The Blair-Bush Letters 187

If anybody is surprised that key letters between Tony Blair and George Bush on launching the invasion of Iraq have gone missing, they have not been paying attention. On both sides of the Atlantic, the Obama and Cameron regimes have consistently and continually covered up the crimes of their predecessors, from launch illegal wars of aggression to instituting programmes of torture and extraordinary rendition and murder.

The motive in both cases is the same. Not only are the senior politicians in all mainstream parties members of the same “club”, committed to the same neo-conservative principles and indebted to the same corporate paymasters. But also these crimes involved the active complicity of thousands of senior members of the establishment, in the armed services, the secret services, the diplomatic services and other public servants. To come clean would take down thousands of people still in public service. or in other high places. In the UK, for example, war criminals Sir Richard Dearlove now master of Pembroke College Cambridge and Sir Mark Allen of Shell are only two who would have to go to jail. I am sorry to say that I am convinced that some people I know and like myself, ought to be sentenced. Not that it will happen.

When a state embarks on illegal war and systematic torture and murder, as a state, the ramifications go extremely wide. Literally thousands of highly placed people are implicated. There is nothing short of political revolution which would bring justice.

It is fascinating how far even the “liberal” media will and will not go in reporting these crimes. The murder part is almost entirely left out – it is well documented, for example, that scores of rendition flights went to Uzbekistan, including many from the CIA black base in Szymano-Szczytny in Mazuria, Poland. But it is almost never noted that not one person who was rendered to Uzbekistan ever emerged alive. They were all murdered.

The astonishing disparity of wealth in the UK – with just nine families owning as much as the poorest 15 million in the country – has now reached the point where, together with the crimes described above and the takeover of all main parties by the same neo-con philosophy – I have become, for the first time in my life, a political revolutionary. I have, unexpectedly, lost my faith in the ability of the currently constituted “democratic” system to provide a fair society. That seems to be because the extreme and escalating concentration and control of capital coincides with the extreme and escalating concentration and control of the media. That media control seems, despite the availability of alternative new media, to have sufficient power of influencing people to grant untrammeled hegemony over society to the wealthy.

Working on the Voltairian basis that il faut cultiver le jardin, I shall continue to work for Scottish independence on the grounds that smaller polities have a greater chance of resistance, a kind of theory of political asymmetric warfare, and that for cultural reasons there has been a less complete neo-con takeover of political debate there.

To return to Chilcot, there is a sense in which it is good that he has not yet reported. Chilcot is holding out to be able to include the Bush-Blair correspondence, which offers conclusive proof that the “WMD” meme was a knowing lie to justify a vicious and pre-determined war. The recent Tory pressure for early publication is for publication without these documents. Much better to wait and get the actual proof.

The idea that two heads of state corresponding on taking their states to war can be “private” and kept from their people, is so outrageous that the fact it is stated at all is, in itself, sufficient evidence of the media control being as complete as I assert. It is a laughable proposition. Besides which, if these were private letters, why were Sir David Manning and Sir Christopher Meyer delivering them at public expense? Can we charge Blair for this service? Meyer and Manning don’t come cheap. It was, incidentally, Sir David Manning who brought back to No. 10 the request from the White House that I be sacked as British Ambassador in Uzbekistan for kicking up a fuss internally over extraordinary rendition.

After careful consideration of the Rome Statute, I am convinced that an independent Scotland will be able to refer Blair to the war crimes tribunal at the Hague, and I am determined to make sure that this happens.

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187 thoughts on “The Blair-Bush Letters

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  • Herbie

    Ever heard of the Lavon Affair, habby?

    It was a failed Israeli false flag effort where they targetted innocent tourists in Egypt, hoping to blame it on the Muslim Brotherhood.

    “JERUSALEM – After half a century of reticence and recrimination, Israel on Wednesday honored nine Egyptian Jews recruited as agents-provocateur in what became one of the worst intelligence bungles in the country’s history.”,2506,L-3065838,00.html

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    Or what about the Dr. David Kelly assassination, Herbie, where the resident Mossad kidon in Britain killed him with the knives and drugs it was allowed to have in its war on Islam?

  • Mary

    Obomber, Cameron and the other war criminals will be inflicting their presence on the Welsh in September. That will be a shutdown in a wide area then.

    ‘The 2014 Nato Summit, hosted by the United Kingdom, will take place at the Celtic Manor Resort near Newport on September 4-5, with other events being held in Cardiff over the course of the weekend.’

    Nothing to do with the outcome of the Scottish referendum vis-à-vis Faslane a fortnight later I suppose??

