Disappearing Aircraft 5654

I had fairly well concluded that the most likely cause was a fire disrupting the electrical and control systems, when CNN now say the sharp left turn was pre-programmed 12 minutes before sign off from Malaysian Air Traffic control, which was followed fairly quickly by that left turn.

CNN claim to have this from an US official, from data sent back before the reporting systems went off.  It is hard to know what to make of it: obviously there are large economic interests that much prefer blame to lie with the pilots rather than the aircraft.  But if it is true then the move was not a response to an emergency.  (CNN went on to say the pilot could have programmed in the course change as a contingency in case of an emergency.  That made no sense to me at all – does it to anyone else?)

I still find it extremely unlikely that the plane landed or crashed on land  I cannot believe it could evade military detection as it flew over a highly militarized region.  Somewhere there is debris on the ocean.  There have been previous pilot suicides that took the plane with them; but the long detour first seems very strange and I do not believe is precedented.  However if the CNN information on pre-programming is correct, and given it was the co-pilot who signed off to air traffic control, it is hard to look beyond the pilots as those responsible for whatever did happen.  In fact, on consideration, the most improbable thing is that information CNN are reporting from the US official.

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5,654 thoughts on “Disappearing Aircraft

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  • katie

    Well that can be the only answer then NR. Maybe this is the secret data we are not allowed to see.Whether it went to the US or left DG makes no difference,once what they wanted had been achieved or retrieved MH370 was airborne again & a timed explosion took place out at sea.

    So , all we do now is to wait & see where they finally disposed of the plane,did it run out of fuel,I’d say no, because there was a pilot at the controls, I’d say he was expendable .
    I cannot see them retaining the plane because no amount of paint on the fuselage will prevent RR receiving information on those engines,once up & running……………which means they too must know what’s happened to date.

  • katie

    Thanks Straw, that would be perfect !!!

    ‘The station comes under the overall jurisdiction of the Commander British Forces South Atlantic Islands, an officer of one-star rank. As of 2013, this has been held by Air Commodore Russ LaForte.[4] The RAF base on Ascension Island is run on a day-to-day basis by around nineteen RAF personnel’.

    >>>>The RAF presence on Ascension is backed up by United States Air Force personnel, who contribute a similar number of service personnel to ensure the effective running of the station'<<<<<<

    Breaking ………………..Lol !

    New debris spotted in new search area.

  • katie

    The point is, America is scared of China,not because of a war,but loss of trade.
    They want to shift their attention from ME to Asia.

    ‘Though US officials have resisted singling out China, the shift towards the region has been widely seen as an attempt to protect vital trade and shipping routes.
    “This is all about China, of course,” said Professor Hugh White, from the Australian National University in Canberra. “Australia is in a very complicated position in this. None of us want to live in an Asia dominated by China, but none of us want to have an adversarial relationship with China.”


    “For the second time in two weeks, American authorities lost contact with a drone aircraft, this time resulting in a fiery crash in the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean. … “

    The Seychelles islands with a population of 85,000 inhabitants are strategically located in the Indian Ocean.
    They are close to the U.S. combined Navy and Air Force base in Diego Garcia in the Chagos Archipelago, from which major military operations are conducted. Diego Garcia is also a major center of the military intelligence establishment. ‘


    ……………….AND we are supposed to believe they saw nothing of MH370 !

  • Mochyn69

    28 Mar, 2014 – 7:56 am

    Here ya go ..

    “BEIJING – A Malaysian team have told relatives of Chinese passengers on board the missing Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370 that there was sealed evidence that cannot be made public, as they came under fire from the angry relatives at a briefing on Wednesday.

    The sealed evidence included air traffic control radio transcript, radar data and airport security recordings.’

    There’s more here:


  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    Just dropped by for a reality check, and must say that these threads about the sabotaged airliner aren’t getting far.

    Why no comment, as far a I can see, about the assumed crash site being now 1,100 kilometers northeast from where it previously was. Seems to make hogwash of all those pings that the British satellite company provided, as they could not have been from the plane at the times cited.

    Throws the whole plot about the plane going west into the greatest doubt.

