The Dog That Didn’t Bark 189

There is a mystery about the media coverage of the Newark by-election result.  The most interesting thing about it was the abysmal failure of the official opposition, just one year ahead of a general election.  The New Labour percentage vote actually dropped, and even just taking the New Labour v Tory vote, the New Labour swing from Tory was only 2 per cent.  That is an almost unprecedentedly poor performance by an opposition in a by-election at this stage in a parliament, and a very, very plain indication of what was already obvious – that Miliband is not going to be entering the door of No. 10.

Yet Sky News, the BBC and the Guardian have virtually nothing to say about New Labour’s disastrous result.  Both Sky and the BBC this morning managed to give their analysis on the by-election without even mentioning New Labour at all.  What can be the cause of this reticence?  Is it that they are not anxious to point out to Scots that their choice is independence or more Tory government?


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189 thoughts on “The Dog That Didn’t Bark

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  • Resident Dissident


    Please look at the second picture on the RT link – the picture is exactly the same – you may then apologise to me and the BBC. On the other hand you could give us all a rest from your infantile trolling.

  • Resident Dissident

    So Mary you support the view that Ukriane and Poland have no territorial integrity – so perhaps you might wish to suggest who they should belong to – are you with Molotov or Ribbentrop.

  • Mary

    There is another attempt to smear Putin, this time by association with the FIFA awarding of the 2022 World Cup to Qatar. So convoluted, a gas deal with Thailand comes into the story. Sunday Times.

    To see the FIFA crooks processing into their Sao Paulo hotel reminded me of scenes from the Godfather films about the Mafia. Capo Blatter was being guarded by a mob of heavies. He was saying nothing. The ‘committee’ is awaiting the NY lawyer Mr Garcia to come to the rescue with his report.

    Now the sponsors are kicking in.

    Qatar 2022: Fifa sponsor demands ‘appropriate investigation’

    Fifa is under growing pressure over its controversial decision to award the 2022 World Cup to Qatar.

    One of its main sponsors, Sony, has called on the governing body to carry out an “appropriate investigation” into claims of wrongdoing during the bidding process.

    Meanwhile, the Sunday Times has published new allegations based on a leak of millions of secret documents.


  • Resident Dissident

    “especially since you enthusiastically support the dismembering of other cobbled together entities along the Sykes/Picot lines”


  • Mary

    Ref the prosperity or otherwise of Surrey, about which the troll seems to have a fixation and DEEP knowledge. This in spite of his posting from a different time zone to the UK and using the American spelling of favourite – ‘favorite’ – in previous posts.

    If he would like to consult the records, such as the Surrey County Council website, he could find records about the extent of domestic abuse, alcohol related hospital admissions, social care provided to one parent famiilies with one, two or three or more children, etc etc. Churches who have set up food banks would provide more evidence for him that everything is not rosy in the county.

    It might be leafy (what a silly epithet) but he should come here in the Spring and he would see that the pavements and gutters are full of mulch from the Autumn leaf fall because the local councils have given up street cleaning apart from in the town centres. The surface water gullies are mostly blocked and the potholes become most extensive. No repairs will take place until August we are being told?? ie never.

    The pavement and kerbs are growing weeds and the traffic islands containing dirty white plastic bollards (many of which are missing) are surrounded by mulch, weeds and even shrubbery growing there in the mulch. Traffic signs are missing or are on the ground and there are very many signposts without any signs attached at all.

    But the roads which form the route for Boris’s Prudential cycle ride next month are being smartened up, verges mown and hedges and foliage cut back and all the white lines repainted. So funny it can make one cynical.

    PS No abusive riposte required.

    Just some of his comments on this page alone. Vile.

    …It’s page 45, you fucking fool.

    …Silly b—!

    …Where does the bitch fit in in those two contrasted pictures?

    …Bollocks of that order is freely available on this blog almost every day.
    Why, some of it comes from as far away as sunny California, the land of fruits and nuts.

    …When one reads Herbie, one doesn’t know whether to feel pity or embarrassment.

    …Who was it who said that many bloggers, in pre-internet times, would have been walking round inside supermarkets, mumbling to themselves?

    Plus two puerile limericks.

    What wonderful contributions he makes to this blog.

  • Mary

    Anti-homeless studs at London residential block prompt uproar
    ‘Critics say spikes treat homeless ‘like pigeons’ as residents fear short ground spikes at doorway are to deter rough sleepers

    Metal studs have been installed outside a block of flats in central London to deter rough sleepers.

