Gaza Invasion 359

CNN just announced that Israeli is launching a ground invasion “after ten days of Hamas attacks by land air and sea.” There was no questioning of that quite incredible statement. Talk about the big lie.

In a strange way I prefer this to the continued aerial bombardment, because at least the Palestinians will be able to fight back to some extent. I do hope the Palestinian defenders have a good deal of success against the Israeli tanks. Let us hope the IDF get a bloody nose like they did in Lebanon 2006.


The heroic Israelis have killed a five month old baby with a tank. Hope they are very proud of themselves.

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359 thoughts on “Gaza Invasion

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  • Ba'al Zevul (With Gaza)

    While Cameron has been very vocal on the Malaysian airliner, he has been inaudible on Gaza.

    Surprising, as in 2010 he rightly identified Gaza as a ‘prison camp’.
    Surprising, as even the normally translucent Clegg has voiced his concern.
    Surprising, as Miliband’s silence on the matter has for fairly obvious reasons, been profound, and you’d think Cameron would want to be seen to be made of sterner stuff.

    Yet –

    As for Cameron, well perhaps he will come out of the woodwork when other world leaders start to take a firmer approach towards Israel. Until that time no doubt he will remain hidden away like the coward he is as far as Israel is concerned. It will be interesting to see what criticism he levels at Russia over the latest incident in the Ukraine – we suspect he will have plenty to say about that*.

    In the meantime, the ordinary people of Gaza will continue to suffer as idiots like Cameron refuse to take any real action to help them.

    *He did. Plenty.

  • Ba'al Zevul (With Gaza)

    Meanwhile poor old Kerry is in Cairo with the objective of getting a ceasefire. Interesting, since the last time he planned to go to Cairo, the original ceasefire agreement had already been decided (without Hamas), and he cancelled when it broke down. This time it looks as if the US has actively engaged. That fits the pattern of previous atrocities in Gaza; ‘be sure to wait till it’s far too late’ is the US doctrine. Kerry has the air of a man whose arm has been jammed up his back by AIPAC – this was revealing, though:

    The Israeli Quartet Envoy, Tony Blair, has also been airborne today; current location unknown. I wonder how this fits in with his – almost certainly self-congratulatory – address to his Progress claque ( ) to mark the 20th anniversary of his deeply regrettable installation as PM. Which was scheduled for today.

  • Ba'al Zevul (With Gaza)

    Thanks, Je. Of course, that’s true. There’s something in his kids’ DNA that believes in Israel, too, you might say. Though there is a difference between believing in Israel and believing in its self-styled right to turn a captive population into its private shooting gallery….

  • Mary

    Levita Cameron in Ha’aretz too in 2007.

    Tory leader calls himself ‘Zionist’; U.K. Jews campaign against boycott

    The leader of Britain’s Conservative party, David Cameron, called himself a “Zionist” Tuesday as he slammed a British initiative for an academic boycott against Israel.

    Cameron, responding to questions at the annual luncheon of Conservative Friends of Israel, said the academic boycott was completely uncalled for, and that attacks against Israel often slid into anti-Semitism.

    “If by Zionist you mean that the Jews have the right to a homeland in Israel and the right to a country then I am a Zionist,” the Tory leader said, adding that support for Israel is “in the DNA” of members of his party.


    and at the CFoI in 2010

    15 December 2010

    “In me, you have a Prime Minister whose belief in Israel is indestructible.”

    This week the Prime Minister was the guest of honour at the CFI Annual Business Lunch. Click here for pictures and more information, however the full text of the speech is below.

    Speech by the Prime Minister, David Cameron at the CFI Annual Business Lunch, 13 December 2010

    Thank you, Hilda for that wonderful introduction. You talked a lot about May 11th. Of course on election night I was staying in this hotel. So I woke up having gone to bed at 5 in the morning, I woke up at about 10 in the morning on May 7th and thought ‘What the hell am I going to do now!”

    But I would like to think that the decisions I made with others that morning to do the big and the bold and the brave thing and to reach out to form the first coalition government this country had seen in 65 years was right for our party and right for our country and we are seeing the dividends today.

    Now for years I have been coming to these CFI lunches. For years I have been grateful for your support. And for years I have spoken to you about how we can bring the values of our party to government. So today, I cannot tell you what pleasure it gives me to be here, finally, as the Conservative Prime Minister.

