The Theatre of War 78

My last post on the BBC footage of Syrian casualties – and the different versions of what the doctor said – has brought me a deluge of emails, not least from the Guardian who have been in touch with the BBC and, if the Guardian can get over its phobia at ever mentioning me at all, will doubtless produce a “Craig Murray is a Conspiracy Theorist” piece.  It would be unethical for me to reveal what the BBC said ahead of the Guardian, but I might point out that in a large amount of verbiage they completely failed to address or admit the point that they showed two different versions of what the doctor said.

Close inspection of the two different versions, by numerous commenters and for which I am grateful, reveals that there were actually two or more takes of this scene.  The easiest tell is the arm position of the man in the fluorescent jacket next to the doctor.

Actually, that is much worse than if it were overdubbing.  What this means is, that what is portrayed as a live action piece with casualties being rushed in, was actually a rehearsed piece of which several takes were done.  Rehearsed because, with the exception of the words napalm and chemical weapons, the words are precisely the same, which is not easy spontaneously especially under that kind of stress.

This raises some even weirder questions.  In a hospital where dozens of  desperately wounded casualties are at that moment being rushed in for life-saving treatment, this British doctor not only has time to talk to the BBC, but to do several takes? Is that not extremely strange?  Furthermore, nobody else in the courtyard is wearing a face mask.  If the doctor has time to do several takes with the BBC, why on earth has she not slipped off her mask to talk?  Is it for theatrical effect, to give the impression of someone just rushed from the theatre, as opposed to someone doing several takes for the BBC?

The BBC report says specifically the doctors were “overwhelmed”.  In which case how on earth could the BBC even ask them to do several takes of an interview in the middle of the crisis?  And why would they agree?






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78 thoughts on “The Theatre of War

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  • Wikispooks

    The Wikispooks Dr Rola page has bee re-jigged with lots of new information too.

    It does not major on the video fakery, rather it concentrates on Dr Rola’s connections to the SNO and FSA and the fact that she was shilling for military action under medical/charitable/ altruistic volunteer credentials, all of which the BBC clearly understood but deliberately witheld from the viewer.

    Her father is Dr Mousa al-Kurdi, a senior SNO member – who actually taught Assad at university; the Dep leader of the FSA is Col Malik al-Kurdi; her on-site colleague is Dr Salayha Ahsan, a former Captain in the British Army Medical Corps. There is plenty other clear corroborating evidence of her support for the rebellion too.

    All of it was hidden by the BBC who gave the impression she is just an ordinary Doctor with selfless humanitarian concerns. It played to the western interventionist agenda perfectly and stinks to high heaven of SIS collusion – but that of course is our wonderful BBC.

  • Kempe

    “The BBC report says specifically the doctors were “overwhelmed”. In which case how on earth could the BBC even ask them to do several takes of an interview in the middle of the crisis? ”

    It’s the way they work. Front line film crews seem to believe that events happen purely for them to report, they’ll turn up somewhere and try and take over. Like Janet I’ve had personal experience of this.

    It’ll be interesting to see what the BBC say, if anything.

  • Mary

    ‘forgive m y typos, I have a sticky ‘o’ on my keyboard.’

    That’ll teach you not to eat digestive biscuits over your keyboard Nevermind!

  • John Goss

    Wikileaks, that is a sound observation and investigation regarding Dr Rola Hassan.

    As you observe it almost certainly was not a school as these early reports make no mention of a school and that would have been the first cry as they both wear their colours on their sleeves. Casualty figures are mainly men, though children too. Which brings me to the headmaster in the second video, a man who wished to remain anonymous. I should think he did! More shame on the BBC!

  • Mary

    Can you see the ConDems doing the same?

    Italy to hold state funeral for shipwreck migrants

    Jose Manuel Barroso and Enrico Letta were heckled as they arrived on the island of Lampedusa

    Migrant tragedy
    EU dilemma
    Risky journey
    European tragedy
    In pictures

    Italy is to hold a state funeral for the hundreds of migrants who died after their boat capsized close to the island of Lampedusa last Thursday.

    Prime Minister Enrico Letta made the announcement during a visit to the island with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso.

    Mr Barroso pledged 30m euros ($40m) of EU funds to help refugees in Italy.



    No but they and the NuLabour lot are happy to have spent over £half a billion on the failed e-borders scheme.

  • Dave

    “In a hospital where dozens of desperately wounded casualties are at that moment being rushed in for life-saving treatment”

    Are they though…? It’s more likely that this whole story was fabricated. No casualties, no hospital, no doctors necessary. Wag the dog and all that… But I am a conspiracy theorist.

  • Kempe

    Opening sentence of Wikileaks page on Dr Rola:-

    “Her testimony was just as compelling and emotional as the lies of “Nurse Nayirah” to the US congress in the run up to the 1990-91 Gulf war. ”

    So no hint of bias there at all.

    The page also refers to the footage in the two clips being identical which we now know not to be true.

  • Fred

    “The page also refers to the footage in the two clips being identical which we now know not to be true.”

    The sound track was, up until the point it was edited.

  • David McCann

    For many years now, we in Scotland have been blitzed with anti independence propoganda by a biased media, especially BBC Scotland. However, lately ex BBC journalist Derek Bateman of 25 years standing has started a blog, which lifts the lid on the goings on at Pacific Quay, and boy- they dont like it.
    He has two blogs- 1 and 2, one of which is very tongue in cheek. The other tells it as it is.
    Well worth a wee look.

