A Hard Night 284

I can’t pretend not to have been disappointed by the Clackmannanshire result, especially as I am here with some wonderful people who have put months and years of their lives into campaigning heart and soul.

But the count was fascinating. Professional Conservative, Labour and Lib Dem politicians working and socialising together and dressing the same. Tory ladies in pillar box red clothes and Lib Dem councillors in Labour Party rosettes. All braying and congratulating each other in the same voices, and looking smug and very happy together.

We are not winning tonight’s battle at the moment, but the battle lines have now become clearly defined between the single establishment of the media and all the political parties, and almost half the people – so far who want an alternative political structure. This is a stage in a process, and in its clarity and scale a major advance.

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284 thoughts on “A Hard Night

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  • Tony_0pmoc

    Squonk, it doesn’t matter if you don’t win..especially if you come from a base so small. Now the other side of the chess board – are just going Wow…these little scottish guys nearly took us. They nearly had us in Checkmate…They are showing us Massive Respect. Read about Cuba..it doesn’t take a lot of people.

    God Bless.


  • TonyF12

    Commiserations, Craig.

    Is there any way to look at the demography – in terms of age of voter choosing YES or NO?
    Just wondered if the over 50’s predominantly voted NO out of caution and generic cynicism about politicians’ promises, whoever those politicians might be.

    Did the count look watertight as fair & square?

  • Ishmael

    Our culture it to corrupt, to selfish. Most would rather get one over on someone than help them. It’s how so many define there identity.

    But fuck. If anyone showed some community and he kind of things we ought to be fighting for it’s those in the yes campaign. This is no ‘victory’, it’s a robbery and beating. Well congratulations no’s. If that’s victory you can keep it.

    I know for me who has victory, those (however flawed) who stand for the basic good of most people. It seems to me it would have been good for England also, Markets and all. But no, class war is more important than a improved overall economy, part of it no doubt.

  • BrianFujisan

    Listen up this Fight Aint Over

    and Craig will be here.

    But for the moment… Heartbreak all my girls work for the NHS TTIP…Do the Scots stay down for long ???

  • Mary

    Smoothface is making a statement at 7am. What is he planning to put his devolvement promises into action? Not only Scotland but England and Wales too need and want change.

  • Tony M

    What we learn from this is that the effort to defeat the totalitarian and fascist British state, must be taken to the capital city, to London, to the very heart of the beast.
    Whatever means possible must be used, to bring to a quick and ignominious end to the Present Tory LibDem coalition, a general election for the whole of the UK, must be forced, within weeks, David Cameron must be on his way out, by Friday’s end. England, do your duty.

    Secondly, in every Scottish council area, the Yes votes outnumber, not just the majorities, but the entire votes cast of the sitting Labour, Tory and LibDem MPs and their few MSPs, the same Yes voters who braved today the most depraved empire the world has ever seen, and done us proud,well over a million of us at least, well-distributed strategically around the constituencies, can eliminate these quislings from political and respectable life, make their lives far worse than the state of slavery for us, they prescribe.

    The shops, businesses, banks, companies, powerful and wealthy individuals, who have colluded in strangling our nascent democracy, their crimes must be collated and then they be shunned, shamed and boycotted until they are on their knees, for we will not go on bended knee before them, we will look them in the eye, and see them crack.

  • Subrosa

    John Reid, never lived in Scotland for years and lives in millionaire-styled luxury in London. Just one of the many sent to create fear.

    It’s not the end but the beginning of the end. Westminster will not stick to the March agenda they promised and gradually my generation will die off. That leaves generations with less regard for domination.

    All is not lost, but all to play for. Onwards and upwards we go!

  • Fool

    I suggested last week that Cameron was either up to something underhand or an idiot when he allowed the vote, allowed the timing, allowed 16-17 year olds and allowed the SNP to take the yes and the unionists to become the negative vote, but I have to accept that he has taken a hazard and won. He deserves credit for that. Whatever you might think about the state of Westminster, about corruption and immorality you have to accept that there are not many countries or many leaders who would have allowed such a vote. Looking forward to seeing what Devo Max will mean for Wales.

  • Mary

    Well said Tony M.


    Big deal. Women can now become members of the Royal and Ancient. That is if they can afford the membership fees. 85% of the members voted for the change.

  • Mick

    Happy with the result. Happier the the thing is over. I believe Alex Salmond delivered a good concession speech.

    A part of me is sad that Yes didn’t win as I jumped in early on the referendum betting and would have squared away a nice five figure sum if the nationalists succeeded in breaking up the country. Well suppose I will make do with my nice public sector job


    Do you spend much time on coming up with your witty nicknames for politicians and media organisations / personalities, do they come quickly?

  • BrianFujisan


    tony M

    wonderful HOPEFUL WisdomFull And other un Allowed Words… With you …Right with you…Thanks

  • Mick


    Should say I was happy to vote Yes in the R&A vote. I should also point out the fees are not all Tigard unreasonable.

    Let me know if you fancy membership.

  • Anon1

    Morning team 😀

    Now that Scotland has rejected independence the UK should, as a show of stregnth and unity, create a new country to replace England and Scotland.

    As a symbol of collaboration between these two fine nations, the new country should combine the first 3 letters of England and the last 4 letters of Scotland.

    That should make everyone happy!

  • BrianFujisan

    I’m not sure even you’re mentor Habby would stoop that low

    Could be wrong … But still Fuck off

  • Mary

    Subrosa The London based John Reid has just popped up on BiBiCee. Revived horrible memories of his contributions to fascism in this country.

