Bombing Is Good For You 325

If bombing a country really made it better, we would have made a paradise of Iraq by now. Instead it is a total disaster, with access to electricity, drinking water, education and health services all far worse than they were before we started bombing it. That is even without the growth of the Caliphate, or ISIS, a direct result first of our deposing Saddam and conniving in the intolerant Shia rule of Maliki, and then of our connivance in arming and funding anyone willing to fight Assad.

So now we are told we have to bomb Iraq yet again, and this time, finally, that will make it all better. There are two extraordinary contradictions in the British position.

1) The justification in international law given by the neo-cons for the current bombing of Iraq is that it is at the invitation of the government of Iraq. But simultaneously they propose to bomb Syria to attack the government of Syria. This is the most astonishing hypocrisy.

2) The Caliphate forces were encouraged and trained by the CIA initially. They continue to be massively financed from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. In fact, the Caliphate is still funded to a massive degree from the very states who are currently bombing them alongside the United States – Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and the UAE. It is the ruling families of those states which are attacking ISIS in an official capacity, who are financing ISIS in a private capacity. The BBC manages to avoid any mention of Saudi funding for ISIS. The interests of the City of London are, as always, the most important factor for the British establishment.

The security state here in the UK needs the “War on Terror” to justify its continued existence and the power and jobs of those who administer it. One thing that is certain to keep the conflict going, and thus keep the security state going, is for us to start bombing the Middle East again.

The right wing old crawler Menzies Campbell just came on the BBC to support British bombing. Stand by to see the Unionist parties united in neo-imperialist brotherhood.

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325 thoughts on “Bombing Is Good For You

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  • Republicofscotland

    I was really disappointed to hear on SKY news that along with the US, 5 Arab countries are assisting the US in bombing Syria.

  • Anon1


    Ishmael’s rant of 7:26pm is indeed a joy to behold. However, I’m sure you’ll enjoy this from a few days ago even more:

    “Anyway on the up side, I went into a shop today run by immigrants, I don’t know were from but there was this beautiful girl, not just nice but yea. Among what’s still a very culturally restricted chip butty crowd she stood out like something else. Glowing with health. Maybe more than anything the gene pool of the uk needs mixing.

    Revolution via interracial sex!”

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    Jives appears concerned about the welfare of your socks:

    “I suppose they must help you remember who you are some days,or even what socks are in what drawers..”.

    In various posts he’s addressed to me, he has shown similar concern for string vests.

    He also reserves his “best” posts for the wee hours.

    Should we conclude from this that Jives is an example of a species I’d believed long dead – namely, the owner of an all-night haberdashery emporium?

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    Trolls are one-trick ponies. Following them will leave you picking up the pieces of their lives, but worry not. It’s just straw and water.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    Some people even like to play catch with their road apples.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    From Craig’s lead-in post:

    “But simultaneously they propose to bomb Syria to attack the government of Syria.”

    I note the use of the present tense. I know that that was being considered a year or so ago, but is it still the intention?


    I also admire the ease with which a reference to the “security state” was slipped into the lead-in post. Slightly off-theme in my not very humble opinion, but guaranteed to garner quite a few “comments”, I suppose.


  • Republicofscotland

    Anyway on the up side, I went into a shop today run by immigrants, I don’t know were from but there was this beautiful girl, not just nice but yea. Among what’s still a very culturally restricted chip butty crowd she stood out like something else. Glowing with health. Maybe more than anything the gene pool of the uk needs mixing.

    Revolution via interracial sex!”

    Orc’s and and beautiful women, are incompatible, I’m afraid your lucks out.

    Sorry I couldn’t resist,the wee joke.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    Obama, the Reluctant Warrior finally got his nose schmooshed in the shit. He failed his Red Line test, so he got a mulligan.

    Covert handlers haven’t given him much choice. It’s either that or end up like JFK, as they suggested in a cryptic note written into his DayTimer found in the gutter. I’m not sure how much power POTUS truly has. He’s more of a figurehead since the National Security Act of 1947. Even Eisenhower could see it coming.

  • Jives


    Yes that’s right Habby.

    In my emporium we stock many deerstalkers-and capes and cloaks as black as your soul.

    Especially effective on a pea-souper of a night under a yellowing moon.

    Almost perfect for you although it’s not a great look on top of a torn and stained string vest.

    We also have many socks for you to choose your puppetry preferences from.

    Suit you,sir?

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    Like the Generals said of JFK; ” Every time McNamara goes to Viet Nam he comes back and scares the shit out of him. He’s always got his finger on the ‘chicken switch'”

    And LBJ was also subservient; “Just get me re-elected and I’ll give you your damn war”

  • Rehmat

    Labour politician Vicki Kirby asked some of those questions – a got suspended by Ed Miliband for blaming Israel for Middle East troubles.

    John Kerry asked his Iranian counterpart Dr. Javad to join the America’s “willing executioners” to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria. French attacked ISIS in Iraq while Israeli missile shotdown a Syrian jet trying to bomb ISIL.

    Iraq’s powerful Shia cleric and political leader, Muqtada al-Sadr, has warned Abadi regime not to cooperate with the former “occupiers” of Iraq. Muqtada al-Sadr’s Shia fighters gave a crushing defeat to the US occupation forces under command of Gen. David Petraeus, aka Zionism’s military poodle.