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    “How Kidnapped Nigerian Schoolgirls Became Propaganda for Imperial Policy
    Posted by The Editors on May 20, 2014, 6:03 pm

    Glen Ford: Western intervention aims to make region malleable to neoliberal economic policies and further militarize the continent:..”


    Right on cue and retold with apparent approval from Mary, a wonderful example of the kind of Herbie-“thought” I identified in my comment at 18h24 today!

    Of course – Boko Haram is ” a managed operation” and “an elite manufactured entity” – all courtesy of the CIA/Evil West, of course. Noblessse oblige!

    And, as a little bonus, the hint that the “girls” are not quite what they seem. Of course they’re not: just like the scenes at the Boston Marathon bombings, the picture of the abducted girls reciting verses from the Koran somewhere in the bush are surely fakes, with actresses supplied by Hollywood.


  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “Ever heard of the Lavon Affair, habby?

    It was a failed Israeli false flag effort where they targetted innocent tourists in Egypt, hoping to blame it on the Muslim Brotherhood.”

    Yes indeed, Herbie, I do know about the Lavon affair over 60 years ago.

    And now – your point is…? Relevance to UKIP, whom you were writing about?

    Illuminate us, Herbie, I need a good laugh, even though my present mood is one of:

    La vita è bella, life is good!

  • John Goss

    “Or what about the Dr. David Kelly assassination, Herbie, where the resident Mossad kidon in Britain killed him with the knives and drugs it was allowed to have in its war on Islam?”

    Link please. I have little doubt that Dr David Kelly, another graduate of my alma mater, was murdered. Those of us who have been trying to find out by whom, and when exactly, and why the body was moved (if it was moved), and why Thames Valley Police will not release the photographs and videos that might support, or not, the government’s Hutton Inquiry, held in contravention of coronial law, and why such photographs and videos are on hold till we are all dead would be very pleased to see your evidence. Do you have any?

  • DoNnyDarKo

    HabbaStrauss: Still got your head stuck in the Negev.

    If you’d been keeping up with current affairs instead of trolling for a living,you would have heard the British Govt had their fingerprints over all sides in the “troubles” It made some bombings deadlier and it certainly got more people killed than necessary.S’pose when you’re fighting yourself ,you know when its time to give up.

  • Tony M

    Another storm in a teacup, a bogus controversy of the establisment’s making. Does anyone really think seriously that the mass-murdering Bush and Blair, in writing -are going to have made any significant disclosures that would assure they end their days incarcerated. These letters will be anodyne formalities and ego-stroking with a view to posterity, their eventual release with a flourish and hypocritical mouthing of platitudes on the theme on open-ness, will be a let down trumpeted as exculpating these genocidaires, ‘all smoke no fire’, told you so, they’ll say. Get Cameron, get Hague, you’ll get Saint Blair, get Saint Obama impeached, unseated, defrocked and you’ll be able to get Bush I and II in the dock, and clear up much unfinished business. The Bush crime family however has private islands off the Florida coast, seemingly outside US jurisdiction, defended by enough weaponry to launch ww3 entirely on their own, possibly even N/B/C. Not to mention the Bush family own vast tracts of the South-American continent, bigger many times over than the entire British Isles. There’s a surfeit of evidence, these letters could only merely gild an already unanswerable case. The rats would have run down their rat-lines to their boltholes by now if these letters were at all compromising. There’s plenty of room for the Blair dynasty and entourage there too, in Florida’s billionaire’s redoubt or the Paraguayan Bush Lands, there’s enough space for the entire Conservative, Liberal-Wotsits and Labour party royalty, MPs and their remaining delirious fanbase too, if Blair could be persuaded to take them with him I don’t think anyone would stand in their way.

    The humanitarian in me thinks we should have some sort of sanctuary for these tortured creatures, deservedly reviled everywhere they go and facing extinction. Please consider donating something, you could sponsor a war-criminal, you’d get quarterly progress reports and a glossy colour photo too; a contribution of just £50.00 a week could keep a Congress Member or Westminster Parliamentarian high as a kite on drugs and keep a bright light switched on all night in their cell, or it could pay for waterboarding lessons with a qualified instructor.

    Yours sincerely,

    D. E. Spot

    ps. Does anyone have a copy of the Ladybird Book of International Law, I could borrow.

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    Just look for my articles about the ‘false flag’ assassinations of Kelly and Lindh on cryptome, codshit, truth seeker, etc.

    Think they answer all your questions.

