Disappearing Aircraft 5654

I had fairly well concluded that the most likely cause was a fire disrupting the electrical and control systems, when CNN now say the sharp left turn was pre-programmed 12 minutes before sign off from Malaysian Air Traffic control, which was followed fairly quickly by that left turn.

CNN claim to have this from an US official, from data sent back before the reporting systems went off.  It is hard to know what to make of it: obviously there are large economic interests that much prefer blame to lie with the pilots rather than the aircraft.  But if it is true then the move was not a response to an emergency.  (CNN went on to say the pilot could have programmed in the course change as a contingency in case of an emergency.  That made no sense to me at all – does it to anyone else?)

I still find it extremely unlikely that the plane landed or crashed on land  I cannot believe it could evade military detection as it flew over a highly militarized region.  Somewhere there is debris on the ocean.  There have been previous pilot suicides that took the plane with them; but the long detour first seems very strange and I do not believe is precedented.  However if the CNN information on pre-programming is correct, and given it was the co-pilot who signed off to air traffic control, it is hard to look beyond the pilots as those responsible for whatever did happen.  In fact, on consideration, the most improbable thing is that information CNN are reporting from the US official.

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5,654 thoughts on “Disappearing Aircraft

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  • bluebird

    I am bad in theories. I am better in collecting facts and in debunking false facts.

    I leave to create the theories to others who are better in doing that.

    There still are many theories. My favourite one is something what has happened in the movie “2012” in the Chinese mountains. Perhaps deliberate but must be secret. However, nobody would believe it to be any reality.

  • Donald

    Katie – Your 7:41am from yesterday .. Yes, it’s true, many here leave their watches and rings behind when they take a long trip,

    “…a wedding ring in a dangerous situation or a lonely mission can be of great comfort..”

    Some here would rather take a cheap watch and a pocketful of family pictures instead and leave the good stuff for the wife and children.

    Makes sense to me.

  • Donald

    Bluebird – Two more conspiracies to wet your appetite.

    a) Snakes on a plane

    b) A brand new terrorist group, a quiet one, one that never tells so that should the plan fail, they can do it again, and should it succeed .. they can do it again.

  • Donald

    Marlin – Your (way up the page)

    “….Snowden, Assange, manning and Elsberg have carved illustrious places. Humanity needs these people and then some. Spread the word, perhaps?…….”

    Dobbers!!!! The lot of them! … the only word I would spread about Assange is that perhaps they should send him a blunt spoon so he can either dig his own heart out or if he doesn’t have the guts then maybe he can dig himself out through the sewerage pipes, I’d love to see him drag himself through a tunnel of shit.

    Also – I’m a Christian Jew … Born from a Jewish mother into a Christian discipline .. A Pre-Nicacean … the seven churches and all that … wrong blog for this though, I gather some here do not have the natural love and affinity for a Jew that we deserve; we’re such nice people. 🙂

  • Mochyn69

    9 Apr, 2014 – 10:07 am

    Whatever did Julian Assange do to upset you, Donald, to deserve such severe, and if I may say so, totally unchristian opprobium??

  • Donald

    Mochyn69 – I don’t really care for the man, mate … Regardless of whether the reasons for going to war were right or wrong, our troops were there, they still are, and as citizens it is our duty to fall in and support them, you might not support the war, but you must support the troops; It is not their fault they have to obey orders, it’s the way of things.

    So one does not then publish information which might endanger them, either in the field or if captured, What Wikileaks printed might not have given much info to the enemy but it tarnished the reputations of our troops and placed them in even greater danger should they ever be captured.

    Not everything about these guys is black and white, mate.

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    See the the Five Eyes keep hearing pings when it becomes necessary.

    The irrelevance of it all is when the investigators are now counting on finding debris to confirm the crash rather than the black boxes to determine how, why, and by whom it happened.

    And Assange put the lives of leakers Gareth Williams, Gudrun Loftus and Steve Rawlings at risk, not soldiers, by providing the unredacted Afghan Logs to The Guardian.

