Lockerbie 83

The information on Lockerbie published in today’s Daily Mail from an Iranian defector, matches precisely what I was shown in a secret intelligence report in the FCO just around the time of the first Iraq war – that a Syrian terrorist group was responsible acting on behalf of Iran.  It was decided that this would be kept under wraps because the West needed Iran and Syria’s quiescence in the attack on Iraq.

I was at the time Head of Maritime Section in the FCO’s Aviation and Maritime Department. I was shown the report by the Head of the Aviation Section, who was deeply troubled by it.

The UK authorities have known for over 20 years that Megrahi was innocent.  The key witness, a Maltese shopkeeper named Tony Gauci, was paid a total of US $7 million for his evidence by the CIA, and was able to adopt a life of luxury that continues to this day. The initial $2 million payment has become public knowledge but that was only the first instalment.  This was not an over-eagerness to convict the man the CIA believed responsible; this was a deliberate perversion of justice to move the spotlight from Iran and Syria to clear the way diplomatically for war in Iraq.

It will of course be argued, probably correctly, that now Syria and Iran are the western targets, it is in the interests of the CIA for the true story to come out,  (minus of course their involvement in perverting the course of justice).  That is why we now hear it was Syria and Iran.  But it so happens that is in fact the truth.  Even the security services and government can tell the truth, when the moment comes that the truth rather than a deceit happens to be a tactical advantage to them.


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83 thoughts on “Lockerbie

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  • Ben

    Never listen to crazy conspiracy nuts until the Authorities allow some gravitas.

    “The Maltese Double Cross[edit]

    Allan Francovich produced, wrote and directed The Maltese Double Cross – Lockerbie, a controversial documentary which challenged the official view that Libya was responsible for the sabotage of Pan Am Flight 103. Instead, an unwitting drug mule, with links to Hezbollah and to both the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the CIA, was alleged to have carried the bomb on board the aircraft.

    When his British production company, Hemar Enterprises, released the film in November 1994, it was immediately threatened with legal action by lawyers acting for a US government official (believed to have been the DEA’s Michael Hurley). Screenings of the film at the 1994 London Film Festival, at the Institute of Contemporary Arts and at several universities were prevented. But Labour MP Tam Dalyell ignored libel warnings and went ahead and showed the film at the House of Commons on November 16, 1994.

  • Ben

    AKA, Oswald LeWinter…

    ” Oswald LeWinter is the disinformant who did most damage in the Palme murder investigation. He kept the Police Investigation Group (PU) working for four years. LeWinter led an incredible double life. Behind the scenes, he was a professional disinformant, intelligence agent, and infiltrator, operating under cover names like “Y”, “Razin”, Razine”, “Racine”, “Wamma”, and “Ibrahim Razin”. The face he showed the world, however, was as a sophisticated and respected literature professor who had authored the book “Shakespeare in Europe ‘, a politician, and a poet.”

  • craig Post author


    I can see no link between Lockerbie and the Rabbi – am inclined to delete your last two posts as wildly off topic, unless you can point me to something I’ve missed.

  • mike

    The CIA heroin connection has more bearing than most think. Anyone remember farmer Wilson’s suitcase found in the wreckage? Paul Foot wrote about it

    ANOTHER weird story from the hours after thedisaster came from Mr Jim Wilson, a farmer at Tundergarth Mains.

    After the crash, his fields were littered with bodies and debris from the airliner. The mess included a suitcase, neatly packed with a powdery substance that looked like drugs. He was worried in case the substances could harm hissheep and he contacted the police. Eventually, after somedelay, the suitcase was removed. Farmer Wilson was one of the first witnesses to give evidence when the fatal accident inquiry started in October 1990. He answered questions, butwas very surprised when no one asked him about the drugs suitcase.

    Twice the Lord Advocate’s office promised relatives thatthe matter would be “taken care of” but it never was. Somerelatives discovered that the name printed on the suitcase,which Jim Wilson remembered exactly, did not appear onthe list of passengers for Pan Am flight 103.

    Others couldn’t help remembering Dr Fieldhouse’s testimony that he had labelled 59 bodies, while the policehad labelled 58. Was Tony Lloyd from the Foreign Office referring to this suitcase when he wrote to Tam Dalyell: “as for the allegation that United States officials removed a case from the wreckage, this did not happen”?

