Disappearing Aircraft 5654

I had fairly well concluded that the most likely cause was a fire disrupting the electrical and control systems, when CNN now say the sharp left turn was pre-programmed 12 minutes before sign off from Malaysian Air Traffic control, which was followed fairly quickly by that left turn.

CNN claim to have this from an US official, from data sent back before the reporting systems went off.  It is hard to know what to make of it: obviously there are large economic interests that much prefer blame to lie with the pilots rather than the aircraft.  But if it is true then the move was not a response to an emergency.  (CNN went on to say the pilot could have programmed in the course change as a contingency in case of an emergency.  That made no sense to me at all – does it to anyone else?)

I still find it extremely unlikely that the plane landed or crashed on land  I cannot believe it could evade military detection as it flew over a highly militarized region.  Somewhere there is debris on the ocean.  There have been previous pilot suicides that took the plane with them; but the long detour first seems very strange and I do not believe is precedented.  However if the CNN information on pre-programming is correct, and given it was the co-pilot who signed off to air traffic control, it is hard to look beyond the pilots as those responsible for whatever did happen.  In fact, on consideration, the most improbable thing is that information CNN are reporting from the US official.

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5,654 thoughts on “Disappearing Aircraft

1 32 33 34 35 36 182
  • James

    Can you tell me, what “facts” you have ?

    And don’t “bleet” there is no facts, they have hidden them, and that’s fact enough !
    Because that is soooo “tin foil hat” brigade stuff.
    It gets you nowhere.

  • James

    I could give you “a few”…. that “oddly” you have not thought of.
    But that’s helping a very thick you.

    What the hell.

    How was it that the four bars computer went to the USA to be worked on ?
    Why did the AAIB have to push the Malaysians to search the South corridor ?
    Why is China not pushing harder for the investigation to be open ?

    You tin foil boyz are to busy “f*cking up”, you aren’t even asking “conspiracy” questions.

    Roll of eyes !

  • James

    “off script”

    Oh. I am GCHQ and you are a “non collaborator” !
    I doubt GCHQ would bother. Yet you feel you are “James Bond” ?
    One word. Bipolar. Get it checked out.

  • Ben-Scot NON-collaborator

    Why don’t you just spit it out, instead of asking us to digest your musings?

    Try some linkage, too.

  • Ben-Scot NON-collaborator

    How long does it take to hunt and peck those chicken tracks?

    This site must initiate interns. What an insult to Craig.

  • NR

    “British and U.S. secret service probe missing jet: MI6 and CIA investigating possible criminal involvement…”

    Does the fox/henhouse analogy apply here? The MSM are obliged to accept whatever those two agencies concoct, while it’s red-meat (tofu for Vegan members) to the Conspiracy Community.

    Unrelated rant: Why, when there’s any disaster, does the media offer up lame comparisons of area or height. The initial search area was “bigger than Australia” or “Alaska and Texas combined”.
    The current search area is “the size of Poland”. Which means to me it’s smaller then Russia and larger than Monaco.

    Depths to which the wreckage has sunk are expressed in multiple units of “Eiffel Towers”. In the good old days when USA was #1 the standard was “Empire State Buildings.”

  • James

    Eh ? More madness in your last post.
    And it’s me that flies at 42K !

    As for “linkage”. Do those points “need” linkage ?
    Try “knowledge”.
    Oh, I forgot.

    1. Look yourself where the computer went to be looked at.
    Try google. Oh forgot. They are reptiles !

    2. If you “read” the satellites Co’s comments…and then reference then to the Malaysian release, you will see the one day delay…and the AAIB being mentioned.
    Or check out the comments Chris McLaughlin at Inmarsat.
    Too much hard work for you ?

    3. Check out the Chinese newpapers

    Linkage ? Go get some knowledge instead of doing a “cut n paste” job from “weird” websites.

  • James


    That’s funny

    “The current search area is “the size of Poland”. Which means to me it’s smaller then Russia and larger than Monaco”.

