Disappearing Aircraft 5654

I had fairly well concluded that the most likely cause was a fire disrupting the electrical and control systems, when CNN now say the sharp left turn was pre-programmed 12 minutes before sign off from Malaysian Air Traffic control, which was followed fairly quickly by that left turn.

CNN claim to have this from an US official, from data sent back before the reporting systems went off.  It is hard to know what to make of it: obviously there are large economic interests that much prefer blame to lie with the pilots rather than the aircraft.  But if it is true then the move was not a response to an emergency.  (CNN went on to say the pilot could have programmed in the course change as a contingency in case of an emergency.  That made no sense to me at all – does it to anyone else?)

I still find it extremely unlikely that the plane landed or crashed on land  I cannot believe it could evade military detection as it flew over a highly militarized region.  Somewhere there is debris on the ocean.  There have been previous pilot suicides that took the plane with them; but the long detour first seems very strange and I do not believe is precedented.  However if the CNN information on pre-programming is correct, and given it was the co-pilot who signed off to air traffic control, it is hard to look beyond the pilots as those responsible for whatever did happen.  In fact, on consideration, the most improbable thing is that information CNN are reporting from the US official.

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5,654 thoughts on “Disappearing Aircraft

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  • Q

    Thank you, Fantasy Island. Nice recap of this whole situation. A fantasy, for considerably more than $50,000 and three days.

  • katie

    This manifest gets more mysterious.
    Shipping Lithium batteries,chargers,electronic & radio equipment to China ?
    The spokesperson cannot say where the batteries were made…it’s confidential, yes,I bet it is because there are none !

    ‘The mystery was sparked by a spokesman for the company that shipped the batteries telling a Malaysian newspaper that he would not reveal what the remaining 2.253 tonnes of cargo were.
    ‘I cannot reveal more because of the ongoing investigations,’ the spokesman told The Star newspaper today.
    ‘We have been told by our legal advisers not to talk about it.’
    The spokesman said he could not even name the company which manufactured the batteries, insisting that the matter was confidential.
    Questioned about the fact that a mystery cargo was not stated in the manifest, Malaysian Airlines told the paper that the rest of the consignment was ‘radio accessories and chargers.’
    A statement from the airline said that the freight not specified had been ‘declared as radio accessories’, despite there being no reference to this in the manifest released publicly last Thursday.’

    Read more:

  • Q

    ‘We have been told by our legal advisers not to talk about it.’

    And yet they do talk, and the story keeps changing. Keep talking, boys, we’re all ears.


    Nice catch, Katie; The article is all about the cargo, not much on the ‘new’ terror group.

    “An officer with the Counter Terrorism Division of Malaysian Special Branch said yesterday the arrests had heightened suspicion that the flight’s disappearance may have been an act of terrorism.”

    Follow us: @DailyMirror on Twitter | DailyMirror on Facebook

    Like Oswald said; “I’m a Patsy”


    Petri dish with optimal growth capabilities, or False Flag Central?


    According to the 9/11 Commission Report, al-Qaeda leader bin Laden specifically recommended the tranquil rehab campus in Petaling Jaya to wounded Arab fighters in Afghanistan, including Khallad, as a place they could safely travel and receive treatment without questioning about the origin of their amputation injuries. Kuala Lumpur’s suburbs functioned as both rehab and rest and recreation locales, as well as places to plan future terror operations.

    When the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) later announced that Malaysia was “a primary operational launch pad for the September 11 attacks”, the statement offended then serving prime minister Mahathir. FBI director Robert Mueller, apparently looking to salvage cooperation with Malaysian law enforcement agents in the nascent “war on terror”, attempted to diffuse tensions by saying in March 2002, “There are a number of countries where the terrorists have met and planned, and to use the word ‘launch pad’ is certainly inaccurate” in Malaysia’s case.”

  • Q

    Note to self: no more Christmas lights. Note to self: reconsider login name, as it involves letter of alphabet that has fallen out of favor.

  • NR

    From The Mirror story linked above:
    “They include students, odd-job workers, a young widow and business professionals, to be questioned intensively about Flight MH370.”

    Intensive questioning as opposed to enhanced interrogation? Do the CIA/MI6/NSA/GCHQ have buildings full of people with PhDs in English and libraries of Thesauri just to concoct euphemisms?

  • Fool

    Q – its difficult to follow this thread. You have so many posts. What is / are your main theory / theories?

  • James


    The audio forensics guy makes some good points.
    But I’m not a forensics guy, so I am of little help.

    I can say however that the tape is spliced as it goes from “pre departure” all the way through to “regional” at 35,000 feet. So that’s five different controllers. Five different pieces of radio kit. And likely five different types of quality.
    You couldn’t fit all the “no mike keyed” time in.

