The Racist Concept of Israel 543

Israeli economics minister Naftali Bennett has claimed of Binyamin Netanyahu that “The prime minister is not a private person but the leader of the Jewish state and the whole Jewish world.” Really? Netanyahu is the leader of all the Jews in London, or California, or Ethiopia, who may never have set foot in his state?

This extraordinary remark by Bennett lays bare the fundamental flaw in the very concept of Israel. It is not a modern state, defined as a territory and comprising all the various citizens of whatever descent who live within it. It is rather a vicious racist construct, defined absolutely by race, refusing territorial limits, and with an aggressive theocratic overlay that claims tribal superiority over the entire rest of the world.


Here is a picture of the New Zealand cricket team. In the last twelve months, New Zealand cricket teams have fielded payers including Hamish Rutherford, Peter Fulton, Colin Munro, Dean Brownlie, Ross Taylor, Rob Nicol, Corey Anderson, Grant Elliott, Jimmy Neesham, Kyle Mills, Adam Milne and Mark Craig, not to mention the McCullum brothers. But if I told you that Alex Salmond was the leader of all Scots around the world, including the Black Caps, you would quite rightly call me a nutter.

We would not tolerate the level of racism in any other country that we tolerate from Israel. There was a huge outcry against Labour MP Paul Flynn who dared question whether it was sensible to send a strongly professed Zionist Jew as British ambassador to Israel, but when the Israeli government itself proclaim the political leadership of all Jews all over the world, it is a logical impossibility not to ask the question.

I wish nothing but good to all people, including all Jewish people, but by their increasingly hardline racialist approach, their unceasing encroachment on Palestinian land and their rigorous adoption of all the racist mechanisms of an apartheid state internally, I feat that the window of opportunity for a peaceful future for those Jewish people living in what is currently Israel is closing fast.

It must be universally proclaimed: there is not a single racial group in the whole world from whom worldwide racial claims of political allegiance, or an internal racially based legislative order, are acceptable. Bennett’s remarks are beyond the limit of civilised political discourse.

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543 thoughts on “The Racist Concept of Israel

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  • Tony M

    “I was told to refer to black plastic bags as green in the 80′s so I wouldn’ offend black people.”

    Utter bollocks, either a lie, an urban myth, or someone was taking this piss out of you.

  • DoNNyDarKo

    That’s exactly how we reacted Tony.We thought it was utter bollocks.
    It was in London close to Stockwell and it was to do with the garbage sized black bags used for rubbish and its a fact.Don’t care whether you believe it or not.

  • Rehmat

    On October 14, 2014, the Student Union at one of Britain’s top Universities, the 110-year-old Goldsmiths University of London in south-east London unanimously rejected a motion to mark Holocaust Day, claiming doing that would be recognizing European colonialism.

    The motion was proposed by a former member of anti-Muslim, anti-immigration UKIP Britain’s new rising political party, Colin Courtbus (Jewish).

  • Mary

    As John Stanton writes, the US is a fascist country.

    A good example here. Ray McGovern a 75 year old activist and friend of Craig’s was manhandled by the NYPD.

    From Medialens.

    NYPD arrests, ‘brutalizes’ peace activist McGovern ahead of Petraeus speech
    Posted by MikeD on October 31, 2014, 12:00 pm

    NYPD arrests, ‘brutalizes’ peace activist McGovern ahead of Petraeus speech

    Strangely the video embedded in the article is not available “private”???

    … The World Can’t Wait alleged on Twitter that McGovern was “brutalized” by the NYPD and later reported “screams coming from backroom” where the activist was being held. RT has contacted the NYPD who have yet to respond to allegations.

    It appeared that the activist was detained even before entering the venue, despite having a ticket for the event…

    Re: NYPD arrests, ‘brutalizes’ peace activist McGovern ahead of Petraeus speech
    Posted by Kenneth on October 31, 2014, 12:50 pm, in reply

    I saw the video earlier today. Ray McGovern was clearly manhandled quite unnecessarily and was screaming about his shoulder. He appeared to be in a lot (of) pain. People seem to be arrested at the drop of a hat in the US. No doubt such action will follow here if it has not done so already. Reasonable approach, persuasion, respect for people’s rights does not appear to figure these days. Aggression, excessive force on demonstrators is the order of the day apparently.

