Disappearing Aircraft 5654

I had fairly well concluded that the most likely cause was a fire disrupting the electrical and control systems, when CNN now say the sharp left turn was pre-programmed 12 minutes before sign off from Malaysian Air Traffic control, which was followed fairly quickly by that left turn.

CNN claim to have this from an US official, from data sent back before the reporting systems went off.  It is hard to know what to make of it: obviously there are large economic interests that much prefer blame to lie with the pilots rather than the aircraft.  But if it is true then the move was not a response to an emergency.  (CNN went on to say the pilot could have programmed in the course change as a contingency in case of an emergency.  That made no sense to me at all – does it to anyone else?)

I still find it extremely unlikely that the plane landed or crashed on land  I cannot believe it could evade military detection as it flew over a highly militarized region.  Somewhere there is debris on the ocean.  There have been previous pilot suicides that took the plane with them; but the long detour first seems very strange and I do not believe is precedented.  However if the CNN information on pre-programming is correct, and given it was the co-pilot who signed off to air traffic control, it is hard to look beyond the pilots as those responsible for whatever did happen.  In fact, on consideration, the most improbable thing is that information CNN are reporting from the US official.

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5,654 thoughts on “Disappearing Aircraft

1 30 31 32 33 34 182
  • Duqu

    Well, it seems that the math-calculation from Inmarsat didn´t match, as it yesterday was told that the flight had flew faster than predicted and therefore they started to search another area. This seems very far out when Inmarsat stated their calculation of speed vs sat-delay and antenna countor calculation. Another disturbing thing, when MAS 370 took off going to Vietnam, it was in range of 2 Inmarsat satellites, therefore, Inmarsat could with the telemetry of 2 sats verify all the turns and twist before going back, but they have only given some data of the 8th ping, and just recently they disclosed that there was a 9th “half-ping” made. For me it looks like we have a couple of interest trying to set up a diversion and that they are not 100% coordinated = the more chefs-the worse soup.

    The main query should be why this happened = motiv. I don´t think the pilot wanted to commit suecide the way the MH370 was flying, neither I don’t believe in a fire. Looks more like a pax causing hell onboard or a hijack with a specific adress, and if hijacked the question is were the target to land was. There are 2 points that also is disturbing.
    MAS was already in feb on the brink to file for bankruptcy, and Boeing is in deep trouble over the 787 problems.
    Regaring MH 370 sisterplane in Telaviv, that is the topic today, recent photo:s shows that both Inmarsat-terminals seems to have been removed, just a note for those that thinks that that plane was involved in some way.

  • Ben-Scot NON-collaborator

    Has anyone considered how distracting this event has been? 3 weeks of dominant media attention takes eyes off Ukriane/Syria.

    Cui bono?

  • katie

    Someone was saying on Twitter, that the pilot had been bought by the CIA.
    Make of that what you will.

    There’s also wild re-Tweets of the message from Passenger Wood….asking for help , saying he’d been kidnapped,blindfolded & didn’t know where he was. 🙂

  • Ben-Scot NON-collaborator

    Katie; As you know, the pilot had exploitable weaknesses.


    “A 1998 document describes typical foreign intelligence recruitment against citizens with access to sensitive technology.[5] “Hostile intelligence services begin the agent recruitment process by scrupulously collecting information on persons who are connected to industry, RDT&E laboratories, government institution staffs, military bases, and design organizations”. A candidate for recruitment usually fulfills the following criteria:

    They must be in a position to provide information of real use to the hostile intelligence service, either to steal or copy S&T information, to communicate secret information by word of mouth, or to recruit new agents.

    There must exist motives by means of which an individual can be recruited:

    Financial considerations/greed (transcends all other motives)


    Blackmail/hostage Situations (used in USSR but very infrequently in United States)

    Appeal to emigre’s national pride

    Exploitation of an emotional involvement

    False flag approaches

    Exploitation of an American’s naiveté


    Ideology (which is no longer the motivation it was during the Cold War; the Soviet service changed its emphasis to concentrate on sympathy for “persecuted” elements of American, or other targeted, society)

    Of course Cointelpro has a mirror image.