    The website says “crisis actors”. I don’t buy that. But the forensics guy talks of “missing parts of the tape”. That I don’t know.

    I don’t really “trust” the competence levels of the Malaysians. Is this because they are crazy or they are covering something up (or both). Who knows.

    Because of what happened… the one thing I find strange on the tape is the confirmation of “flight level three five zero” coming twice.
    ATC sometimes “don’t listen” to you. Well they do, but they are busy and your flight isn’t important (Like at Kennedy in New York !).

    ATC asks the a/c to climb to FL350.
    The a/c confirms the request.
    At 35000 feet the level is confirmed by the a/c (“maintaining”).
    This is message is confirmed as received by ATC (“MAS370”).

    And that’s it. That’s all that is needed. Job done.
    However about 5 seconds later…..the flight AGAIN confirms it is at 35,000.

    ATC confirms they received this call by saying “MAS370”.
    At ATC they’re probably saying “yeah, you told me once already”.

    That call by the a/c “maybe” the fact that the pilot is “use to” the ATC in the area and “maybe” use to the fact they sometimes “ignore you”. I don’t know.

    But it is the second last call made by this a/c.
    Was the pilot doing something and distracted ?
    Did he think “Have I confirmed my level already ?”.

    The batteries….and a possible fire.
    If that is the case then they don’t need to search the Southern Indian Ocean because that a/c will most certainly be “near to home”. It wouldn’t fly for that length of time.

  • James

    “That call by the a/c “maybe” the fact that the pilot is “use to” the ATC in the area and “maybe” use to the fact they sometimes “ignore you”. I don’t know”.

    An edit to that.
    ATC confirmed they received the message from the a/c.
    Did the pilot hear that confirmation ? Hence he repeated his message ?

    All very odd.

  • katie

    Thanks, James, whilst most of it is double dutch to me, I too noticed that second confirmation, it made me wonder if an aircraft had to checkin every few minutes, which didn’t make sense if they can be seen on a screen.


    Crazy or what, were they taking all this electrical equipment for repair . 😉
    That cargo is the root of this disappearance surely ?

    Ben, thanks I wasn’t aware they had actually opened terrorism enquiries, but I did read somewhere … that the Americans were banned from talking about MH370.
    I wish I could remember where & when.
    It seemed odd & the DG connection flashed through my mind.

  • katie


    I see you have the answer there, as to why the Americans have gagged some people. If the CIA are involved they want all information to be withheld……………confirmation foul play was involved & they know it ,I’d say.

  • James


    At 01.01:14 The a/c confirms the altitude it has reached.

    At 01.07:49 The last ACARS data is sent (so is “running”).

    At 01.07:55 The a/c confirms that altitude a second time.

    11 minutes and 29 seconds elapse.

    At 01.19:24 Malaysia Regional contact the a/c for handover.

    At 01.19:29 The a/c responds but does not repeat back the frequency.

    1 minute 35 seconds elapse.

    At 01.21:04 The a/c passes the waypoint called “IGARI”

    At 01.21:13 The label on the radar disappears for good.

    What does that mean ?

    For me it means that “IGARI” is the “starting flag”.
    The second call confirming altitude was to “make” ATC “more than aware” that they should be handing over the aircraft to Ho Chi Minh Radar without saying as much.

    The a/c is at cruise.
    Is on course.
    Communications are working.
    His label is on the radar screen.
    There is absolutely nothing to worry about. Nothing is unusual.

    A mere 9 seconds after “IGARI” everything changes.
    1. There is no transponder signal.
    2. There is no radio communication.
    3. ACARS no longer transmits (via VHF or SATCOM).

    There is (it appears) a change of course post IGARI (when precisely I don’t know).

    If that is the chain of events, a few things come to mind.
    And an “ad hoc” fire isn’t one of them.

  • katie

    James, exactly. a fire does not explode … like a bomb for instance & there were two pilots, so if a fire was spotted one could be dealing with that fire the other could send a may day.

    Thinking electronically [ difficult ;-)] could it be that at IGARI specialist equipment was switched over to remote , was it an experiment which as far as we can see worked ?
    All this talk of invisible stealth makes one wonder.
    Just like the number of UFO’s being seen these days where witnesses say one minute they saw it, & then ‘it just disappeared’ ?

    Or……..& I favour this one second to DG…..the radar beacons were all blanked for long enough for MH370 to fly out of the area,I wonder how vigilant the controllers are on night watch in that region.
    How long would it be for a 777 to fly clear of all radar in the region & in which direction ?.

  • James


    A battery fire would very rapidly become a major fire.
    And then it would likely explode. Then you would find wreckage around IGARI.
    Or wreckage somewhere. Somewhere other than in the Southern Indian Ocean.