  • YouKnowMyName

    Israel probably doesn’t do torture, so let’s focus on those who *are* involved:
    UK paid £50M to Guantanamo survivors, according to the wacky, but occasionally right

    (Examiner is a US based hyperlocal news aggregator which allegedly has “a less-strict standard for accuracy and attribution in stories that appear on the Web”)
    balance that with the likelihood of austerity-hit Britain handing out £50 million to keep torture secret?


  • YouKnowMyName

    Whilst waiting for Craig’s ‘new’ Blog skin…

    News just in:

    Switzerland arrested three Iraqis who were planning terrorist attacks in Europe
    Published: 31. October at 15:27
    Swiss authorities said that they arrested three Iraqi citizens who are suspected of supporting the “Islamic state” and the preparation of terrorist attacks in Europe, reports Reuters, (this happened when? – in March 2014)

    Finnish food exports to Russia fell by 60%
    Published: 31. October at 15:02
    Such a sharp decline is due to the introduction in August of the Russian embargo on agricultural and food products from the EU.

    Russian students will not be able to receive free education in Finland
    Published: 29. October at 16:41
    The Finnish Government is planning to introduce tuition fees for students coming to Finland from outside the European Economic Area.
    (It actually applies to ALL foreign students – but you need a catchy headline!)

    FIFA apologized for showing a promo video with the ‘Russian’ Crimea
    Published: 31. October at 10:38
    The Federation of International Football Associations (FIFA) has apologized for the presence of the Crimea on a map of Russia.
    “Unfortunately, the map of Russia chosen for this event was provided by the local service provider…, we apologize, “

    Danish press: Russian Air Force in the summer trained to attack on Denmark
    Published: 30. October at 12:37
    In mid-June, the Russian air force trained to attack the island of Bornholm, writes the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten.
    According to a report in the exploration side of the island were sent aircraft equipped with missiles. Before reaching the island, the plane turned around and flew in the opposite direction. At this time, there was a meeting on the island of Danish politicians.

    NATO concerned about the increased activity of the Russian Air Force over Europe
    Published: 30. October at 08:33
    NATO claims that their tracking service detected on 28 and 29 October 2014 several groups of Russian combat aircraft involved in major military manoeuvres in European airspace over the Baltic, Black and North seas, and over the Atlantic.
    “Around 3.00 am CET on October 29 NATO radars found a group of eight Russian aircraft over the North Sea,” – said the alliance.
    The alarm had been raised also by F-16 fighter RAF Norwegian pilots who identified Russian planes – four strategic bomber Tu-95 and four tanker aircraft IL-78
    (secret sorties by The Bear…?…Nope, “the Russian fighters are said to have reported their flight plan and were using transponders, but did not support radio communication with civil air traffic services.”)

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    Saber-rattling is a dangerous business. NATO plays their games and Vlad the Bad returns the favor.

    “In 1983, Cold War tensions between the United States and Soviet Union had escalated to a level not seen since the Cuban Missile Crisis because of several factors. These included the United States’ Strategic Defense Initiative, its planned deployment of Pershing II missiles in Europe in March and April, and FleetEx ’83, the largest fleet exercise held to date in the North Pacific.[26] The military hierarchy of the Soviet Union (particularly the old guard led by Soviet General Secretary Yuri Andropov and Soviet Defense Minister Dmitry Ustinov) viewed these actions as bellicose and destabilizing; they were deeply suspicious of US President Ronald Reagan’s intentions and openly fearful he was planning a first strike nuclear attack against the Soviet Union. These fears culminated in Operation RYAN, the code name for a secret intelligence gathering program initiated by Andropov to detect a potential nuclear sneak attack which he believed Reagan was plotting.[27]
    Aircraft from USS Midway and USS Enterprise repeatedly overflew Soviet military installations in the disputed Kurile Islands during FleetEx ’83,[28] resulting in the dismissal or reprimanding of Soviet military officials who had been unable to shoot them down.[29] On the Soviet side, Operation RYAN was expanded.[29] Lastly, there was a heightened alert around the Kamchatka Peninsula at the time KAL 007 was in the vicinity, because of a Soviet missile test that was scheduled for the same day. A United States Air Force RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft flying in the area was monitoring the missile test off the peninsula.[30]
    At 15:51 UTC, according to Soviet sources,[22] KAL 007 entered the restricted airspace of the Kamchatka Peninsula. The buffer zone extended 200 kilometres (120 mi) from Kamchatka’s coast and is known as a Flight Information Region (FIR). The 100-kilometre (62 mi) radius of the buffer zone nearest to Soviet territory had the additional designation of prohibited airspace. When KAL 007 was about 130 kilometres (81 mi) from the Kamchatka coast, one MiG-23 and three Su-15 Flagon fighters were scrambled to intercept the Boeing 747.[8]”