    Mr Lloyd followed the assurance with another of the same kind. “There is no question,” he wrote, “of any items being released in the early stages of the investigation before their evidential value could be established.”

    In the recent murder trial of two Libyans for the Lockerbie bombing, reference was made to the fact that a suitcase belonging to Major Charles McKee, a senior CIA agent who had been involved in the negotiations for the release of hostages in Beirut, had been mysteriously carried away from the piles of wreckage left by the crash and even had a large hole cut into it before it was returned to theinvestigators. The specific intention of cutting the hole, it was agreed, was to inspect the contents of the suitcase long before its evidential value could be established.

    The fact that Major McKee and his CIA associate Matthew Gannon, formerly deputy CIA station chief in Beirut, were among the dead passengers may have explained at least some of the mysterious happenings in and around Lockerbie after the disaster.

    Some of these matters were addressed in a book written almost immediately afterwards by Scottish radio reporter David Johnston. He suggested on radio at the time that the investigation had been held up for at least two days while the CIA hunted for and inspected the luggage of their dead officers.

    Support for this theory came from another strange discrepancy. Martin and Rita Cadman, whose son Bill, a sound designer and director, had been one of the victims on the plane, were infuriated early on when they noticed that their son’s death certificate was dated 24 December, when he had obviously died on the 21st. In all the time since they have never had any credible explanation for this discrepancy.

    Almost as soon as his broadcast went on air, Mr Johnston was astonished to be approached by two very senior police officers who demanded to know the source for his story. When he refused, he was begged to betray his source to anyone he liked, even the prime minister, Margaret Thatcher. He declined, and heard no more.

    But as these stories started to circulate among those of the bereaved relatives who were already inclined to doubt the official stories, the suspicion started to grow that there was more to this disaster than tragedy or terrorism, and that some other force outside the normal processes of democratic government was at work. Everything that happened in the next twelve years sustained and nurtured that suspicion.


    This is from Susan Lindauer

    The Lockerbie conviction was full of holes to begin with. Anybody who knows anything about terrorism in the 1980s knows the CIA got mixed up in heroin trafficking out of the Bekaa Valley during the hostage crisis in Lebanon. The Lockerbie conspiracy had been a false flag operation to kill off a joint CIA and Defense Intelligence investigation into kick backs from Islamic Jihad, in exchange for protecting the heroin transit network.

    According to my own CIA handler, Dr. Richard Fuisz, who’d been stationed in Lebanon and Syria at the time, the CIA had established a protected drug route from Lebanon to Europe and on to the United States. His statements support other sources that “Operation Corea” allowed Syrian drug dealers led by Monzer al-Kassar (also linked to Oliver North in the Iran-Contra scandal) to ship heroin to the U.S. ON Pan Am flights, in exchange for intelligence on the hostages’ whereabouts in Lebanon. The CIA allegedly made sure that suitcases carrying heroin were not searched at customs. Nicknamed the “Godfather of Terror,” Al Kassar is now serving a prison sentence for conspiring with Colombian drug cartels to assassinate U.S. nationals.

    Building up to Lockerbie, the Defense Intelligence team in Beirut, led by Maj. Charles Dennis McKee and Matthew Gannon, suspected that CIA infiltration of the heroin network might be prolonging the hostage crisis. If so, the consequence was severe. AP Reporter Terry Anderson got chained in a basement for 7 years, while 96 other high profile western hostages suffered beatings, mock executions and overall trauma. McKee’s team raised the alarms in Washington that a CIA double agent profiting from the narco-dollars might be warning the hostage takers whenever their dragnet closed in. Washington sent a fact-finding team to Lebanon to gather evidence.

    On the day it was blown out of the sky, Pan Am 103 was carrying that team of CIA and FBI investigators, the CIA’s Deputy Chief assigned to Beirut, and three Defense Intelligence officers, including McKee and Gannon, on their way to Washington to deliver a report on the CIA’s role in heroin trafficking, and the impact on terrorist financing and the hostage crisis. In short, everyone with direct knowledge of CIA kickbacks from heroin trafficking died on Pan Am 103. A suitcase packed with $500,000 worth of heroin was found in the wreckage. It belonged to investigators, as proof of the corruption.