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    One would think that in this rambling odyssey, some poster would mention oil-rig operator Mike McKay seeing the burning airliner, high in the sky at the time it was going missing, and the Vietnamese military reporting after the crash that its radar had picked it up 246 kilometers south of its Phu Quoc Island – what was being investigated by its personnel and the media until the Malay government took over the search operation by claiming that the plane was diverted west to The Straits and beyond – but chance has no role in exercises like this.

  • Ben-Scot NON-collaborator


    “Fisherman Azid Ibrahim and a friend had taken people fishing that night off the coast of Kota Bharu.
    “I was fishing when I saw the plane — it looked strange. Flying low. I told my friend that’s not normal. Normally, it flies at 35,000 feet. But that night it touched the clouds. I thought the pilot must be crazy,” Ibrahim said. SNIP<<<<<<<

    A New Zealand man working on an oil rig off Vietnam claimed he saw a burning object in the sky Saturday morning, hours after the plane had taken off.
    Mike McKay of New Zealand was stationed on the Sona-Mercur oil rig on seas about 186 miles southeast of Vung Tau, a coastal Vietnamese town outside Ho Chi Minh City, according to CNN affiliate Radio New Zealand.

    McKay wrote of his sighting in an e-mail, the news outlet said.
    "Gentlemen. I believe I saw the Malaysian Airlines flight come down. The timing is right. I tried to contact Malaysian and Vietnamese officials several days ago. But I do not know if the message has been received," he wrote last week. "I observed the plane burning at high altitude at a compass bearing of 265 to 275 degrees from our surface location."

    A burning plane burning fuel at low-altitude. Seems to shorten the trip some.

  • Duqu

    Good evening. I just made a discovery that no one has reflected on yet. (tinfoil hat on here)
    The infamous -40db satellite footprint contour that everybody been following and using as the last ping standard has 2 interesting twists, it is located very close to were MH 370 first made it´s divert, but also….its right over Tel-Aviv…..

    So, if the Satcom was removed on the sister plane at Ben-Gurion and just laid aside, some could at the same moment as MH 370 switched of their system then activated the sister Satcom unit in Tel-aviv with the exat same contour and delay reading to the satellit. The Satcom uses smart cards to my knowledge, but the Israelis are expert on making clones in that matter, they have a long history in cloning satellite smart cards for tv and cellular systems, so Satcom would not be so hard to trick. The whoever running the “sister” could easily with a switch box alter the delay time to make a reading fooling Inmarsat. This requires that the person on MH 370 switched of the Satcom totally = the sister was a decoy .
    (hat off)

  • katie

    Yes,Ben I’ve always wondered about that way of recruiting, what better way to ferment resentment ?

    Don’t forget the prog on Sky will be starting in 10 minutes time.

    No doubt we are going to be told, the debris today is plastic,a fisherman’s boy & a bit of old rope………just the usual things which wash up daily on a Tanzanian beach !

  • Donald

    It is becoming more and more obvious that the current search is nothing more than a smoke screen to keep the public from looking in other directions.

    If one thinks of it as a smoke screen then the answer has got to be somewhere at the beginning of this drama.

    We all known how unreasonable it is to expect us to believe that the military radars of Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, India, USA and Australia did not pick up the plane on their screens.

    The answer has got to be that the plane never went anywhere near them.

  • Marlin

    Donald, if your theory is that the plane went down close to Vietnam, near where the original search area was, why do you think there is a need for such broad-based cover-up?

    I can see an attempted hijack and a shooting down of the plane, by either Malysia or Vietnam. I can see that neither country would want that advertised and will bend heaven and earth to make it into a mechanical trouble, just like the TWA 800. I can even see many other nations colluding in the making of this mechanical malfunction scenario, the US because of the liability of Boeing, UK because of RR engines, etc.

    Actually, I was kind of expecting something along these lines when that Wire article about the electrical fire generated such a buzz.

    What I don’t see is why would China co-operate in this case or the other countries now searching.

    Also I don’t see how and why Malaysia would then be convinced to ascribe the disappearance to a hijacking/sabotage and furthermore show such determination in looking west and down into the south Indian ocean. They would be on the hook just as much in such a scenario, if not more.