  • Donald

    I read an Aussie article today, from Perth … it says there is a general feeling over there (I’m near Sydney) that something big is about to break .. The reference is in regards to the pings, some apparently lasted a few minutes.

    I hope they realize that down at 1000 feet depth there is all sorts of scientific drones happily zooming in about powered by oil. Every now and then they surface and transmit at some 400 Mhz .. way different than a Black box, but the mechanics of transferring oil to change buoyancy ratios thus raising or lowering the drone into the depths would very much sound like a whale or a dolphin having a spasm over the bloody submarine happily darting about and throwing its sonar all over the bloody place 🙂

  • Q

    @Bluebird 9:21 am: Well, the Niburu crowd is posting to Youtube again. The duplicate solar system crowd is doing the same. They’re pointing to April or June of 2014 this time.

    As for NR’s info at 9:06 am, now that’s possible. Remember the TV outages in certain countries? These seem to be ongoing:


    …and the Blackberry outage?


    Blackberry is or was the mobile phone of choice for various militaries and world leaders, due to its security.

    Then there’s this:


    And this:


    Is this really “horrifically dysfunctional” as one article describes, or is there more going on behind the scenes?

    If you have ever lived in a placed where aurora borealis are part of life, you may recall a particularly long episode of service disruptions to cable TV during a time of solar flares at the beginning of the millenium. During this time, cable TV providers advertised on air that service would be disrupted daily, sometimes for several hours at a time. They said that solar activity was interfering with their satellites. Auroras were active nightly during this period. So electromagnetic interference with satellites is something that is known and documented. Whether it is natural or not is another story.

    So much has happened since those pre-911 days.

  • Donald

    According to this article we might soon have ourselves a defining moment:

    6 hours ago – “….Two more signals have been detected in the search for MH370… There have now been four transmissions detected…. Search crews have given the clearest indication yet that they’ve located the black box data recorders from missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH 370…..The man heading the operation, Angus Houston, says he hopes wreckage from the plane will now be found within days…”


  • Q

    @James: Yes, satellite service can be intentionally disrupted. Signals can be jammed. SSTL (remembering the al-Hillis) itself collaborated with two Chinese universities to create parasitic satellites that can jam satellite signals or destroy satellites without being detected. This is not science fiction, but real technology that has been in place for more than a decade. I also posted a U.S. article about the threat of microsatellites to security.

    As for the Nibiru/dual solar system crowd, they’re out there again, for whatever reason. They seem to activate whenever political tensions are rising in the world. Isn’t that a coincidence?

    @Donald 2:12 am: http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2009-11/soccer-ball-sized-drones-will-track-ocean-currents-and-disasters-sea


    Various types of sea drones and submersible robot swarms are at work in the world’s oceans. Down in that part of the world, deep sea currents are being studied as part of climate change research.

    There are even UAVs in the air above the Antarctic.


  • Q

    You appear to be correct, Donald. It’s wreckage they’re after, not the “black” boxes. From your article:

    “I’m not going to confirm anything until someone lays eyes on the wreckage.”

    A quick question to anyone. What is China Southern’s flight path on its Perth route? In any of the scenarios, did MH370 take that flight path?


    Interesting that Britain transferred all of its GCHQ operations in Hong Kong to Geraldton in 1994 ahead of the handover of Hong Kong to China. Also interesting is the handling of Inmarsat transmissions by Pine Gap. This also refers to the “Son of Star Wars” and the “new Cold War”:


  • Donald

    For Katie’s Pleasure: Some new info … related rescue mission … seriously. The event took place 31st of March, 2014 in the Southern Indian Ocean 🙂

    “….Grave concerns are held for the crew of a fishing vessel in the southern Indian Ocean near Antarctica, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) says, with rescue planes unable to find it after it set off an emergency distress beacon.

    One of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) P3 Orions involved in the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight ….diverted late on Sunday to locate ….75-metre Tanzanian-flagged fishing …..AMSA …. located the signal …. more than 3,200 kilometres south-west of Perth….”The vessel … not located .. debris …. seen in the location of the beacon signal……”


    I have not followed this up.