    The punch line was that the U.S. State Department issued an internal travel advisory, warning that government officials should get off that specific flight on that specific day, because Pan Am 103 was expected to get bombed. That’s right, folks! The U.S. had prior knowledge of the attack.

    Unforgivably, nobody told Charles McKee or Matthew Gannon. But other military officials and diplomats got pulled off the flight-making room for a group of students from Syracuse University traveling stand by for the Christmas holidays.

    It was a monstrous act! But condemning Megrahi to cover up the CIA’s role in heroin trafficking has struck many Lockerbie afficiandos as grossly unjust. Add the corruption of purchased testimony– $4 million a pop- and Megrahi’s life sentence struck a nerve of obscenity.

    It struck Gadhaffi as grievously offensive, as well-The United Nations had forced Libya to fork over $2.7 billion in damages to the Lockerbie families, a rate of $10 million for every death. Once it became clear the U.S. paid two key witnesses $4 million each to commit perjury, spook gossip throughout the summer was rife that Gadhaffi had taken bold action to demand compensation from U.S. (and probably British) oil corporations operating in Libya. More than likely, Libya’s demands for kick backs and compensation extended to other European oil conglomerates as well-particularly France and Italy-who are now spearheading attacks on Libya.

    I knew last summer there would be trouble. Payback would be a b-tch on both sides. You don’t lock an innocent man in prison for 10 years on bogus charges of terrorism, and expect forgiveness. The United States and Britain had behaved with remarkable selfishness. You’ve got to admit that Gadhaffi’s attempt to balance the scales of justice demonstrated a flair of righteous nationalism.

    Alas, Gadhaffi was playing with fire, no matter how justified his complaint. You don’t strike a tyrant without expecting a tyrant to strike back.

  • Ben

    “The motive for the assassination was very complex, and related to the many various arenas where the Reagan administration and PM Olof Palme were on colliding courses. One of these arenas was about the Swedish arms producer Bofors’ illegal deliveries of heavy weapons and ammunition to Iran, which later was revealed to be part of the Iran-Contra scandal. In the autumn of 1985, UN Peace Mediator in the Iran/Iraq war and Prime Minister Olof Palme stopped the shipments after he had been made aware of them”

    “It was a morality tale for sure. According to him, the CIA infiltrated opium and heroin trafficking in Lebanon as part of a crisis operation to rescue AP reporter Terry Anderson and 11 other American and British hostages in Beirut, including CNN bureau chief Jeremy Levin and Anglican envoy Terry Waite. The hostage crisis was a legitimate CIA concern. The CIA Station Chief of Beirut, William Buckley, was also kidnapped by Islamic Jihad and brutally tortured to death, his body dumped in the street in front of CIA headquarters. The rescue was protracted and complicated by Lebanon’s Civil War—ultimately, Terry Anderson’s captivity lasted seven years. Many of the hostages suffered beatings, solitary confinement chained to the floor, and mock executions”

    It was a morality tale for sure. According to him, the CIA infiltrated opium and heroin trafficking in Lebanon as part of a crisis operation to rescue AP reporter Terry Anderson and 11 other American and British hostages in Beirut, including CNN bureau chief Jeremy Levin and Anglican envoy Terry Waite. The hostage crisis was a legitimate CIA concern. The CIA Station Chief of Beirut, William Buckley, was also kidnapped by Islamic Jihad and brutally tortured to death, his body dumped in the street in front of CIA headquarters. The rescue was protracted and complicated by Lebanon’s Civil War—ultimately, Terry Anderson’s captivity lasted seven years. Many of the hostages suffered beatings, solitary confinement chained to the floor, and mock executions.”

    If we must rely merely on cross-corroborated releases from traditional sources, we won’t learn much will we?

  • Ben

    “Will the Diana inquest hear that Fayed made his money after he married Samira Khashoggi, the sister of the international arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, who employed him in his import business in Saudi Arabia.