    I don’t disagree that it is extremely strange that none of these great radar systems detected much of anything. And obviously I am with everybody else in looking askance at the nature and manner in which information is being released, that Inmarsat satellite ping analysis, search locations shifts etc. Plus I got really suspicious about this ‘revelation” in the Guardian article I mentioned above, about the plane going “close to” Ft. Blair, just yesterday. That last one was really bizarre. makes me wonder whether it was a “hint” of some sort.

  • katie

    Thanks for the chuckle Kempe, , sorry, it looks as though the ‘u’ went awol just like MH370 !

    Donald, in this mornings papers they are saying ‘more relatives arrived in Malaysia’, have you heard any more on the relatives arriving in Oz, you know, the ones they chartered planes for after the first sittings of debris & all passengers are dead announcement ?

  • NR

    @Kempe 29 Mar, 2014 – 12:53 am
    “I would question whether the US really does have a superior intelligence system, in the past it’s been notable for it’s failures above all else, but of course to it’s greatest supporters and greatest enemies it sees and hears everything.”

    They’d get the same bang with enemies and citizens believing they’re omniscient than actually doing any spying. Works for deities and Santa Claus.

    So it’s OK to read Das Kapital, Ayn Rand and The Anarchist’s Cookbook at the beach without hiding under a red hood to block those pesky satellites?

  • Donald

    Marlin – Your 8:10 am … I still say a more thorough search off the Vietnam coast is required but there are other possibilities,

    How about a turn towards Cambodia, up through Laos,left into Northern Myanmar or perhaps an about turn after the plane’s last waypoint (there a were a few planes in the vicinity at the time) to send the plane flying low towards Bangladesh, maybe over towards Bhutan?

    As a matter of fact, If we use the findings from the Inmersat data and then invert the route North instead of East, then that would yield a possible route, there is no way a satellite would know the difference between North and South, it only reads and times signals and distances.

  • katie

    Morning Donald, no not the debris,but the families.

    Don’t you remember there was a scramble to get the bereaved over to Perth when the Malaysian PM announced the plane had gone down off the Australian coast ?

    The Chinese clearly believe they are being deceived by the way they are acting.

  • Donald

    Katie – Speaking of the Chinese .. they now have a permanent presence in the Indian Ocean. Nice little task force, wonder if they’ll pay Iran a friendly visit when this is over?

  • NR

    @Duqu 29 Mar, 2014 – 12:27 pm
    “When it comes to Satcom-it´s possible to fake the timing delay between the sat and the ex-unit onboard.”

    That’s interesting. The articles at airtrafficmanagement.net on SATCOMS wondered whether investigators took into account the latency between the time the plane received a signal from the satellite and the time it replied. Whether it fluctuated, was a fixed number or varied from one plane to another. But they didn’t speculate that it could be varied to spoof different locations.

    Though that would be an elaborate plot, not beyond capabilities of govt. agencies or even a gang of sophisticated thieves if billions in gold were available.

    @Katie was asking just such questions. Could somebody have the plane on the ground and fake its movement in the air?

    A question that I thought of, is why does Inmarsat retain info about the burst offset frequency? It might make sense for the db level of the signal received from a plane’s SATCOM transmitter, but why the frequency? Unless they record all raw incoming data from their satellites and hold it because storage is cheap.

  • Donald

    Katie – Me neither, I’m saying a friendly visit. just thinking a Sino-Iranian-Russian kind of thing, The Iraeli/NSA/CIA thingy is too laughable to comment on. Had they done it they would have crashed a second plane in order to leave wreckage behind, maybe even a few shark bitten dinghies. 🙂

  • katie

    Have you seen Inmarsat are denying they told the Malaysians that the plane ‘terminated’ it’s journey after the last ping ?

    They say they only analysed the data they had & gave no indication of what happened after that.

  • Donald

    Katie – The Iranians would get their bomb? Would Obama or Netanyahu attack Iran if there were a Chinese presence there?

  • NR

    @Katie: Inmarsat and everyone else is trying to distance themselves from the mess. It’s blame the Malaysians. Although it may be true Inmarsat didn’t explicitly say the plane crashed where they first (or second) estimated, it isn’t unreasonable for the Malaysian investigation to infer that no more pings meant the plane went down.

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