  • Tim V

    Guardian today: “The new target location means planes are able to spend longer over the search area, and with the prospect of much better weather because it is away the notoriously foul conditions of the “roaring forties”between the latitudes of 40 and 50 degrees south. Previously aircraft had been consuming much of their fuel and their time just getting out to sea and returning. This left limited capacity to remain “on-scene”, said John Young, general manager of the Amsa emergency response division.”

    So by DEFINITION all previous build-up about “credible” crash site debris was pure BS? (As we much malignly thought!)

  • Tim V

    It’s hard to interpret it other than an intentional ploy to waste time and obfuscate. The Russians and Chinese (at least) must have worked out what happened. So what factors prevent them from spilling the beans?

    Meanwhile the cotie European/5 eyes countries who must also be in the know toe the line and remain silent. Must be a strong line.

  • alex

    I find this quite compelling,anyone know any more?

    A Tiny Microchip Was The Likely
    Motive For Pentagon Hijack Of MH370

    By Yoichi Shimatsu

    HONG KONG – The question tormenting millions of cyber-sleuths is Why? What could be the motive behind the elaborate plan for the midair capture of Malaysian Airlines flight 370?

    Among the 200-plus passengers bound for Beijing, the target group for the hijack is narrowing down to 20 tech employees working for Freescale Semiconductors, based in Austin, Texas. Among these programmers and systems designers are 12 Malaysians and 8 citizens of mainland China.

    The company is no newcomer but has long-time connections in East Asia, as the former design subsidiary of Motorola, which once dominated the Asian communications market in the postwar era. Freescale has design centers in Kuala Lumpur and in China, including Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chengdu and Suzhou.

    Besides its lucrative production of microchips for automotive components, Freescale has extensive contracts with the U.S. military, producing wafers and circuits for navigation, periscopes, electronic targeting, self-guided missiles and other weapons systems that require intelligence controls.

    Any defense-related company at the nerve center of Pentagon hardware is bound to attract the attention of weapons designers from both adversarial and allied nations upgrading their military capability. Japan, France and the UK, along with Russia, China and Iran, all want the leading edge that contractors like Freescale provide.

    What technological innovation would prompt the Pentagon’s military intelligence agencies to electronically interdict a civilian airliner in mid-flight, while disposing of the collateral passengers as shark bait?

    Ultra-small Microcontoller

    In February 2013, Freescale unveiled the Kinesis KL02, the world’s smallest microcontroller, measuring 1.9 mm by 2mm and containing RAM, ROM and a clock. The company brags that the device is so small that it can be swallowed for medical uses, such as releasing drugs according to prescription schedule or directing micro-surgery.

    Tiny though it may be, the micro-controller is the key to next-generation warfare based on self-guidance, tactical versatility and hierarchy of commands, in short, an adaptive thinking weapon that can outsmart foes. Potential applications include:

    – Drones smaller than a fly, either as remotes or autonomously, on surveillance missions or to deliver biowarfare packets, for example, lab-cloned viruses or toxic drugs. Their light weight means longer flying periods or even indefinite hovering time if solar-powered.

    – Injectable implants to insert a human-machine interface, for example, a targeting system attached to the optic nerve, rendering Google glasses obsolete. Bionic implants could be implanted in nerves of the limbs to control battery-powered prosthetics, realizing the Pentagon’s dream of a human-centered robotic warrior, known to anime fans as “meka”.

    – Maneuverable micro-satellites and mini-submarines that can be operated as drones or act independently to track and hunt larger weapons systems, spy satellites too small to be detected by ground telescopes, and orbiting warheads containing chemical, biological or nuclear materials.

    Strategic Versus Commercial Interest

    Tje series code of Kinesis KL02 stands for Version 2 made in Kuala Lumpur, which is the capital of Malaysia. This core of America’s next-gen weapons systems was developed overseas, in a Muslim-preponderant country economically allied with China, Russia and Japan and often at odds with US foreign policy. Therefore, an upcoming round of testing in China, and possible manufacture of Version 3 in Beijing, was a prospect that the Pentagon agencies, especially the NSA, the US Air Force’s Space Command and DARPA, had to stop by any means available.

