Neo-Cons of the World Unite: You Have Nothing to Lose Except Your Slaves, Mansions and Huge Pots of Money 246

David Folkerts-Landau, Chief Economist of Deutsche Bank, who has claimed that Scotland would have a “Great Depression” if independent, has a second home he bought for US $11.6 million dollars. His first home is in London – where he would have been well-placed to notice that Deutsche Bank was at the very heart of the LIBOR interest rate fixing scandal. Naturally neither Folkerts-Landau (he and his wife are friends of the Camerons) nor any other senior banker was jailed for that long term criminal illegality.

Folkerts-Landau must, you might assume, have great powers of economic prediction to have accumulated a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars from banking salary and bonuses. Yet he failed to notice that Deutsche Bank was running up 92 billion dollars of US sub-prime mortgage junk that would be written off in the actual great crash, in which Deutsche Bank was again in the centre. Why a man who failed to notice that his own work was contributing to an actual great depression, should be taken seriously in ridiculous prognostications of a new one, is rather beyond me.

It is interesting that Folkerts-Landau states that Winston Churchill’s return to the gold standard was a major cause of the great depression. From the German Deutsche bank, that dismissed its Jewish directors in 1933 and denounced Jewish employees, and received expropriated Jewish assets through direct cooperation with Hitler, this criticism of Winston Churchill might be thought culturally insensitive.

Folkerts-Landau is just another example of the super-rich who realise that the people-based movement for Scottish independence is currently the most potent threat to the neo-con hegemony that has resulted in the destruction of social-democratic society and the massive gap between the super-rich and real people. If you look at the other boards on which sit members of the board of Deutsche Bank, it reads like a catalogue of corporate dominance:

Coca Cola
Pepsi Cola
EON Energy
XL Group
Alliance Trust

That is an illustration of the fact that mega corporations are not really competitive, but part of an interlinked web of capital interests all sharing directors. Those interests have bombarded Scotland with apocalyptic threats the last few days. There will be a great depression, major businesses will leave, energy bills will go up, interest rates will go up, oil will run out, shopping bills will go up, call charges will go up, terrorists will run round unimpeded, Russia will invade. These nonsensical claims have been hammered home relentlessly in perhaps the most concentrated stream of mainstream media propaganda in history.

The extraordinary resilience of the Scottish people, in face of these ludicrous levels of threat and intimidation from “authority figures” like Folkerts-Landau, is something of which I am very, very proud.

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246 thoughts on “Neo-Cons of the World Unite: You Have Nothing to Lose Except Your Slaves, Mansions and Huge Pots of Money

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  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    Ben (American Nazi)

    “I think you’re a Russophile, aren’t you – nice place, good leaders, bastion of human and economic rights, and so on.”

    I forgot to add : lots of Lebensraum there, and a labour shortage owing to the declining Russian population.

    Perfect for immigrants fleeing from persecution, war, famine and injustice!

    So why the UK and not Russia, Ben?

  • Ben

    “Cunning answer!”

    Not from you. Try to muster some.

    “Do you favor brown-skin over black, or is all same-same to you?”

    You don’t get a pass on it.

  • Ba'al Zevul (For Scotland)

    Fedup (re Havvacluck, I believe, but decline to look), it

    “only does it to annoy
    Because he knows it teases” (Lewis Carroll)

    It is incapable of forming an opinion which has not been cleared by Smith Square and/or the State Department. It afflicts this blog because long ago Craig stole some paperclips from its own special drawer in an Embassy. And its bogus consultancy (‘mediation’? Ha) probably works for Deutsche Bank. I’m guessing, of course, but how unlikely does my guess seem?

    Sooo,,,re Am I alone in regretting the tendency of the yes campaign to attack the messenger rather than the message? This does not do us any credit. We have good arguments – let’s use them, rather than trashing individuals. (Anton)

    True for you, but leaving aside the question of whether Havvacluck is an individual or a collection of badly typed notes from the desk of Liam Fox, what else is there to attack?

    Folks, don’t read it, and please don’t quote it. Habbabreak is your friend.

  • glenn_uk

    @peacewisher: No, it’s not a joke. Why do you ask? It is possible that you get a crash output from it now and then, if so, just reload.

  • Ben

    “Folks, don’t read it, and please don’t quote it. Habbabreak is your friend.”

    A position I’ve long advocated. Is there some unity? Otherwise, it is verklempt.

  • Peacewisher

    @Mark: Was that Iraq? I know he achieved that in Kosovo, but I thought most of the people hated him in Iraq… maybe they are Kurdish children, and Ann Clwyd was the enabler.

  • mark golding

    I have a custom of examining past speeches in a new light.

    Tony Blair September 2006 – last leaders speech to the Labour Party Conference:

    “This terrorism isn’t our fault. We didn’t cause it. It’s not the consequence of foreign policy.

    “It is an attack on our way of life. It is global. It has an ideology.

