Disappearing Aircraft 5654

I had fairly well concluded that the most likely cause was a fire disrupting the electrical and control systems, when CNN now say the sharp left turn was pre-programmed 12 minutes before sign off from Malaysian Air Traffic control, which was followed fairly quickly by that left turn.

CNN claim to have this from an US official, from data sent back before the reporting systems went off.  It is hard to know what to make of it: obviously there are large economic interests that much prefer blame to lie with the pilots rather than the aircraft.  But if it is true then the move was not a response to an emergency.  (CNN went on to say the pilot could have programmed in the course change as a contingency in case of an emergency.  That made no sense to me at all – does it to anyone else?)

I still find it extremely unlikely that the plane landed or crashed on land  I cannot believe it could evade military detection as it flew over a highly militarized region.  Somewhere there is debris on the ocean.  There have been previous pilot suicides that took the plane with them; but the long detour first seems very strange and I do not believe is precedented.  However if the CNN information on pre-programming is correct, and given it was the co-pilot who signed off to air traffic control, it is hard to look beyond the pilots as those responsible for whatever did happen.  In fact, on consideration, the most improbable thing is that information CNN are reporting from the US official.

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5,654 thoughts on “Disappearing Aircraft

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  • Tim V

    27 Mar, 2014 – 11:02 am the radar re-construction I watched it was claimed that the blip disappeared altogether off Vietnam, suggesting it did indeed crash or disintegrate. Vietnam still has strong resonances. If it did crash there from mechanical failure, terrorism or external aggression, any of which are possible, we should have to be able to posit a circumstance that entailed all the players agreeing to cover-up and postulate the story we have been told.

  • James

    …and then goes and puts on his “tin foil hat”.

    What makes you think that Primary (military) Radar knew MH370 had it’s transponder disabled/turned off ?

    They merely would see a track heading to Penang.
    If they had an “interceptor solutions” (altitude), they would see a climb to 43000 feet (odd) and a (possible) rapid decent (a decompression procedure).

    The problem comes when the a/c over shoots Penang and turns North to IGREX.

    Confusing because there was a flight heading that way already (with no transponder, the TCAS on the other a/c wouldn’t activate).
    Now where’s the “blip”.

    India on the other hand (Primary and therefore military around Nicobar) would be out of range as MH370 turned South (my guess on “Tracking” 182 degrees).

    And that is the route South (likely route South).

  • Donald

    TimV – Your 11:52

    I tried to find satellite pictures that I could use for a visual search but I couldn’t even log into the website. Apparently there are too many people using the site at the moment.

    Soon as possible I shall try to do a search of the area .. although I doubt if I shall see anything, I’m pretty much blind as a bat.

  • bluebird

    James, donald

    Recent history of 9M MRO

    March 8th KL-Peking (South Indian Ocean?/DG?)
    March 7th KL-Peking-KL
    March 6th KL- HongKong – KL
    March 5th KL-Densapar-KL-Dhakar-KL

  • Jemand

    Over time, oceanic garbage should disperse towards a uniform density of objects. The density of a cluster of objects implies how recently they entered the garbage pool. So if there is a comparatively high density cluster of objects, that suggests a recent incident.

    At present, I think only satellite imagery will be effective in identifying clusters and their relative densities. And I would have thought that dropping a few hundred tracking buoys would have given the recovery team valuable information about where the ocean currents are moving in, around and away from the search zone.

    Maybe it’s time to call in the probability analysts.

  • bluebird

    Now the new search area is less than 1900 km off Australian city of perth.
    The very expensive australian radar JORN claims that they have a 4000 km off coast surveillance and that they can see a Cessna starting in East Timor (2600 km off australian territory). The australian tax payer paid billions for JORN installation and they are still paying hundreds of millions each year for JORN surveillance staff.

    If they cannot see the bleep on JORN tapes then the military deceives the australian tax payer. I wonder about why no australian journalist is asking that very important question.
    Either they are liars or JORN doesnt work at all and the australian tax payer should sue the people and the companies who had sold them obviously totally useless JORN radar system.

    Where are australian journalists?
    Australia has no functioning and no useful military radar. You were deceived by your politicians and military!!!!