  • CanSpeccy

    “Revolution via interracial sex”

    Yes, genocide by any means, including mass immigration and “interracial sex” does lead to the destruction of the social order in favor of a new system, which is to say, revolution.

    So we can certainly assign Ishmael along with Jives to the camp of genocidal racists.

    Of course interracial sex is not necessarily revolutionary. It has always occurred where nations meet and mix. That is why humans comprises a collection of races, not species: genes flow among almost all populations. But human diversity exists because, for a hundred thousand years, that interracial gene flow was slight relative to the processes of genetic drift, mutation and selection that causes populations to diverge.

    But preserving human biological diversity is not the only reason for opposing mass migration. Racially distinct communities have distinct histories and hence cultures. The liberal dream of a globalized world order means globalization of crass, godless American culture and the universal imposition of political correctness. Who wants that?

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    Friedman is perhaps a primary reason for the second invasion of Iraq. His hollow philosophy is the answer to how the dollar has withstood multiple financial disasters by printing money on toilet paper. The Fed and IMF just applied his brain-damaged economics to prop up the flagging Petrodollar and so now where are we? Syria. Next stop the Iranian Bourse and TPIP (more of his decrepit shite) is designed to offset BRICS.

    The most influential economist of the 20th century title, is somewhat akin to TIME magazine making Osama their cover-girl in 2001.

  • Anon1

    George Orwell once pointed out that the British Left are unique in that they have a visceral hatred of our country.

  • fred

    When I was a young boy still at school our local shop was run by immigrants, they were Polish and they were far from slim and slender.

    She told me that when the Russians took them it was the skinny ones died first.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    “My country, right or wrong” is the anthem of the wingy right.

    Such critical thinking leads to mindless loyalty and stifled self-awareness. They like it just the way it is.

  • mike

    The mists are clearing…I foresee…boots on the ground, ICES in a desert. No, wait: the clouds are forming again, over Damascus, clouds of fart-gas, but not from an Assad.

    I see boots on the ground here too.

    Christ, you can practically write the fuckin script now.

    Cecil B DeMille could shoot the whole damn thing and remake ‘Intolerance’.

    If that’s too taxing, try ‘The Expendables’, starring men, women and children.

  • John Goss

    I have a more cynical view than most. But it is probably right. 🙂

    It is well established that Bush and Blair concocted the last Iraq War to get their hands on Iraqi oil. ISIS was a by-product of this, and as Craig writes, created and trained by the CIA. ISIS (IS or ISIL or whatever it’s going to be called next) has only become a threat to the west since it got its hands on some oilfields and moved into other areas where western interests are threatened (like Kurdistan). As a pacifist I cannot support ISIS any more than NATO. NATO forces do not mind who gets killed in the conflicts they create. Air attacks and drones just kill everyone in the area because the imagery is often imprecise so even if only one person has a weapon in a group they kill the whole group including cameramen (in a war that they have created simply in order to steal oil).

    Americans live by the credo that it is the right of all Americans to bear arms (even though it only actually applied to defence in the original declaration). But they (like all fascists) do not think it is the right for all others to bear arms. So they shoot them in the back with their superior weapons.

    The leading power behind NATO is the United States. The leading force behind the United States is Zionist (banksters’) money. Oil is the most sought after commodity (at the moment) to keep the gears of corruption and the palms of corrupt politicians greased.

    I do not want to be part of any Sharia-type regime. But the regime I belong to is so corrupt the decline is over. The Fall is upon us.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    Sorry to disagree on firearms, John. A well-regulated militia was the Founder’s aim. they wanted citizens to re-take their republic from the politicos who absconded using lawyers for their theft of liberty. They couldn’t foresee every chink in the armor, but this one is a clear indication they knew funny bizness would follow.

  • John Goss

    You’re entitled to disagree as an American Ben. And one of the founding fathers yourself, at least in one of your former personas, and I won’t argue. It would distract from the main purpose of my comment. (You’ve not become a troll yourself have you?)

  • CanSpeccy

    @ Jives:

    You really a quite quite mad aren’t you?

    Yet it’s an ugly madness too.

    Jives if you wish to be taken neither for a dumb troll nor a mindless robot, you might try learning to debate intelligently.

    Mere insults without wit, don’t cut it. Neither do assertions unsupported by logic or facts.

    I understand that to a liberal advocate of mass immigration and multi-culturalism, it is painful to have it pointed out that this policy amounts to one of genocide of the indigenous population. But insulting those who point out the fact doesn’t alter the fact, it merely demonstrates your racism and moral bankruptcy.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    (You’ve not become a troll yourself have you?)

    I hope not. i have too few conversations as it is. 🙂

  • Ba'al Zevul

    Let me be the first to admit that I haven’t a scooby what anyone from the West should do in the Middle East. It’s a complete, fulminating clusterfuck, and any action of any sort has been shown historically to have the opposite effect to that intended.

    Logic would suggest that we prop up the surounding, potentially stabilising regimes, regardless of how unpleasant they may be, on the grounds that IS are considerably nastier. Including Assad, and not including the Free Syrian Army, whose status is mythological, and which will sell/give/accompany any arms we give it to people we do not like. Including Iran, and with special attention to Turkey, whose eastern regions have high potential for jihadism.

    Co-opting Saudi and the Gulf states to watch through binoculars as US cruise missiles plaster targets located by the Israelis may have some slight propaganda value, and keeps our arms sales stable, but I doubt that it achieves any more than Bush 1st’s co-option of the Saudis in Gulf War 1.

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