    “We will not win until we shake ourselves free of the wretched capitulation to the propaganda of the enemy that somehow we are the ones responsible.”

    Shake yourself free Scotland.

  • Peacewisher

    Very sad for the family. Have to say it is well timed, Je, to get his ministers in line regarding attacks over Syrian airspace.

    Why is he so keen on getting on board with Obama’s new coalition? Perhaps he wants to “do a Thatcher” to revive his party’s ratings and take momentum away from UKIP. Just as Obama seems to want to go behind his country’s democratic processes, I wouldn’t put it past our leader to try to avoid a House off Commons vote.

  • Ben

    I don’t see any video of the beheading of David Haines, just a photo gallery without any gore. Are they being censored or is it another disputed beheading?

    where would they store these folks; on an south pacific island with Amelia Earhart, or Jimmy Hoffa?

  • Je

    Peacewisher – Cameron wanted to appear tough on IS. Its media profile. The media wanted something from Cameron – he delivers. Announce you’re arming the Kurds. Why announce it? They could have done it quietly. But there is no appearing tough on IS in doing that. Why talk about maybe bombing IS? Not doing it – just saying they’re considering it. What could be more provocative towards IS? Its cause they didn’t care one jot about what happened to Haines.

  • Tony M

    Happy Landings Amelia Erhardt, First Lady of the Air.

    On Independence there’s not much to say, just get out on Thursday and vote Yes.

    The Ayes will win, comfortably. Re-adjust.

  • Peacewisher

    @Vronsky: Labour seem to have completely lost their senses. Apparently they (Gordon Brown) proclaimed yesterday in Dundee that they’d rather see a Con/UKIP coalition in UK than see an Independent Scotland.

    I think that should just about be a point of no return…

  • Peacewisher

    Well, if it wasn’t going crazy before, how’s this for a tweet from Brian May (Queen Guitarist):

    “I’m exactly half English and half Scot. The Scot in me will rejoice if the Scots escape the tyranny of Westminster. The rest of me will despair because we need to escape too. I’m deadly serious. We must overturn our corrupt political system totally. Bri”

  • Ben

    If they are being censored, it’s just fuckin’ crazeeeee. They want to ramp up our fear, not coddle us into complacency. It’s time to be afraid; verrrry afraid. I feel certain they get that, so what’s up?

    Alternet theory;

    If IS are proxy warriors, or a form of Adam Sutler’s thugs, then we must have numerous conspirators but let’s just take Foley for now.

    He’s been embedded by the most credible sources as having genuine empathy for innocents suffering in the ME disaster of 100 years duration (predicted accurately 10 years ago by Hitchins).

    He was released from captivity once already, and was eager to return.I they are being censored, it’s just fuckin’ crazeeeee. They want to ramp up our fear, not coddle us into complacency. It’s time to be afraid; verrrry afraid. I feel certain they get that, so what’s up?

    Alternet theory;

    If they are proxy warriors, or a form of Adam Sutler’s thugs, then we must have numerous conspirators but let’s just take Foley for now.

    He’s been embedded by the most credible sources as having genuine empathy for innocents suffering in the ME disaster of 100 years duration (predicted accurately 10 years ago by Hitchins).

    He was released from captivity once already, and was eager to return.

    His family seemed mournful but only sufficiently so.

    He seemed resigned, almost buddha-like’ like the monks who set themselves alight during the VN War.

    Same with the last two victims. They were stoic, man.

    Now the second victim, for variety, had family who publicly displayed their anger at the administration, because they were threatened with indictment if they sought funds for their son’s return. Nicely played.

    Now imagine, with all of us watching and sneering at their subterfuge, why would they censor or delete images that auger their agenda?

    BECAUSE they aren’t playing to the minority of folks who actually use their brain for it’s intended purpose.

    There it is.

  • Brendan

    David Folkerts-Landau, in fairness, can’t be help responsible for the appaling anti-semitism of previous board. And DB themselves appear to be one of many companies that worked with the Nazi’s. IBM being another. It’s the dirtly little non-secret of Big Business that many of them worked with, and funded, Hitler’s nastly little regime.

    But of course, David Folkerts-Landau can be held responsible for his own words and actions. He’s isn’t the mailroom guy, he’s Chief Economist of DB, found guiltily of lying to his own parliament (good story that, I hadn’t known that), but also of total incompetence. Sure, DB themselves didn’t cause the crash, but very smart people seemed to believe in the magic money tree, or, just as bad, didn’t believe in at all, just made money out of peddling bullshit. They are still at it, btw, and looks to like nothing has changed. I look on at Australian house prices and think ‘massive bubble’. Everyone does. It’s end badly for some.

  • Brendan

    @ Peacewhisher

    Very interesting like, ta. Hadn’t seen that. I don’t get the bbc over here, but Salmond’s response to heckling from Nick Robinson was indeed interesting. I can only presume the bbc are worried that they are in the shit, for leaking market-sensive information, and that’s why they haven’t shown the full clip. If Salmond is right, someone’s in trouble. Did it come from Osborne’s office? We may never know.

