Disappearing Aircraft 5654

I had fairly well concluded that the most likely cause was a fire disrupting the electrical and control systems, when CNN now say the sharp left turn was pre-programmed 12 minutes before sign off from Malaysian Air Traffic control, which was followed fairly quickly by that left turn.

CNN claim to have this from an US official, from data sent back before the reporting systems went off.  It is hard to know what to make of it: obviously there are large economic interests that much prefer blame to lie with the pilots rather than the aircraft.  But if it is true then the move was not a response to an emergency.  (CNN went on to say the pilot could have programmed in the course change as a contingency in case of an emergency.  That made no sense to me at all – does it to anyone else?)

I still find it extremely unlikely that the plane landed or crashed on land  I cannot believe it could evade military detection as it flew over a highly militarized region.  Somewhere there is debris on the ocean.  There have been previous pilot suicides that took the plane with them; but the long detour first seems very strange and I do not believe is precedented.  However if the CNN information on pre-programming is correct, and given it was the co-pilot who signed off to air traffic control, it is hard to look beyond the pilots as those responsible for whatever did happen.  In fact, on consideration, the most improbable thing is that information CNN are reporting from the US official.

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5,654 thoughts on “Disappearing Aircraft

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  • NR

    Did anyone, especially MSM, verify that Wood actually worked for IBM as an executive or otherwise. I can’t find any press release from IBM lamenting loss of a valued employee, etc. There’s only his LinkedIn page.

    As for Sarah Bajc, she seems to be a new-age self-promoter, social media instigator, influencer and whatever buzz-words are fashionable. One of her pages where she claims to have worked for Microsoft only has a generic link to microsoft.com

    @Donald 7 Apr, 2014 – 10:37 pm
    “Australia, where I live .. our soldiers are not murderers and the job of our spooks is vastly different to that of MI6 or the CIA.”

    I doubt that. Everybody thinks their soldiers and spooks don’t do bad things, and if they do cross the line occasionally it was only to protect the Homeland or make the world safe for democracy.

  • Donald

    NR – ” ….Everybody thinks their soldiers and spooks don’t do bad things, and if they do cross the line occasionally it was only to protect the Homeland or make the world safe for democracy………”

    I was a soldier, mate .. I think you watch too much TV or perhaps you shouldn’t do drugs while watching movies.

  • Q

    Thanks for that, Donald. It’s interesting that soldiers leave their watches and rings behind when they go away. I guess Paul Weeks was still behaving like a soldier. His sister did tell the media that he left those items behind “for some reason” in one of her media interviews. She also told Anderson Cooper that he did so because of a “small car accident” that made him think about such things.

    Sara Weeks has given many interviews about the MH370 situation, so it is reasonable to assume that she is more interested in sharing her brother’s story than keeping it quiet, or staying out of the public eye. She, like many other members of the public, wants answers, and probably realizes that the only way to be heard is to grant interviews.

    As much as I like little garden gnomes (a habit I picked up while following the story of Lachlan Cranswick of Melbourne), I don’t recall calling any of the countries you mention “innocent” and “guiltless”, although guilt is more of a western religion thingy. Au contraire: have you read my posts? Certain parties in the area where MH370 went down are in provocation mode. The natural consequence of provocation is a response. Why should we look the other way with all that is happening in the area? Context matters. Perhaps you should have mentioned “accidentally hit by a stray missile”, even though we are told there were no missile signatures.

    MH370 is very much an international story.

    Onwards we go.

    On another matter, NR, I did verify that Paul Weeks was an employee of Transwest, which has a statement on its website about him.

    And yes, Edward Snowden did reveal “Australia’s links to US spy web”:


    He also mentioned Geraldton, a four-hour drive north of Perth. That’s pretty close to the search area for MH370.

  • NR

    @Donald 7 Apr, 2014 – 10:37 pm
    A rebuttal to some points you raised. There’s nothing wrong with stalking people who’ve put themselves out on the web, as long as it doesn’t rise to harassment and vigilantism; posting messages directed at them or pursuing them in the real world.

    As Bleb pointed out, nobody objected to anyone investigating the two Iranians or the two Muslim pilots, including the Daily Mail fabricating a story which was refuted by Capt Shah’s daughter.

    As an aside, on something unrelated [The Case of the RED Mowhawk with which Q is familiar] a young woman, who had a large web presence, was greatly in favor of 4Chan and Anonymous vigilantes doing the work that police could not or would not do.