    I want to start by thanking His Excellency Ron Prosor, for joining us and for that excellent speech. I want to thank Andrew Heller, the new Board Chairman, James Arbuthnot, who does a brilliant job at leading CFI in Parliament, and Michael Heller, for hosting this event today.

    And I know that everyone here will be thinking of his co-host in previous years, Leonard Steinberg, and the fantastic job that he did – and we are all grateful to Michael for carrying on that tradition but I think we should remember Leonard with a warm round of applause.



  • Mary!/calendar/Commons/MainChamber/2014/7/21/events.html
    Main Chamber

    2.30pm Oral Questions
    Education, including Topical Questions

    Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism Bill – Second reading

    Police investigations into alleged crimes by police officers – Charles Hendry

    and tomorrow


    House of Commons – Commons Chamber
    Oral Questions – Foreign and Commonwealth Office, including Topical Questions

    Ten Minute Rule Motion
    Child Benefit Entitlement (Disqualification of Non-UK EU Nationals) – Mr Philip Hollobone

    Motion – to approve a statutory instrument relating to data retention

    Backbench Business

    Matters to be raised before the forthcoming adjournment


    Future of HM Revenue and Customs services in Scotland – Gregg McClymont

    Then they all push off until September 1st with nary a thought of the people in Gaza.

  • Je

    Mary – Its not just her of course, she’s part of a team.

    Googling… Montague has had the Zionist lobby on her back with their rabid bias against Israel fantasies. It seems you aren’t allowed to interview Norman Finkelstein or refer to the Jewish lobby in America without newspaper articles appearing alledging “ancient racial libel”.

    That might or might not partly expain why a presenter with 11 years experience appeared scared to interupt or ask anything difficult of an IDF spokesman when they’re killing hundreds of civilians.

  • Ba'al Zevul (With Gaza)

    The nice thing about Melanie is that she is so terminally batshit crazy, and will, on cue, drag the holocaust into a debate on strawberry blancmange, her identification of herself with Israel, though justifiable, can only do Israel PR harm.

    Demonstrating that she is beyond ridicule or parody, this article falls well short of the hideous truth…

  • Ben-American Fascist Flechette

    No reason to apologize Nevermind. I actually was amused to see a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest, keep persisting in efforts that were clearly wrong-headed.

  • doug scorgie

    Ba’al Zevul (With Gaza)

    20 Jul, 2014 – 12:17 pm

    “…the only people with any leverage on Israel, ultimately, (via all sorts of lobby groups in every Western government, as we all know.) is the Jewish diaspora. If you know a member of this, make sure they are in absolutely no doubt of your views, within the limits of the law, and get an idea of their stance, too. Don’t feel you have even to reply to a routine greeting from a Jewish person who supports Israel’s current actions, let alone offer one. Make it personal. Quiet protests outside synagogues of a Saturday may also help to convey disgust with Israel’s policies. I’m thinking of a silent crowd moving politely aside to allow worshippers in and out, and then reforming. No obstruction; no abuse.”

    Ba’al this WILL turn into a PR disaster. Think again. The MSM will report such activities as anti-Semitic.

    Zionist supporters will infiltrate any such rallies and cause trouble that will be blamed on Palestinian supporters. The BBC will have a field day.

    Target known Zionists and Zionist organizations (like the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland) not synagogues.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    “Married to Richard Brooke who runs a chain of boutique hotels.

    Born in Guernsey to a John Montague. No relationship to the Jewish banking family we hope. Guernsey is a tax haven.”

    Mary, what do you mean by saying “no relationship to the Jewish banking family we hope”?

    Would you think worse of him of he were so related?

    Comments like that again reveal you as viciously anti-Jewish, I’m afraid.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    Mr Scorgie

    “Ba’al this WILL turn into a PR disaster. Think again. The MSM will report such activities as anti-Semitic.”

    You are even naïver than I thought, Doug, if you really believe that Ba’al “Baldrick” Zevul or any of Eminences of this thread will actually be demonstrating outside any synagogue!

    They haven’t got the guts; pounding the keys of their pc is about as active as they’re going to get. 🙂

  • doug scorgie

    Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    20 Jul, 2014 – 5:26 pm

    “Do I detect a quiet sense of satisfaction behind your two posts, or am I doing you an injustice?”