    They expect that people in Yorkshire go “Ah lad, the size of Poland, I get that” !

    Oddly FOX news were SHOCKED that Malaysia was “majority Muslim” !
    American’s for you !

  • Ben-Scot NON-collaborator

    “Why, when there’s any disaster, does the media offer up lame comparisons of area or height. The initial search area was “bigger than Australia” or “Alaska and Texas combined”.
    The current search area is “the size of Poland”. Which means to me it’s smaller then Russia and larger than Monaco.”

    They are mouth-breathing facts from the experts, just like that CNN chyron announcing that it would have difficulty maintaining altitude when fuel runs out, NR.

    Katie; I’m not subscribing to any one theory, but fbw might extend the range of the pax cemetary.

  • katie


    Well let’s discount suicide due to flying until fuel ran out & fire because a fire would have allowed passengers to make phone calls.

    What else can we discount ?

  • Ben-Scot NON-collaborator

    “Go get some knowledge instead of doing a “cut n paste” job from “weird” websites.”

    I wouldn’t object to your c&p if it led to a verifiable source. Even if the source seems ‘weird’, cuz then we would have something to talk about except your failure to provide much beside your ‘take’ on what others contribute.

  • Ben-Scot NON-collaborator

    Katie; i’m not sure we can rule them out. Two witnesses SEEM to have convinced the searchers to change venues, once again.

  • James

    Tin Tin

    Like I said, Chris McLaughlin, Inmarsat.

    What are you new ? Google his interviews. Have I actually got to wipe your ass also.

    The Malaysians accepted the “arc”.
    Then came Doppler and the Southern theory.
    Then the AAIB had to push them to accept that theory.

    DON’T say it’s the AAIB making them. I aim to work for that body later in life.
    They are very professional people.
    Why did the Malaysians delay ?

    Cut and paste to kingdom come. Do some research and earn your bones.
    OR put your tin foil hat back on….and “do one”.

  • Marlin

    Ben, for what it’s worth I liked your cut & Paste, and wish we had more that’s useful from different sources. Keep it up and don’t concern yourself with whatever disruption.

    James: “forum sliding”? funny you use that particular expression. BTW, why aren’t you attacking katie also? after all, she too did “cut & Paste” and proposed various theories. It does seem to me that that Prune forum Stra44berry mentioned (and i checked it out) is full of aviation experts arguing the merits of various technical aspects of the 777. Why not share your knowledge with them?

    Katie, I agree we can question some of the scenarios, like suicide, since the manner of flying the plane for so long does indeed raise questions. However, we are hardly in any position to rule anything out at this point. To hazard a wild guess, I’d say you have never been in a suicidal mind frame and most here haven’t either. Especially a long term pilot mind frame which must be quite unique. As we know neither the psychology or the motivation (especially as none has come to light) we should probably hold off on dismissing anything at this point. Keep it all in mind, but vary the likelihoods as new facts come to light (which facts are stubbornly refusing to do so). Personally, based on all we have thus far, I think we can say that we know not a whole lot more about the possible motives and what happened to the plane than we did three weeks ago.

    It’s actually amazing how few leads have emerged as to the “what happened” or the “why happened”. No wonder some of us are seeing strange analogies to Chevaline – not factually but on the level of the “who done it and why” plus the way the aftermath plays out. It seems that yet again, since we know not the ‘why’ or the ‘how’ and precious little about the ‘what’, all we are left with is the ‘where’.

  • James


    1. I do (I am on Pprunes).
    2. Katie has “tested the water” with ideas. And seeks information.

    And 3. The “ole” tag team has arrived ! Marlina and Timboy together ! Funny that.

    For one, I like Craig. And his wife. And I say, I will stop “sh*te” when I see it.

  • bluebird


    China Southern Airlines could be a key that hasnt got sufficient attention yet.


    Major Shareholders are Morgan Stanley and these guys:

    plus major shares owners Taiwan Semiconductors:

    As a matter of fact, China Southern Airlines is literally owned by US companies and US banks and they have close relations with Boeing and Lockheed and with United Airlines(!).

