Disappearing Aircraft 5654

I had fairly well concluded that the most likely cause was a fire disrupting the electrical and control systems, when CNN now say the sharp left turn was pre-programmed 12 minutes before sign off from Malaysian Air Traffic control, which was followed fairly quickly by that left turn.

CNN claim to have this from an US official, from data sent back before the reporting systems went off.  It is hard to know what to make of it: obviously there are large economic interests that much prefer blame to lie with the pilots rather than the aircraft.  But if it is true then the move was not a response to an emergency.  (CNN went on to say the pilot could have programmed in the course change as a contingency in case of an emergency.  That made no sense to me at all – does it to anyone else?)

I still find it extremely unlikely that the plane landed or crashed on land  I cannot believe it could evade military detection as it flew over a highly militarized region.  Somewhere there is debris on the ocean.  There have been previous pilot suicides that took the plane with them; but the long detour first seems very strange and I do not believe is precedented.  However if the CNN information on pre-programming is correct, and given it was the co-pilot who signed off to air traffic control, it is hard to look beyond the pilots as those responsible for whatever did happen.  In fact, on consideration, the most improbable thing is that information CNN are reporting from the US official.

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5,654 thoughts on “Disappearing Aircraft

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  • Duqu

    My first post here and not fluent in English, hopefully you understand. I have some questions to James about the 777 a/c.

    Have a look at this pic on the hatch in the front galley area:

    My query is if this hatch requires a special tool to be open, or can just a simple tool/screwdriver etc be enough to access this area ?. Is there a alarm if someone opens up this hatch in mid flight ? Also, do staff that enters a a/c on a new shift check all of these compartments before takeoff like the “med” and also the overhead sleeping area ?

    There is a story that a pax om a previous flight in another country set 5 fires inside a 777, that forced this flight to divert. This pax was never caught even as police kept all pax for long questioning. Would it be possible, that if this pax entering MH 370 could have accessed this hatch after takeoff when crew was starting to serve refreshments. I´m enclosing 2 pics of the MEC and this compartment is big enough to hide several persons, and if a pax would go bananas down there starting to mess around with these shelves, would cockpit still have a override over the systems down there, or would the driver be forced to go down and have a fight with this/these persons ? Also in mind, if there is a complete electrical failure, would the driver get stuck in cockpit or could he open the armored door anyway

    Cable side facing hatch entrance:
    Rear side of cable shelf:

    The units down there seems to show that even a 12 year old flight could be driven remotely, the question is how advanced the remote could be. Would it be possible to overtake this bird from a remote location in mid flight, or has that to be set rom ground before takeoff.

    I´m just trying to sort out facts what could be done.
    Regering the fire bottle that was found in the Maldives, a similar one showed up on a Norwegian beach some time ago, and it was concluded to be a firebottle from a russian backfire bomber, and that´s even more interesting what a russian bomber was doing down there close to the airbase Garcia.

  • bluebird

    This is an intetesting article with lots of true background information and lots of BOEING involvement in conspiracy and false flags.
    I read it twice and at least parts could be true and do fit together.
    Well worth reading.
    This article was taken down from the internet as soon as Dahboo exposed it. Though a cached version is still available.

    what does Soros get out of the deal? For one thing, the Mossad turns over the Kinesis microchip technology as thanks for his patriotism. Chips aside, what Soros really, really wants is the satisfaction of payback against Malaysia. Few things are more important than money, and that short list includes revenge.The Hungarian Jew tycoon, who bought US citizenship after defrauding the Bank of England, has a die-hard grudge against Malaysia. During his cunning attempt to wreck the currencies of Southeast Asian, with the hidden agenda of buying assets and property on the cheap, Soros was slammed down by Malaysia’s then Prime Minister Muhammad Mahathir, who imposed a currency board to stop capital flight. That was back in 2008.

