Disappearing Aircraft 5654

I had fairly well concluded that the most likely cause was a fire disrupting the electrical and control systems, when CNN now say the sharp left turn was pre-programmed 12 minutes before sign off from Malaysian Air Traffic control, which was followed fairly quickly by that left turn.

CNN claim to have this from an US official, from data sent back before the reporting systems went off.  It is hard to know what to make of it: obviously there are large economic interests that much prefer blame to lie with the pilots rather than the aircraft.  But if it is true then the move was not a response to an emergency.  (CNN went on to say the pilot could have programmed in the course change as a contingency in case of an emergency.  That made no sense to me at all – does it to anyone else?)

I still find it extremely unlikely that the plane landed or crashed on land  I cannot believe it could evade military detection as it flew over a highly militarized region.  Somewhere there is debris on the ocean.  There have been previous pilot suicides that took the plane with them; but the long detour first seems very strange and I do not believe is precedented.  However if the CNN information on pre-programming is correct, and given it was the co-pilot who signed off to air traffic control, it is hard to look beyond the pilots as those responsible for whatever did happen.  In fact, on consideration, the most improbable thing is that information CNN are reporting from the US official.

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5,654 thoughts on “Disappearing Aircraft

1 91 92 93 94 95 182
  • AGrainOfSalt

    WTF…….. It crashed 17 minutes after its last ‘ping’! And it ‘was’ cruising at FL330, which is ‘not’ normal

  • Q

    @Katie: Conspiracists noted that 9M-MRO was the 404th built of its kind, as in “404” error message. I never verified if it was true or not.

  • bluebird


    hard to distinguish on a crashed or burnt out plane.

    What’s the probability that one of hundredthousands of planes is shot down that is exactly the same airline, exactly the same airplane type, exactly on the same route, exactly the same model and almost the same registration number like the lost one?



    Heard the clamor from establishment-type pilots completely dismissing the possibility that it was da plane. Even though photographed near the time of impact (small cloud of black smoke that grew) there was breathless discussions about the possibility Russia downed with missile even though no smoke trail visible in sky. NO discussion about the possibility pilots may have suffered an oxygen failure, or the descent from 35k to 21k. Malaysian airlines limited their comment to ‘lost contact’.

    I’m not so sure 777 is the great plane many pilots seem to think it is.

  • bluebird


    Netherlands 154
    Australia 27
    Malaysia 23
    United States 23
    Unknown 20
    Indonesia 11
    United Kingdom 6
    Belgium 4
    France 4
    Germany 4
    Philippines 3
    Canada 1

  • Q

    Is anyone looking into GeoResonance’s claims yet, what with their technology for finding missing planes developed in Ukraine, and all? Any chance MH370 took the northern route, toward the “Stans”?

  • bluebird

    crew MH17

    Captain: Wan Amran Bin Wan Hussin (male, 50 years old)

    Captain: Eugene Choo Jin Leong (male, 45 years old)

    Vice- captain: Ahmad Hakimi Bin Hanapi (male, 29 years old)

    Vice- captain: Muhamad Firdaus Bin Abdul Rahim (male, 27 years old)

    Mohd Ghafar Bin Abu Bakar (male, 54 years old)

    Dora Shamila Binti Kassim (female, 47 years old)

    Azrina Binti Yakob (female, 41 years old)

    Lee Hui Pin (female, 42 years old)

    Mastura Binti Mustafa (female, 40 years old)

    Chong Yee Pheng (female, 40 years old)

    Shaikh Mohd Noor Bin Mahmood (male, 44 years old)

    Sanjid Singh Sandhu (male, 41 years old)

    Hamfazlin Sham Binti Mohamed Arifin (female, 42 years old)

    Nur Shazana Binti Mohamed Salleh (female, 31 years old)

    Angeline Premila Rajandaran (female, 30 years old)


  • Q

    How long before Jonti Roos pops back in for a TV interview? How long before the speculation begins that 9M-MRD is really 9M-MRO? How long before it’s speculated that in a scene reminiscent of Sherlock, the passengers and crew on the plane were already dead, and that they might really be the passengers and crew from 9M-MRO?

    I would suggest that the government of Malaysia had already lost all credibility. Now it seems there’s more to it. Are they complicit in these two horrible incidents?

  • Jenny Swanson

    I’m thinking suicide hijackers or malicious aircraft maneuveing. If the radomes in Colorado aren’t detecting anything. hopefully it’s not some new type of missile that cannot be detected by radomes.