    As Freescale Malaysia prepared to test Kinesis at its sister research labs in Beijing and Tianjin, alarm bells were sounding at the DARPA-funded Charles Stark Draper Laboratory in n Cambridge, Massachusetts. That leading weapons-research facility was created during World War II to build navigation systems and bomb sights stabilized against turning and vibrations by inertia. It has since moved on to microchips for every military application, including inertial guidance for ballistic missiles, communications, GPS, intelligent targeting systems, orbital piloting for the International Space Station and, under the cover of “biomedical”, the transhuman super-soldier program.

    The release of Kinesis exposed the Pentagon’s dilemma over dual-use technology, which can garner vast profits through civilian applications, as shown by GPS for cars and smartphones, yet threaten to wipe out America’s technological lead in warfare. The choice of whether to down on a new technology is not limited to Pentagon insiders and generals, since defense contractors and elite corporate executives are also involved.

    Dirty Work for Israel

    In the case of Freescale, the executive management and several veteran board members are connected with the Carlyle Group, which favors civilian commercialization of defense-related technologies to benefit its investment partners, including George Bush Senior and several retired defense secretaries.

    On the other hand, Freescale is financially contolled by private-equity group Blackstone, with major investors including the Rothschild banking family and several of its business partners. As top financiers behind the Zionist movement, the pro-Israeli interest is to prevent miniaturized robotic weapons from falling into the hands of Iran and its allies Hezbollah and Hamas. Micro-vehicles, self-guided and with tactical flexibility, swarming against Israeli cities, ports and airfields would be a nightmare for the Israel Defense Force.

    Therefore, the defenders of the Jewish state had to take action. Better to kill 200 Malaysian enemies and Chinese nobodies than to harm one hair on the head of any of the Chosen People. And thus, the order came down from the Red Shield, the House of Rothschild, to their neocon subordinates inside the Pentagon: Stop Flight 370 at any cost to America’s reputation.

    The New Boss

    Thus, in November, just a few months before the MH370 hijack, Freescale seated a new member on its Board of Directors. Joanne Maguire is an executive with three decades of experience in the Lockheed Martin Space Division. She studied electrical engineering at University of Michigan and UCLA, where she earned her master’s degree. She was invited to the Harvard Program for Senior Executives in National and International Security. Caltech honored her with the Karmann Wings Award and she received the Peter Teets Award from the National Defense Industrial Association.

    As the very embodiment of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Maguire was the ideal choice to serve as watchdog against the corporate profiteers at Freescale.

    Hijacking the Truth

    There is no point in further disparagement of the pilot and co-pilot of the ill-fated flight, given their political connections with a compromised opposition beholden to the colonial past. The practicing with landing at Diego Garcia on the pilot’s flight simulator indicates a deep background with the Western intelligence services and probably Israeli espionage operating out of Singapore.

    Whatever the role of the plane crew, the NSA and US Air Force Space Command do not need manned piloting, except to maintain the appearance of normality at takeoff from Kuala Lumpur International Airport. As discussed in my earlier article, voice communication and navigational signals would have been disabled by a burst of powerful narrow-aperture radar used for electromagnetic warfare. The cockpit computer would then be reprogrammed, using Boeing’s own emergency piloting system, expanded with Pentagon and Israeli software.

    From the South China Sea to Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, the jetliner would be remote-controlled by a drone operator. Its unscheduled flight path would be tracked and subsequently remoted from data records by the NSA listening posts in Sri Lanka and the Jindalee eavesdropping facility in northwest Australia. Radar stations in the Maldives, installed under a US maritime accord, served to guide the jetliner to the southernmost atoll of the archipelago toward Diego Garcia, immediately to the south.

    The airliner’s descent over the Maldives, according to witnesses, went smoothly, for a safe landing on the long tarmac at the US Air Force Base on Diego Garcia Island, a CIA rendition center with underground hangars and prison used during the Iraq and Afghan wars.

    Upon arrival, the passengers would be herded into separate waiting areas, with the prize captives from Freespace sent to a debriefing facility, where their hard drives, laptops and smartphones would be confiscated and data downloaded, while the human intelligence assets were being questioned. The interrogators had a fairly easy task in telling the defenseless programmers: Join us or die with the rest.