    Until her brother was arrested in an especially gruesome murder [almost as big a mystery as MH370], the day after her wedding, and people were saying unbelievably vile things about her and to her. Then she’s all, “I can’t believe how rude some people are”.

    You said, “it’s as if you think the Vietnamese, the Malaysians, the Indonesians, the Thais and the Chinese are guiltless little garden gnomes innocent of any crime when in fact they are perpetrators of some of the most horrific crimes in history.”

    That point is made over and over in whatever is the current Craig Murray thread. There is an anti UK/US/Israel bias to Craig Murray discussions, whether justified or not. But should everyone be required to preface their remarks with a disclaimer saying, “I’m aware of much worse, such as the DPRK regime…”

    One can hope, faintly, that Western regimes — pardon — democracies aspire to better, notably on the matters of torture/rendition/assassination.

    “The 6,300-page report includes what officials described as damning new disclosures about a sprawling network of secret detention facilities, or “black sites,” that was dismantled by President Obama in 2009.”

    “…dismantled by President Obama in 2009”. More like detainees are now “invited” on free Caribbean Cruises and given complimentary spa treatments of enhanced electro-tickling.

  • NR

    @Q 8 Apr, 2014 – 1:33 am: “On another matter, NR, I did verify that Paul Weeks was an employee of Transwest, which has a statement on its website about him.”

    How about Philip Wood. Did he actually work for IBM? Does IBM say anything about him? The uber-conspiracy pages have him as a crisis-actor, appearing in Boston Bombing pics (photoshopped?).

  • katie

    Morning all.

    Donald is that true, that you & others you know leave their rings & watches behind when they’re still alive ?

    I obviously know that’s what happens in a will, but not before travelling. How do they tell the time when they’re away ?
    Like someone else has said, a wedding ring in a dangerous situation or a lonely mission can be of great comfort….. so it seems odd to remove it & effectively cut ties on departure as this man did.
    It must be a cultural thing.

  • katie

    I was wondering last night……how many of the countries involved in the search, had nuclear facilities ?

    Apparently there’s a total of 26 countries involved, I can’t help wondering what unites them & what they all have in common .
    Yes I understand if it was a humanitarian project but it really cannot be now, yet they are willing to help at great cost.

  • Marlin

    Donald 10:37PM – what have you got against Iran, anyways?

    As for Australia – no, they probably were not one hundredth as guilty as the Americans and the Brits – they were not the ones to engineer a murderous Iraq campaign where nearly 1 million died/were murdered, courtesy of certain democracy “advancing” ventures. The Australians are not the ones deploying drones to strafe, maim and kill countless innocents, with a thing apparently for wedding parties. To the best of our knowledge, those hideous torture chambers the CIA was so fond of maintaining around the world were not on Australia’s soil, since last we heard, it’s a country of law and not the kind of jungle the CIA/MI5/Mossad need for their dirty deeds. And last I heard, Australia had nothing to do with the war crimes committed in Vietnam where millions died to “preserve freedom” or something.

    So while Australia – a country everyone is fond of, is not guilty of the kind of excesses we have seen from the US and before them (and now with them) the UK, neither are the Vietnamese, or, for that matter the malaysians (indonesia is another matter, but i won’t go there).

    That being said, Australia is, however, a member-in-good-standing of the five eyes, making them one of four vassal states to the American empire. That is a position of great responsibility, no doubt, even if the scooping up of information and spying is done in the backyard of Indonesia/Malaysia/Thailand whatever. We would expect that as a member-in-good-standing of the 5 eyes club (one that Germany apparently could not get into, no matter merkel’s groveling) they would be privvy to certain (not all) secrets the Empire is anxious to conceal, including whatever transpired with the MAH370 flight. Now, whistleblowing is not a job security enhancer, last I heard, but we’d love to have an honorable member of the down-under in the hall of fame, where Snowden, Assange, manning and Elsberg have carved illustrious places. Humanity needs these people and then some. Spread the word, perhaps?

    BTW, I do have a soft spot for the Australian intelligence agencies (ISIS, is that it?) who, after all, helped blow up the sordid Ben Zygier case in Israel’s face (which was richly deserved). I’m sure they did so for a good reason (probably because of the usual disrespectful, despicable handling by the Mossad, which employed, then jailed and suicided Zygier). The world did not become a much better place as a result of the little bit of sunshine allowed through by the commendable actions (behind the scenes) of the Australians, but at least we got to see a ray or two. These days, we appreciate what little we can get….

