Disappearing Aircraft 5654

I had fairly well concluded that the most likely cause was a fire disrupting the electrical and control systems, when CNN now say the sharp left turn was pre-programmed 12 minutes before sign off from Malaysian Air Traffic control, which was followed fairly quickly by that left turn.

CNN claim to have this from an US official, from data sent back before the reporting systems went off.  It is hard to know what to make of it: obviously there are large economic interests that much prefer blame to lie with the pilots rather than the aircraft.  But if it is true then the move was not a response to an emergency.  (CNN went on to say the pilot could have programmed in the course change as a contingency in case of an emergency.  That made no sense to me at all – does it to anyone else?)

I still find it extremely unlikely that the plane landed or crashed on land  I cannot believe it could evade military detection as it flew over a highly militarized region.  Somewhere there is debris on the ocean.  There have been previous pilot suicides that took the plane with them; but the long detour first seems very strange and I do not believe is precedented.  However if the CNN information on pre-programming is correct, and given it was the co-pilot who signed off to air traffic control, it is hard to look beyond the pilots as those responsible for whatever did happen.  In fact, on consideration, the most improbable thing is that information CNN are reporting from the US official.

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5,654 thoughts on “Disappearing Aircraft

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  • michael norton

    The BBC seem to think the plan that went down in Mali was crashed because of bad weather.
    How often do modern airliners crash because of bad weather.

  • Q

    There’s a gap in the AH5017 logic here:


    The report says the fact that the plane broke apart on impact with the ground precludes it being attacked. That is not logical.

    Meanwhile, French drones located the plane, with the help of French soldiers based in Mali.

    The area is full of drug traffickers and car hijackers, but the crash was reported by Tuareg nomads who didn’t have a phone line, due to the sparse population of the area, according to the Guardian. Strangely, the plane crashed about 140 km away from an area of intense fighting. Obviously, French drones were not too far away, as they were quick to lead the search. Does any of this make sense? How can an area be both sparsely populated by nomads without phones, and yet full of drug traffickers and carjackers? Who are the drug traffickers selling their drugs to in the sparsely-populated region with no phone lines? Smoke-signalling dial-a-dopers, selling drugs to nomads, who are wandering around in the middle of nowhere: that’s a first! Presumably the nomads drive cars, which can be jacked.


    The Guardian article does quote Francois Hollande as saying it is too soon to eliminate any hypothesis.

  • AGrainOfSalt

    Even back in 1983, mangosteens were regular cargo on flights to/from Korea.
    Of corse, they don’t grow in U-krane but they have lots of lithium batteries
    For AH5017, the logicAl is missing if the debris is only 300 by 300 hundred meters how can the UN take a whole day to find the orange black box. It’s been tampered with a d maybe the bats that were in the cargo hold are now spreading the Hey Bola virus in Algerka and soon accross the world.

  • Ben-American Fascist Flechette

    I think mangosteens and lithium batteries are lackluster ordnance compared air-to-air missiles. They are so arrogant they believe they can operate with impunity. They aren’t afraid of being caught red-handed because they know the vast majority have no interest in examining the facts, or the courage to pursue. They are right on that issue. What we need is the continued revelation of public education, with the hope and change of popular understanding and consequent outrage. That;s the good fight.

    It would also assist if we had government leaders who have the courage to risk assassination.

  • Q

    The answer to the MH370 question is not (impossible) “fresh mangosteen”. The answer is not the E-brand fruit bats that feed on (impossible) “fresh mangosteen”. The answer is “you pay we ship” cargo, and those air-to-air missiles, with a sprinkling of drones on top.

    Instead, we are led to believe that the “impossible” is possible, and the possible is not. It’s a fairy tale with a script that no one believes. Batty!

  • Ben-American Fascist Flechette

    ” It’s a fairy tale with a script that no one believes.”

    That’s the goal. In JFK Stone suggests those few who were privy to inside information, either died under mysterious circumstances or were regarded as untouchable,, and the fall-back was that their stories were so weird and delusional, no one would believe such things possible. They could be characterized as fools, crazy or charlatans, and dutifully disissed.

  • michael norton

    Quote MAS
    “This tragedy has taught us that despite following the guidelines and advice set out by the governing bodies, the skies above certain territories are simply not safe. MH17 has shown us that airlines can no longer rely on existing industry bodies for this information.
    He added that the airline industry should not be held accountable for factors that are outside of its control.”

    That does not make much sense.
    The airlines make their own decisions,
    it ought to be obvious not to overfly active war zones.
    I think the airlines should be accountable for what routes they instruct their staff to use.

  • Q

    Agreed, Michael Norton. Malaysia Airlines should be held accountable for the decisions they make as an airline. They’re facing lawsuits for those decisions. Diffusing blame is easier than accepting fiscal responsibility for the loss of hundreds of lives. Rebranding may be intended to shut down the lawsuits by leaving a defunct company liable for losses that will never be paid out.

