Disappearing Aircraft 5654

I had fairly well concluded that the most likely cause was a fire disrupting the electrical and control systems, when CNN now say the sharp left turn was pre-programmed 12 minutes before sign off from Malaysian Air Traffic control, which was followed fairly quickly by that left turn.

CNN claim to have this from an US official, from data sent back before the reporting systems went off.  It is hard to know what to make of it: obviously there are large economic interests that much prefer blame to lie with the pilots rather than the aircraft.  But if it is true then the move was not a response to an emergency.  (CNN went on to say the pilot could have programmed in the course change as a contingency in case of an emergency.  That made no sense to me at all – does it to anyone else?)

I still find it extremely unlikely that the plane landed or crashed on land  I cannot believe it could evade military detection as it flew over a highly militarized region.  Somewhere there is debris on the ocean.  There have been previous pilot suicides that took the plane with them; but the long detour first seems very strange and I do not believe is precedented.  However if the CNN information on pre-programming is correct, and given it was the co-pilot who signed off to air traffic control, it is hard to look beyond the pilots as those responsible for whatever did happen.  In fact, on consideration, the most improbable thing is that information CNN are reporting from the US official.

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5,654 thoughts on “Disappearing Aircraft

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  • James


    There were also lots of American Military guys on that plane also.
    Normal “Joe’s” heading home for Christmas.

    What a great time to hit a plane…. A great terrorist act. And it was.
    But it wasn’t Libya.

  • Ben-William Wallace

    “Ben and Tim believe Lockerbie was a USA missile !”

    Where is that keen analytical mind? Are you the intern? Tag-team afoot?

  • James

    Again… nothing in his post. No facts. No opinion. Nada.

    But if Benny and Timbo ARE “the tag team” from hell, then that is an insult !

    A pair of cranks.
    No knowledge (and one that claims to be a journalist, heavens above !)

  • Tim V

    Get this!!!

    That Chilean B777 that roused the Dutch Airforce out of its slumbers (has it ever scrambled before?) had its transponder TURNED OFF!!!!

    See: http://intellihub.com/boeing-777-transponding-diverted-away-nuclear-summit-two-f-16-fighter-jets/

    Someone was testing systems methinks a bit like the Russians used to over the North Sea.

    Incidentally Airbus Defence and space (that took over SST and issued the latest debris photos!) has just signed a contract with the Chilean Air force.

  • James

    So Ben….

    Pray tell how the aircraft made it’s West turn across Malaysia ?

    And please don’t say “it was taken over by hacking” !
    I have had the decency to provide a technical perspective on aviation, it would be a pleasure to read your interpretation (and supported by you technical knowledge)of your opinion.

    I assume you have some “knowledge” ? Maybe that is an “ask” too far !

  • Ben-William Wallace

    Tim V;

    Well bust my britches. They CAN respond when they have the will to power.

    “The incident was particularly concerning to officials due to the nature of a close-by nuclear summit in Hague.”

    The serpent cannot survive if the head is removed.

  • James

    Just look at these….

    zen master • 10 hours ago

    Was that the missing Malaysia 777 being used by Israel for a false flag? If so, congrats to Dutch, way to go saving the world from ww3. No wonder the Israelis were abandoning their embassies, so their staff couldn’t be lynched should the false flag have gone ahead but blame been correctly attributed to Israel.

    me • 10 hours ago

    Maybe it was the “missing” MH370 redesigned for a special mission?!

    Pravda01 • 12 hours ago

    Seems not only the Boeing 777 has a problem, Lufthansa was warned today of software errors on the new 747 which could lead to an unwanted reverse thrust mid flight.

    A new 747 ! That dude is really “out of the park” !

  • James

    “The serpent cannot survive if the head is removed”.

    The term is “….and it grows a new one”

    You really are thick. This is like taking candy from a baby.
    Its “Special Mission” !

  • Tim V

    26 Mar, 2014 – 6:27 pm the story is that Israeli Embassy staff in Japan were called back just prior to the sunami as Jewish staff were advised to stay away 9/11. Its what added flavour to all embassy’s closed March 10th or whenever (James no doubt will provide the date) They do seem to have an unerring ability to judge cataclysmic events. I have a feeling the MH370 thing didn’t go quite according to plan and had to be aborted. The significant fact possibly overlooked, were the pings that proved it was still around hours after it was meant to have sunk without trace. There are distinct similarities with the strategy adopted on 9/11 i’m sure you have noticed. Trasponder down, coms down, manoeuvre just at point of change-over dead radar space etc etc. Modus operandi I would say. “It worked the first time. Lets do it again.”

  • Ben-William Wallace

    As the methodology slowly unveils itself, it becomes more amusing than problematic.

    That is all. Carry on. 🙂

  • James

    I’m reading your post Timbo… they make me laugh.

    “I have a feeling the MH370 thing didn’t go quite according to plan”

    A feeling !!!!!

    He’s dynamite is Timbo ! What else do you feel Tim ?
    Don’t worry about “knowledge”, tell us how you “feel”

  • James

    Free lancer mate. Who’d pay me for such a simple job ?

    You didn’t provide any “tech info” though, I note.
    I’ll note it again when you post !

  • Ben



    “Pulse compression, and moving target indicator (MTI) provide up to 25dB sub-clutter visibility. MTI antenna beam is aimed above horizon to avoid excessive false alarm rate, which renders systems vulnerable.*** Aircraft and some missiles exploit this weakness using a technique called flying below the radar to avoid detection (Nap-of-the-earth). ***This flying technique is ineffective against pulse-Doppler radar.