    Will the Diana inquest hear the alleged the evidence of former spy Richard Tomlinson:

    “In 1992 I was working on an operation to recover high-tech weapons from the former Soviet Union. This operation was being conducted in collaboration with a very powerful arms dealer whose exact identity I did not know.

    “When I read the file I discovered that this arms dealer was in very frequent contact with Mr Mohamed Al Fayed. I saw that the MI6 informant supplying this information had a code beginning with P, followed by several numbers. As this source was mentioned several times I tried to find out who it was. It was a Frenchman who was head of security at the Ritz Hotel.” – Shaphan: December 2006

    Reportedly, Khashoggi was implicated in the Iran-Contra Affair as a key middleman in the arms-for-hostages exchange along with Iranian arms dealer Manucher Ghorbanifar.”

  • Ben

    Mike; Cui bono?

    “On the day it was blown out of the sky, Pan Am 103 was carrying that team of CIA and FBI investigators, the CIA’s Deputy Chief assigned to Beirut, and three Defense Intelligence officers, including McKee and Gannon, on their way to Washington to deliver a report on the CIA’s role in heroin trafficking, and the impact on terrorist financing and the hostage crisis. In short, everyone with direct knowledge of CIA kickbacks from heroin trafficking died on Pan Am 103. A suitcase packed with $500,000 worth of heroin was found in the wreckage. It belonged to investigators, as proof of the corruption.

    The punch line was that the U.S. State Department issued an internal travel advisory, warning that government officials should get off that specific flight on that specific day, because Pan Am 103 was expected to get bombed. That’s right, folks! The U.S. had prior knowledge of the attack.”

    What does law enforcement ask when conducting an invesstigation?

    “Motive, opportunity…..”

  • Jemand


    I’ve never understood the Lockerbie disaster. What was expected to be achieved by bringing down the plane? Was it a spectacular, anonymous warning to Western powers or a publicity stunt for a ‘noble’ struggle?

  • mark golding

    Hi Ben – My mother bless her on occasion would say Princess Di ‘was murdered by order of that awful horribilis Prince Phillip,’ to which my response was always, ‘don’t be silly mum’ albeit noting the conspiracy details.

    That was until Robin Cook talking to me about Iraq after a BBC ‘Question Time’ explained how Tony Blair ordered intrusive surveillance of Diana via the NSA/GCHQ in the hope that any intelligence found could be relayed to HM The Queen directly in his weekly meetings.

    Diana’s car was a 1994 Mercedes Benz S280 E (Sonderklasse 2800cm3 Einspritzung), registered to Etoile Limousine with a number 688 LTV 75. The car retained some vital clues until disassembled by French investigators long before it arrived in Britain in a number of parts.

    Experimental Security Analysis of a Modern Automobile:

    Overall, these trends suggest that a wide range of vectors
    will be available by which an attacker might compromise a
    component and gain access to internal vehicular networks—
    with unknown consequences.


  • Ben

    The Helsinki Warning’

    To: All Embassy Employees

    Subject: Threat to Civil Aviation

    Post has been notified by the Federal Aviation Administration that on December 5, 1988, an unidentified individual telephoned a U.S. diplomatic facility in Europe and stated that sometime within the next two weeks there would be a bombing attempt against a Pan American aircraft flying from Frankfurt to the United States.

    The FAA reports that the reliability of the information cannot be assessed a this point, but the appropriate police authorities have been notified and are pursuing the matter. Pan Am has also been notified.

  • Ben

    Greetings Mark; I think ABS in the cars of the 90’s were run from a motherboard, but all you need to do is squirt some oil on one brake rotor and hard breaking will pull to the other side.

    GPS hacking could also be involved in the Malaysian flight

  • N_

    @Mark Golding – The official story about the carboxyhaemoglobin level in driver Henri Paul’s blood was ridiculous. Had he really had that level in his blood, he would not have been able to stand up, let alone drive a car. As for the vehicle the Mercedes came into contact with in the tunnel, a white Fiat Uno, disappearing into thin air, no sensible person could really believe that. The Pont d’Alma tunnel is in the middle of Paris embassyland, one of the most surveilled areas on earth.

    I thought it was an S280, not an S280E. The car which Mohamed al-Fayed was driven in later that night was a S600E.

