Disappearing Aircraft 5654

I had fairly well concluded that the most likely cause was a fire disrupting the electrical and control systems, when CNN now say the sharp left turn was pre-programmed 12 minutes before sign off from Malaysian Air Traffic control, which was followed fairly quickly by that left turn.

CNN claim to have this from an US official, from data sent back before the reporting systems went off.  It is hard to know what to make of it: obviously there are large economic interests that much prefer blame to lie with the pilots rather than the aircraft.  But if it is true then the move was not a response to an emergency.  (CNN went on to say the pilot could have programmed in the course change as a contingency in case of an emergency.  That made no sense to me at all – does it to anyone else?)

I still find it extremely unlikely that the plane landed or crashed on land  I cannot believe it could evade military detection as it flew over a highly militarized region.  Somewhere there is debris on the ocean.  There have been previous pilot suicides that took the plane with them; but the long detour first seems very strange and I do not believe is precedented.  However if the CNN information on pre-programming is correct, and given it was the co-pilot who signed off to air traffic control, it is hard to look beyond the pilots as those responsible for whatever did happen.  In fact, on consideration, the most improbable thing is that information CNN are reporting from the US official.

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5,654 thoughts on “Disappearing Aircraft

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  • James


    I seek the truth.
    I note, as I seek the truth, others divert. I don’t.
    It upsets people. But “the truth” is important.


    “Could there have been a planned terrorist attempt ?”

    Good point
    There could have. But why the UK royal family ?
    This is S/E Asia.
    There are many and more politics that matter there. Many more.

    Lets say the track South was the pilot taking the a/c from harms way ?
    What then.

  • straw44berry


    Yes I do see similarities between this and Chevaline, more countries involved in obfuscation here though.

    Also do you remember the Kate topless photos scandal that happened at the time of the al-hillis:-


    I dont believe the first debris photos released by China that should never have been released was a mistake. More of a ‘Look here, look here!!’

    The Malaysians are being played as puppets, there are many national airlines that nations should consider shutting down after this event. How could some countries be able to run the investigations the way the Malaysians have tried to if a crash happened at an extreme of their routes.

  • Duqu

    Question to James again.
    How many emergency portable transmitters are inside the 777 planse ? I have seen pics of cylindrical units that will activate on impact, and some units attached to the life rafts in the doors. Given the thought that someone goes own i the rack bay and destroys the equipment, would´t the pilot still have a chance to alert the outside world by activating some of these transmitters even if they were airborne, just by holding the transmitter by the window, then a sat would pick up the distress signal at least.

    And as MH 370 had 2 Satcoms unit onboard, (seems to be standard on all 777) then there should have been 2 pings per hour, 1 ping per unit, this has Inmarsat never even talked about !

    Something here is very strange….

  • katie

    Because James, the British royals just like the president of the US would be the cherry on the cake for terrorists, a massive symbolic trophy.

    Both are on the terrorists list.

  • Ben-Scot NON-collaborator

    Really? They had 6 months to respond to the directive?

    “A final directive was issued March 5, three days before the Malaysia Airlines jet disappeared. The FAA directive is to take effect April 9.

    The FAA said it was “prompted by a report of cracking in the fuselage skin underneath the satellite communication (SATCOM) antenna adapter.”

    “This AD requires repetitive inspections of the visible fuselage skin and doubler if installed, for cracking, corrosion, and any indication of contact of a certain fastener to a bonding jumper, and repair if necessary,” it added.

    – See more at: http://www.vanguardngr.com/2014/03/missing-plane-us-regulators-warned-problems-boeing-777s/#sthash.zWP67qHU.dpuf

  • joe

    “I’m currently reading your book “Solving 9-11″, and has advertised it here and there. ”
    great post and analysis of the I+M partnership. this tech adv goes way back to hovercraft chip development at UCD.

    re: JFK was killed because he wanted to anchor the u.s. dollar to silver. THIS IS A FACT – NOT SOMETHING I READ – altho it is in print everywhere. i know the family of friends of the President of BofA at the time who had the currency in the bank already printed and ready for exchange. Then HE was killed and the exchange was rescinded.

    i would have figured that Tex would have known all this – and would have wanted to clean himself of this somehow. Then i saw a docu on the WHITE HOUSE narrated by Morgan Freeman and whoa! Tex wanted the shower on hte second floor refitted with 110 psi pressure with several outlets for a HIGH PRESSURE WASH.

    if you are looking for the 911 scenario, just get 1 set of data – THE PHONE RECORDS OF THE TEAMS. WHO CALLED WHO WHEN. SEE IF YOU CAN FIND THEM. my guess is that you cannot.