    Pulse-Doppler provides an advantage when attempting to detect missiles and low observability aircraft flying near terrain, sea surface, and weather.”

    DG is some 1500 miles…within the flying range, but as I see it outside the range of radar which seems about 800 miles in the right condition. But, again, no one has sat eyes 24/7 on this sensitive region with emerging markets and nukes?

  • James

    Thanks Ben for that “wonderful” and “informative” answer.

    Maybe you should attend the “College of The Bleeding Obvious” !
    It is infact “way outside” radar contact.

    But I guess I just said that in my previous post.
    OR Benny has just discover the Earth is infact “not flat” !

  • James

    Posted just now on “the other thread”


    This is how you get things done.

    Just had an email back from a “well known French regional newspaper”.

    I informed them that “it would appear that someone was using an obituary photograph of a deceased person publish (under copyright) in their newspaper”.

    You’d never guess what they said !?!?

    They said…. “they wish contact the proprietor of the site to exact the IP address”

    They didn’t inform me of the action they wish to take…but the reply was rather swift !

    Ya shouldn’t use “dead people” as avatars ! Maybe Ken can inform us of what action they take…. or Jon may do that ? Or Craig ?

  • James

    “Should anyone ‘trust’ your info? I like trust, but prefer ‘verify’ then trust”.

    What, how far is Indonesia ?

    Trust what you like Benny. You seem to read a lot of wierd stuff and trust it
    Bananas are straight by the way….and Pink not yellow.

    Mate…. don’t “trust me”. Try and get some technical knowledge from whatever profession you try to pursue…. or do like every other crank, “spout off” and hope it makes sense (or cut n paste from Crank websites, seems to work for Timbo).

  • Ben


    “U.S. sailors handle lines in preparation to get the littoral combat ship USS Freedom under way from her homeport in Mayport, Fla., Feb. 16, 2010. Freedom, the Navy’s first littoral combat ship, is scheduled for a 10-month rotational deployment to Singapore beginning in the spring of 2013. U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Leah Stiles

    A decade ago, the Strait of Malacca was a dangerous place, where pirates launched almost 50 attacks a year in the narrow, 550-mile-long sea lane linking the Indian and Pacific oceans. That had serious international implications, because about 50,000 vessels transit the passageway each year, carrying an estimated 40 percent of the world’s trade.

    Today, incidents have dropped to fewer than five a year, without a single successful hijacking in almost four years, reported Air Force Maj. Gen. Michael A. Keltz, Pacom’s director of strategic planning and policy.

    Keltz attributed that success to a partnership among nations bordering the strait, with help from U.S.-funded technology that has boosted maritime security dramatically.

    Meanwhile, countries that once resisted engaging in multilateral, multinational operations now are doing so, Keltz said. Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and, increasingly, Thailand, have joined forces to increase patrols and improve their collective maritime domain awareness and law-enforcement capabilities.

    A command and control information center that opened at Singapore’s Changi Naval Base in 2009 supports this effort, drawing together information shared by 11 nations. This includes data from shore-based radars positioned throughout the region and an electronic tracking system that automatically identifies vessels transiting the strait.”

    Hmm. Pirates. It’s SOP for US to have security (former Seals) on freighters traveling in sea lanes adjacent to Somala. Wasn’t there two former Seals found dead of heroin overdose, after shore leave in Seychelles? Alabama Maersk was the ship.

  • James

    “It’s SOP for US to have security (former Seals) on freighters traveling in sea lanes adjacent to Somala”

    More bollocks from Benny

    Companies “like” to have former Royal Marines, US Navy Seals and alike onboard and armed.

    My mate is ex RM 42 Commando major (pronounced “Four Two”) and is part owner of a company that supplies the same to shipping companies world wide (moreover “that area”) based in the UAE and Londonshire (think I know where he likes to be tho !)

  • James

    “It’s SOP for US”

    That “statement” shows what a dick Benny is.

    US ? What US Government ? US companies ? US “man on the street” ?

    Benny mostly likely has never even been to America. Likely he hasn’t stepped out of his Scottish back door !

  • katie

    Sorry chaps, I just had to watch the Farage / Clegg debate, Farage won.

    I see as soon as my back’s turned war breaks out, now come on lads, play nicely. 😉

    Yes Q, odd isn’t it , the way all this high powered techie stuff fails globally at crucial times.

    As the US is heavily involved with Inmarsat I do wonder how much intelligence work they do together ?

    ‘ I’m delighted that General Kehler has agreed to join Inmarsat’s board,” said Andrew Sukawaty, Inmarsat’s Executive Chairman.

    Strategic experience
    “We are especially pleased that with the recent retirement of Retired Admiral James Ellis Jnr, we were able to appoint someone to the Board who will provide a continuity of similar experience.

    “General Kehler has a huge breadth of knowledge that will benefit us and our decision-making and I look forward to welcoming him to the Board.”

    General Kehler’s career included serving as Commander, US Strategic Command from January 2011 to November 2013.

    Space operations
    During this time he was directly responsible to the US President and Secretary of Defence for the plans and operations of all US forces conducting strategic deterrence, and Department of Defence space and cyberspace operations.’

  • James


    A sensible question deserves a sensible response.

    My opinion…. if they can’t track a Primary target or find an aircraft that had flown (appears to have flown) “way off” track, how much are ALL SIDES “bigging up” what they can do !

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