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178 thoughts on “Gaza Conundrum

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  • Mary

    4 children have been killed by a shell fired from an Israeli Navy ship. They were on the beach. No words.

    Reuters confirm

  • Mary

    Habbakuk and other trolls. Please fuck off. Your droppings are jarring in the light of the news coming in.

  • passerby

    Thousands pro-Gaza protesters: ‘BBC, shame on you’

    Protesters have accused the BBC of “anti-Palestinian bias” in its reporting of the Gaza conflict as they staged a demonstration outside the corporation’s central London headquarters this evening.

    Crowds chanted “BBC, shame on you” by New Broadcasting House near Oxford Circus during a protest organized by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop and War and the CND.

  • ------------·´`·.¸¸.¸¸.··.¸¸Node

    Mary 16 Jul, 2014 – 3:07 pm

    “Habbakuk and other trolls. Please fuck off. Your droppings are jarring in the light of the news coming in.”

    Answer honestly, Mary. Do you think that remark is likely to deter or encourage them?

  • John Goss

    There will be a protest tomorrow early evening outside BBC at the Mailbox in Birmingham. There will be speakers at the Council House on the indiscriminate murders in Gaza and Eastern Ukraine from 7.30 p.m. committee room 3-4.

  • Herbie

    Interesting comments by Israeli defense and aerospace engineering expert, Dr. Moti Shefer:

    He argues that the much touted Israeli Iron Dome security system is a heap of old cobblers.

    Point is, it doesn’t need to be any good because the Hamas rockets are so crap.

    Its only function is to make these crap Hamas rockets seem more threatening than they actually are:

    “Iron Dome is a sound and light show that is intercepting only Israeli public opinion, and itself, of course. Actually, all the explosions you see in the sky are self explosions. No Iron Dome missile has ever collided with a single rocket. Open spaces are a myth invented in order to up Iron Dome’s current interception percentages. The rockets announced as intercepted by Iron Dome either never reach the ground, or are virtual rockets invented and destroyed on the Iron Dome control computer. To this day, no one has ever seen an intercepted rocket fall to the ground.”

    I refer you back to Edward Bernays. Modern propaganda is all smoke, mirrors and bogeymen.

    As of course are the threats to the UK and US.

    Reminds me of those CNN scumbags back in the 1990s dressing up in gasmasks, helmets, flak jackets and god knows what else in a fuckin TV studio in the States pretending to be reporting from an Israel under existential threat.

    The whole thing is a charade, induced only to enable the Israelis to attack Gazan infrastructure.

  • DoNNyDarKo

    Tide must be out, Habba’s out from under his rock.

    Habba Since you are stalking ,
    Where should the 100,000 Gazan’s go that Israel have asked to leave so they can bomb their homes and hospitals ? Do you equate what Israel is doing with Nazi brutality, or do you think it’s all just okay ? Is it fair to imprison a population just because you disagree with the way they vote ? Why is democracy for Palestinians a crime in Israeli eyes ? How many tons of American bombs will be punishment enough for the union of Hamas and the PA ? You love asking questions, would love to hear your Regev point of view.

    The United Arab republic was an attempt at a Pan Arabian State. It only lasted 3 or 4 years,but it was an attempt.4 countries.
    Lasted as long as the Warsaw Ghetto but not as long as the blockade of Gaza.
    Explain why it is arrant nonsense ?

  • Ba'al Zevul (With Gaza)

    Reminds me of the claims made for the Patriot system prior to Gulf 1. And afterwards revealed to be gross exaggerations. Mind you, the deployment in Kuwait during Gulf 2 had more success, including one American and one British aircraft…

  • Herbie


    There’s another important issue here, and it concerns the number of rockets the Israelis claim were fired off by Hamas.

    If, as Dr Shefer says:

    “virtual rockets invented and destroyed on the Iron Dome control computer”

    then the number of rockets fired by Hamas can be any number the Israelis choose. I thought the 800-1000 or whatever it was was rather a large number.

    Remember, this guy is an Israeli defense and aerospace engineering expert. Prize-winning, no less.

    Smoke, mirrors and media fictions are all that’s necessary to frighten a population.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “Habbakuk and other trolls. Please fuck off. Your droppings are jarring….”


    You’re resorting, increasingly, to the use of “fuck off”.

    That, coming from the pen of an elderly, respectable, retired professional living in leafy, prosperous Surrey, is rather…..jarring.