    The cooperative would be given a new identity, and reintroduction into civilian life in a remote North American community after being administered memory-erasing drugs, similar to the ones first developed in the MK-ULTRA program.

    After vetting of all passengers, the uncooperative and high-risk suspects would be drowned and their corpses tossed near a phony “crash site”, off the coast of Western Australia, while US submarines discharge other bits of “evidence” into the cold waters. The crew of the plane was probably rewarded with a short walk off the plank into the jaws of waiting sharks. Anyone who puts their trust in imperial power deserves no less.

    Once the operation is completed and the media begin the mourning rituals, tearful American diplomats will attend memorial services for the missing victims of a tragic accident. Meanwhile, a cabal of Air Force officers and defense contractors will be clinking beer mugs with their former boss and guru, General Michael Hayden, the bureaucrat who militarize spaced and expanded the NSA into the global monstrosity that it has since become.

    MH370 will be remembered on the History Channel as an unsolved riddle wrapped in mystery, but no TV station will mention the other code involved in this dreadful affair – KL02 – cause of the untimely deaths and mangled memories of any survivors.

    Yoichi Shimatsu is a Hong Kong-based science writer, former editor of The Japan Times Weekly and a founding faculty member of journalism schools in Hong Kong and Beijing.

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    Yeah, it does seem be a problem for me, given the company I associate with on this site, but it comes with the territory. when one talks about today’s plots.

    Why the Russians and the Chinese don’t spill the beams about what America is doing with all its lasers, from the ones in satellites to handheld ones here, is that no one would believe them, and there isn’t anything they can do to stop their use when it comes to everything from earthquakes to plane crashes.

  • Donald

    The search has been suspended yet again due to bad weather, I must say that this is not just one of the greatest aviation mysteries in history, it is also the world’s greatest run of bad luck for the possible survivors. 🙁

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    Sounds like convenient, covert hogwash to me, Alex, but I do think the the Freescale people were used secretively to hide the sabotaging of the airliner by a handheld laser, as in the Asiana Flight 214 case.

  • alex

    Any ideas on who used the handheld laser and to what end? Has a commercial advantage been secured by parties presently unknown, or was this an unfortunate series of cockups and rubbish presentation of the “facts” as they emerged?

  • katie

    Damned moderated again !

    Alex I wrote a reply to you.
    Briefly it said; That I could go along with your article until he got to the fictional stuff on survivors.
    I don’t believe anyone knowing those details will be left alive,other than the planners,even they will have to watch each other.

  • Ricki Tarr

    This all stinks!

    Even on a level of that this story basically shows that planes are not fit for purpose, they didnt know where it was (and still dont for over 2 weeks) and coluldnt have tracked the plane if it had been hijacked because someone switched the transponder off??? WTF! wehy arent people kicking off about this alone?

    Now they think the wreckage is 3000 miles away, 3 lots of what is said to be wreckage has been found but not one boat has got there? what if there where survivors in life rafts? is the industry finally holding their hands up and admitting that no one can survive a crash into the sea!

    This is without even touching on other subjects – why fly back around over Malaysia towards India and then loop all the way around into the sea near Perth, it doesnt make sense in any scenario! Fire – they would have tried to land at the nearest airport?, No explosion or crash was picked up by Nuke monitoring equipmet as confirmed in the media, no black box beacon signal. No other counrty with sat’s and radar pick this up not even the huge US/UK listening station in the south indian ocean or by any other nation! Come on with those blurred sat pics when we all know countries like China and the US can read the label on a shirt! If it was suicide or terrorism why fly all the way to Australia to do it? could have even made it to Australia? realtives phones still ringing!

    It points to being in one place and one place only.

  • Ben-Scot NON-collaborator


    ““According to reports from plane-spotters, Israel has an identical Malaysia Airlines
    Boeing 777-200 in storage in Tel Aviv since November 2013. The only visible difference between the missing plane and the one in Tel Aviv would be its serial number. What do the Israelis have planned with the twin Malaysia Airlines plane?