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    In uncovering any conspiracy, no one should ever use a person whose last name begins with an H.

    Just think of the JFK assassination, and who was behind Watergate.

    And don’t get me going about the Dr. Kelly murder.

  • Donald

    “……the handling of Inmarsat transmissions by Pine Gap….”

    Pine Gap handles all transmissions, if it’s in the airwaves, it can pick it up with its antenna arrays, that’s all it is, a giant receiver/transmitter scanning the airwaves. It records everything.

  • Ben-Scot NON-collaborator

    “Or is it just a power game being played out ?”

    Katie; MH 370 has certainly taken the Media off the Ukraine and related issues.

    The Asian Region is a future tinder-box, but probing for weaknesses in systems and capabilities could just be a precursor.

    Agree it’s virtually impossible infrared satellites haven’t given up the data.

  • Ben-Scot NON-collaborator

    This comment from Telegraph true? I wasn’t following the Immarsat discussion. Anyone?

    “The British Air Investigations Board lied about the Inmarsat signal analysis. The satellite handshake signals would show merely the satellite footprint in which the aircraft was flying which would be a very large area. They spoke of only one satellite being involved. The AIB said that a sophisticated Doppler shift analysis had been carried out to calculate the position of the aircraft. That would not have been possible as the RF signal is not recorded, only the demodulated data from the signal, ie the aircraft identity. The eight RF “pings” had come and gone. Even if the RF pings had been available, it would still not have been possible to calculate the aircraft position.

    Inmarsat refused to appear at a briefing. The AIB were not at the briefings either. So we have been fed lies. What are they covering up?

  • Donald

    For Katie’s pleasure again: 1st of April:

    “..Search for fishing boat missing near Antarctica called off…”

    Two planes sent to scout found only debris in the area where the distress beacon was activated, with no signs of a life raft or people in the water.

    Good enough to give up the search, they were only illegal fishermen, no need for even a single vessel to change course as demanded by international law .. nope .. abandon all hope least they burn too much fuel… coffers must be exhausted … no coal, no steam…. 🙂


  • Donald

    Ben — The Doppler effect causes the frequency of the transmitted ping to drift slightly. If the satellite were not programmed to allow for these drifts then the signal would be lost … so when the satellite registers the pings, it also registers the frequency at which the pings were received.

    In other words, Doppler affects transmission, not data sent/received.

  • Donald

    Q – “How many air defense zones did MH370 pass through on its supposed path?”

    The plane managed to surpass the Radar network grid of Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia and India and then The USA at Diego Garcia, The Keeling Islands Radar, Australia’s North-Western Radar system and let’s not forget that coincidentally there was not a single military naval ship presence (from any country) in the Indian Ocean to detect the flight on their radars .. don’t know what happened to any of our 24 Hr Geosynchronous weather satellites .. Australia has so many of them over in that area .. cyclones and that they must have been in “Sleep” mode for a rest. 🙂

  • Ben-Scot NON-collaborator

    Thanks Donald. Immarsat has infrared capability.


    “L-band refers to four long different bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. These bands are used in four different areas by NATO, IEEE and optical and infrared astronomy. The breakdown is as follows:

    NATO, L-band is the range of radio frequencies from 40 GHz to 60 GHz in the system of letter designations for frequency bands used by the NATO for electronic countermeasure (ECM) applications. This is equivalent to wavelengths between 7.5 mm and 5 mm
    IEEE has military, Global Positioning System carriers, telecommunications, amateur radio and digital audio broadcasting uses
    Optical communications L-band refers to the wavelength range of 1565 nm to 1625 nm
    Infrared Astronomy refers to an atmospheric transmission window centered on 3.5 nm”

  • Q

    Thanks, Donald. It appears that MH370 did not pass through a single air defence zone (to our knowledge), which is truly remarkable. That is especially so, considering that a 17-passenger prop plane is met by military fighter jets. It must have taken considerable advance planning and skilled piloting to accomplish that.

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