  • katie

    Q. Too many coincidences .

    Ben, I saw your comment [ on the other thread ] above the one you’ve highlighted here.
    You echoed my own thoughts of, how did the authorities know straight away that the plane was shot down ?
    I had Sky news on & watched the immediate reactions almost as it happened, no other theory was given other than it had been ‘shot down’ . So who was reporting that ?
    I doubt the farmer who was an eye witness was in touch so soon.

    Looking at the devastation there was certainly some sort of explosion on board the plane didn’t just fall out of the sky.

  • bluebird

    108 of the most reknown AIDS scientists and AIDS activists had been on board, all of them heading to a AIDS conference in Australia, confirmed by Australian authorities. Amongst them was the head of the WHO-AIDS research departement of the United Nations in Geneve and his team.

  • bluebird

    Wouldnt that perfectly fit into the NWO?



    16.45, Australian EST, Melbourne, Australia

    The International AIDS Society, convenors of the 20th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2014), is continuing to work with the authorities to clarify how the tragic loss of Malaysian Airlines flight MH 17 impacts our conference delegates, our conference partners, and our community as a whole. 

    In recognition of our colleagues’ dedication to the fight against HIV/AIDS, the conference will go ahead as planned and will include opportunities to reflect and remember those we have lost. 

    The International AIDS Society will continue to provide updates as information becomes available. 

  • bluebird


    About 100 of the 298 people killed in the Malaysia Airlines crash were heading to Melbourne for a major AIDS conference, conference attendees have been told.

    Delegates at a pre-conference in Sydney were told on Friday morning that about 100 medical researchers, health workers and activists were on the plane that went down near the Russia-Ukraine border, including former International AIDS Society president Joep Lange.

  • bluebird

    Israeli IDF soldier from the Sabotage Detachment brigade is amongst the dead/missing ones.


    An Israeli citizen is among the 295 fatalities reported in the Malaysian Airlines downed plane on Thursday.

    Itamar Avnon served as a lone soldier in the IDF during Operation Cast Lead in 2009, his father DovAvnon announced on his Facebook account.

    “Unfortunately, I must share with all my friends on Facebook that my son Itamar was on the plane that crashed over Ukraine,” the father wrote. “He was heading back to Australia after a visit to the Netherlands.”

    Itamar served during his Israeli military service in the Sabotage Detachment brigade and paratroopers. He also fought in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead in 2009.

    Itamar survived his military service, his father wrote, but became “a victim of a crashed plane over a battlefield in Ukraine.”

  • AGrainOfSalt

    When ‘primary’ radar lost MH17, what did ‘secundary’ radar see? What about the ACARS messages if the a/c knew a catastrophic failure or explosion at FL330?
    This is very ‘weird’, and many passengers had relatives who got ‘lost’ previously on MH370.
    Investigation should ‘focus’ on the PIC. And the MATEK waypoint, that is ‘familiar’ to Putin’s #1 plane.
    All this smells of conspiracy, and is it just a co-incidence if it ‘happens’ while Gaza is on fire?

  • Q

    @Bluebird: You would think after MH370 that companies and organizations would learn not to send large numbers of important people on the same flight. Why is it that they do not learn?

    Katie, that black box should belong to the Malaysians. This was made clear when MH370 disappeared.

  • michael norton

    A Ukrainian military plane flew within 3-5km of flight MH17 just before the Malaysian aircraft crashed, the Russian Defence Ministry has claimed.

    as told by Sky News Flash

  • NR

    “One last question. And it’s a big one!
    If the US can present such a specific narrative to the international audience concerning MH17, why, oh why can they not tell us all what happened to MH37/0?”

    “How could they have completely lost that MH37/0?
    I mean completely? No satellite. No nothing.
    That is just NOT copasetic.”

  • katie

    NR, I have been saying the same.
    There were 23 Americans on MH370 & the yanks were conspicuous by their absence,nothing but silence at the start yet here we are with one American on MH17 & O is making utterances against Putin………..O is desperate to hit back at Putin for not complying over Syria.

    Nothing would surprise me here, the Ukraine supplies much of the Russians armoury & parts, the EU & the US want separation of the two countries, Russia & the Ukraine, for that very reason.

    I’d also like to know why are MAS getting no criticism in the media ?

  • Q

    Today’s news brings word that large chunks of 9M-MRD have been cut out by parties unknown. What is it they don’t want anyone to find: a hasty paint-over of “9M-MRO”? Hacking of anything that would reveal hacking? As for the human remains, there probably isn’t much chance of learning whether anyone died prior to taking the doomed flight MH17, or cause of death. Incineration would make that kind of finding impossible. It is now being reported that many bodies are missing.

    Remember Malaysia’s planned purchase of Russian fighter jets?


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