    Yes, this had never been mentioned that MH370 was a shared code flight with China Southern Airlines and that all the guys with the false passports used China Southern Airlines tickets.

  • James


    Can I not be on here and also post on Pprunes ?
    Are you the “forum” police ?
    Am I a threat ?

    You “try” to cause “war” with Katie and I (and we have had our differences in the past) BUT she does post with some logic, and isn’t wearing a “tin foil hat”.

    Why “cut n paste” jobs from “bizarre” websites…are basically that.

    PLUS….when I am away down route, it does entertain.
    Arab owner equals “no drink” for driver for two weeks !
    Not because we can’t…but are “standby” rules.
    Salad and orange juice….and taking down Tin Tin ! T’is fun.

  • James


    Why should Shared Code make Check in any different ?
    Many Carriers use “Share Codes”.

    Are the pax using internal airlines after the get off a PEK ?
    Then it’s simple.
    One Alliance. One code. One plane. This is “transport”.

    Fills the airliner up.

  • straw44berry

    Do the ‘various reports’ that were spoken about but not quoted early on Day 1 of a ‘Safe landing in Nanning, China’ an honest mistake, vicious lies, China trying to show they didnt let an unidentified aircraft into their airspace? For the last option I have read that military jets escorted it to the airport.

    Google search mh370 Nanning

    One example here:-


  • Marlin

    James, far be it from me to “stir anything up” betweeb you and anyone else. I just wish you addressed the facts of people’s posts, agree/disagree/whatever rather than go on a campaign of name calling and beside-the-points. Sprinkling the forum with one-liners advances no view point and adds nothing to the discussions. One might almost conclude that you’d rather be talking to yourself, having discouraged all others. That said, I like it when you bring facts and figures and don’t mind your speculations any more than anyone else’s (my own included). We should bear in mind that are ALL just speculating here – none that post have confessed to being in charge of any aspect of the investigations (and surely wouldn’t if they were, but one doubts they’d then have the time for some comments forum). Some may know more than others about this or that angle, in which case their speculations are welcome. But you have never claimed special credentials as a psychologist so your reading of others with or without tin foils are just that – off-the-cuff assertions that appear meant to disrupt..

    Everyone else here seems to stick to the points, if going sometimes far afield in search of solutions. When you stick to your points you are doing fine – why mess up your own credentials? all you have accomplished by that sprinkling of accusations (based on nothing in particular) – this time against Ben is to raise doubts about your agenda.

    If your goal is to disrupt this forum, be a man and come out and say so.

    That said, I understand that deprivation of fire-water can and does mess up dispositions.

    And I don’t mind Marlina – has a nice ring to it.

  • Marlin

    Straw, from your ling:

    “the aircraft lost contact with Subang air control at 2:40am” –

    that’s an hour later than we are told it lost contact with Kuala lampur while failing to establish contact with Vietnamese air control.

    Just an inaccurate slip due to reporter’s liberty with facts, the fog of unknowns at the time, or?

    I agree that the reference to possible landing in Naning is strange. May be again just reporter picking up on rumors, or?

    Reminds me of that off-hand reference in the Guardian article i brought up yesterday to the aircraft passing “close to” Ft. Blair. Just like that, 3 weeks after the disappearance and in the midst of an article describing search in a new location in the Indian Ocean. Again – a “slip of the keyboard” by an unwary reporter, a deliberate hint inserted for whoever/whatever, or?

    Does that remind you of that infamous early reference to a child being dead early in the morning of Chevaline? not factually, to be sure, but media behavior-like?

  • katie

    Yes Ricki previous page.

    30 Mar, 2014 – 2:18 pm
    Could there have been a planned terrorist attempt ?

    William & Kate arrived in the Maldives on the 6th for a week.

    ‘They arrived on a British Airways flight at around 9.40am on Thursday, according to local media reports.

    The couple are understood to be holidaying at a newly opened private resort island in the northern part of the Maldives. ‘


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