    as for the MH370 scenario, we halfwittedly joked weeks back about it being taken for a strike or, FOR PARTS. imagine, parts. it was a joke. and now i read that israel has one in lockup? wtf locks up a plane? collectors item? museaum? its for sale? parts…… so back to our rant weeks back – i said that if it was hijacked for a strike, they would not be able to just hold onto it- they would have to use it the next day- like in the AM after the snatch. (then what to do with all the people, ransom?)
    anyway it all seemed so absurd and i said – well someone screwed up 911 and didnt get the results they wanted so maybe someones is going to strike israel and blame the iranians to start a war…. i was joking, mostly.

    and now i read about the twin in storage (lockup)…….
    fyi i am in no hurry to blame the pilot. finding fault with another person other than a wallstreet company is just a wallstreet hit job. that pilot did not ditch that plane unless it can be proven without reasonable doubt. meanwhile- THAT PILOT IS CLEAN.

    so back to israel and the twin sister……. best guess top of my head- the israelis wanted the plane and something went wrong and the pilot fought fire with fire. THAT WOULD MAKE HIM HEROIC in a trajic way.

  • bluebird

    James, over to you.
    Could you confirm that latest media message or is it just BS?

    MH370’s cockpit voice recorder will NOT yield any answers about the critical moment the plane deviated from its intended route as the voice data have been erased due to the recorder’s 2-hour recording cycle.

  • TFS

    The rubbish spouted about the whereabouts of the plane is ridiculous.

    The UN should pick up the phone and force BOB (Barrack OBama) to release all pertinent information.

    There is no way on this planet that this plane would disappear (for whatever reason) without Amerika knowing about it.

  • bluebird

    How to take over a 777 from the passenger cabin/kitchen.
    Shown in a clip by captain Matthew Wuillemin, currently working for China Southern Airlines (who had the codeshare with the MH370 flight).


    This is his homepage according to the clip but there doesnt seem to be any contents at this time. Must have alook into the wayback machine.


    The Wuillemin family seems to be a traditional engineering family holding hundreds of patents. They reside in the Western part of Switzerland and in Haute Savoie and seem to be traditional original Savoyans.

    I still cannot get out of my head the “kitchen design work” of Saad al Hilli in that regards.

    I still cannot get out of my head that Matthew Wuillemin worked for Emirates Airlines in Dubai from 1999-Sept 2012 and for China Southern Airlines from September 2012 until now.
    (Tim v., over to you).

    I still cannot get out of my head that Matthew Wuillemin was in Australian RAAF and that he had exactly the same history and education and profession as WBM.

    China Southern Airlines is no Chinese company any more but a Nasdaq listed shareholders company owned by American banks and companies such as JP Morgan, Chase, McDonalds, Lockheed and Boeing.
    China Southern Airlines were closely connected with United Airlines.

    There are too many coincidences. The tickets with the false passports were no Malaysian airlines tickets but China Southern Airlines tickets ….
    And then we have the Soros versus Malaysian government “private war” to consider, too.

  • NR

    @Katie @Donald : As to who first claimed the plane crashed in the Indian Ocean and was in fact at the bottom of the Indian Ocean, the Malaysians claim info came from the White House — not mentioning Inmarsat.

    THURSDAY, MARCH 13 [Malaysian Airlines re Inmarsat]
    “Initial results were received on Thursday 13th March at approximately 13:30, but it was agreed by the US team and the investigations team that further refinement was needed, so the data was again sent back to the US.”

    “FRIDAY, MARCH 14: The hunt spreads west to the Indian Ocean after the White House cites unspecified “new information” that the jet may have flown on after losing contact.

    “Friday, 14 March 2014 | PTI | Washington/Kuala Lumpur: US officials helping in efforts to locate a missing Malaysian plane today said they are shifting their search to the Indian Ocean region amid reports that the aircraft could have flown for several hours before it disappeared nearly a week ago.
    It’s my understanding that based on some new information that’s not necessarily conclusive – but new information – an additional search area may be opened in the Indian Ocean,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said.”

    “March 15, 2014 8:40AM: INVESTIGATORS searching for missing flight MH370 reportedly now fear the aircraft is sitting at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.”

    “March 16, 2014, 11:42 am: House Intelligence Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) on Sunday said Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 is likely at the bottom of the Indian Ocean, but nothing can yet be ruled out.”

  • bluebird

    Over to you for discussion regarding the possibility of that scenario according to the data we know:

    Step 1:
    Terrorist 1 (an engineer) opens the hatch door and manipulates the computers.
    Result: Turned off voice connection and possibly other consequences, including flashing some alarms in the cockpit.

    Step 2:
    Cockpit crew does immediately recognize the problem and responds professionally due to manual.
    Pilot turns the plane 180 degrees for heading back to KL and sending co-pilot to open the hatch for looking for the computers.

    Step 3: co pilot opens cockpit door and is knocked out immediately by terrorist 2 and 3 waiting in front of the door.

    Step 4: terrorist 2 and 3 enter the cockpit and try to overpower/strangle pilot from behind. Automatic reaction of somebody being strangled from behind would be pulling the throttle. That might pitch up the nose and would explain the FL45 climb during the fight.