    This article was taken down soon as Dahboo exposed it:


  • bluebird

    These are just two examples of the Mahathir versus Soros war that became more than personal. Lots of stuff on the internet regarding the war Malaysia versus Soros.
    This is a very interesting situatiin as Soros is behind GA Telesis who flew the twin 777 to Tel Aviv in november 2013. A false flag versus the USA continent blaming malaysia and iran is imminent and likely.

    Dr Mahathir had previously described Mr Soros as a “moron” and accused him and other fund managers of deliberately creating the crisis that wrought havoc in South-east Asia’s currency and stock markets. Both men have been speaking in Hong Kong at seminars held before the annual World Bank/International Monetary Fund meetings which, this year, have been dominated by the Asian financial markets’ turmoil in general, and the epic feud between Dr Mahathir and Mr Soros in particular.

    “I have been subjected to all kinds of false and vile accusations by Dr Mahathir,” said Mr Soros, “He is using me as a scapegoat to cover up his own failure.” Twisting the knife even further, he alleged the Malaysian PM “couldn’t get away with it if he and his ideas were subject to the discipline of independent media inside Malaysia”.

    Dr Mahathir appears to be convinced that “a few people who are in the media and in control of the big money seem to want to see these South- east Asian countries and in particular Malaysia stop trying to catch up with their superiors and to know their place”.He stopped just short of calling this a conspiracy but said these people “have their own agenda which they are determined to carry out”.



  • bluebird

    The final proof regarding Dr. Mahathir and the Malaysian government versus American/Israeli interests and Soros.


    11 September attacks and Islam related controversies
    In 2006 he (Dr.Mahathir) had a 2-hour talk with James W. Walter and William Rodriguez with regards to the US Government involvement in the 11 September attacks in 2001

    Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission

    Mahathir established the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission to focus on victims of abuse in Iraq, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories. On 11 May 2012, Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and their legal advisers Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, William Haynes, Jay Bybee and John Yoo were found guilty of war crimes. “After the guilty verdict reached by five senior judges was delivered, Mahathir Mohamad said: ‘Powerful countries are getting away with murder.’

    He also deployed the controversial Internal Security Act to detain activists, non-mainstream religious figures, and political opponents including his fired deputy,  Anwar Ibrahim.

    Note! The pilot was a follower of Anwar Ibrahim and therefore an agent of Soros

    Mahathir’s record of curbing civil liberties and his antagonism to western interests and economic policy made his relationships with the US, Britain and Australia, among others, difficult. As Prime Minister, he was an advocate of third-world development and a prominent international activist for causes, such as the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa and the interests of Bosnians in the 1990s Balkans conflict.

  • James


    You bring up relevant posts.
    Firstly, to fly an a/c by remote control (or even sat in the electronic bay, is going to be mighty difficult. It’s something I find pure speculation. The amount of kit needed would be unbelievable.

    Secondly, there are security checks on an aircraft. And as for someone hiding on one, that is always a possibility. And has been done. (recently a cleaner I believe was a stow away).

    And you main point. The bays. Yes, what you have are looking at is considered (by many) as a “security issue” ! And that’s to put it mildly.
    I have some more information on that which I’ll paste. I was trying to find the “patent” for it….as I know many people have be “designing away” as they flew along. I thought by now someone had “done it” and sold it to Boeing….

    Alas, I don’t think Boeing has “bought into it” yet.

    However I believe that the Dreamliner has been better secured. But that’s just the Dreamliner !

    Good point by the way.

  • James


    For your interest….

    Australia Patent Application 2011902182 Filed June 3, 2012
    Inventors: Matthew Wuillemin

    This patent covers a mechanism to lock or restrict access to the electronics bay from the passenger cabin. The application is applicable to B777 aircraft and similar which do not have a current locking system installed. Pending.

    Think you’ll find Matt is a pilot !
    And I think you’ll find a few have had similar ideas.

  • Ben-Scot NON-collaborator

    Boeing is big on military contracting. Their tentacles reach great distances.


