Disappearing Aircraft 5654

I had fairly well concluded that the most likely cause was a fire disrupting the electrical and control systems, when CNN now say the sharp left turn was pre-programmed 12 minutes before sign off from Malaysian Air Traffic control, which was followed fairly quickly by that left turn.

CNN claim to have this from an US official, from data sent back before the reporting systems went off.  It is hard to know what to make of it: obviously there are large economic interests that much prefer blame to lie with the pilots rather than the aircraft.  But if it is true then the move was not a response to an emergency.  (CNN went on to say the pilot could have programmed in the course change as a contingency in case of an emergency.  That made no sense to me at all – does it to anyone else?)

I still find it extremely unlikely that the plane landed or crashed on land  I cannot believe it could evade military detection as it flew over a highly militarized region.  Somewhere there is debris on the ocean.  There have been previous pilot suicides that took the plane with them; but the long detour first seems very strange and I do not believe is precedented.  However if the CNN information on pre-programming is correct, and given it was the co-pilot who signed off to air traffic control, it is hard to look beyond the pilots as those responsible for whatever did happen.  In fact, on consideration, the most improbable thing is that information CNN are reporting from the US official.

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5,654 thoughts on “Disappearing Aircraft

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  • Ben-Joseph N. Welch

    I’m not sure what you are illustrating with the youtube. Taking the straw man to new heights.

    You and I will probably agree on little wrt economic philosophy. It may be an oversimplification, but the issue boils down to;

    People before profits, or profits before people. “What if it cost $200m to save one life?” indeed.

  • James


    “profits before people”. Airlines have always done this.

    I recall a time many years ago when I flew one “long leg” with a “piece of kit” out of action (it is relevant to MH370). I was allowed to do so as you are required to fly with “back up” (2) in operation (but normally its a ferry flight to maintenance and this was a revenue flight). So I call the company and say, I am willing to ferry (15 mins) to a “base”. The company replied, just push the breakers in and sign it off. I refused and grounded the aircraft (more cost to them).

    The point being, if I’d pushed the breakers in, the next pilots would see “full operational” and then realise a breaker has popped once they put power through the aircraft. And then can only fly “one leg”….which would be to maintenance but in reality would be a revenue.

    As I say…. “profit” matters (and it should) but we are reaching the limits.

  • Harald Meling

    James MH370 is a part of a false flag operation that right now are supposed to keep us on the edge of ur seats until the operation or terror attack takes place.
    It could be days, weeks or months of course.
    However, it will happen with 2 or 3 identical 777s.
    My guess is around or at April 15th.
    No, not carrying tin.
    What is new this time as far as a false flag is the fact that a lot of suspicion is raised to a possible hijack.
    But the scale and devastation from this 2 or 3-fold attack will be so huge that no critical questions will be raised loud enough to stop the only possible outcome; a full nuclear attack on Iran.
    Iran will be the patsy the same way muslims were set up to be patsies 9/11.
    In fact, Crimea also plays into this scenario.

  • Ben-Joseph N. Welch

    “In fact, Crimea also plays into this scenario.”

    Loose nukes worries me, as well. As to Crimea, it is interesting that 24/7 our eyes are off the Ukraine tennis ball. Tartus and Sevastapol are strategic interests for Russia (ice-free ports) and those two regions dove-tail into Iran. But speculation and a buck fifty will get you on the bus to go uptown.

  • James


    You disappoint me.

    Meling (sounds like a hookers name)

    How is MH370 a “false flag op” ?
    I think that there are some “loons” that are paid just to talk crap.

  • Ben-Joseph N. Welch

    James; The same ‘loons’ who doubt the official story of JFK’s magic bullet?

    50 years later, we still don’t know, but there are plenty of people who want us to believe in a pristine bullet fired from behind makes the head snap toward the shooter. It defies physics, which I assume is science you subscribe to.

  • James

    Ben !

    Below the belt that one.

    Watch the “official” clip. The car “drops” in a millisecond as it passes the sign.
    Clearly it stopped and then moved on (deleted scenes).

    But are you REALLY saying, MH370 is a “cover up” ?

    Everything disaster that befalls, “is a cover up” ? Get real !

  • Ben-Joseph N. Welch

    I am not willing to dismiss the possibility, James. You seem to be quite sure it’s unlikely.

    Do you hob-nob with wealthy types? Get insider info sometimes? (don’t answer 🙂 )

    I used to have close contact with the rich, and found the osmosis penetrating my psyche.

    My socialization was nearly complete when I made my getaway. Shallow materialism exhibited by others could have been my undoing.

  • Harald Meling


    1.”…Meling (sounds like a hookers name)….”