    Step 5: As soon as the pilot is unconscious or dead, the terrorists pull him from his seat (complicated) and an amateur pilot is taking over the Boeing, causing to stop the climbing and going down to FL27.

    Your comments ….

  • NR

    @Duqu 30 Mar, 2014 – 9:18 pm: “Question to James again. How many emergency portable transmitters are inside the 777 planse ? I have seen pics of cylindrical units that will activate on impact, and some units attached to the life rafts in the doors… And as MH 370 had 2 Satcoms unit onboard, (seems to be standard on all 777) then there should have been 2 pings per hour, 1 ping per unit, this has Inmarsat never even talked about! Something here is very strange….”

    James would know better, but from what I’ve read, there is at least one Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) on the top rear surface of a 777 — some sources say there are two. They are battery powered and activate on impact. The ELTs in the eight life rafts are activated by salt water.

    “The pilots never made a distress call and the two emergency locator beacons (ELT) that would have been activated in the event the Boeing 777-200ER went down have remained eerily silent.”

    Duqu, you again raise an interesting point re the two SATCOMS. Do they both transmit to the satellite on different frequencies or use the same frequency but at different times. Or is one active and the other a back up and if that’s true who or what switches over?

  • bluebird

    Another coincidence


    The Wuillemin family in the Geneve/Annecy area is of jewish origin with e.g. Israel Wuillemin from Lausanne working in Geneve as an expert in metallurgy science and Zacharias Wuillemin as a scientist (CERN) and Abraham Wuillemin as their grandgrandfather.

    Australia/Monash university – Geneve and Annecy seem to be an often detected coincidence.

  • Donald

    Perhaps the plane did crash in the Indian Ocean and the survivors are being held at “La Roche Godon”, home to about 30 non-permanent inhabitants involved in biological studies.

    I’m sure some Illuminati/NSA/CIA/Mad Jewish Professor plot can be hatched out of this one. From the air the place looks like the home of Dr Moriarty

  • bluebird

    Regarding the satcom discussions:

    Malaysia Airlines used the Thales Satcom system on its Boeings.



    FARNBOROUGH: Malaysia Airlines signs up for Thales satcom system

    Source: 10:00 22 Jul 2010

    Malaysia Airlines is to install the Thales TopFlight Satcom system.

  • Q

    @Bluebird 10:45 am: Lachlan Cranswick was a materials scientist who studied at Monash University in Melbourne, then worked for CSIRO in Australia before moving on to do research at Daresbury Laboratory in the UK, and then Canada. Neutron diffraction and X-ray diffraction were his areas of expertise. These testing methods have applications in the field of welding, and of course fire and explosion investigations, among other things. Cranswick once used his expertise to study part of a space shuttle. Consider what can be gleaned from these techniques: material failure, sequence of events, etc. Surely welds would be a vulnerable point for failure. Cranswick also travelled to Grenoble to use his techniques.

    I’ve posted about him in the al-Hilli thread, FWIW. Cranswick died under mysterious circumstances in January 2010. He did work for private companies and governments through his employer, the Canadian Neutron Beam Centre, based at the Chalk River nuclear facility. He was said to have completed a report and mailed it overseas on the day that he was last seen.

  • Ben-Scot NON-collaborator

    ‘Mysterious circumstances’ indeed.

    “At some point after arriving at his home where he lived alone, he reportedly carried his trash to the curb. Then… nothing. He was gone “without a trace.” His house was found unlocked, and his car was parked in the garage. His wallet, keys and passport were all inside of his home, untouched.”

    Poof! Just like MH 370.

  • Q

    @Bluebird: You mentioned Emirates, which reminded me of the Airbus A380. That led me to this:


    A little more investigation led me to a discussion about brazing filler materials for Zircalloy-2 and -4. That in turn led me to sidestep into the Ugine-Sejournet process:


    More on brazing sheets:


    Boeing has a patent for brazing sheets:


    Sylvain Mollier would have been familiar with brazing sheets and processes.

    Anyways, back to the first link. It’s obvious that brazing sheets are used to manufacture airplanes, in particular “certain critical components of heat exchange systems”, as the letter points out.

    Ugine has long played an important role in this industry.


    Is this thread related to what happened at Chevaline on September 5, 2012? It’s a question I cannot help asking.

  • Q

    Yes, Ben, and the meticulous, detail-oriented Cranswick who documented the trivia of his daily life, somehow accidentally set out his recycling bin for the wrong week. He surely knew when recycling was collected. Whoever set it out might have known it was the correct day for recycling pickup in the town of Tweed.

  • bluebird

    Could somebody do me a favour?

    Search google for patent


    This should point to the patent “Probabilistic mitigation of control channel jamming via random key distribution in wireless communication networks” dated March 5th 2013.

    However, the US patent database restricts access to that patent “page not found”.
    Perhaps this is because of the “Invention Secrecy Act” (see wikipedia for details)

    Maybe you can access the database from inside the USA???

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