    ““This successful flight test, 10 months after the first, is an important milestone in the decade-long partnership between IAI and Boeing in the Arrow program, and a demonstration of the effective solutions that come from global cooperation in the face of evolving threats,” said Bill Dickerhoff, Arrow program director for Boeing.
    The flight was conducted by the Israel Ministry of Defense and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency during a test of Israel’s national missile defense system. It began on Jan. 3 at 7:58 a.m. local time when the Arrow 3 interceptor launched from an Israeli test range and flew in accordance with its mission profile before terminating as planned over the Mediterranean Sea.
    The Arrow system is the world’s first operational, national missile defense system. Prime contractor IAI-MLM is responsible for interceptor development and production and system integration. Boeing co-develops and co-produces the Arrow 3 interceptor and provides interceptor components for the in-service Arrow 2.
    A unit of The Boeing Company, Boeing Defense, Space & Security is one of the world’s largest defense, space and security businesses specializing in innovative and capabilities-driven customer solutions, and the world’s largest and most versatile manufacturer of military aircraft. Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Defense, Space & Security is a $33 billion business with 58,000 employees worldwide. Follow us on Twitter: @BoeingDefense.

  • bluebird


    Matthew Wuillemin (reminds me a bit of William Brett Martin career …)

    Highly experienced Transport Pilot on both Airbus and Boeing Aircraft. Significant experience in global airline operations. A strong educational background, some Human Resource and Manpower Planning experience plus the ability to define, focus and solve problems. Fellow Royal Aeronautical Society (FRAeS) since 2007.A330 Captain

    China Southern Airlines

    September 2012 – Present (1 year 7 months)

    A330 DEC

    Instructor Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) – KC30A


    January 2012 – September 2012 (9 months)

    Employed by CAE to provide instruction on the KC30A (MRTT ) to the RAAF in accordance with through life support of the project. This includes all instruction on the Full Mission Simulator for pilots, Refueling Simulator (PTT), and Instrument Procedures Trainer ( IPT)

    Captain A330/B777

    Emirates Airline

    1999 – January 2012 (13 years)

    A330/340 Captain – 5200 hoursB777 Captain with Emirates – 3000 hours Emirates Pilot Club Committee (7000 members) – Treasurer

    A330 captain

    Jetstar Airways

    2006 – 2007 (1 year)

    First Officer

    Ansett Australia

    1996 – 1999 (3 years)

    FIrst Officer F-28 and BAe-146

    Squadron Leader (Reserve)

    Royal Australian Air Force

    January 1981 – April 1996 (15 years 4 months)

    35 Academy/134 Pilots Course.C130 Captain 36 SQN – 3 years.HR/DPO job in Canberra – 2 years.QFI on the PC-9 – 2 years 2FTS.Tanker CaptainTraining Flight Commander on B707 33SQNCurrently in RAAF Standby Reserve


    Design for a floor, aircraft cabin

  • bluebird

    Though i dont want to depart from this topic but i think that i should add that WUILLEMIN is a French surname originating from the Depaetement of Haute Savoie …..

    I like Wuillemin’s patent. That description of the patent reminds me a bit of Saad’s work on an airbus “kitchen patent”.

    Ok, back to topic but i thought that I had to mention that.

  • bluebird

    Wuillemin worked for Emirates Airlines 1999-2012 and he changed work in september 2012 ….
    Coincidences. Just coincidences. Emirates, sept 2012, patents, airlines, boeing, haute savoie surname, australia, RAAF, ….

    Stop thinking!!!!!

  • James


    LOADS work for Emirates. And LOADS are Aussies.

    The patent is for a “lock” on the Electronics Bay hatch (At Door L1 if my memory serves me correctly).

    I was showing DUQU that it is a bit of a “hazard” shall we say.
    And “known”.

  • bluebird

    Yes james
    But look at the patent description!

