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43 thoughts on “Live Now – Massive Protest Against BBC Bias

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  • JimmyGiro

    Addictions, passions, and fashions, are all attempts to control the present. They appeal to the future by pissing vague pictures in the sand, that wash away ready for the next wave.

    So it is that Utopians live in the present, for they are all control freaks. If they truly saw the future, they would not risk revolution. But that does not stop them from appealing to the rebels, especially the rebellious youth. Unlike the Utopian who lives to control the perpetual present, the rebel seeks to escape from the infernal past; it is his call to “freedom”, that is hijacked by the wet-dream of Utopian control.

    This is why so many revolutions end in terror, for the people driving it are aliens to the people driven by it. Freedom becomes Robespierre; Egality becomes Lenin; and Fraternity becomes Mao Zedong.

  • Gutter

    BBC – there’s a clue in the name. It’s funded by British licence-payers. It has no duty to relay Scottish nationalist propaganda.

  • Ishmael

    The Guardian. I’m reading what sounds like Dave calling for more extra judicial murder.

    Just when are we going to return to being a normal country that treats murder as a crime and respects the sovereignty of other nations? I really am getting sick to death of this exceptional meme that’s been created. Extremists are running the country, what the hell do they expect.

  • Mochyn69

    Wrong, Gutter ..

    These are from the BBC’s most recent Charter:

    A redefinition of the BBC’s “public services” (which are considered its prime function):
    Sustaining citizenship and civil society;
    Promoting education and learning;
    Stimulating creativity and cultural excellence;
    Representing the UK, its nations, regions and communities;
    Bringing the UK to the world and the world to the UK;
    Helping to deliver to the public the benefit of emerging communications technologies and services, and taking a leading role in the switchover to digital television.

  • Ben

    Cameron and Obama mirroring each other with the usual platitudes and threats of retributive justice. What did Shakespeare say? We’re all actors on a stage; dress rehearsals in progress.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “Wrong, Gutter ..

    These are from the BBC’s most recent Charter:

    A redefinition of the BBC’s “public services” (which are considered its prime function):
    Sustaining citizenship and civil society;
    Promoting education and learning;
    Stimulating creativity and cultural excellence;
    Representing the UK, its nations, regions and communities;
    Bringing the UK to the world and the world to the UK;
    Helping to deliver to the public the benefit of emerging communications technologies and services, and taking a leading role in the switchover to digital television.”

    Can’t see anything there about supporting breakaway nationalist movements, old chap.

    Now, Scotland is one of the “UK’s nations”, it’s true, and as such the BBC has to “represent” it – but only as a nation within the UK. Hence there is no obligation – and not even a moral duty – for the BBC to support, represent or otherwise take a position favorable toward those who would wish Scotland to be without the Union.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    Ben (California Nazi)

    “What did Shakespeare say? We’re all actors on a stage; dress rehearsals in progress.”

    With you playing the part of the Fool very convincingly.

  • Mary

    I watched Ms Fairhead the other day when she appeared before the DCMS committee. She seemed very pleased with herself. She saw no conflict of interest in continuing with her HSBC directorship if (as if there’s any doubt!) she is appointed chair of the BBC Trust.

    One thing she said made me LOL. Wherever she is, she always flicks on the BBC News as she knows she can trust it to be true!!

    Bodes well.

  • Ben

    ““Fools” enact the raw material of a culture, ceremoniously demonstrating and articulating what becomes of a society if it forsakes the “burden” of tradition. Folly, the philosophy of the fool, is a ritualized outlet for repressed sentiments. The fool displays a folly which is just as important as rationalized wisdom, a construct of magical quality and ambiguity which accurately counter-balances the rationalism of both medieval and renaissance systems. The fool commonly conducts an interaction between himself and a person who society defines as wise by acting stupid and cunning at the same time, an interaction which would always end in the fool winning in this uneven matching of wits. The fool constantly questions our perceptions of wisdom and truth and their relationship to everyday experience. S/he readily applies metaphysical abstractions to attack the routine taken-for-granted aspects of the daily rituals of the audience, becoming an important conduit for determining meaning and clarifying abstractions which rule our lives. The fool lifts the veil of authority, devoid of decorum constantly making silly remarks, acting irreverently, unmasking the unpleasant aspects of power. S/he gives us the opportunity to humorously look at our own values and judgements as the powerful socio-cultural structures of power pull, push, and shape our identity. The social significance of the fool cannot be underestimated, it is perhaps the surest sign that a society has attained cultural maturity because the construct allows the society to reflect on and laugh at its own complex power relations.”