  • ------------·´`·.¸¸.¸¸.··.¸¸Node

    Political correctness is a construct of the media. It’s a form of thought control. Its purpose is to create a majority opinion which is difficult to challenge. A co-ordinated campaign using opinion formers in the worlds of media, politics and entertainment creates a ‘them and us’ mentality, ‘us’ being decent folk, ‘them’ being beyond the pale. It’s a two-fold strategy – demonising dissent is just as important as encouraging ‘correct’ thought.

    Political correctness is a powerful tool.
    (1) It creates a climate of opinion conducive to the long term strategy of the puppet masters.
    (2) It discourages and impedes dissent.
    (3) It trains ‘us’ to think in over-simplified black and white terms.
    (4) It conditions us to the media as arbiters of acceptable belief.

  • ------------·´`·.¸¸.¸¸.··.¸¸Node

    correction above ^
    (4) It conditions us to accept the media as arbiters of acceptable belief.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    ‘Slask’ translation…sediment, Arbed.

    Let’s drill a core.

  • BrianFujisan

    Very Good interview with Gareth Porter as he describes Israel’s Forged Document in The International Atomic Energy Agency’s investigation into Iran’s Supposed Nuclear experiments Ect.

    Porter Goes into the Suspect Document in some detail at 4;00 Mins in…
    The whole interview is informative Methinks. –

    Iran’s Non-Existent Nuke Program | Interview with Gareth Porter –

    Further on This Subject From Gareth Porter @

  • DoNNyDarKo

    watched The Day Israel Attacked America on Al Jazeera today.

    Israel cooly and calculated first jammed all signals from the USS Liberty and then proceeded to attack with rockets and napalm causing mayhem on board.You can hear the chatter with the pilots as they joke about leaving a bit for the navy to do.In due course the Navy fire 5 torpedoes at the stricken ship one of which was a direct hit.They were trying to sink it and put the blame elsewhere.And the reason was to hide the fact that the were attacking Syria and Egypt and Jordan simultaneously,which was a land grab of massive proportions.
    The cover up which followed Israels blackmail of a US president meant that even to this day there has been no action taken.
    It shows Israel for what they are.
    Well worth a watch.

  • Republicofscotland

    Glenn UK

    Yes Glenn I can agree with most of what, you say, however, I saw the Sandyhook incident, (I’ll add if a hoax/false flag), as we don’t know the truth for certain, as an attempt to disarm or bring on the cause to disarm, the American public. I know that scenario doesn’t sit easy with you, and that’s fair enough.

    I would say though if it was the case it failed miserably as in my opinion, the Second Amendment (The right to bear arms) is deeply entrenched in the American psyche, and no amount of false flags will uncouple the USA’s love of its firearms, and for any American’s reading this its not a slight on the carrying of weapons or your good selves.

    A missattributed quote, though nonetheless a powerful and largely true in description, is the one by Isoroku Yamamoto a Japanese Admiral of WWII “You cannot invade the mainland United States,there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.”

    Of Course, allegedly Adolf Hilter once said, “To conquer a nation, one must first disarm its citizens.”

    I do believe the events such as Sandyhook and The Boston Bombing, 9/11 etc, are, designed to push the USA, further towards a Totalitarianism, society.

