Disappearing Aircraft 5654

I had fairly well concluded that the most likely cause was a fire disrupting the electrical and control systems, when CNN now say the sharp left turn was pre-programmed 12 minutes before sign off from Malaysian Air Traffic control, which was followed fairly quickly by that left turn.

CNN claim to have this from an US official, from data sent back before the reporting systems went off.  It is hard to know what to make of it: obviously there are large economic interests that much prefer blame to lie with the pilots rather than the aircraft.  But if it is true then the move was not a response to an emergency.  (CNN went on to say the pilot could have programmed in the course change as a contingency in case of an emergency.  That made no sense to me at all – does it to anyone else?)

I still find it extremely unlikely that the plane landed or crashed on land  I cannot believe it could evade military detection as it flew over a highly militarized region.  Somewhere there is debris on the ocean.  There have been previous pilot suicides that took the plane with them; but the long detour first seems very strange and I do not believe is precedented.  However if the CNN information on pre-programming is correct, and given it was the co-pilot who signed off to air traffic control, it is hard to look beyond the pilots as those responsible for whatever did happen.  In fact, on consideration, the most improbable thing is that information CNN are reporting from the US official.

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5,654 thoughts on “Disappearing Aircraft

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  • dachsie

    How do we know that twin plane hasn’t been used? After all, the Maldives residents saw a striped plane and the photo published of that plane showed not being in the hangar but near the fence at ben goerion airport.

  • James

    “ships have autopilot”

    Is this the best we have ?

    No ! We also have

    “Is there a diabolic plan to use the plane as a doppelganger of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane in a false-flag terror operation ?”

    You’re fe*king mad ! Grow up. Get a life. Be real.

  • Fantasy Island

    In the wake of the latest airline disaster – missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, former President George W. Bush has joined in the search for the missing jet plane (as well as all the other missing flights, such as the four missing planes from 9/11). Peering intently – from the window of his private jet at the deep blue sea below, he remarked the following:

    “I can totally understand why people now believe that the Malaysia Airline just totally vanished into thin air. After-all, that’s exactly what happened to a bunch of commercial flights on 9/11 in America. That’s what happens when the ‘axis of evil’ remains in power, the first thing to fall victim to their tyranny is passenger air flight transportation. Planes just suddenly disintegrate in mid-air for no apparent reason, or go AWOL deep into the solid ground – like what happened in Shanksville, Pennsylvania on 9/11. For some odd reason, airplane indestructible ‘black-boxes’ – with detailed flight recording information, never manage to survive such disasters, but Arab paper passports always end up escaping such doomed airlines, to then miraculously land right into the lap of some FBI agent.


  • katie

    Thanks Donald, the seas in the area do certainly look confused.

    Dachsie,I have thought about that too, the photos of plane No 2 didn’t have a date…did they, is it still in Tel Aviv………..Bluebird , when was it last seen there ?


    I wouldn’t be so dismissive of that, why not have a second plane to ditch ?
    Or even to carry a cargo from DG onward to the states ?
    Remember the military planes escorting a civilian plane into the military airbase in North Carolina 2 days [?] after the disappearance of MH370 ?

  • katie


    Also ships DO have autopilot, I’ve seen one used on a small boat even.

    ‘Auto pilot on a ship is driven by the gyro compass. The gyro compass is not magnetic but works on the principle of gyroscopic inertia and points to true north. Once set, the gyro compass will steer the ship in a straight line until turned off. It has adjustments for sensitivity in case it’s too windy. You don’t want to over work the steering engine in a storm.’
    Professional ship’s captain, +35 years.

  • Rob Royston

    Katie, I would think that if the alleged “decoy” plane was used it was the plane seen by the people of the Maldives. The observers said that it came from the North West and was flying very low.
    This suggests that it could have come from the Middle East and deliberately showed it’s presence and it’s direction of travel to prepare people’s minds for the present search area. If it was ditched then MH370 could have been landed elsewhere and the cargo and passengers removed, then after a quick paint job it could have been flown back to where the “decoy” was stored.

  • katie

    Rob yes…there are so many permutations we could mention, if only we knew…as the guy says, the possibilities are endless.

  • Q


    Maybe the problem was that he made things easy to understand. Or was it this:

    “Then there was the time I made him attempt to land the plane on a ridiculously small runway on a remote island. Just to make it harder, I told him to make the weather stormy. He had one shot live on TV with countless people watching.

    To his credit, he landed with room to spare but was so exhausted from the attempt he couldn’t answer our anchor’s questions afterward. A few days later he got a message from someone at the Federal Aviation Administration congratulating him on the landing.

    The other day we made him simulate a scenario where the fuel runs out on a 777. It was awful. It was real.”

  • James


    It’s not that “ships have autopilot”, it’s the “speculation” you “pump out”.

    A decoy plane. A plane heading to an American airfield. A “spook” onboard.
    What type of cheese do you eat to allow such day dreams ?

    Concern yourself with “the real world”.
    I wonder how many people saw what the Blair Government of the U.K. did. But still voted “Blair” !

  • Q

    About the flight simulator used by Casado:


    ““There’s a major difference,” says Casado. “This is a fixed-base simulator. It doesn’t move.”

    In other words, it lacks the elaborate — and expensive — arrangement of hydraulic pistons and other machinery that enable official flight simulators to mimic almost perfectly the actual experience of flight.