    Ahh! your back Habbabkuk. Now here’s me thinking you were called up as an IDF reserve.

    Or did you fail the medical?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    Any Sturmfuehrers in your family background, Wagenrecht?

  • doug scorgie

    Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    20 Jul, 2014 – 5:43 pm

    “As the Jew-haters on here often claim…”

    To you Habbabkuk, anyone who criticizes Israel is a Jew-hater but I think you’ll find that they are Zionist haters.

  • Mary

    Dozens dead in new Gaza attacks
    Published today (updated) 21/07/2014 18:48

    GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — Israeli forces continued airstrikes and artillery assaults on the Gaza Strip Monday for the 14th day, killing dozens of people including many from the same families, medics said.

    The latest strikes killed nine family members and injured four in Gaza City.

    The nine are from the al-Qassas family. They died after Israeli shells targeted their house. Four of them were identified as Aya Yasser al-Qassas, Aisha Yasser al-Qassas, Nisma Iyad al-Qassas and Lamya Iyad al-Qassas.

    Before that, Israeli airstrike killed eight people in the al-Sabra neighborhood of Gaza City. They were not immediately identified.

    Three more Palestinians were killed in the Shujaiyya area of Gaza City. They were identified as Youssef Hamdiyeh, Mutaz Hamdiyeh and Ahed Hamdiyeh.

    Also, an Israeli airstrike on a Deir al-Balah hospital killed four people and injured dozens.

    In Khan Younis, an airstrike killed two Palestinians. They were identified as Mujahid al-Aqqad and Muhammad al-Zeini.

    Others in Gaza City killed five members of the al-Yaziji family, including Yasmin Nayif al-Yaziji, Mayar Nayif al-Yaziji, two, Wajdi al-Yaziji, Safinaz al-Yaziji, and Anas al-Yaziji, five.

    In Khan Younis, Karam Ibrahim Atiyeh Barham, 25, Nidal Ali Abu Daqqa, 26, Nidal Jumaa Asi, 43, and Muhammad Mahmoud al-Mughrabi, 24, were killed in an airstrike, and Mahran Kamil Jundiya, Majdi Mahmoud al-Yaziji, 56, and Samih al-Ghalban were killed in eastern Gaza City.

    Three others were killed in ongoing fighting in the besieged Shujaiyeh neighborhood of Gaza City.

    Earlier, an Israeli airstrike killed 11 members of the Siyam family in Rafah, including an eight-month old baby and two other children.

    Sumud Nasser Siyam, 26, Muhammad Mahrous Salam Siyam, 25, Badir Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 25, Ahmad Ayman Mahrous Siyam, 17, Mustafa Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 12, Ghayda Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 8, Sherin Muhammad Salam Siyam, 32, Dalal Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 8 months, and Kamal Mahrous Salamah Siyam, 27, were pulled from the rubble.

    In Khan Younis, at least 26 members of the Abu Jami family were killed by Israeli shelling, after more bodies were pulled from the rubble.

    Earlier, medics identified 13 victims as Jawdat Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jami, 24, Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jami, 5, Hayfa Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jami, 9, Yasmin Ahmad Salamah Abu Jami, 25, Suheila Bassam Abu Jami, Shahinaz Walid Muhammad Abu Jami, one-year-old, Rayan Abu Jami, 9, an elderly woman Fatima Abu Jami, Rozan Abu Jami, 14, and Ahmad Salhoub, 34, a next door neighbor.

    Bilal Abu Daqqa and Abdul-Rahman al-Qarra were killed in an airstrike on the al-Mughrabi family home east of Khan Younis, while the body of Mahmoud al-Nakhala was pulled out from underneath rubble in Gaza City.

    Two more bodies were pulled form the rubble in the Shujaiyeh neighborhood, while one person was killed in al-Nuseirat, fisherman Raed Bardawil in Rafah, Zakariya Masoud al-Ashqar, 24, and Raed Issam Dawood, 33, in Zaytoun, and Kamal Talal Hasan al-Masri, 22, in Beit Hanoun.

    Diplomatic push

    Gaza’s emergency services spokesman Ashraf al-Qidra said many of the more than 150 Palestinians killed on Sunday — the bloodiest day of fighting in Gaza in years — were women and children.

    The Security Council held urgent talks on the conflict, expressing “serious concern about the growing numbers of casualties.”