    Not sure I really understoof the point about corporation tax being based on economic activity. Salmond is a former economist, I suppose he must know what the’s talking about. Not my area by any stretch. But he did attempt to answer the question at hand, and deserved better than heckling by Nick Robinson. Young Tory wasn’t he, this Nick? Nothing wrong with this, he’s entitled to his views.

  • mark golding

    Philip Hammond ruled out UK air-strikes in Syria. Luckily Hammond is not certified to QT secret; the MI5/6 conduit is Agent Cameron eyes only.

    On the ‘suggestion’ and presage of David Haines slaughter, Cameron hastily over-rules Hammond on airstrikes, adding, “the UK would not legally need a request from the Syrian government..blah blah.”

    Bless you Philip – I can see you carry your soul on your shoulders. Stay strong.

  • Jives


    It’s Anon1,Fred,Chris and Habba on the troll hasbara nightshift…



    Deutsche Bank,et al,wouldn’t know an honest ledger book if it blew them..

  • Mochyn69

    This is not only disgusting, but an ASTONISHING admission by Desperate Dan, General Sir Richard Dannatt Chief of the British General Staff from 2006 to 2009.

    “Between 1969 and 2007, Scottish soldiers fought and died to keep Northern Ireland within the overall United Kingdom – more than 100 of them. What was that all about? The IRA fought a bloody 38-year campaign to take Northern Ireland out of the United Kingdom and join the six northern counties of the island of Ireland to the republic in the south of Ireland as one sovereign state. As English, Welsh, Northern Irish and Scottish peoples, we fought against this diminution of our country – the country of the Union flag embodying the Cross of St George, the Cross of St Patrick and the Cross of St Andrew. Those red, white and blue colours describe our flag and define our identity. And now, the five million Scots resident in Scotland – or about 50 per cent of them – seem to want to redefine the identity of more than 60 million of the rest of us, and that of another couple of million Scots living outside Scotland who, like the rest of us, have no vote in this history-changing decision. Do they really have the moral right to do so?
    Of course, across Scotland next Thursday, thousands who have the right to vote will do as they deem right, but I wonder how many of them today are thinking about the bloody fight 10, 20, 30 years ago, when some of their fellow citizens as part of the British Army fought to keep Scotland as part of a United Kingdom that included Northern Ireland? As an Englishman who is a quarter Welsh, I fought alongside British Army colleagues, and buried too many, to ensure that the United Kingdom would remain the same today as it was yesterday, and we hoped would be the same tomorrow.
    Scottish soldiers have fought over several centuries and in so many campaigns to preserve the territorial integrity of their country from external threat, but in the Northern Ireland campaign more recently, they fought against internal threat, but what about today? Do the families of Scottish soldiers who lost their lives between 1969 and 2007 to preserve the territorial integrity of the United Kingdom now just say, “Well, it no longer matters”?

    Is he just an old fool of a soldier, or has he really let the cat out of the colonialist’s bag!? Does the modern history of Ireland need to be re-written?

  • Peter Kemp

    From Mochyn69’s link, the Torygraffiti:

    In a poll of FTSE 100 chairmen, nearly 80 per cent said a Yes vote would have a significant negative economic effect on the UK

    Reminds me of learned counsel at Stephen Ward’s trial pointing out to Mandy Rice Davis that Lord Astor denied having sex with her, she answered:

    Well he would, wouldn’t he?

    100 footsy gentleman who deny screwing people so they can continue screwing people: well they bloody well would, wouldn’t they!

    I’m sure many Scots see through that palpable, moronic self serving BS.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    Captain Komodo-Baal-Afrend

    “Fedup (re Havvacluck, I believe, but decline to look), it

    “only does it to annoy
    Because he knows it teases” (Lewis Carroll)…etc; etc, etc…”


    Yes, of course, you “decline to look”. That one’s wearing a little thin by now, don’t you think?


    “Folks, don’t read it, and please don’t quote it. Habbabreak is your friend.”

    Another heart-rending appeal, which will have as little success as the previous ones.


    I’d advise everyone to take the Captain’s suggestions with a large pinch of salt. Wasn’t he the one to suggest demonstrating outside synagogues on Sabbath? He was otherwise engaged himself, of course. Shades of “use Habbabreak” 🙂

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    Examples of scum washing up on the Craig Murray coastline…

    …on the occasion of David Haines’ execution:

    “As I said in an earlier thread Cameron was doing everthing to get him executed.”

    “Have to say it is well timed, Je, to get his ministers in line regarding attacks over Syrian airspace.”

    “is it another disputed beheading?”

    “I hope the Haines family can see through the smoke and mirrors.”


    Always a pleasure to draw renewed attention to the scum producers and crazies!

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