    Interesting info about Cookie. Was he murdered too? I recall that when he resigned from the government he expressed his outrage at the pathetic failure of the west to enforce UN Security Council Resolution 242.

    I can’t see why Tony Blair would have had to order it. The head of SIS has direct access to the monarch. The thing they carry to prove it is known as the “ivory”. Doesn’t the head of GCHQ have the same access? Maybe Craig knows.

    I guess you know about the royal family’s ‘Way Ahead Group’?

  • N_

    all you need to do is squirt some oil on one brake rotor and hard breaking will pull to the other side.


    Would only work if you know there’s going to be some hard braking – or you cause some.

    Incidentally the S280 was stolen from Etoile for a while and then recovered.

  • Ben

    “Would only work if you know there’s going to be some hard braking – or you cause some.”

    Are you familiar with the circumstances of the head-on collision with bridge abutment?

  • N_

    Are you familiar with the circumstances of the head-on collision with bridge abutment?

    To which exemplar do you allude?

    I am familiar with many aspects of the Paris crash, which didn’t happen under a bridge.

  • Someone

    mark golding 11 Mar, 2014 – 6:01 pm

    “He argues that the NSA had to concede that it held more than 1000 pages of information on Princess Diana, because her conduct ran counter to US policy, owing to her campaign against land mines.”

  • Richard

    I’m glad you have confirmed that, Mr. Murray.

    Those of us who have never had access to the corridors of power nonetheless heard rumours to that effect at the time. I seem to remember Tony Benn saying something about it back in the days when he was still on T.V. There is also an interesting article by Gareth Pierce which I read a few years ago entitled “The Framing of Al Magrahi” or something like that. I assume that it must still be findable on the web for those who are interested. It makes pretty interesting – if horrifying – reading.

  • Shetland

    Off-topic: does someone know whether the Scotland Act 1978 is published online somewhere? It doesn’t seem to be at either or I mean the actual Act, not the Order setting up the referendum.

    I’m interested in is the clauses which allowed Orkney and Shetland an ‘opt-out’.

  • fedup

    Lockerbie the gift that goes on giving;

    Gaddafi paid $2000 million to compensate the relatives of the Murkans killed. In fact his son (the same one who is in the hands of the rebels come government of the Libya) was complaining about the untethered greed of those involved in negotiating the amounts of the compensation.

    Megrahi was convicted and kept in prison as the evildoer whom planned it all. He was hounded onto his death bed, and indignant medjia kept on hounding him, pity that ghosts cannot be hounded, there should be a law against that!

    The so called expert witness who also had testified in the US courts for various other convictions; turned out he was a liar, and the trails in US collapsed and the the fiasco did not have an iota of effect on the conviction of Megrahi, who was convicted on the testimony of the expert witness (the liar whom was exposed for lying in US).

    The expert testimony did identify the part of the pcb which was the “trigger mechanism” that had been found by a fortuitous perambulations of a Bobby on his beat, whom stumbled upon the bit of pcb two weeks after the crash and twenty odd miles away in a forest somewhere in Scotland!

    __________ Hang on we Misspelled that __________________

    It was Iran wot done it!!!!

    We now have all manner of evidence that Syria and Iran had been in cahoots and blown up the Pan Am flight, with the death rays of a weapon that world has not seen so far produced by the North Koreans, and shipped out through Moscow (they are are in the dog house too at the minute). The said death ray has since ricocheted to the present day and hit the Malaysian flight which is also a Boeing!

    There you have it, case shut!


    What a fucking pitiful state of affairs that a supposed independent judiciary is used by the same bunch of carpetbaggers who shove the separations of powers and the independence of the “Judicial System” down our throat morning, noon, and night! The same “Independent Judiciary” who reliant on the false testimony of a proven liar, convict an Arab and carry on pushing for compensation from more Arabs, without due regard for truth or anything remotely associated with the truth!

    Democracy dunchyou just love it’s smell?

    Now back to Iranians with fake passports boarding the flight from Kuala Lumpur with photoshoped legs, and don’t pay any attention to the crucifix round the neck of one of the fake passport holders!

    Fiction? The messed up lies passed as the truth, leave fiction somewhat less glamorous and believable!

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