    The installation of the studs outside the flats on Southwark Bridge Road provoked widespread condemnation on Twitter with users claiming homeless people were being treated like vermin because similar metal spikes are used to deter pigeons.

    Residents told the Telegraph that the studs were installed outside the flats in the last month to prevent homeless people from sleeping in the doorway.

    /.. on residential block prompt uproar

    What a vicious cruel country the ConDems have created. But of course they are ALL in it together.

    If the trolls need spikes to place outside their electronically operated gates, I am sure that they could be procured from Amazon the wage slave/zero hours employers.

  • Resident Dissident

    Still no apology from Lady Dorking who doesn’t have the intelligence, or is it intellectual honesty, to admit that one of the photos on the RT page is exactly the same as the one on the BBC that she criticised – she then starts into a lecture of other’s behaviour.

  • Mary

    The gangsters-in-charge 1972. One is dead. The other still lurks incredibly aet 91.

    ‘Lest we forget: Our present leaders can derive inspiration from other great American leaders.

    White House tape recordings, April 25, 1972:

    President Nixon: How many did we kill in Laos?

    National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger: In the Laotian thing, we killed about ten, fifteen [thousand] …

    Nixon: See, the attack in the North [Vietnam] that we have in mind … power plants, whatever’s left – POL [petroleum], the docks … And, I still think we ought to take the dikes out now. Will that drown people?

    Kissinger: About two hundred thousand people.

    Nixon: No, no, no … I’d rather use the nuclear bomb. Have you got that, Henry?

    Kissinger: That, I think, would just be too much.

    Nixon: The nuclear bomb, does that bother you? … I just want you to think big, Henry, for Christsakes.

    May 2, 1972:

    Nixon: America is not defeated. We must not lose in Vietnam. … The surgical operation theory is all right, but I want that place bombed to smithereens. If we draw the sword, we’re gonna bomb those bastards all over the place. Let it fly, let it fly.

    “Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business.” – Michael Ledeen, former Defense Department consultant and holder of the Freedom Chair at the American Enterprise Institute.’

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “Wrong again, habby

    The thugs are the boot boys of fascism, as of course we’ve seen in Ukraine.”

    That clarification (at 00h03)does not make your sentence any less ludicrous. That sentence would accordingly now read as follows:

    “I strongly suspect that Resident Dissident supports the boot boys of fascism, who are willing to do his {ie, Resident Dissident’s } dirty work”.

    What is Resident Dissident’s “dirty work”, Herbie (outside your own peculiar, personal nightmares)?

    You really should THINK a little before commenting.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “The thugs are just used to quell any outbreaks of democracy that may get in the way of the plan.

    They’re sheepdogs. I’m sure you’ll remember this from Animal Farm.

    Often they get whacked themselves when their job is done..”

    Thank you for referring to “Animal Farm”; Orwell is not often referred to by the fake-Lefties on this blog, for reasons which are fairly obvious…

    Anyway, to your assertion: yes, in “Animal Farm” the dogs (not sheepdogs, I think) were used to keep the plebs in order (they stand for the Cheka, OGPU, NKVD, etc).

    But I do not recall that the dogs in “Animal Farm” got “whacked” – could you please reference for us?

    Have a great day, Herbie, may the rain fall gently on your thatch.

  • Resident Dissident


    It should also be remembered that Orwell went out of his way to produce a Ukrainian version of Animal Farm before his death – he clearly didn’t see Ukrainians as “a cobbled together mishmash of people” as his distorter does. Perhaps not so curiously we have yet to receive Herbie’s thoughts on the demise of the Soviet Union.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    Herbie, assuming once again his mantle as this blog’s global startegist, accuses Resident Dissident:

    “It is, I must say, a bit rich for you to be getting so Westphalian about it, especially since you enthusiastically support the dismembering of other cobbled together entities along the Sykes/Picot lines.”


    Now, that sentence criticises Resident Dissident for allegedly supporting the dismemberment of states which have been “cobbled together”.

    We must therefore conclude that you are against the dismemberment of states which have been “cobbled together”.

    Given that you consider that both Ukraine and Israel are states which have been “cobbled together”, does it follow that you are against the dismemberment of Ukraine s attempted by various bands of local fascists working for certain oligarchs in eastern Ukraine, and against those who support the abolition of the State of Israel through the “Isarel has no right to exist” angle?