    That is a bad comment, actually an insult since that is my familyname.
    However, I will accept anything as long as anything brings us closer to finding out what, where and who.

    2.”…How is MH370 a “false flag op” ?….”

    Because any explanation that so far has been given is a theory that has no foundation to it whatsoever, and can be proven not to stick with reality.

    Theory :
    – Fire that knocks out all circuitry

    Impossible since :
    – MH370 would not fly “radar-avoidance”-path after experiencing that.
    – Radar signal was lost a excactly at the most advantageous point for a hijack which is at the handover from Malaysian to Vietnamese zone.
    No one wil say that a fire just happened at this critcal point?
    – MH370 CONTINOUS to fly radar-avoidance for over 7 hours.
    – Transponders were deliberatly turned off 12 minutes prior to “fire”.

    Theory: MH370 has crashed far out at sea

    Impossible since :
    – Smartphones are online for 3 days after “crash”.

    Theory: The small piece of information we have tells us the only place to look is the southern corridor.

    Impossible since :
    What about tracking signals from Rolls Royce engines.
    We dont hear more of that. Why?
    But we are trusting satelitte signal ONCE PR HOUR AND USING DOPPLER EFFECT THEORY FROM 1800………..

    Theory: MH370 has crashed far out at sea outside Australia (the southern corridor)

    Impossible because :
    If MH370 DID crash in that area, why was that not picked up on Austalian radar?
    If MH370 DID NOT fly the southern corridor, why doesnt Australian authorities simply say so?
    These installations are financed and run by NSA as most already know.

    3.”…I think that there are some “loons” that are paid just to talk crap….”

    I think you are absolutely right.
    Good thing we have an honset conversation 😉

  • James

    Of course I would never answer such a question.

    But for an “British” (Northern Irish) Jew, I took every advantage (and there were not many) that I could take (my father died when I was 7 years old).

    I personally find that people complain the most when they never took the advantages bestowed upon them. Then they get bitter.
    For me… I wanted to fly, so I sought out the best advantages I could find (and contacts).

    Now I “know” the world is unfair, but equally I am that people who have not reached any potential, do “bleet” alot.

    For me…. it is simple. Find the fact. JFK was killed and it was lied about. Blair conspired with Bush (but these are not my politics. I can not care for them as it does not effect me). I fly Arabs that drink. Does that effect me ? It does not. I am not here to “undo all the great wrongs in life”.

    Lets say JFK lived. And for you, what would he have done ?

  • James

    1. Meling does sound like a hookers name. Sorry, it just does.

    2. I couldn’t get the grasp of… And I doubt you could to…but
    “Smartphones are online for 3 days after “crash”…”

    You disbelieve the “newspapers” and then believe them ?
    Ah ! You “pick and choose” to fit your “wayward” belief system. I get that now.

    3. Yes humour works…. but only if you discount your “rants” at point 2 !

  • James

    And “satelitte” is in fact two L’s then one T.

    ….if we’re going to “not trust it”, it’s better we spell it right !

  • NR

    @Ben-Joseph N. Welch 11 Apr, 2014 – 8:51 pm
    “It CAN however be activated at C&C.”

    “Not only is it “uninterruptible” … but it can be activated remotely via radio or satellite by government agencies … To make it fully independent, the system also has its own power supply, independent of the aircraft’s circuit breakers.”

    What government agencies? The US worldwide, local governments’ controlling their airspace or some international organization?

    This system bypasses circuit breakers, so when it catches fire there’s no means of disconnecting it. Or will they make it super fireproof and not use lithium batteries?

    There’s no way to make anything 100% fail-safe, including nuclear weapons or nuclear power plants. Whatever the cause of MH370 there will be calls to, “Prevent something like this from ever happening again.” And then something totally different and unexpected happens.

  • Harald Meling


    Thank you. I do learn thngs here.
    Awkward that one.
    Lets talk about other things that obviously are important to you.

    1. You keep on being rude.
    I told you it is totally ok by me that is your world perspective.

    2. Fill me in on cherry picking.
    Smart phones did not stay online up to 3 days afer alegged crash?
    Seriously, that is not what I read, which was what 60 Chinese families claimed in a open letter to the MAS.
    Do me a favour; tell it isnt so.
    Because then I obviously have “picked” the wrong information.

    3. Humour always works.
    There is no humour in 2.
    ( or I put one in for you…..)

  • James


    Seriously…. I fly. My Skype is still marked “on” when I’m in the air.
    I know this, because I have had to explain it to an “ex” as I told her I am Teterboro to L.A. (and she said I was “online”).

    How that happens ! I don’t know.
    I am not in “networking”, but since I have checked …and it does.
    Smartphones !

    But dont take my word for it. Try it.
    I fly alot so I know.