  • Fred

    “For many years now, we in Scotland have been blitzed with anti independence propoganda by a biased media, especially BBC Scotland. However, lately ex BBC journalist Derek Bateman of 25 years standing has started a blog, which lifts the lid on the goings on at Pacific Quay, and boy- they dont like it.”

    What on earth were the BBC thinking of employing a rabid fanatical Nationalist as a presenter? From what I read on his blog there isn’t a cat in hell’s chance of him being unbiased and impartial on the issue.

    No wonder they call it Newsnat Scotland.

  • Fred

    “And true to form, a British Nationalist appears.”

    My post was about the BBC.

    Your post was about me.

    Just how stupid can you be not to see that by constantly attacking the poster not the subject you are demonstrating what a nasty little shit you really are.

  • Juteman

    Your post wasn’t about the BBC, it attacked the blogger that criticised your BBC.

    If it quacks like a duck………

    You’re too boring and predictable, Fred. I’m away to watch paint dry.

  • Fred

    “Your post wasn’t about the BBC, it attacked the blogger that criticised your BBC.”

    Bullshit. A blatant lie.

    We have been having a debate here about a BBC documentary to which you have contributed nothing. You just stick your oar in to snipe at anyone who doesn’t share your bigoted views. Like I said a despicable nasty little shit, Salmond’s little Blackshrt. You confirm everything I have said about Nationalists and Nationalism. History has shown them to be thugs and bullies and it doesn’t seem the SNP can claim to be any dfferent.

    Now crawl back into the hole you crawled out of, probably Salmond’s arsehole, you slimy little turd.

  • mike

    So the new head of MI5 equates exposing the naughty old secret state with aiding and abetting terrorists. TPTB really are rattled if they’re resorting to that old chestnut.

    The state spies on us, online. It probably facial maps through your laptop’s webcam; it’ll be tracking the purchases you make and the websites you visit. Anything you post on Twitter and Facebook (and here?) will be logged. It’s all about assessing threat level and your general awareness. Those who think the MSM is about as nourishing as aspartame will be of especial interest.

    Snowden showed us all that. And to think the Drone King got the Nobel Peace Prize. In this po-mo age, Snowden should put out a single, and we could download it to Number One. I suggest Nick Cave help him with the lyrics.

    If they’re “catching” us online, we can at least thumb our noses right back at them with the same technology.

  • mike

    There are trolls and name-callers on this blog whose only aim is to disrupt. I’m not talking differences of opinions here, I mean those whose goal is to offend some, demoralise others, and basically put people off visiting here to engage or comment.

    You want to engage? Fine. Testy? I can handle that.

    But just plain offensive? No.

    These people must be black-listed. They’re here to kill the conversation.

  • Rehmat

    Every political aware person knows that the bloody regime change in Damascus is an Israeli Project.

    Last month, Professor Jean Bricmont (University of Louvain in Belgium) authored an article, titled ‘The People Against the 800 Pound Gorilla’ claiming that Israel is pushing Washington to attack Syria.

    “An American friend who knows Washington well told us recently that ‘everybody’ there knows that, as far as the drive to war with Syria is concerned, it’s Israel that directs US policy. Why then, we replied, don’t opponents of war say it loud, since, if the American public knew that, support for the war would collapse. Of course, we knew the answer to that question. They’re affraid to say all they know, because if you blame the pro-Israel lobby, you are branded an antisemite in the media and your career is destroyed,” wrote Jean Bricmont and Diana Johnstone.

  • Fred

    “Well Fred what a nasty dirty mind you have. Typical british nationalist.”

    Somebody has to stand up to the Nazi thugs and bullies shit for brains, look what happened in Germany when they didn’t.

  • Komodo

    Just how stupid can you be not to see that by constantly attacking the poster not the subject you are demonstrating what a nasty little shit you really are. (Fred)

    Fred never attacks posters, lol.

  • nevermind

    thanks for that link Rehmat, it feels like the causes are now flagrating and pen diplomatic efforts replaced by shady agreements and actions.

    Endgame fear and loathing, no progress in Gaza, the Golan errupting weekly, Syria compromised and a yearning for the waters of the Litani, all this makes actins almst inevitable.

    Those warships have not moved away, they are all still in the eastern Med.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Rehmat, at 3:08am. The destruction of Syria is a combined Saudi/UAE/Israeli project. Of course, the more specific critique of tail-wagging-dog (to mix metaphors) and de facto muzzling of this issue in the public discourse of the USA, vis a vis Israel and the USA, is accurate.

  • muttley79

    “Somebody has to stand up to the Nazi thugs and bullies shit for brains, look what happened in Germany when they didn’t.”

    Once again Fred directly links the democratic, peaceful independence movement for Scotland with the NSDAP and other fascist elements. Lets remind ourselves of the Nazis and their history. Up to 6 million Jews were massacred in the Holocaust. The disabled and political opponents were also slaughtered by the Nazis. It is thought that the Second World War was responsible for the deaths of around 50-60 million people. The Soviet Union is thought to have lost well over 20 million people alone (it may be closer to 30 million). Substantial parts of the Polish population were massacred. The main element in the independence movement in Scotland, the SNP, have existed for nearly 80 years. In this time they have been engaged in purely democratic, constitutional, electoral politics. The idea that the independence movement for Scottish independence is any way fascist, or like the Nazis, is a complete distortion of the truth, and brings shame on those who make it. It is a disgraceful smear, and dishonours the memory of generations of decent people, who have argued for Scottish self government in a civilised and peaceful manner.

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