    PS you said something about being a jewish Christian? or was it a Christian Jew (sorry, it IS confusing)? I asked you about the difference before (no, you don’t have to answer…unless so inclined).

  • Marlin

    Mochyn69 6:12am – is that a tease? can you give me a hint of just a little bit of a surprise? (I love surprises…).

  • bluebird

    More on Sarah Bajc:

    Sarah and Steve Bajc have 3 children: Noah, Ryan and Madison
    There are no divorce papers anywhere.

    Both Sarah and Steve Bajc are leading members of the world wide Chabad-Lubavitch organisation.


    Given all these facts i strongly suggest that the Bajc family is working for a secret service or directly for a government.

    In that case, Sarah Bajc is used as a deliberate DISINFORMATION AGENT!

    She’s up and down on CNN, talking about the iphone in the ass and an SMS from diego garcia. She’s talking about two airforce planes having been seen next to MH370 by witnesses. Thats all BS. She’s set up. That’s all her shit stories being moved to move the investigation of freelancers into a different direction and to discredit conspiracy.
    I am almost sure that she didnt know Mr. Wood any better than his friends and that she’s still with mr steve bajc and her children.

    Mrs Bajc was setup by a government to confuse investigations and conspiracies. Period. She most definitely works for mossad.

  • katie

    I’m not sure about all that BB, but I will say it could explain her completely changed persona in a matter of days.

    She did say her initial near hysterics of a teenager on the first day as perhaps she just ‘flipped’, but maybe it was the simple fault of ‘over acting’ ?

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    Beijing playing the white man conspiracy perfectly, apparently hearing a very long ping which get the Aussies and Americans on board, only for everything to go silent after due date for the records ers passes.

    Now the crash will apparently never be found because the search is thousands of miles from where they are looking.

    Like in the Asiana crash, the Chinese are as willing as the culprits in this case to see it remain a mystery.

  • bluebird

    The family relations are approved and i checked various databases.
    Chabad membership in beijing is approved, too.

    What us my suggestion is that she is a disinformation agent. We cannot approve that other than by logic while we are hearing what she’s saying and doing.

    Of course not every Chabad member in Beijing is a mossad agent 🙂

    Well, she was about to leave her family and her children. Wood was flying on that plane to beijing in order to pick her up and to bring her to kuala lumpur where he wanted to start a new life with her (without her still husband and without her three children of course).

  • katie

    OK ,BB, say I go along with that for now, what purpose is her ‘misinformation’ serving & why.

    The same question to you too,Trowbridge, to what purpose would the Chinese perpetrate such a crime ?

  • bluebird

    And … Katie

    Her father had died on january 30 2014 (brenton m. Hamil) in georgia.
    We can assume that she and her children just returned from the USA (funeral) shortly before MH370 had disappeared.
    In such a case emotions would be easy to play, even then if wood was just her “client”.

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    Beijing did not perpetrate either this crash or the Asiana one – it’s is helping cover it up because it doesn’t want its citizens to know that the West is using them as guinea pigs in the hope that it will help overthrow the regime, its loss at Freescale has been minimized by its knowing what it is doing and can covertly replicate it, it keeps the white boys guessing about just how sophisticated its data gathering is, etc.

    China has only responded to the crimes by its enemies, starting with the Pentagon=made earthquake in Sichuan back in May 2008.

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    If one needs more evidence of how Beijing is playing its subtle, covert war with the West, just look at the Chinese allowing arch enemy SoD Chuck Hagel to visit its first aircraft carrier.

    This seems unprecedented openness, but it is a far cry from when it allowed American spy Danny Stillman to visit all its covert nuclear and missile sites during the late 1980s, and early ’90s – what gave Washington all those targets to hit in 2008 when GW was in the process of leaving.

    An airrcaft carrier is almost impossible to hide, and what really makes it important is what is in it both offensively and defensively – what I am sure the Chinese revealed nothing about.

  • Ben-Scot NON-collaborator



    “Sat, Mar 8, 2014 News from Israel
    Operation Full Disclosure ends in success as Iranian arms ship reaches Eilat Port

    The Iranian arms ship Klos-C arrived in the Eilat Port on Saturday, flanked by Israeli naval ships. The IDF naval unit Shayetet 13 conducted Operation Full Disclosure early Wednesday morning, taking control of the Iranian ship, which was sailing under a Panamanian flag near Port Sudan in the Red Sea. The cargo ship was carrying Syrian-made weapons intended for Hamas in Gaza.