    Re the Boston Bombing I read the article very interesting indeed, however a much more lucid picture of the event can be found here.

    And here.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    ” Halbrook said that he decided to research the topic because “Nobody has ever researched it. I first heard about it when I was an undergraduate in college in 1968, and there were these gun registration bills proposed in Congress. […] The proponents of the bill challenged that and said they actually had commissioned a Library of Congress study saying there was no use of gun registration lists by the Nazis, either in Germany or in occupied countries, which was blatantly stupid. When (the Nazis) took power in 1933, they immediately used the (gun registration) records to disarm political enemies.” [4]”

    It’s not just despotic regimes, but also those who aspire to controlling the population and I think that includes nearly all governments.

  • doug scorgie

    Keith Crosby
    30 Oct, 2014 – 7:23 pm

    “Zionism is a secular fascist ideology and Judaism is a religion, they are antithetical.”

    They are not antithetical Keith.

    Zionism comprises political Zionism and religious Zionism both are racist.

    Perhaps you could back up your statement with some reasoning?

  • jacques

    Sacré bleu! C’est très ennuyeux ici, maintenant écrivains l’intéressants sont allés!

  • Republicofscotland

    **Breaking News**

    Fiona Woolf has resigned,from the chair of the Child sex abuse inquiry.

    Woolf was allegedly to close to Lord Brittan, who’s name has been linked to certain unsavoury events, surrounding the complainers cases.

  • fred

    “It’s not just despotic regimes, but also those who aspire to controlling the population and I think that includes nearly all governments.”

    I would think so too.

    We’re paying them a lot of money to control the population, they had better not be slacking.

  • doug scorgie

    288 comments and still no Habbabkuk, Kempe or ResDis.

    There are some Zionist trolls here but none have made any comment on Craig’s opening thread.

    Israel, as a Jewish state, is finished (its only a matter of time).

    Zionism is at the centre of Israel’s demise and was always the enemy of the word’s Jews.

  • Mary

    She’s gorn as RoS said.

    BREAKING NEWS:Theresa May accepts Fiona Woolf resignation “with regret”, adds “she would have carried out her duties with integrity” LOLZ

    So choice No 3 Theresa??

    Perhaps she should push off too in view of her appalling record as Home Secretary. Omnishambles.

  • Iain Orr

    Here’s thematic and topical Hallowe’en entertainment, GBS’s shortest play. Others may have seen it before: I only discovered it last week when I bought a copy of Fenner Brockway’s autobiographical volume “Outside the Right” (Gollancz 1963 pp 97-99) from a book sale at The Socialist Party HQ at 52 Clapham High Street.

    Text begins:
    ACT I

    1917. Scene: The Foreign Secretary’s room at the Foreign Office. Arthur is contemplating with dismay a document which has been handed to him by an attache.
    Arthur: Boy, this is awful. Are you sure your figures are correct?
    Attache: They have been checked 3 times over, sir.
    Arthur: This is really what the war is costing us?
    Attache: Under the mark, if anything, sir.
    Arthur: Young man, do you realize – but no. Only a Scot can feel as I feel about it. Look at this one item alone. Five thousand and thirty-eight pounds, 15 shillings and 9 & 7/8 pence for cordite enough to kill a single German. How can any country stand such a strain?
    Attache: It’s not the cordite, sir. It’s the acetone [**] that is so expensive. Cordite cannot be made without acetone.
    Arthur: I don’t know what acetone is; and I don’t care. All I know is that if we go on like this we shall have to give an order to cease killing Germans. Dead Germans cost too much… Are our chemists trying how to find something cheaper?
    Attache: They are doing their best; but nothing has come of it so far. There’s a chemist in Manchester who has a microbe that makes acetone for next to nothing.
    Arthur: Send him here instantly. Why hasn’t he been sent here before?
    Attache: Impossible, sir, unfortunately.
    Arthur: Nothing is impossible when we are at war. Why is it impossible?
    Attache: He is a Jew, sir.
    Arthur: Is his microbe a Jew?
    Attache: I suppose not, sir.
    Arthur: Is Sir Herbert Samuel a Jew or is he not? Is he in the Cabinet or is he not?
    Attache: But it is a coalition Government, sir. All sorts of people are let in.
    Arthur: Any other objection?
    Attache: Well, Manchester, you know, sir. Provincial. And Owens College! If it were Cambridge, now, we might stretch a point.
    Arthur: If this Jewish gentleman is not in this room in 3 hours, you go to the trenches.
    Attache: Oh, if you make a point of it, of course. But we shall lose tone.
    Arthur (roaring): Get out!
    (The attache shrugs his shoulders and goes out.)
    Arthur (clutching his temples as he again pores over the sheet of figures): Five thousand and thirty-eight golden pounds to put one Boche out of action! And we have to exterminate the lot of them!