    “They are extremely expensive, $35 million apiece,” says Casado. “That’s a tenth the cost of a real airplane.”

    By contrast, the Mississauga facility being used with such abandon by CNN cost somewhere between $250,000 and $500,000 to build and is not certified by Boeing or by any aeronautical authority. It is mainly used as an entertainment device for children’s parties or business outings.

    “Takeoffs and landings are popular,” says Casado. “People are fascinated with Caribbean destinations.”

    The Mississauga facility can be rented for as little as $150 an hour, whereas access for 60 minutes to an authentic Boeing 777 simulator might cost upwards of $15,000, according to Casado.”

    Would the Malaysian pilot have had a $250,000 to $500,000 simulator in his house? I think not. Note the cost of an official Boeing 777 simulator, and a real Boeing 777.

  • James


    I “doubt” the Capt had that equipment in his spare room !
    But he does have 18K hours…and the majority “On Type”.

    It is “claimed” that the a/c climbed to 43000ft Then descended to 5000ft.
    But then again I’d shave some off that. I don’t think that info is reliable.

  • dachsie

    Let’s not forget what happened with that cargo plane that went down in Amsterdam. Who was there first? The Mossad. This is generally known. Then it burned viciously. Cargo list never published. Black Box was said to have been removed by Mossad agents.

  • James

    Wouldn’t it be more relevant to mention the SA 747 “combi” ?

    Oh, I forgot. Here “we” just concentrate on “the bad guys are Jews” and that they are going to “take over zee world” !

    Tin foil hats on ! Lets forget trying to get to the “truth”.
    A “casualty” it would seem on “both sides”.

  • Tim V

    “On 4 October 1992, El Al Flight 1862, a Boeing 747 cargo aircraft of the state-owned Israeli airline El Al, crashed into the Groeneveen and Klein-Kruitberg flats”

    “The survivors’ health complaints following the crash increased the number of questions about the cargo. In 1998 it was publicly revealed by El-Al spokesman Nachman Klieman that 190 liters of dimethyl methylphosphonate, a CWC schedule 2 chemical which, among many other uses, can be used for the synthesis of Sarin nerve gas, had been included in the cargo. Israel stated that the material was non-toxic, was to have been used to test filters that protect against chemical weapons, and that it had been clearly listed on the cargo manifest in accordance with international regulations. The Dutch foreign ministry confirmed that it had already known about the presence of chemicals on the aircraft. The shipment was from a U.S. chemical plant to the Israel Institute for Biological Research under a U.S. Department of Commerce license.[10][11] According to the Chemical weapons site CWInfo the quantity involved was “too small for the preparation of a militarily useful quantity of Sarin, but would be consistent with making small quantities for testing detection methods and protective clothing”.”

  • dachsie

    I don’t address the Jews. I talk about Mossad. I don’t consider them identical . Why so sensitive? If you talk about CIA, FBI, do you mean Americans?
    @Tim V.
    Google may not have translated well. The location is called Bijlmer, Amsterdam. Some really sinister things went on there.

    The point I wanted to make is, when it happened then, why not now? The interference or at worst involvement of the Mossad.

  • katie

    James , speculation it maybe but a closed mind that won’t explore to find any other possibilities than the official story is rather dull . I say again fact is often stranger than fiction.
    There ‘was’ another plane as seen in photos posted here it is not speculation.

    I understand your loyalty to your trade but with respect you are a pilot yes, but you are not Malaysian, a jumbo pilot or a muslim,that makes a lot of difference between you & the pilot of MH370.
    Please allow us to churn out ideas…no matter how improbable….in the professional world it’s called brain storming… many an answer & good ideas have come from such sessions.
    A wild idea can spark an original thought in someone else so should not be mocked or discounted.
    You are not obliged to agree with them.

    We humans are blessed with brains, insight, intuition & imagination I see no reason for not exercising & stretching those gifts as far as possible.

  • James

    So Katie.

    If you “feel” something or “imagine” something, it then “may be” right !

    The satellite Co’s reputation (and share price) is going to take a dive if you’re “feeling” is right. I “imagine” you been shorting their stock then ?

    Alas my imagination is undoubtedly wrong ! right ?

  • dachsie

    What’s your point? One of the mother companies that owns Freescale also owns Inmarsat satellite. Let’s stick to the facts, right? How reliable is Inmarsat if ‘the cook can probe his own dish’

  • Tim V

    Agreed Dachsie
    20 Apr, 2014 – 2:54 am. Whenever something nasty happens, that POSSIBILITY has to be factored in these days. It is a recognised, documented fact, that they have been pursuing a policy of assassinating scientists, either directly or via surrogates, for many years, particularly if their expertise had a bearing on what they consider to be a threat to the state.

  • James

    Dachsie !

    That is ridiculous. But if you want to “go on” about “the cook” in this case (I assume you mean Permira via Grapeclose Ltd) then along with the many “investments” (as equity holders) Permira also have “Acquisitions”.

    Debitel, mobile telephone services of Germany
    Intelsat, fixed satellite services of the USA
    Asia Broadcast Satellite of Hong Kong

    Spot the theme ????

    Mind you I should mention that they also own “Findus /Birds Eye”, “Akindo Sushiro” and Telepizza. But that wouldn’t look good on their “spook CV” would it.
    Sushi, frozen fish and pizza !

    Dare I mention the AA roadside assistance and SAGA for the over 50’s !

    Quite a “portfolio”. Guess they spend time picking their investments.

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