    “The members of the Security Council call for an immediate cessation of hostilities,” said Rwandan ambassador Eugene Richard Gasana, whose country chairs the 15-member council.

    Late Sunday, the armed wing of Hamas claimed it had kidnapped an Israeli soldier, prompting celebrations in the streets of Gaza City and West Bank towns.

    “The Israeli soldier Shaul Aaron is in the hands of the Qassam Brigades,” a spokesman using the nom de guerre Abu Obeida said in a televised address.

    Israel’s UN ambassador Ron Prosor denied a soldier had been kidnapped, saying: “Those rumors are untrue.”

    However a spokeswoman for the Israeli military said they were investigating the claim.

    During the Security Council talks, Palestinian envoy Ryad Mansour called for decisive steps to end the violence, and voiced frustration with what he termed the world body’s failure to take a strong stand.

    “The Council failed again and again to shoulder its responsibility,” Mansour told reporters.

    UN chief Ban Ki-moon was also in Doha where he urged Israel to “exercise maximum restraint”.

    “Too many innocent people are dying … (and) living in constant fear,” he told a news conference in Doha.

    So far, ceasefire proposals have been rejected by Hamas which has pressed on with its own attacks.

    The Doctors Without Borders charity urged Israel to “stop bombing civilians trapped in the Gaza Strip”, noting the majority of the injured arriving in the al-Shifa hospital were women and children.

  • doug scorgie

    Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    20 Jul, 2014 – 9:13 pm

    “Is that a variant on “throw the Jews into the sea?”


    No Habbabkuk, all people, including Jews, should be free to live in a single, secular and democratic state that was once called Palestine.

    The two-state “solution” was a lie from the start.

  • Mary

    Suggest the troll listens to the many questions coming at this moment from MPs of all parties to Cameron voicing their constituents’ concern on the slaughter and war crimes currently being enacted in Gaza by the Occupiers.

    Alternatively he can read the Hansard report which I will post here tomorrow. That’s a promise.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    Mr Scorgie

    “…now I just want the Israeli’s to go home wherever the f*** it is. It sure as hell isnt Palestine.”


    Is that a variant on “throw the Jews into the sea”, Doug?

    Because it doesn’t sound much like your

    “all people, including Jews, should be free to live in a single, secular and democratic state that was once called Palestine” , does it.

  • doug scorgie

    Resident Dissident

    20 Jul, 2014 – 10:13 pm

    “Let us also give credit and support to Mahmood Abbas in his efforts to bring Hamas and the IDF to a ceasefire.”


    Was it not the Hamas/Fatah unity government that brokered the ceasefire with the IDF?

  • doug scorgie

    Solutions, Please

    20 Jul, 2014 – 10:18 pm

    “Hypothetically, if you were in a position of very great power in the world and given a completely free rein to act, what would you do about Israel/Palestine?”


    Create a single, secular, democratic state for all the people of a country once called Palestine.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    Mr Scorgie

    “To you Habbabkuk, anyone who criticizes Israel is a Jew-hater but I think you’ll find that they are Zionist haters.”

    Would you say that the post from MARY which I reproduce here for ease of reference is anti-Zionist or anti-Jewish?

    “What is Boris up to employing such an extreme Zionist? Am example of how Jewish people are embedded in the structure of government at all levels, national, regional and local and not even a moderate in Hoffman’s case. Just like Yankeeland. The Palestinian people do not stand a chance of regaining their land and homes until Israel goes down.”

    (Note the reference to “Jewish people”, rather than “Zionists”).

  • nevermind, it will happen anyway

    “Any Sturmfuehrers in your family background, Wagenrecht?”

    Not to my knowledge, Herr Goebbels, but a Wagenknecht helped to confuse US imperialists by founding the Communist party of America.

    Your desperate hair splitting here sounds like terminal rasping against the wind, nobody will hear you.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    Of course, it’s Wagenknecht rather than Wagenrecht isn’t it, Ingo.

    I must be more careful… should you.

  • doug scorgie

    Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    20 Jul, 2014 – 10:02 pm

    Seen any pics of dead kids from Syria over the last couple of years (courtesy of your friend President Assad)?

    Don’t recall much from you on that.

    Or for something nearer (your) home, how about some pics of the results of various IRA bombings?

    Getting desperate Habbabkuk?

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