Disappearing Aircraft 5654

I had fairly well concluded that the most likely cause was a fire disrupting the electrical and control systems, when CNN now say the sharp left turn was pre-programmed 12 minutes before sign off from Malaysian Air Traffic control, which was followed fairly quickly by that left turn.

CNN claim to have this from an US official, from data sent back before the reporting systems went off.  It is hard to know what to make of it: obviously there are large economic interests that much prefer blame to lie with the pilots rather than the aircraft.  But if it is true then the move was not a response to an emergency.  (CNN went on to say the pilot could have programmed in the course change as a contingency in case of an emergency.  That made no sense to me at all – does it to anyone else?)

I still find it extremely unlikely that the plane landed or crashed on land  I cannot believe it could evade military detection as it flew over a highly militarized region.  Somewhere there is debris on the ocean.  There have been previous pilot suicides that took the plane with them; but the long detour first seems very strange and I do not believe is precedented.  However if the CNN information on pre-programming is correct, and given it was the co-pilot who signed off to air traffic control, it is hard to look beyond the pilots as those responsible for whatever did happen.  In fact, on consideration, the most improbable thing is that information CNN are reporting from the US official.

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5,654 thoughts on “Disappearing Aircraft

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  • Donald

    Katie – Yes, useful idiots is exactly what they were, although I am still to check why the mother of the younger one was in Europe and he wasn’t. Rather odd for a mother to leave a young son behind in another country. I wonder if she was a westerner or an Iranian?

  • bluebird

    Forget the Uighurs. They dont have a problem. They are being killed by islamic jihadists, too.
    The Uighur territory is East-Turkey. This is the former Eastern part of the Ottoman empire.
    Turkish financed islamic jihadists were infiltrated into the Uighur territory to recruit young and poor local men for joining their “holy war”.
    The centre and headquarters of Uighur islamic jihadism is in Munich (germany) and run by Turkush guys who are being heavily sponsored and financed by NATO/Gladio.

    The Uighur terrorism is no locally created terror but a NATO/stay behind terror, covered as jihadism (as always in the middle east and in northern africa, too) in order to weaken China.
    Command centre fof Uighur terror is munich/germany.

  • katie

    Donald, I also wondered about that, surely if she were there legally the son did not need to indulge in dishonesty & subterfuge to get there. His story was very ‘iffy’.

    He could have visited her for a holiday & stayed….or are all Iranians banned from Germany ?

  • bluebird

    I dont see a motive. I am just collecting facts. Not more.
    I didnt see a motive prior to 9/11 either.

    I just say that this stinks fishy in regards to the “lost” plane and its identical twin sister plane having been delivered to Tel Aviv for “dissembling” by a Ft.Lauderdale company (owned by Merrill Lynch and assumingly Soros) only 4 months ago.

  • Donald

    Katie – I don’t know if they are banned in any way or sense, what doesn’t make sense is that these young men had proper and legal passports to leave Iran and yet decided to use false ones to enter Europe.

    The right way of doing things is to have a false visa added to a real passport, perhaps a Permanent Resident stamp. Such things are not hard at all, you can buy the stuff cheap on Facebook.

    The thing is, if you get caught with a false passport you go to jail but if you get caught altering your own you only get deported


  • katie

    Good Reuters link ,Donald, there’s much in it I didn’t know.

    BB, agreed,Soros is the money guy, what of technology ?

    Just watched the morning press conference,there’s a very sombre atmosphere.
    The only news is that they’ve stopped searching in the northern corridor & around Thailand,all efforts are now concentrated in the area off Perth.

  • Kenneth Sorensen


    Donald and Bluebird. You should email Christopher Bollyn about that Israely company based in Ft. Lauderdale, which in November 2013 flew an exact replica of the Malaysian MH370 to Tel Aviv. I’m still trying to wrap my mind round that one. But Bollyn has massive experience in these sort of deceptions, and I’m sure if anyone can make any sense of thus, it’s him

  • bluebird

    This is the head organisation and headquarters for the uighur jihadism.

    The Congress, a Munich-based organization that includes various exiled Uighur groups, stresses it is a peaceful movement. Kadeer called on Uighurs to act lawfully and “to calm down instead of playing with fire … any violence brings more violence so I urge my people, stay away from any acts of violence”.


  • bluebird


    The thing is that this airplane “lost in Tel Aviv in november 2013” isnt just another Boeing 777-200 but it is its absolutely IDENTICAL twin of the currently lost airplane. The one and only visible difference would be its serial number.

    Probably just another coincidence.

  • Kenneth Sorensen

    The only email address — which connects to him — I could find on his site, is the one people use when they send money to him through Paypal, so I suppose it would be possible to get in contact with him this way: bollyn [you know what goes here] bollynbooks.com

    [e-mail address broken to prevent spamming]

  • Donald

    I doubt if there are any further efforts to find the plane, the storm in the Indian Ocean will make it very difficult to ever find any wreckage from the plane ever again.

    “..Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott today declared that the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 was now moving into a recovery and investigation stage, and said the country was handing investigation back to Malaysia….”

    And with those words Australia has removed itself from any further effort.