  • Resident Dissident


    You are of course absolutely right on your reading of Animal Farm – if Orwell had the chance to right a sequel he might of course had the dogs taking over from the pigs and outdoing man in their rapaciousness and pursuit of self interest.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    It should also be remembered that Orwell went out of his way to produce a Ukrainian version of Animal Farm before his death – he clearly didn’t see Ukrainians as “a cobbled together mishmash of people” as his distorter does. Perhaps not so curiously we have yet to receive Herbie’s thoughts on the demise of the Soviet Union.”

    By God, you’re right, Resident Dissident. I in fact remember seeing an “Introduction to the Ukrainian edition” somewhere – perhaps it’s in the Collected works/essays.

    Re Herbie’s thoughts on the Soviet Union, I think they’re in as little doubt as worth knowing.

  • Mary

    Herbie. You have them on the run. Six idiotic comments in a row from the pair of them.

  • Resident Dissident

    I in fact remember seeing an “Introduction to the Ukrainian edition” somewhere – perhaps it’s in the Collected works/essays.

    Yes – it is – the introduction, which is one of the last things Orwell wrote, is often quoted as evidence that Orwell never abandoned real socialism, but just the ersatz version so common here.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    I’ve taken careful note of your comments at 08h57. An invigorating read, indeed!

    Re the lamentable state of certain public fixtures in Surrey, I’d merely note that the local council would have more money for such if property values were at last to be uprated and Council tax paid on the basis of those new values. Would you agree with me that it is scandalous that you are still paying local taxes on the basis of the value of your property in 1991, Mary?

    Re your catalogue of my “vilenesses” : just a word of (re)explanation – I’ve told you that every “troll” from you will be met by a “bitch” from me, and every “t___” by a “b___”. I agree it’s puerile, but if you wish to behave like a child then you lust expect to be treated like one.


    And now have an excellent day, take care!

  • Resident Dissident


    I repeat

    “Still no apology from Lady Dorking who doesn’t have the intelligence, or is it intellectual honesty, to admit that one of the photos on the RT page is exactly the same as the one on the BBC that she criticised – she then starts into a lecture of other’s behaviour.”

  • Resident Dissident

    Although, I did find it funny.

    Each to their own – what I found amusing was my picture of Lady Dorking in a ra-ra skirt waving her pom poms in her new role as Herbie’s cheerleader.

  • Resident Dissident

    She was of course following a rather dishevelled Herbie around the supermarket isles where he was last seen screaming at a jar of Polish cucumbers while balancing a pack of Westphalian ham on his head.

  • Peacewisher

    RD… thank you for the link.

    The introduction to the Ukranian edition is a really interesting insight into George Orwell, and how a socialist came to write such a novel. I read Animal Farm at school, and we really took it apart critically, so I think I know it inside out. See various plays and films over the years, including a hilarious BBC radio “Tony’s Farm” in 2003… wish someone still had a transcript of that one.

    You know what I rant about on this blog by now… maybe my political views were moulded at school through the exam board’s daring decision to choose George Orwell as an author for “O” level English Lit. Bloody leftie educationists!

  • doug scorgie

    Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !
    8 Jun, 2014 – 9:55 am

    “Thank you for referring to “Animal Farm”; Orwell is not often referred to by the fake-Lefties on this blog, for reasons which are fairly obvious…”

    I know what you mean Habbabkuk but you’re wrong. If you have read Animal Farm (which I presume you have) then you didn’t understand it.

    The same with 1984.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    “She was of course following a rather dishevelled Herbie around the supermarket isles where he was last seen screaming at a jar of Polish cucumbers while balancing a pack of Westphalian ham on his head.”

    This, I believe, is what’s known as the knock-out in the third round! 🙂

    Always refreshing to see the Original Trolls routed!

  • Bugger (the Panda)

    I was going to post a link to a Youtube video from 2011 of Question Time from Liverpool when Alex Salmond slapped down, much to the audience’s delight, Chris Huhne, Peter Hain and Michael Howard.

    I wanted to but, the video has been pulled from Youtube.
    Hain’s face was a peach and only his Tango pancake makeup prevented his embarrassed red face glowing like Chernobyl.

  • Resident Dissident

    “maybe my political views were moulded at school through the exam board’s daring decision to choose George Orwell as an author for “O” level English Lit. Bloody leftie educationists!”

    Its just been put back on the list but not by a lefty educationalist

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