    Design for a floor ….

    Design for a kitchen?

    Finally perhaps Albert Einstein designed the “seat belts” so that passengers cannot move “relatively to the speed of the aircraft”?

    I just wonder about the description of his patent and of course about the many coincidences (timely and locally).

  • Duqu

    Re: James.
    Thank´s a lot, I suspected that.
    I wonder if the Malaysians have compared the pax-list on MH 370 with that infamous flight with 5 fires onboard…..
    So then when have a possible version of a “shoe bomber” going on a technical rampage in the rack-compartments, I read that the patent was 2012, I don´t believe that MAS has made any alternations in this matter.

    When it comes to Satcom-it´s possible to fake the timing delay between the sat and the ex-unit onboard.
    Depending if its Honywell or Raythoon, these units have all kinds of test-ports for measuring with the box is in the rack, the tx on “the roof” is just a grid antenna with an up converter to L-band, while the delays appears in the black box in the rack.
    So with a 70mhz if coax connector to the L-band, and several test outputs, it would be possible to go down by the rack, pull the cover of a test output or remove a jumper, and insert a regular video delay box with an array of switches from ns to ms delay, so a tech smart guy could add x amount of ns or ms-delay, fooling the readings at Inmarsat. Mils are doing the same to avoid showing were they are if they work against sats type missile launcher or comm-units, to avoid being traced by the enemy, in a similar way as some of use use VPN to not show our real ip-adress.

    There is rumors of a “smuggler route” from the Maldives up to Pakistan/India, would this route be possible for MH 370 if the figures of fuel on board are incorrect (= more fuel than reported to the press).

  • Ben-Scot NON-collaborator

    “There is rumors of a “smuggler route” from the Maldives up to Pakistan/India,”

    It’s not a rumor.


    Also, not a rumor that TRIDENT has security contracts on freighters; nor that two former Seals working on the Maersk Alabama died of respiratory failure 🙂 in February.

  • bleb

    Shifting search areas

    It seems whatever area is searched that “credible” debris is spotted.

    Does this actually just mean there is an lot of floating debris in the Southern Ocean?

  • James


    I don’t believe the issue has been addressed by any carrier.
    Certain the “200” would be therefore vulnerable.

    I assume the “ping” (and therefore all the calculations todate) are coming off the packs in the rear, rather than the main racks. But without the a/c, that is just a guess.

    Certainly a “team” working up front would be able to gain access (it is a known weak point) and from there it would be “possible” to gain access to the FDD. I would imagine (although not tried and don’t fly a/c that have a locked FDD) that it would “default” to “unlocked”.

    Certainly a strong possibility.

  • Duqu

    The Inmarsat-boxes (Satcoms) are in the rack (down under), from there, they run coax on if-bandwidth all the way back were the got the up converter somewhere over door #3 and then out to the grid-array antenna mounted outside, as a matter of fact, there are 2 units and 2 Satcom antennas if you check the high-resolution pics on MH 370.

    Have any journo asked the question to MAS of matching the pax-list with the arson-flight that was approx 3 weeks earlier ?

  • Tim V

    From that:

    “Similarly, Raytheon Corporation was awarded a contract by the Federal Aviation Administration 8 years ago to implement an “Advanced Route Evaluation System” (ARES) to work in concert with the system operated by the Central Intelligence Agency.

    In addition, the technical staff at Rolls Royce, a fact also reported in the Wall Street Journal, continually monitored the plane’s flight.

    Hundreds of people knew exactly where the plane was, how every system was working, what had been “turned off” not only when but where and exactly where the plane is now. Every word told the press, has been a lie.
    Every word told by the mainstream media has been a lie.


    Now everyone knows that the plane continued flying for hours. This is where the cover up becomes problematic; you see everything about the plane was known, position, conditions of the engines, oxygen levels in the cockpit and passenger compartment, this and much more.