  • Fool

    Suspect that we will see role out of local powers across the UK which in due course will facilitate cuts in the welfare budget and public sector wage bill as poorer parts of the country find that local powers equate to less central revenue, i.e. less distribution of wealth from home counties.

  • ToivoS

    Sad to see this outcome but I guess the big winner tonight will be the Scot pensioners. They were frightened by the propaganda that they would lose their pensions if Yes had won. Now London has to make sure thye do not cut back on those pensions in the course of the neoliberal austerity reforms that is sweeping the west. I guess that also means that the pensioners in the rest of the UK will also benefit.

    The next big question will be: who pays for these “reforms”?

  • Resident Dissident

    “All braying and congratulating each other in the same voices, and looking smug and very happy together.”

    The reason why you think they are all speaking in the same voice is of course because you are not listening. Peoples views are changed by listening to them and engaging with what they are saying not by insulting them. Yes you can argue away the problem by saying that all those voting No are not decent and playing at street theatre – but I’m afraid this is the sort of reaction you will get in a democracy. I should add that there were a lot of good people in the yes campaign with good arguments – although not many were here and some of the responses are truly pathetic.

  • Mary

    Reid contd.

    This is the latest of those contributions. The creation of the Orwellian sounding Institute of Security and Resilience Studies based at UCL. BLiar opened it to large student protest. Malcolm Grant the provost of UCL is also chair of NHS England, the latter currently being shafted. That is how this rotten system works.

    Security and resilience solutions for the 21st century: a new UCL institute

    ISRS Advisory Board

    ISRS is guided in its work by a distinguished group of international practitioners, thinkers and policy-makers in the fields of security and resilience.

    Our Advisory Board comprises:
    Prof Philip Bobbitt University of Texas Columbia University
    Adm the Lord Boyce KG GCB OBE DL House of Lords
    Douglas Caster CBE Ultra Electronics
    Hon Michael Chertoff The Chertoff Group
    Sir Ronnie Flanagan GBE QPM ICC Anti-Corruption & Security Unit Abu Dhabi Police Force LOL
    Prof Michael Arthur University College London
    Rt Hon Marquess of Salisbury DL House of Lords
    Prof Pat Troop CBE

    ISRS staff
    Rt Hon Lord Reid of Cardowan PhD ISRS Chair

    Dr J P MacIntosh ISRS Director

    Jas Mahrra ISRS Senior Researcher

    They’ve got us and are laughing in our faces, for now that is.


    Reid’s register –

    Register of Interests

    1: Directorships
    Director, John Reid Advisory Ltd (risk management; homeland security strategy); remuneration for the advisory services given by the Member to the Chertoff Group (strategic/security consultants), Westcoast Ltd, Crest Advisory (support to police and crime commissioners), and Glaysen Holdings Ltd (financial holdings) is paid to John Reid Advisory Ltd; any income from the Member’s speaking engagements, articles etc listed under category 2 is also paid to John Reid Advisory Ltd

    Chairman, Institute for Security and Resilience Studies, University College, London (not-for-profit limited company engaging in academic research)

    Reid was a director of G4S Regional Management UK&I Ltd 2010-2013 The Limp Ics fiasco?? but I bet he took his shilling in spite of that.

  • ToivoS

    resident dissident it is time to change your handle. ‘Establishment shill’ would be more appropriate. That ‘dissident’ handle implies someone who is in the opposition, you for sure is not.

  • Mary

    This is what it’s really about. The markets, dear boy, the markets.

    ‘Pound surges in Asia on referendum
    Sterling hits a two-year high against the euro and a two-week high against the US dollar in Asian trade, as Scotland rejects independence.’

  • YouKnowMyName

    the count is nearly finished, this amazing vote has democratically allowed the people living in Scotland to state their preferences, today, about independence.

    what have we learned?

    We learned that GCHQ is now overtly a political force, dabbling, participating in the online debate, telling half-truths, spreading Fear Uncertainty & Doubt, trying to denigrate the honest debate with insults, illegal flame-wars and just inane verbiage.

    It was noticeable that the sock-puppets here quietened down several days before the vote – they therefore have VERY good social network social intelligence, voting trends intelligence, but it didn’t extend to a week of foreknowledge as the establishment WAS severely rattled last week. I presume 5EYES online storm-troopers are hitting the NZ election debate pages as we speak.

    GCHQ had around 1500 sock-puppets in 2013, they are up to 5000+ plausible online identities in 2014. We don’t know how many fake provocative online identities the entire 5EYES, plus their third-party-partners can muster. It’s a new component of “democracy” that we have witnessed here – especially as our society is headed towards an increasingly digital online future.

    GCHQ and partners mention the fight ‘terrorism’ as a justification, remember, over the last decade there have been fatalities due terrorism that in the USA – exactly the same number of fatalities caused by Vending Machines there over the same decade! Great War on Pepsi?

    Was the possibility of Scottish independence terrorism?

    thanks Craig for your hard work to allow the debate, to enhance democratic awareness, to encourage legal, honest, truthful and decent intercommunication. GCHQ might not by themselves have changed the will of the Scottish people, but they certainly tried exactly the opposite path to Craig, and that’s not good for any future election, poll, online vote, opinion sounding, digital anything!

  • John Edwards

    As I said in a comment on a previous post these bubbles of alternative reality can be deceptive and this one has just burst much as I expected. Although I disagree with Craig on the independence issue I admire his courageous stand on exposing complicity with torture, support for Julian Assange and many other issues and hope he recovers quickly from this disappointment and is not discouraged from continuing his other important work.

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