  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “Do you equate what Israel is doing with Nazi brutality,…… etc etc ….Lasted as long as the Warsaw Ghetto …etc etc”

    Donny, experience has taught me that most people who post on this blog are not interested in asking sensible questions and are even less inclined to answer them. They are not really here to “discuss” or to “debate”; at best, they merely seek to outvent the ventings of their peers. The more intelligent of them know that this is true.

    I’m afraid that you belong to those “most people” and so discussion with you would be pointless even if it were possible. And a contributory reason for declining to answer what you call your “questions” (of course, they are not) is that I decline to enter into discussion with someone who appears to equate the actions of Israeli govts with those of the Nazi régime.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “You can slog through the long “trying” yourself, since it’s purely a factual matter.”

    Of course I could google up Khaddafi ad nauseam, but that wouldn’t tell me which elements of his “tryings” YOU find particularly important and significant would it.

    After all, you made the claim and so it would be interesting to hear from the horse’s mouth, so to speak.

    But if you were just lazily repeating a couple of sentences you read once, then that’s OK and of course I shan’t insist.


    Khadaffi – the Hope of the Oppressed or mere Arab tyrant? Have your say on CM!

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “Thousands pro-Gaza protesters: ‘BBC, shame on you’

    Protesters have accused the BBC of “anti-Palestinian bias” in its reporting of the Gaza conflict as they staged a demonstration outside the corporation’s central London headquarters this evening.”

    Just an “oversight” that you posted your link with telling us that it was to something called the “AhlulBay (a.s.) News Agency”?

    Intrigued, I clicked on the “Intro” and “About” buttins in its homepage, but info on who they are, where they’re based and so on came there none.

    Any more objective sources for the “thousands” claim, Passerby?

  • passerby

    Ba’al Zevul (With Gaza)

    …. And I wish the anthropological aspect were more widely considered. Can we ever be anything other than pack-primates with guns?

    Yes, most certainly we can and we will transcend pack-primates, that is if we take account of the pack-primates characteristics that so far have been taken as “traits” and “nature” of the human beings.

    The primitive arguments about the “competition for resources” belong to addled brain philosophers and the lazy recalcitrant “illuminati” (the gaggle of ne’er-do-wells whom have found the formulae for pandering to their inner pack-primate and reinforce the status quo of ignorance being a virtue), because otherwise everyone would be an “illuminati”.

    In the vastness of universe the resources are aplenty and sources abound. In the vastness of oceans resources are a plenty and sources abound, in fact on Earth resources are a plenty and sources abound, yet to find the almost pitiful struggle of man against man in the most primitive fashion imported from the jungle can only be the work of the hairless apes whom have only a limited imagination and moreover limited capacity to think and synthesis.

    Future is bright, we can all try helping to accelerate its realisation by becoming illuminated and not to buy into the primitive magic shows that maintain; “this is what life is all about!”.

    Survival of the fittest, etc. Do they mean us and not them? Which is fit among the doddering geriatric moneylenders and money junkies?


    However, when it comes to corruption – no African country can beat the US, UK, France, Germany and Israel. Their politicians are on payroll of pro-Israeli organizations and morally and sexually corrupted.

    The corruption in third world is for supplementing the subsistence wages and income, the corruption in the developed world is about greed and decadence. Further the corruption of the gofer class ie the politicians and political actors, is an extension of deploying hirelings to carry out set tasks by the moneylenders and money junkies.

    The gofer class have little in the way of compunction to carry out the most deplorable acts that is set for them by their employers/clients/mastyers; if only the price is right. The last labour prime minister and current quartet envoy to Palestine being a case in example.

  • Mary

    Sorry A Node. Have had enough of it.


    Witness to a shelling: first-hand account of deadly strike on Gaza port
    There is a deafening explosion, then a second. Four children are dead. Four survivors reach the safety of our hotel

    ‘Where the harbour wall ends and the beach starts, there are a few brightly coloured tents and chairs for beach users in more peaceful times. The four figures jump on to the beach and begin running towards us and the safety of the hotel.

    Smoke billows from a beach shack following the in Gaza City which killed four children.

    Only afterwards do we discover there are four others who are dead, all children, lying on the wall. I am shown a picture of one of the dead boys, his skin scorched and bruised. Their names are released later: Ahed Bakr, aged 10; Zakaria, 10; and two other boys from the Bakr family, both named Mohammad, aged 11 and nine.’

    What evil.