  • alex


    This has more than the whiff of authenticity I think. The American/Israeli Strangeloves, Bankers and Corporations have so much to gain, with the motivation, technology and chutzpah to bring it off. Coupled with the reports of US military jets escorting a “mystery” passenger jet on to US soil, 4 days after the “disappearance”. Wonder if the Chinese and others, who surely know the truth would regard this as an act of war? I suspect they will.

  • Mary

    It’s getting sillier and sillier. At a stroke, the search area is shifted because it has been decided that the plane’s speed was higher than previously calculated. YCNMIU.

  • Donald

    Katie – Nobody knows what the sealed evidence might be, about time they explained why keeping it sealed means more than the lives of the passengers.

    In the meantime, MH370 now thought to have been traveling faster than previously thought but:

    That would means that all those numbers they calculated with their never before used knowledge would now be useless.

    The situation has now become preposterous, nothing for it.

  • Donald

    Bluebird – With regards Australian radar not picking it up, is it not possible that the plane was never anywhere near it?

  • katie

    Alex, yes , I posted on that here on page 1.
    This is a very good summary ,well worth a read. It even has the animated pic of the two iranians.

    ‘have pointed out that four days after the disappearance of MH370, a curious military exercise took place on the Southern-Eastern part of the United States coastline. Fighter jets were reportedly “escorting” a plane. ‘
    Members of the South Carolina Air National Guard are conducting an air defense exercise along the coast. Guard Senior Master Sergeant Edward Snyder says people might see fighter jets escorting a civilian aircraft Thursday over the North Charleston and Myrtle Beach areas.’


  • katie

    Donald, it is highly suspect that ‘secret’ information is withheld.

    For a start,what can be secret when they keep telling us they just don’t know what happened & why mention it at all in that case ?
    What are they trying to do ,are they sending covert messages to conspiracists saying we are right to be suspicious ?

    No wonder no one believes a word they say.

  • bluebird


    JORN sees into north korea and china. That plane was within JORN from its very first minute in KL.

    The second one is the Diego Garcia radar.
    This is radar that can even “see” into space and monitor satellites. It can see into iraq, iran and up into Nepal and of course towards KL, too.
    The complete indian ocean is under surveillance by the Diego Garcia radar.

    The third one is the radar of the so called indian “Andaman and Nicobar Command”
    Due to india this is the radar most attentive in the world as the street of malacca is of military interest. That radar isnt tgat powerful as the DG or Jorn but there is most attentive surveillance of the complete area between the street of Malacca and the indian continent.

    None of them saw anything at all?
    None of them has it got on tape?
    None of them sent airforce?
    All of them are liars?

  • NR

    More on the newest search area, and what led Australia to alter search. Mentions multiple bursts of pings — more than one per hour — at point where plane turns. The difference between the auto-pilot flying a direct (great circle) route and the plane under manual control, possibly navigating by magnetic compass. The writer is almost as puzzled as we are.

    There are too many variables in start-point, speed, altitude, head-winds, initial fuel load and fuel consumption. Change any one and the final point on the southern arc changes.

    Was nice to see the all TV experts totally stunned by this new development and nearly speechless, though they’ll have recovered by now, asserting this-n-that with great authority.

  • Kenneth Sorensen

    PS: I got the link above from the right honorbale Mr. David Irving, who has a daughter and grandchildren in Australia, but has been banned from entering for more than 20 years. And guess WHO in Australia has th epower to do that? Itøs important that this power is chipped or clipped, so that Austalia also on this point can adhere to normal cicilised standards. Said in another way: The power of the enemy within shall be curbed.

  • katie

    NR. Someone on the MH370 Deigo Garcia thread are saying their Tweets have disappeared too.

    Have looked at your link, can you tell me if the pings could have stopped because the plane was out of range, is it possible once MH370 set the course for the US they would terminate ?

    To get to the states they’d have to refuel … in Africa?

  • NR

    The pings would not stop, because Inmarsat has three satellites that cover the entire globe from 82 degrees N and S (for the type of service that Malaysian Airlines subscribed to).

    However, if this was a plot by the US or others to abduct and hide the plane, you can be sure Inmarsat has deleted that data, or it’s been mysteriously disappeared by GCHQ.

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