  • James


    Started reading it…and lost interest. What is the point ?

    The aircraft is a Boeing. That is U.S.

    It’s operated in South East Asia. Nothing to do with the U.S.

    End of.

  • bleb

    Someone earlier posted:
    “Commercial planes have been shot out of the sky by communists, one even had a sitting US Senator on board.”

    I presume referring to Korean Air 747 that strayed into soviet airspace and was shot down

    Perhaps the poster forgot Iran Air Flight 655 shot down by the USS Vincennes in Iranian airspace on the flight’s usual flight path. All 290 on board, including 66 children and 16 crew, died.

    This has nothing to do with MH370 so sorry for the OT but I couldn’t let that one past.

  • Ben-Joseph N. Welch

    ” I can not care for them as it does not effect me). I fly Arabs that drink. Does that effect me ? It does not. I am not here to “undo all the great wrongs in life”.”

    Holy Moly. You are a happy wanderer. I find it sad you have no connectivity to others.

  • James

    “..you have no connectivity to others”.

    Who are “the others” that I have to connect with ?

    Is this merely your perception of who “others” are ?

    I use to like “Anders” because at least she or he would “give battle”. But that statement is rather weak. I guess we are a dying breed after all.

  • Donald

    Bleb – Your 1:03 am ” …Iran Air Flight 655 shot down by the USS Vincennes … ”

    Yes, that is true I had forgotten that one, but that was a “Accident” 🙂

  • NR

    @Ben-Joseph N. Welch 11 Apr, 2014 – 8:51 pm
    “ … To make it fully independent, the system also has its own power supply, independent of the aircraft’s circuit breakers.”

    There is another problem with this system. It’s not only the auto-pilot that must be uninterruptible but also power to the actuators — rudder, landing gear, etc. Critical systems already have two sources of power, are they proposing installing a third system including electric motors that could not be disconnected? Otherwise hijackers or suicidal pilots could simply disable power to the actuators.

    It’s not clear if BUAP is actually installed in any or all Boeing aircraft.

  • NR

    Approximately how close to the coast of Australia would an unidentified aircraft be allowed to approach before interceptors were sent out?

  • Donald

    For all of you – The Joint Defence Facility Pine Gap installation is not just NSA/CIA or whatever like most would imagine, it is in fact a Complete Military Intelligence operation run jointly by the US and Australian Forces.

    Being in the very center of Australia, then using it as a radar to detect incoming aircraft would be as useless as teats on a bull, by the time the radar saw them they would be at our borders.

    The installation is only used for looking UP and communicating with satellites and also, because of its remote location, it is also used as the world’s premier “ionospheric” communications transmission snooper.

    In fact, Central Australia was chosen as its location because it is too remote for spy ships/planes passing in international waters to intercept its signals so that in the same way, it cannot possibly pick up the signals of ships/planes passing in those same international waters.

    Diego Garcias over the horizon radar has a range of 900 Km, satellite receiving/transmitting range is another matter but DG has no large antenna grid to do much snooping, it is simply a foreign base for B52s and other planes.

    If the plane had come in to land at DG then it would have been detected by the Maldive’s radar because the plane would not have had enough fuel to reach DG by flying at a low altitude, rather it would have had to fly high most of the way in order to conserve fuel.

    Conspiracies about DG and Pine Gap are way out there when it comes to Mh 370. You might as well stick to my (very weak) theory on Ebola instead of talking mangos and spooks with wet towels 🙂

  • Harald Meling


    These are good points.

    But would you say that a missil inbound at Mach 2 to Australia at an initial distance
    of 1000 to 2000 km (out of Perth in our example) would NOT be picked up on surveillance, radar or satellite?
    How do you know that what you mention about Pine Gap is ONLY what is going on.
    Would I be speculating if I say that more sophisticated technology is at hand at PG than we would know?

  • Harald Meling


    The point reading this is that the area under discussion is heavily monitored by US, and for some reason US is backpedalling about support, and what they may know.
    Until now.
    In space you dont have the borders obviously, so how do you explain that Chinese, French and what-have-you satellites have “discovered” signals in the southern corridor, but it is dead silent from US?
    US is the one that HAS satellites here to pick up signals, and in fact to see a whole 777.
    That is the point.

    On the smartphones you mention something I was not aware of, and which I certainly will bring into my “equation”.
    Thanks for telling!


  • Pink

    quote from article
    “Experts said it was possible for a mobile phone to be connected to a telecommunications tower at an altitude of 7,000 feet.
    An NST exclusive on March 16, quoted investigators as saying that the jetliner had dropped to as low as 5,000 feet after it made the turnback at waypoint Igari in the South China Sea before it crossed Peninsular Malaysia headed towards Penang.”

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