    PS ‘Port’ is a misnomer. There was a port. It was bombed.

    ‘Since the 1993 Oslo I Accord, there have been plans to build a much larger seaport in Gaza. Due to the continuing Israeli–Palestinian conflict, these plans have not been materialized as of 2014.

    In 2005, Israel approved Palestinian plans to rebuild and complete the construction of a port a few miles south of Gaza City, which had begun before the outbreak of the Palestinian uprising in September 2000 and was destroyed by Israeli forces together with Gaza’s existing airport near Rafah, following the outbreak of the Second Intifada.[19] Some academics have argued that a port which is under full Palestinian control is an essential step to achieving a lasting peace between Israel and a future Palestinian state

  • Phil

    Ba’al Zevul (With Gaza)
    “And I wish the anthropological aspect were more widely considered. Can we ever be anything other than pack-primates with guns?”

    Where the hell do you get your anthropology?

    I have someone waiting at the door but I can’t let you get away with this nonsesne. You are buying into a Hobbsian world view as sold by the propagandist Attenborough. I’ll be back.

  • doug scorgie

    16 Jul, 2014 – 11:24 am

    “But the Arab contribution is paltry compared to their resources and what ought to be their interest.”


    Obviously Craig it is not in the Arab government’s interests otherwise they would be doing more.

    All the Gulf States have an interest in keeping in with the USA. The USA supports Israel to the hilt so the Arab states keep shtum.

    The Arab governments do give aid to help Palestinian development, as do other countries, but this aid is diverted from development projects (roads, schools, houses and hospitals) to emergency relief because Israel destroys them, especially in Gaza.

    Also I would point out that Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates don’t like public protests and many people in these countries have their own struggles for freedoms and democratic rights to worry about.

    Only the west has the political clout to sort Israel out, a Zionist abomination they helped create and develop and continue to maintain.

  • doug scorgie

    16 Jul, 2014 – 11:54 am

    “…yes of course it is a gross generalisation. But there is an element of truth in there which deserves some thought.”

    With respect Craig, there is an element of truth in all bullshit.

  • Dreoilin

    “He argues that the much touted Israeli Iron Dome security system is a heap of old cobblers.”

    Yes, been seeing that a lot on Twitter. Never saw it with a source I could quote. They’re saying it’s nothing but smoke and mirrors to reassure Israeli public. And, allows them to state as many Hamas rockets as they like.

    Also saw this though

    “US to support iron dome expansion by $350 million.” (no source)

    All I could find was this

  • doug scorgie

    Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !
    16 Jul, 2014 – 2:07 pm

    “Habbabkuk approves of those who tell it like it is.”


    I didn’t know you were a George Galloway supporter Habbabkuk!

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    “a Zionist abomination they helped create and develop…”

    The above from a person – Mr Scorgie – who continues to deny that he believes Israel has no right to exist.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    Mr Scorgie

    “With respect Craig, there is an element of truth in all bullshit.”

    Does that apply to your posts as well, Doug?

  • ------------·´`·.¸¸.¸¸.··.¸¸Node

    Herbie 16 Jul, 2014 – 4:23 pm

    “There’s another important issue here, and it concerns the number of rockets the Israelis claim were fired off by Hamas.
    If, as Dr Shefer says:
    “virtual rockets invented and destroyed on the Iron Dome control computer”
    then the number of rockets fired by Hamas can be any number the Israelis choose.”/i>

    Good point, Herbie

  • Dreoilin

    The boys killed while playing soccer on the beach were Ahed Bakr, 10, Zakaria Bakr, 10, Mohammed Bakr, 11, and Ismail Bakr, 9.

  • nevermind, it will happen anyway

    Israel is a rogue, war mongering nation that steals land and occupys and exploits foreign territory under force of arms. It can’t be trusted by the world community, and then what?

    I’m incensed, the German taxcpayers are paying for israels subsidised Uboat force of now 6 submarines. They are specially adapted to take nuclear tipped missile and are passed by minister Gabriel due to ‘Germany’s historic responsibility for israels safety and security’

    So the brave Israeli navy needs German subsidised subs to shoot at little children on the beach, you could not make it up. Milking German feelings of guilt for all its worth, I call this.

  • doug scorgie

    Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !
    16 Jul, 2014 – 2:17 pm

    “La vita sarebbe più bella pei Palestinesi se cessassero di sparar’ razzi contro Israël”


    la vita sarebbe migliore se Habbabkuk scopata off

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