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    “““Fools” enact the raw material of a culture, ceremoniously demonstrating and articulating what becomes of a society if it forsakes the “burden” of tradition. Folly, the philosophy of the fool, is a ritualized outlet for repressed sentiments. The fool displays a folly which is just as important as rationalized wisdom, a construct of magical quality and ambiguity which accurately counter-balances the rationalism of both medieval and renaissance systems. The fool commonly conducts an interaction between himself and a person who society defines as wise by acting stupid and cunning at the same time, an interaction which would always end in the fool winning in this uneven matching of wits. The fool constantly questions our perceptions of wisdom and truth and their relationship to everyday experience. S/he readily applies metaphysical abstractions to attack the routine taken-for-granted aspects of the daily rituals of the audience, becoming an important conduit for determining meaning and clarifying abstractions which rule our lives. The fool lifts the veil of authority, devoid of decorum constantly making silly remarks, acting irreverently, unmasking the unpleasant aspects of power. S/he gives us the opportunity to humorously look at our own values and judgements as the powerful socio-cultural structures of power pull, push, and shape our identity. The social significance of the fool cannot be underestimated, it is perhaps the surest sign that a society has attained cultural maturity because the construct allows the society to reflect on and laugh at its own complex power relations.””

    Nice cut and paste, Ben (California Nazi). Do you understand any of it?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    “Cut the insults troll. Coming like Smoothface’s Hellfire missiles today.”

    Would you like one in your direction, bitch?

  • Richard

    Live Now – Massive Protest Against BBC Bias

    Would that be general bias, or specifics, like calling anti-Assad forces “activists” and calling the Maidan protestors “peaceful” or would it be the slightly more subliminal stuff, like linking anything and everything negative with the phrase “right wing”? The problem with singling out a specific is that it would be unfair. After all the inane drivel and total tripe the Beeb have pedalled over so many years, expecting them to tell the truth or give a fair and balanced account of a particular issue is tantamount to demanding that they be discriminatory and, as we all know, these days ‘discrimination’ is wholly synonymous with ‘prejudice’. Spread the bullshit wide and far, I say! No to discrimination, let everybody have some.

  • Peacewisher

    @Richard: I notice the comments earlier on twitter. Even people in the US, Texas no less, considered that the BBC had become very biased (I think they meant neocon) even more so that their own media outlets.

    That would suggest that something is very wrong. Raw neocon editing of web pages with no filtering?

    Such Americans would be even more shocked, I’m sure, if they found out that we actually pay to have this inflicted upon ourselves.

  • Ishmael

    I agree, bias just does not cut it. It’s systematic deception through restricted and cheery picked information, to fit a narrative that enables those in power to commit crime, act with no morals or scrutiny as it continues on it’s rampage.

    If the Mafia where to create a state they could not pick much better than the UK, say what you want about Germany but at least citizens have some self respect and a healthy distrust of the state.

    It comes to something when you can’t even mention in a pub about the needless waste of life without someone walking out like it’s world war II? The Midlands has exploded with swollen up males with pit bulls and attitudes written all over them.

    Is this what we want for our children? Is it necessary of just fear and loathing.

    Anyway on the up side, I went into a shop today run by immigrants, I don’t know were from but there was this beautiful girl, not just nice but yea. Among what’s still a very culturally restricted chip butty crowd she stood out like something else. Glowing with health. Maybe more than anything the gene pool of the uk needs mixing.

    Revolution via interracial sex!

  • Tank Dempsey

    If the visible desperation to prevent a Yes vote is this bad, imagine the private level of desperation. The wealthy politicians and their corporate masters are TERRIFIED of a Yes vote, and so much so that it must not be allowed to happen.

    There is overwhelming support (65- 70%) for Independence amongst ordinary Scots, however most polls are currently saying “too close to call” in the lead up to the vote. The reason for this is that the polling companies (funded and structured by government, media and private corporations) are conditioning the population into believing that the Yes-No opinion is very close (when it is not), thus the absence of uproar when the rigged result reveals a narrow No victory.

    Do not be so naive as to think any population will be allowed to vote for something that their ruling corporations vehemently oppose.

  • Just Saying

    That yiddish sing-song faked sincerity of a CNN wolfblitzer is so passe, but does our “sumner redstone” BBC nick know? Mebbe its all these Yassers with their Quran in our midst, but the yiddish spell no longer works on us goyim and people can easily see through an SoS habba or gavin esler devil as it speaks. It can only mean one thing, the devils are going to have to come up with a bigger human sacrifice than the 2,000 just slain in Gaza – great danger ahead.

  • fred

    I find these protests most worrying.

    I am a strong believer in the right to protest, in my younger days I went on a few.

    But the protests I went on were always organised by the people and directed against the government. Here we have protests effectively organised by the government, the Nationalist government and directed against the media.

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