Somali refugee. Its called a “budget shortfall” as in “we want to help but we just don’t have the money”.

    Yet during this period of mass starvation of the Somali people the UN and its western overlords spent over $1 billion funding its military “peacekeeping mission” in what’s left of the country.

    $1 billion for war and 250,000 Somalis left to starve to death?




    Rev. Jeremiah Wright: “God Damn America for Her Crimes Against Humanity”
    by Jay Janson
    July 13th, 2013

    Poor Somalia and Ethiopia, after suffering invasion by fascist Italy, were used as pawns in the Cold War against a USSR that backed independence for all white empire colonies, just as President Franklin Roosevelt did, until his mysterious death.19 brought a reversal of policies toward independence movements and toward the Soviet Union, with which FDR sought friendly co-existence.

    God damn America’s deadly policy of war lord preference to good local government independent of foreign banks control, the popular Islamic Courts government, in the case of Somalia. In these two countries America, ruled by its overseas business interests, is responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands, not counting the tens of thousands who have perished in war related famine and US drone attacks. Another tens of thousands have been maimed.’


    and many more about Somalia on those two websites.

    Just a thought. One of the drones has the name ‘Reaper’! How very biblical.

  • Daniel Rich

    The Jewish Internet Defense Force (JIDF) is a private, independent, non-violent protest organization representing a collective of activists, operating under the name “Jewish Internet Defense Force” since the 2008 massacre at the Mercaz HaRav Yeshiva in Jerusalem.

    We’re on the cutting edge of pro-Israel digital online advocacy, presenting news, viewpoints, and information throughout a large network reaching hundreds of thousands via email, Facebook, YouTube, RSS feeds, Twitter, and other digital hubs to those who share our concerns for Israel and about about antisemitic and jihadist online content.

    Our ACTION ALERTS are now well known throughout the Jewish and Israel advocacy world, and by our many enemies, as they have led to the removal of thousands of antisemitic and jihadist pages online. Whether it’s an antisemitic Facebook page with millions of members, or a YouTube video promoting global jihad, our team is on it, monitoring it, and urging companies to adhere to their own rules.

    We believe in direct action both to eradicate the problems we face online and to create the publicity that will cause those with the power to take action (companies like Facebook and Google) to do the right thing.

    We work to bring together different individuals and represent the new generation of Jewish leaders, a new approach, and a real grassroots effort for change!

    The founder of the JIDF, David Appletree, was honored to speak at the WUJS Congress 2009: “Unlocking our Future”, alongside the IDF Spokesperson department. The WUJS represents 1.5 million Jewish students, worldwide. The conference was sponsored by the World Jewish Congress, World Zionist Organization, Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israeli Knesset, and others.

    Internationally, we have consulted various government and non-governmental agencies seeking our expertise in online counter-terror ops, as well as online community building and digital strategies. Our work has been a featured throughout the international media in publications like Israel National News (Arutz Sheva), the Jerusalem Post, Washington Post, FOX, CNN, USA Today, TIME Magazine, BBC, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Telegraph UK, Jewish News Agency – Argentina, NewsRU Israel – Russia, AM 1370 Baltimore, WNWR 1540 Philadelphia, K-Talk Radio 630 Utah, Ha’aretz, GlobalTV Canada, Jewish Tribune Canadian Jewish News, and in the “Daily Alert” which is prepared for the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, and more.

    At this time, there is no official membership or dues to be a part of the JIDF. However, we welcome everyone that’s supportive of the cause and respectful of our views to join thousands of others in our various online forums (on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.), and we certainly welcome financial support, as well.

  • Phil

    Yesterday’s guardian again quoted the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights as a source, failing to explain this organisation is one person who is long opposed to the assad regime.

    Here is an article from a year ago discussing how organizations, such as the SOHR, are constantly quoted by corporate media with no mention of their partiality. Includes a pic of Bassma Kodmani of the Syrian National Council leaving a bildeburg meeting.


  • Macky

    Juteman: “Despite never having worked a day in his life, he seems to be rather well off”

    Just noticed this !

    Contary to MSM smears, Galloway is in the HOC virtually everyday, very few other MP can claim that; he has been known to even attend on Public Holidays including Chrismas Days !

    When he was MP for Bethnal Green, he was working seven days a week, and in the end had to hire assistants, paying for them out of his own pockets; how many other MPs have ever done that ?