    ACT II

    (As before, 3 hours later, but with Dr Chaim Weizmann instead of the attache.)
    Arthur: Doctor Weizmann, we must have that microbe at your own price. Name it. We shall not hesitate at 6 figures.
    Dr Weizmann: I do not ask for money.
    Arthur: There must be some misunderstanding. I was informed that you are a Jew.
    Weizmann: You were informed correctly. I am a Jew.
    Arthur: But – pardon me – you said you did not ask for money.
    Weizmann: Precisely, I do not want money.
    Arthur: A title, perhaps? Baron? Viscount? Do not hesitate.
    Weizmann: Nothing would induce me to accept a title. I should have to pay more for everything.
    Arthur: Then may I ask, without offence, since you want none of the things that everybody wants, what the devil do you want?
    Weizmann: I want Jerusalem.
    Arthur: It’s yours. I only regret that we cannot throw in Madagascar as well. Unfortunately it belongs to the French Government. The Holy Land belongs naturally to the Church of England and to it you are most welcome. And now will you be so good as to hand over the microbe.


    Mr Bernard Shaw in his sumptuously furnished study reading the announcement of the Balfour Declaration.
    MR B. S.: Another Ulster! As if one were not enough.

    Text from: [note typos I have corrected: “Owns college” to “Owens” and two misspellings of Weizmann]

  • jives

    The Woolf has quit eh?

    Look like The Establishment are running out of establishing establishmentarians who aren’t in The Establishment.

    Who next one wonders?

  • BrianFujisan


    A Good Piece here, Re The Poppy campaign –

    ” Selling the poppy is a way of raising funds and the Legion (it only gained its ‘Royal’ status in 1971) still supports ex-servicemen and/or their families. But, to quote the RBL’s website:

    ‘When the Legion’s leaders looked around them in 1921, not only did they see a gigantic task in front of them looking after those who had suffered in the recent war, they also sought to prevent further sacrifice by reminding the nation of the human cost of war and to work actively for peace.’

    There’s precious little evidence of the Legion or anyone connected to the military seeking to prevent further ‘sacrifice’. ‘Reminding the nation of the human cost of war’ is sanitised by the language used – the ‘glorious dead’, the ‘heroes’ who sacrificed themselves. What noble, clean and tidy images those words create! Sadness and grief there might be, but no honest retelling or reliving of the true cost will be part of the many ceremonies at war memorials across the land.
    And ‘working actively for peace’ has always been absent. That got left to the wearers of the white ‘Peace’ poppies. The white poppies grew out of the desire of the widows, mothers, sisters, daughters and fiancées who had lost men to the war to promote the message ‘Never Again’. WWI had been so truly apocalyptic that we should learn the lesson and never tread the road to war again. Except, of course, that not many years later we were all embroiled in WW2….

    ” The Poppies that were once worn just on Armistice Day (it became known as Remembrance Day after WW2) creep onto the streets earlier and earlier, with buyers expected to wear them from the moment of purchase, and stay visible for some days after November 11. This year the RBL Poppy Appeal began with the launch of their official song, a very mawkish The Call, performed by the Poppy Girls, and a pop concert at RAF Northolt, where ‘Thousands of service personnel and their families will wear their poppies with pride during the concert…’. This took place on October 24th, weeks before Armistice Day. Three and a half weeks of hard sell, not to remember the dead but to support the military.
    The message ‘Never Forget’ has become ‘look to the future’. A Legion press release contained a photo of four children with giant poppies. Printed on the T-shirts of three of them were the words ‘Future Soldier’. How tasteless and tacky is that? And Prince William’s wife Kate put a glittering final touch to a black evening dress with a crystal red poppy, a present from the Legion…