  • katie

    Very interesting.
    Donalds link

    Australia says MH370 search now at ‘recovery’ stage, hands over probe to Malaysia
    MARCH 25, 2014

    Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott today declared that the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 was now moving into a recovery and investigation stage, and said the country was handing investigation back to Malaysia.

    “Based on the accumulation of evidence, late last night, Prime Minister Najib Razak of Malaysia declared that the plane must be declared lost in the southern Indian Ocean,”


    Australia says MH370 search now at ‘recovery’ stage, hands over probe to Malaysia
    MARCH 25, 2014

    Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott today declared that the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 was now moving into a recovery and investigation stage, and said the country was handing investigation back to Malaysia.

    “Based on the accumulation of evidence, late last night, Prime Minister Najib Razak of Malaysia declared that the plane must be declared lost in the southern Indian Ocean,”

    “Malaysia needs to take control under the Chicago Convention of those investigations,” SMH quoted him as saying. – March 25, 2014.

    That’s why the relatives were so distressed yesterday, they can see the search is being scaled down.
    No doubt now it will quietly fade away !


  • katie

    Sorrenson, as much as you try ,I cannot see Israeli hands in this…they have enough problems without taking on the Chinese.

  • Kenneth Sorensen

    Money quotation from that Chapter:


    The Israeli military and its intelligence agencies have long had the capability to convert and disguise large-body aircraft in the United States, and their companies that do this kind of work are connected to International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS), the Israeli airport security company that is a prime suspect in the “false flag” terrorism. ICTS was a key defendant in the 9-11 litigation until Judge Hellerstein allowed them to be dismissed from the case in May 2011.


  • James


    I’m not getting why this GA Telesis B777 is the “sister plane” to 9M-MRO ?

    Why not 9M-MRN or 9M-MRP ?
    MAS must operate a good number of B777-200ER’s (and 2H6ER’s at that)

    I admit is “odd” that on the GA Telesis fleet there is only N-105GT registered to them (formerly the MAS a/c 9M-MRI), which appears to have been “parked” at Tel Aviv before it was sold to GA Telesis on the 21st of October 2013.

    I “get” that it was likely the same config as 9M-MRO (what it is now, I have no idea) and from what I can “see” it does not appear to be “dismantled” as yet ( it is still on the FAA register and is “air worthy”).

    It may have (highly likely) been resprayed when it went WFU in May 2013 and “stripped” by the mechanics at KUL.

  • Kenneth Sorensen

    That’s the right stuff, Donald. Good old British/Australian grit and sheer common sense – while the Americans and their client state (the 53th state) has been busy scheeming, and finelly aborted the mission by saying it ended up in the South China Sea. The people of the world are now so informed via the uncontrollable internet, that they can’t pull of a new 9/11, and it could just be that uncle Sam said to the them: Enough ie enough. We knew what you did 9/11 – we will have no more of it.

  • Q

    I referred to this article in the “Not Forgetting the al-Hillis” thread:


    I also posted these links:


    Saad al-Hilli worked for SSTL, which had launched a new satellite that could tie into the AIS system to track vessels, including aircraft. Note the ability to remotely “nudge” a satellite off its orbit at will. Note various parties with financial interest in this technology. From the exactearth link:

    “EV-1 was designed to be the most advanced AIS satellite built to date and during the testing phase it has lived up to that billing as we have witnessed a doubling of detection rates compared to any of our previous satellite AIS sensors. We are excited with the prospect of making these data available to our customers in the very near future and providing a big step forward in maritime vessel detections from space. EV-1 is the product of exactEarth technology and investment – we see this as setting the gold standard for performance which we will continue with planned launches next year of the Canadian M3M satellite and an exactEarth AIS payload on the Spanish PAZ radar satellite.”

    It’s amazing to believe that with all this technology, it can be so difficult to find a missing airliner. It’s also difficult to believe that not a single passenger was using a mobile phone or Wifi, which could be tracked. It is amazing, and incredible.

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    Why all this drivel about Israel being behind this crash, like in the 9/11 ones, when it will not consider Meir Dagan’s Mossad , thanks to its taking on as a possible recruit William Hershkovitz, being behind the murders of the al-Hillis and Sylvan Mollier?

    Looks like false flag’ reversals of explanations of what really happened.

  • Donald

    Kenneth – If men in dark suits come knocking at me door I shall blame it all on you first, Bluebird second and then when they come in with the electric shocks I shall say Katie instigated it all. 🙂

  • Donald

    Q – Thank you for the link, I’d say we shall see some more of this, from what I hear the epidemic in Africa has already crossed borders and spread to three countries.

  • Tim V

    25 Mar, 2014 – 12:25 am in support of your interpretation of the global situation you may be interested in the fact that this morning I tried to post an edited version of my 12.11 post on the “Huffington Post” that was critical of the news organs and mentioned Israel. (Reminder: Israeli spokesman specifically put it in the public domain that MH370 could have been hi-jacked to enable it to be used in a 9/11 type attack. It also took the unprecedented step of closing ALL foreign embassies on the excuse of an industrial dispute that could hardly be co-incidental) It did not even appear as a draft for monitoring. Just an immediate note “This post has been deleted”. I have never seen this before. I guess it can only be explained it terms of an automatic word recognition system – the word ?

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