    Yes, he is quite well off, a large part of that due to substantial payments others have had to pay him for issusing defamatory statements against him like yours !

  • Fred

    “Also @ Craig: “Gordon Brown Is a Murderous Two Faced Cunt””

    One rule for some, another rule for others.

  • oddie

    Mary beat me to it – of course Somalia is on the Wesley Clark list. love how Beeb & others mention it’s a revenge attack, having only rarely informed the public of Kenya’s role in Somalia previously. wouldn’t u know:

    USA Today: 39 die in Kenya mall siege; hostages still held
    A local organization was hosting a party for children at the Israeli-owned Westgate mall on Saturday…

    Forward: Israeli-Owned Kenya Mall Targeted as Bloody Nairobi Terror Attack Kills 39
    Islamists Singled Out Non-Muslims — 3 Israelis Wounded
    Ilana Stein, a spokeswoman for Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told the New York Times that Israelis had not been specifically targeted. “This time, the story is not about Israel,” Ms. Stein said.
    Gilad Milo, an Israeli who witnessed the shooting, told Channel 2 News: “All the Israelis were evacuated from the place as far as we know… It was a very difficult day for us. It is a very difficult day for us. It is a very popular spot in the city. We go to that mall all the time.”
    Haaretz spoke on the phone with one of the Israeli owners, Alex Trajtenberg, who confirmed he is a partner in the mall but declined to comment further.
    Officials in the Israeli foreign ministry said that three Israeli citizens that were in the mall at the time of the attack were able to escape unharmed and were collected by the Deputy Israeli Ambassador to Kenya Yaki Lopez and the embassy security officer that were present on the scene…

  • Phil


    Ah the days when someone scruffy could get on the tele. Nowadays everything is so fresh of the high street. It’s not fair, I don’t care.

  • Jon

    Hi all, everying seems to be playing reasonably nicely. I continue to be busy, so just a little housekeeping:

    Daniel, I didn’t understand your “two strikes” thing, but I’d agree with RD that it could constitute a physical threat. Please either discuss your ideas with him, and discourse with him with civility, or ignore. On the Holocaust: I’ve not followed all your material, but bear in mind there is a fine line between critical historical method, and a denial of history completely. I believe Craig won’t entertain the latter here, having met survivors himself.

    All, there are several posters who quote material from online sources, books or posters here, but do not make it clear that it is a quotation. Thus, when we read it, it appears that the poster is saying something that they did not say, or would not agree with. Use the <blockquote> tag listed below the comment box to indent comments, and explain where they are from please.

    RD, very briefly, on anti-Jewish links. I’m entirely convinced John Goss isn’t slightly racist, having read him for years. Thus, if you found one of his links objectionable, it isn’t at all in the same category as Hitler supporters we get here from time to time. I’d say if a link contains racist overtones, we should treat them the same as some people treat Alex Jones’ links: they should be argued against, by people so inclined, and not deleted.

    I agree that I would not wish for the board to be entertaining Holocaust denial, or material that is motivated by a hatred of Jewish people generally. However, unless we had a small army of moderator-researchers, clicking on external links and picking up the implications and hints from a conversation, we would not have the time to carefully filter everything.

    In any case, where would we stop? If someone links to, say, extreme right-wing material from Pamela Geller or the EDL approvingly, would you want it to be deleted? There’s a line somewhere where a moderator is setting the standard for acceptable opinion, which ought to set alarm bells off for everyone. In any case, I think it is important to retain objectionable material from time to time, to illustrate how people think (either in general or in particular). There was a good example of this in the recent debate about fundamentalism – the N-word was thrown around, but all participants were hardy, and the use of that word in itself shed a lot of light.

    I would urge everyone, incidentally, not to immediately call for deletion of their interlocutor’s material as a mode of “winning” a discussion. Some material ought to be deleted (e.g. saying that Hitler had the right idea – deleted one like that last week) but otherwise, get yer debating caps on.

    I should say that I agree with Villager, Anon and RD insofar as saying that commenters of a conservative hue are encouraged to post here. I reiterate my request that, whatever your politics, you put your views forward with respect, and that you automatically lose whatever debate you are having if you call your opponent a moron (etc etc).

  • Jemand

    Good to see that the comments section has got over its obsession with J-ws and Isr@el. I think a big “thank you” is also due from St*rmfr*nt for the many referrals they must be getting from here.

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