    ” Robert Fisk, whose father fought in WWI, asked, ‘How come this obscene fashion appendage – inspired by a pro-war poem, for God’s sake, which demands yet further human sacrifice – still adorns the jackets and blouses of the Great and the Good?’ Knowing his WWI history rather better than most politicians, he has refused to wear a poppy for some time ‘Is there not,’ he wrote, ‘some better way to remember this monstrous crime against humanity?’….

    ” Also taking part in the Moral Maze discussion on the modern meaning of the poppy and Remembrance was British ex-SAS soldier, Ben Griffin. More than anyone on the panel he knew the horrors of war firsthand and he was scathing about the modern Remembrance Day ceremonies. ‘We have stopped remembering,’ he said. When asked to justify that statement (his inquisitors being very pro-Remembrance) he said that we don’t remember what war is really like. We dress it up in rites that talk about ‘the fallen’. ‘Soldiers don’t fall,’ he added brutally, ‘they get their heads blown off, get burnt alive or riddled with bullets. There is no true remembrance’, he said again. If there were, we’d maybe stop fighting wars.

    ” Griffin’s hero was Harry Patch who was, when he died in August 2009, the last surviving soldier who served in the trenches. Harry Patch – who said that ‘War is organised murder’…

    For the full piece By Lesley Docksey –

  • Mary

    d’Ancona is leaving the Torygraph to join this Tory pressure group outfit.

    His fellow stenographers-to-power are all congratulatory.

    Warning: a celebratory round of journalistic backslapping breaks out.
    Posted by The Medialens Editors on October 31, 2014, 3:44 pm

    Matthew d’Ancona of the Sunday Telegraph, Andrew Rawnsley of the Observer and Nick Cohen, also of the Observer. John Rentoul of the Independent on Sunday is lurking around too, if you look around the tweets. Oh, and Damian Green, Tory MP. All one Big Boys’ Club.

  • YouKnowMyName

    @Doug 288 comments and still no Habbabkuk, Kempe or ResDis
    Maybe there’s an election/referendum on somewhere that needs ‘gaming’ with a higher priority than Craig, after all the Security State, though large isn’t yet omnipotent. The ten plausible identities per workstation might be online elsewhere fighting the good fight in the US mid-terms? The workstation tech team can work in shifts, so in theory they could be ‘droning’ on the web 24h/day somewhere.

    Or is it Samhain?

  • Ba'al Zevul

    ….The location and frequency of attacks by Scoti remain unclear, as do the origin and identity of the Gaelic population-groups who participated in these raids.[8] By the 5th century, the Gaelic kingdom of Dál Riata had emerged on the west coast of Scotland. As this kingdom grew in size and influence, the name was applied to all its subjects – hence the modern terms Scot, Scottish and Scotland.

    Happy Halloween. Sofia, fragrant though your Gaelic arse probably is, redolent of the heather in bloom, Laphroaig and clootie dumplings, I shall have to disappoint you in the matter of kissing it. I was taking the widest possible view of the Celtic tribal assemblage which ultimately became the Scots, and am aware that they didn’t emerge as a coherent entity with that name until later. However, I don’t think my remark indicated otherwise. I include the Strathclyde Welsh in this. They were P-Celtic speakers (like the Picts and the Welsh), but founded the kingdom of Strathclyde. And indeed handed Dalriada its bits on a plate in 646…

    In AD 642, the Annals of Ulster report that the Britons of Alt Clut led by Eugein son of Beli defeated the men of Dál Riata and killed Domnall Brecc, grandson of Áedán.

    Fascinating and poorly documented era. And very complicated.

  • Ba'al Zevul

    I’ll go with 642 AD. My bad. I have just enough Gaelic to think that Domnall Brecc (=Domnhuill Breac, presumably) means something like Spotty Donnie…

    And then there was the Lordship of the Isles. Same people, different owner.

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