  • doug scorgie

    Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !
    20 May, 2014 – 6:36 pm

    “Any thoughts about the various IRA bombings in England?”

    “Would love to know who was behind them!”

    Er…the IRA??

  • Tony_0pmoc

    Habbabkuk (La Vita È Bella) !,

    The Slog, is a blog run by a bloke in his 60’s originally from Manchester, but now living in the South of France. Some of the stuff he writes is occasionally quite brilliant, but he is not one for most old conspiracy theories, especially 9/11. When he was a schoolboy from a humble background, although I think he was brought up a Catholic, he also used to play for a Jewish football team…and you must know what this tribal thing is like particularly if it involves football.

    To think “La vita è bella, life is good!”, and be an optimist, is commendable and very much my attitude too. Unfortunately though, for many Millions of people, life is a complete horror story, largely because of exceptionally evil people, who want to control all our lives and impoverish and make war on us, whilst enriching themselves. To deny such conspiracies, are regular occurrences, is to be completely disconnected to what is actually going on in the world. I accept that many people are like this, and I too was myself, until about 20 years ago, when I had a wake up call in Halkidiki, Greece of all places. The teenage young children’s entertainer – suddenly had to leave to fight a war in Yugoslavia. 4 years later in 1999, We (NATO) were dropping bombs on the country. I was completely horrified, and finally woke up. When it comes close to home, and no one stands up against it, it eventually arrives on your doorstep. So far nothing has stopped the tide of horror, and it is getting worse.


  • John Goss

    Trowbridge, I’ve read your blog. It is speculation. We need facts. Can you point me to anything that is factual, because if Dr David Kelly was murdered, which many people suspect, we need to be able to nail the culprits.

  • Geoffrey

    Craig,perhaps you should have your lunch with Farage?he is the most likely to agree to a full investigation of Blair,and might possibly be in a position to deliver.

  • Resident Dissident

    “Chilcot is holding out to be able to include the Bush-Blair correspondence, which offers conclusive proof that the “WMD” meme was a knowing lie to justify a vicious and pre-determined war.”

    How do you know or is this just conjecture.

  • Resident Dissident

    “…the junta in Kiev is clearly provoking Moscow in every possible way”

    I don’t you think that there might just be the tiniest bit of provocation aimed in the opposite direction?

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    It is certainly not my blog, and what is posted of mine is not just speculation.

    I talk about the boat and its kidon, moored on the Thames the whole night until Louise Holmes et al. found the body in thick woods about 50 yards away after a long, rough walk along the river- what the TVP got access to by driving in on the field on the other side. While Holmes party was retracing its steps to get out of the difficult area, the body was taken by helicopter to Harrowdown Hill to get it as far away from the murder scene and the murderers as possible where it was easily rediscovered, though the body displayed all the effects it had had while struggling with the kidon, etc.

    Just read the testimony of the revenant sources – though conveniently taken in reverse order of relevance to reduce the existence of all the foul play.

  • Resident Dissident

    Very revealing how vineyardaker introduces Zionism into the Russian Ukraine conflict.

  • Tony_0pmoc

    John Goss,

    If you haven’t already, read Norman Baker’s book “The Strange Death of David Kelly”. It is very well researched and very well written. Unsurprisingly, even though he is now a Home Office Minister, they will not let him read the classified files on security issues, which is ironic, hilarious and very revealing.

    “Norman Baker, who believes the MI5 covered up murder of Dr David Kelly, will not see top secret files
    Norman Baker accused security services of death cover-up in book
    Home Office has told soy chiefs that Baker is frozen out of security issues
    Home Secretary Theresa May said to be ‘spitting tacks’ over appointment”

  • Rehmat

    During his recent visit to Israel, Labor party boss, Ed Milliband assured Benjamin Netanyahu that London will never allow Iran to have nuclear capability.

    Ed forgot what Israeli lawmakers thought of British politician when his elder brother, David Milliband announced in March 2010 that British government had decided to expel an “un-named Israeli diplomat” in response to its passports being used in the Dubai assassination of one of Hamas’ leading freedom-fighters, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh – two members of Israeli Knesset, Aryeh Eldad and Michael Ben-Ari, called David Miliband and the entire British nation as “dogs” and “anti-Semite”.

    “I think British are behaving hypocritically and I don’t want to offend dogs on this issue, since some dogs are utterly loyal,” Aryeh Eldad of Israel National Union (MK).