  • Q

    @Katie 7:41 am: That’s what I was thinking, Katie: a mission. Paul Weeks seemed to be treating this as if it were a mission, and as if he were a soldier going on a mission. Some were asking if he had a premonition. I think it may have been more of a sense of the risk involved in going on a mission. Did he know clearly that he was taking a risk, possibly the risk of not returning from this mission?

    He was a “former” soldier, one that had taken up a consulting position with another firm. What was his work while he was in the military? As I understand it, special forces recruit from all ranks and positions in the military, and their fellow soldiers don’t know who they are, or shouldn’t.

  • Q

    From the New York Times on March 31, 2014, regarding the software glitch, or flitch, in the Asiana crash, during flight level change:


    “In the Asiana crash, the crew believed that an auto-throttle would manipulate the engines to keep the plane’s airspeed in the range needed for a safe landing, somewhat like the way the cruise control in a car will adjust the throttle to keep the speed constant. It later became obvious that because of a quirk in two tightly linked systems, the autopilot and the auto-throttle, and because the crew had manually adjusted the throttles at one point, the auto-throttle had gone into sleep mode….

    “If the crew had turned off the auto-throttle, he said, a separate system would have kicked in to keep the engines running hard enough to prevent aerodynamic stall. But with the auto-throttle in sleep mode, “there’s no protection at all, you’ve got nothing,” Mr. Haueter said.”

    Foreshadowing things to come?

  • Ben-Scot NON-collaborator

    It’s always ‘operator error’ except when it isn’t

    “Boeing has focused on the crew’s failure to maintain proper airspeed, which is expected to be listed by the safety board as the probable cause of the crash. Asiana’s filing is an effort by the airline to have the plane’s design characteristics listed among the contributing factors. The board’s conclusions are not admissible in court, but its ranking of factors often influences how a carrier’s insurance company and the plane’s builder apportion the damage settlements or court judgments.”

  • Q

    @Ben-Scot: The disappearance of MH370 at sea, in waters near a signatory nation to the Montreal Convention of 1999, will limit liability by the airline and expedite insurance settlements to survivors. I am uncertain what would happen with potential lawsuits between the airline and the manufacturer, but nothing can be known for certain if the plane is never found. How likely is a bankrupt airline (or its insurer) to sue the manufacturer, anyways?

    Operator error is the easy out.

  • Marlin

    Bluebird, you said you had confirmation of Sarah Bajc being a member of Chabad? I’d be interested in seeing that. One thing that came to mind is that many Chabadnicks are employed as kind of missionaries, and her being in it in some capacity may help explain those all-over-the-world moves. Now, that you found she had three children, those moves seem even stranger, so some explanation is in order. the children may be grown by now, but they must have been rather young when she went to Tel Aviv for that Tesco job, especially if she just married in 1995. Then, out of the blue, she pops up in Beijing with a mere “teacher” and “intern” in her resume – kind of strange for someone who seemed to be high powered fast mover – just a couple years earlier was “executive manager”! plus she is listed in a high managerial position for Microsoft China? and how does the position at Yuanfen fit with just an “intern” teacher?

    My point is that her resume does not add up.Something about it is either made up in parts (she wouldn’t be the first to brag about high level positions abroad or do some not-so-subtle resume padding), or it is meant to conceal some other mission, which takes her (and her husband!!) heither and theither… working for Chabad, helping set up a mission in Beijing is a possibility. Mossad agency is another. The two can also work together.

    BB, did you look more closely at Stephen bajc’s work history?

    As for Wood, yes, it is strange that IBM did not issue a statement of any kind on his behalf. In fact, it’s kind of wrong, especially for an executive.

    And one more note, while we are on Chabad – there was that other passenger (Ukrainian I think) who WAS openly a member of Chabad AND a deep sea diver. In fact, you BB found a link to a condolence note by Chabad in Israel.

    Another point: Chabad allegiance would indeed fit well with a new age company like Yuanfen which has all sorts of flaky “kabbalistic” gibberish on its site, when all it purports to actually do is better “branding”.

  • Q

    Apparently there have been firings by the North Koreans:


    A previous article by the same author mentions earth-monitoring satellites as the cover for what’s really going on:


    Meanwhile, drones are being found here, there and everywhere.

  • Ben-Scot NON-collaborator

    “Operator error is the easy out.”

    A multi-dimensional truism. Although i don’t believe that airline insolvency will deter MA from pursing tort actions. all airlines seem to be teetering on the brink. What did Gordon Gecko say?:

    ‘I’ve got a million headaches, why do I need some dink airline”

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