    By using the twin aircraft they have in storage, the terror masterminds may have a sinister plan for the missing plane to seemingly reappear in a false-flag atrocity. Public awareness of the twin plane in Tel Aviv, therefore, could prevent the evil plot from going ahead.”

    Ah yes. Those illusive serial numbers (never reported) AA77 had little in the way of identifiable wreckage. The landing gear was of course similar or identical, with that fuselage and make, but no serial numbers. They appear to be in good enough condition to find, but nothing.

  • James

    The BBC have just said “the ACARS was switched off or went off line and it’s the ACARS that has generated those pings”

    Oh My God ! Where do they get these people from !

    The SATCOM radio packs (in the rear) are either on “ON” or “RUN”.
    It is the fact they are “Running” that generates the “ping”

  • katie

    Another thing is bugging me.

    All this talk of the black box providing the answer is rubbish.
    Maybe James will confirm…or anyone else with the knowledge, that information being recorded by said box, is regularly over -written so only the last two hours of a journey are recorded…. Well hello…. if the plane flew on for another four hours after deviating from its expected flight path, possibly with a dead pilot & then crashed ,we will not learn what happened before that.

  • alex

    Agreed he should have left out that survivor speculation, but the core of his remarks are sound I think. US pivot is spot on as is the weird and inexplicable reason why a doppelganger done up in Malaysian Airlines livery should be retained in a hangar in Tel Aviv since November – Christopher Bollyn wrote that up the other day. Use it to assault, say, Tel Aviv (the mighty IDF will of course shoot it down) and nail Iran for it. This stuff is so shocking and tough to get your head around until you remember the calibre of plutocratic vermin that seem to be running at least some of the planet nowadays. Obama’s a lame duck and serial Zio fellater Hilary is next in line. When is enough?

  • Kenneth Sorensen


    Here’s a very interesting BBC documentary from 2011 about the braking of ‘Tunny’, or the German Lorenz dechyphering system. It’s the first time I ever hear of this,- and indeed a full account was first given as late as 2006 – so that might explain why you, Bluebird , also never have heard of it.

    The remarkable thing is, that the British were able to warn the Russians about the impending Battle of Kursk – how the Germans planned a pincer-movement, and the complete order of battle! Soi the Russians weere ready – and from there on started the 2,000 kilometer retreat all the way to Berlin. I assure you, I thought I knew everything there was to know about WW2, but this is the first time I hear it. Because it was a secret – pretty much until 2006, when the first book by Jerry Robert‘s collegue appeared.

  • NR

    From what I read there are different manufacturers of black boxes, both the CVR and FDR, with different recording-length capabilities. One model (working from my memory) recorded 25 hours before overwriting. Don’t recall if that was the voice recorder or data recorder, or even if it was in commercial use yet.

    We don’t know if what the media reports is verified by Boeing as to what is actually on this plane, or they’re describing some generic box.

    It’s like the acoustic pingers attached to the boxes. Several manufacturers with different specifications.

  • Donald

    Why is it that Vietnamese sources confirmed the crash of MH-370 over Vietnamese territory?

    “The Vietnamese navy had earlier confirmed that Kuala Lumpur-Beijing bound Flight MH370 had crashed into the sea off Tho Chu island.

    Tuoi Tre quoted Navy Admiral Ngo Van Phat, Commander of Region 5, as saying that military radar reported that the plane crashed into the sea at a location 246km south of Phu Quoc island.”


  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    Just the expected, irrelevant misinformation by Kenneth Sorensen about the WWII battle at Kursk.

    If one reads Geoffrey Roberts’ Stalin’s Wars, one will learn that Zhukov persuaded Stalin in April 1943 that the Kursk bulge was the obvious target of the next German offensive, and by the time they attacked three months later, the Soviets gave them more than they planned for.

    When will Anglophiles, wherever they are, get over the myth that Bletchley Park was primarily responsible for the Allies winning WWII!

  • James


    If you did that, you’d get into trouble !

    They also have a Recorder Independent Power System (RIPS).
    Without power, it can record for ten minutes.

    Go aft, flick the break, pull J1 …and that’s RIPS “off”.
    You’ll get into trouble if you do that to !

    That “nutter” is back on the BBC News. Lets see what other rubbish he says.

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