    “The British may be dogs, but they are not loyal to us, but rather to an anti-Semitic system,” Michael Ben-Ari, MK

  • Peacewisher

    @John re Graham Phillips: He’s a very brave British citizen reporting in a war zone, but… “for the other side”. You know.. the bad guys. You saw the BBC prog last night.

    Same as “Bush Blair letters”, I suppose. We’ll protest but get no publicity because the mmedia already has him nailed as “supporting the bad guys”. So what do we do then? I don’t know what you think about new agey stuff, but it costs nothing to visualise positively regarding his release.

  • AlcAnon/Squonk

    From top of page

    Craig Murray
    Vauntie Cybernat, Former Ambassador, Human Rights Activist

    “Vauntie cybernat”?
    Wasn’t that in Dr Who? 🙂

  • John Goss

    Yes Tony, thanks, I’ve already read Norman Baker’s book, and agree it is well-researched. He’s stumped, like the rest of us, and does not make any conclusions. Although the police operation was called ‘Operation Mason’ he points out that it was nothing to do with Freemasonry, just an alphabetical coincidence, and I have no reason to doubt that. The most important anomaly seems to be that when the body of David Kelly was first found it was leaning against a tree. By the time the paramedics arrived there was a gap between the tree and Dr Kelly’s head sufficient for one of the paramedics to get behind.

    Hutton was contacted to conduct the Inquiry (now drubbed a whitewash) as soon as Tony Blair informed his old friend Lord Falconer that Dr Kelly was dead. Miles Goslett and the Daily Mail have been tenacious in pursuing a ‘need to know’.

    Can you actually believe that Hutton was engaged to conduct an inquiry a long time before the selected pathologist arrive on the scene?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    Mr Scorgie

    “Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !
    20 May, 2014 – 6:36 pm

    “Any thoughts about the various IRA bombings in England?”

    “Would love to know who was behind them!”

    Er…the IRA??”

    Oh, good! At least you’re not accusing the UK govt of false flag operations here.

    That must count as progress. Let’s see if you can do even better :

    do you share DoNNy’s view that “with all likelihood our forces were doing the nasty stuff in Scotland and Wales to keep the people quiet.”, Doug?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    Tony _ Opmoc (20h41)

    Thank you for that.

    Re your other comment on Ukraine/Russia, you will surely know that describing people (or peoples!) as “fascists” was Uncle Joe’s favorite term of (deadly) abuse from the advent of Hitlerism until well after the end of WW2. For instance, any Eastern European who for – some inexplicable reason – objected to Uncle Joe’s plans for the future of his country after WW2 was labelled a “fascist”.

    Uncannily similar to the labelling of the Kiev govt as “Nazis” by Mr Putin’s crew and various Eminences on this blog.


    “Life has become better, life has become merrier!” (J. Stalin, ca. 1934)

  • John Goss

    Peacewisher, we were discussing the teacher from Odessa and suddenly you plant Graham Phillips into my basket. I am so sorry to hear about him and have no advice as to how we can pressure the Yatsenyuk-loving UK government to intervene on behalf of a UK journalist.

    Sorry, RD, forgive me again this is Russia Today, you know, the programme that’s not worth watching because of its bias. I could not find anything about it on the BEEB. Perhaps you have some ideas as to how a UK journalist might be allowed to do his work.

  • falloch

    “George Galloway is against Scottish Independence.” – We have an older (80+) member of our local (Scottish) CND group who is objecting to Scottsh CND signing up to the Yes Campaign, on the basis that it is more important to remain in British CND to influence the British gov’t’s decision about renewing Trident. To me (aged 50+), his stance is delusional, to him, it’s part of his personal history of (old) Labour Party activism. There’s no changing his opinion, same way as there’s probably no changing Galloway’s, though both in their own ways have been valuable campaigners in the past. The world’s changing – nationalism, in terms of Scottish independence, is a different word than some previous bids for nationalism – but only if we’re vigilant and make sure our new independence does the right thing. If (and I pray) when, we get independence, that’s when the real hard work will start.

  • Peacewisher

    At least two of the groups call themselves fascists, Habby. They are followers of Bandera, who is now proclaimed the great hero, and presumably this was passed by a majority in parliament. How much more do you need? Read up on recent history of the Kiev government in Ukraine… since 2010 elections

  • Peacewisher

    @John: That guy was/is almost unbelievably brave, as were/are the two Russian journalists working for Life News.

  • John Goss

    Peacewisher, probably the two groups you refer to are called Pravy Sector and Svoboda, they are spearheaded by Yatsenyuk, who’s Fatherland Party, the largest, helped form this coalition of fascists. I fight against such parties, I do not make them my friends.

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