    A fire that could be contained ?
    Rapid enough to cause a good amount of damage before it’s contained ?
    And that doesn’t explode ?
    That is a BIG ask for fire suppression equipment.
    And this would assume “random ignition”, which “can” happen.

    Like anything, it “could” be possible. But is it likely.
    So the a/c turns for Malaysia. And from there heads over land.
    Can’t make it and purposely over shoots.
    Then turns North West for a bit, then turns due South….and flies on and on.
    Who’s doing the turns ? The hypoxia riddled crew ?

    As for “remote control”. This was a 20 year old airliner.
    How long to “retro fit” whatever could “take it over”.
    And what systems is this kit going to take over ?

    But lets run with it. Lets say there was an AMAZING piece of kit that could take over the a/c and deny the crew ANY and ALL control. It could disable all communications and disable the ability to shut down the a/c.
    This Multi Million Dollar kit does all this AND can be installed with ease !
    Then what ?

    If “9/11” happened again tomorrow, I doubt there would be the stomach to make the same mistakes twice.

    Maybe it could be for another reason. Hold the airlines to ransom ?
    Until they figure out how to “test” for it, which will take about a day to figure out how to do.

    It doesn’t make sense.
    Then again does my theory of “pilot murder/suicide” ???
    Then again at least with “murder/suicide” you know it’s not suppose to make sense.

  • katie

    I agree an old aircraft is not likely to have all the modern technology needed, as you say it couldn’t be a fire when theres no debris.
    But with all those techies on board, surely disabling the radar towers would not be beyond modern technology,it didn’t have to be only them they could have had help on the ground ?

    OR, the DG chaps turned off the radar beacons knowing the plane was going to be hijacked, by one of theirs of course ?

    This may sound far fetched, but look at the facts,the plane went missing,it has/had a mystery cargo,no debris has been found,nothing from the passengers….. that must point to no radio signals ?
    The various countries MAY be telling the truth that no signals were received & that would fit a the theory that all in the region had been blocked, albeit temporarily, just long enough.


    The Independent is behind a paywall. Newest update. Now 20 to 50 terrorists being looked at by MI6 and FBI (CIA).

    Anyone have access? I refuse to pay for news.

  • James


    Yes, but “how” ?

    Disable the radar. Which ?
    Primary or Secondary or both ?
    Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam or all ?

    Lets say Malaysian Secondary and Primary.
    Firstly, how ?
    Secondary, no other controller says anything. They are all “in on it”.
    Thirdly, no other radar plotting service spots anything. All them “know” also.

  • Ales

    I was reading your thread and thought I’d chip in with some info on the names: Bajc is a very typical Slovenian surname (Slovenians are mostly Catholics). Danica is also a Slovenian name, many Slovenians have emigrated to the USA and Australia after World War II.

  • katie

    There you are James, Ben has something similar to what I’m saying. I’m sure there’s a way which we outside that world will not know about.
    What I can say is that I never thought I would buy a little machine which looks like a coffee grinder that in fact boils eggs without water & which come out on a stick !

    The possibilities are endless……. ;-))


    Funny thing is, Katie, that is an ANCIENT airframe. Imagine the capabilities of Stealth. It gives one pause.

  • katie

    Ben, I firmly believe present technology can go as far as our imagination & beyond.

    Even the Turks are talking about ‘invisible’ paint technology for their aircraft,wish I’d kept that link now, it was in the Hurriyet a few weeks ago..

    ‘Nano Paint Could Make Airplanes Invisible to Radar

    A nanotube coating would allow a plane to absorb a radar beam, making it undetectable.’



    Nanotechnology scares the living shite out of me, Katie

    Many applications from medical to environmental are sold as benefits, but the military sees a weapon in any technology.

  • Q

    @Katie: “confirmation foul play was involved & they know it ,I’d say.”

    There is a coverup. This is certain, IMO.

  • bluebird

    Katie, james ….

    Remember the twin plane parked in israel since nov 2013?
    How long would you need to switch the plane’s painted registration code?
    How long would israeli specialists need to prepare that twin plane with nano technology and fly it to malaysia as 9M-MRO?
    Of course, in that theory some people from malaysian airlines must have been involved by knowing those plans, though not necessarily many of them.
    You push the real 9M MRO into a hangar and let it disappear and then fly the prepared fake 9M MRO from tel aviv to kuala lumpur.
    Then you got the prepared twin plane flying as the “real” 9M MRO for a few days. Who knows whether or not there was even a black box in that prepared plane? Who knows – in case that it it WAS prepared – how easy it was to turn off the transponder? Just a theory to support your ideas about the new technology and how easy it could have been secretly preparing the twin plane and exchanging that plane with the israeli twin plane for that “coupe d’etat”.

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