    That’s pure speculation, of course.

  • Ben-American Fascist Flechette

    “Berlin (ots) – “From an expert point of view” was the launch of the Malaysian Boeing on July 17 on the Eastern Ukraine “by an indigenous air defense missile ruled out with high probability”. This is the assessment retired Colonel Bernd Biedermann in an article for the daily newspaper published in Berlin “new Germany” (Thursday edition). Had Splitter a surface to air missile hit the plane, it would immediately catch fire, argues the NVA anti-aircraft missile specialist. Cause is the “big frictional heat that generate splinter on strike-through of the missile. A single contains the same kinetic energy as a 40-ton freight car that runs 60 kilometers per hour on a buffer.” In the case of Malaysian Boeing scattered fires had broken out after the impact with the ground, because hot aircraft parts had come in contact with combustible materials. Biedermann is familiar with Soviet and Russian air defense technology, he led units in the duty officer system in East Germany and taught at the Military Academy in the field of anti-aircraft missile troops.”


    Sure would like to see transcript for the Cock-pit VR. If it was machine-gun fire they would have time to comment.

  • michael norton

    The 2001 crash was caused by an accidental Ukrainian S-200 missile strike during military training exercises, staged off Cape Onuk (or Chuluk) in Crimea.

  • Q

    @Michael Norton 8:55 a.m.:

    Of course the airlines decide. Some airlines decided not to fly over that area before the downing of MH17, so Malaysian government officials who tried to diffuse blame are presumably doing it for their own reasons: avoiding liability payouts. Quick, rebrand and leave an empty shell of the former Malaysia Airlines.

    With all the nepotism between the government and Malaysia Airlines, it would be interesting to know who in the government has relatives in Malaysia Airlines who were responsible for making the decision to fly over the conflict zone. Anyone who’s been mentioned in this thread in the past? And do said relatives/executives, if they exist, have great personal wealth which might be tapped if they were named in a class action lawsuit?

  • JorgenNielsen


    Bollyn in his lastest piece CONNECTS MH17 with GA Telesis in Florida. And Israeli named Yossi Mofaz — probably related to the Israeli defense minister 1988-2002, Shaul Mofaz, took THE LAST KNOWN PHOTO OF MH17 in Amsterdam just before it departed on its fateful journey, IN ORDER TO SELL THE PHOTO TO NEWS-AGENCIES, INCLUDING REUTERS. Now we have them!! Bluebird we need you to come in an work on this stuff with your brain..

    From what I know about Israelis — having been on the kibbutz where Ehud Barak is from — this would be typical — some would say humanh behaviour, for a guy in a prominent family, and who himself is not belonginmg toi the highest eschelons, to take this chance to make a profit. But what a security breach! – and it doesnøt look very professsional. He got very nervous on the phone, when Bollyn talked with him.

    I will offer the grand strategy view, as to why Israel wanted to down MH17: They want to antagonise Russia, so as to put crippling sanctions on them, beacause Russia is the very country that prevented action to be taken by the international community against Syria, and after this heroic and just intervention by Mr. Putin — which was in accordance with the fealings of all righteous, just and honest men and women the world over — the negociations with Iran gained a new impetus. They also want to scupper these positive negociations. But we need Bluebird to connect the dots. If I know him right, he is alraady working on it, so stay tuned!!

  • michael norton

    If the last known downing of an airliner by rocket, anywhere in the World,
    (happened to be full of Israeli citizens flying to Russia) has been acknowledged as having been perpertaited by the Kiev Regime.

    How come moments later Kiev, U.K. and U.S.A. say it must have been the Pro-Russian rebels?

  • JorgenNielsen

    Bluebird immediately put his remarkable brain at work in this forum, and has find a lot of infor, which I’ve emailed Bollyn. He also has discovered that Israeli clean teams have started to remove all infor about Mofaz.


  • JorgenNielsen

    UPDATE: Bluebird has updated his latest post on icke, and is urging you all to watch a specific You Tube video:

    PLEASE watch that commercial trailer regarding pentagon 2000 (you won’t regret it)
    Please watch it! And always think about (while watching this clip) that the guy taking and sharing the MH17 photo is a member of the family running this company!

    PENTAGON 2000SQL ERP Software System.: http://youtu.be/hkrV-NKl4r0

  • michael norton

    It is the Kiev Regime that is bombarding Eastern Ukraine in the vicinity of the MH17 Crash Zone.

    If the Kiev Regime are so convinced the the Pro-Russian Ukrainians rocketed MH17
    you would have thought they would do everything within their power to expediate the international investigation

  • Q

    One of the people who died from an Ebola-infected organ in Australia in 2007 has a son who works as an executive for an airport baggage handling systems company. it’s just one of those things.

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