    Even if the plane couldn’t be remotely piloted, its systems under “uninterruptable” control, a term coined by Boeing itself, the 777/200’s supposed “Flying Dutchman” journey to the South Pole is more than implausible.

    The CIA along with Joint military commands set up during the Global War on Terror, tracked Flight 370, monitoring it continually, monitoring the murder of its passengers, monitoring its landing, monitoring its refueling and know exactly where it is.

    If the plane really went down “off Antarctica,” they then monitored and “allowed” that.


    In Britain, technicians for Rolls Royce monitored the plane as well, reporting its position to the British government every minute it was in the air. Those technicians have been silent, the British government has never been asked, and no one has been asked.

    As the largest “Where’s Waldo” hunt in history goes on, now pulling in data from weather satellites and fleets of anti-submarine warfare planes unleashed upon the Indian Ocean, the entire thing is an “act,” a would-be comical farce.

    Flight 370 is a Boeing 777/200, one of the most automated planes in the world. We will be outlining some of the specifics that make this theft or hijacking or alien abduction or whatever the mainstream media chooses to call it not just improbable but government sponsored terrorism.”

  • James

    They run it all back and there’s a panel in the rear/gallery area.

    But I don’t think there has been a questions re the Etihad flights at all.
    And since it was only February it does make you think.
    It appears still “no arrest” (although they specifically looked at 12).

  • Tim V

    Nothing new but worth repeating from above article:

    “There’s many ways to fly the 777 and there are safety layers and redundancies built into the airplane now to Malaysia. There are so many communication systems on the airplane: 3 VHF radios, 2 SatCom systems, 2 HF radio systems, plus Transponders and active, ‘real time’ monitoring through CPDLC (Controller to Pilot Data Link Clearance) and ADS B(Air Data Service) through the SatCom systems and ACARS (Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System) thru the VHF, HF and SatCom systems. The air traffic controllers can tell where we are, speed, altitude, etc. as well as what our computers and flight guidance system has set into our control panels. Big Brother for sure! However, most of these things can be turned off.

    But, there are a few systems that can’t be turned off and one is the engine monitoring systems. The Malaysia airplane, like our 777-200’s, uses Rolls Royce Trent Engines (as a piece of trivia….Rolls Royce names their motors after rivers….because they always keep on running!) Rolls Royce leases these motors to us and they monitor them all the time they are running. In fact, a few years back, one of our 777’s developed a slow oil leak due and partial equipment failure. It wasn’t bad enough to set off the airplane’s alerting system, but RR was looking at it on their computers. They are in England, they contact our dispatch in (REDACTED), Dispatch sends a message to the crew via SatCom in the North Pacific, telling them that RR wants them to closely monitor oil pressure and temp on the left engine.”

  • Ben-Scot NON-collaborator

    TimV; I’m certain Boeing has no more competence than the rest of the Heckle and Jeckles engaged in the global search.

    The magpies have it !!!

  • Donald

    Two items that have just come to my notice:

    1) Inmersat never said they had located the plane, they only said that the location they gave is where the plane might be, it was the Malaysians who then changed the story to make it read that they had full confirmation and were convinced the Indian Ocean is where the plane crashed.

    2) Apart from its communications equipment the plane was also equipped with “Emergency Beacon Locators” which begin beeping as soon as a plane crashed over land or water … I have not yet heard any news that a beacon signal has been heard.

    3) From the moment it did its first turn the plane began to lose altitude and at the moment it came nearest to the Indonesian airspace it was at an altitude of 1000 feet.

  • James

    1000 feet ??? Who said that ?

    What we’re getting is “not a lot” from the Malaysian acting minister.
    Or just “plane” confusion (couldn’t resist).

    And absolute “crap” reporting from the MSN.

    For example….
    They are saying they have found debris.
    Then they say it’s not aircraft debris.
    And then they say they have it, but don’t know what it is.

    And THAT is from the same “News” programme !

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