The Racist Concept of Israel 543

Israeli economics minister Naftali Bennett has claimed of Binyamin Netanyahu that “The prime minister is not a private person but the leader of the Jewish state and the whole Jewish world.” Really? Netanyahu is the leader of all the Jews in London, or California, or Ethiopia, who may never have set foot in his state?

This extraordinary remark by Bennett lays bare the fundamental flaw in the very concept of Israel. It is not a modern state, defined as a territory and comprising all the various citizens of whatever descent who live within it. It is rather a vicious racist construct, defined absolutely by race, refusing territorial limits, and with an aggressive theocratic overlay that claims tribal superiority over the entire rest of the world.


Here is a picture of the New Zealand cricket team. In the last twelve months, New Zealand cricket teams have fielded payers including Hamish Rutherford, Peter Fulton, Colin Munro, Dean Brownlie, Ross Taylor, Rob Nicol, Corey Anderson, Grant Elliott, Jimmy Neesham, Kyle Mills, Adam Milne and Mark Craig, not to mention the McCullum brothers. But if I told you that Alex Salmond was the leader of all Scots around the world, including the Black Caps, you would quite rightly call me a nutter.

We would not tolerate the level of racism in any other country that we tolerate from Israel. There was a huge outcry against Labour MP Paul Flynn who dared question whether it was sensible to send a strongly professed Zionist Jew as British ambassador to Israel, but when the Israeli government itself proclaim the political leadership of all Jews all over the world, it is a logical impossibility not to ask the question.

I wish nothing but good to all people, including all Jewish people, but by their increasingly hardline racialist approach, their unceasing encroachment on Palestinian land and their rigorous adoption of all the racist mechanisms of an apartheid state internally, I feat that the window of opportunity for a peaceful future for those Jewish people living in what is currently Israel is closing fast.

It must be universally proclaimed: there is not a single racial group in the whole world from whom worldwide racial claims of political allegiance, or an internal racially based legislative order, are acceptable. Bennett’s remarks are beyond the limit of civilised political discourse.

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543 thoughts on “The Racist Concept of Israel

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  • Ba'al Zevul

    I’m sure they at any rate knew what they were doing. RIP. But the only practicaljustification for sending obscenely rich people into space would be if they were Tony Blair, and they stayed there….

  • Ba'al Zevul

    Looks like the propellant blew up. They;ve just changed the fuel (old one not enough impulse, oscillating burn) and the combination of liquid oxidant and solid fuel must present considerable practical challenges -worst of both worlds IMHO.

  • FrIGhTnIgHt

    If you shut your eyes when playing this link you can really imagine a witch talking about a spell…. not Christine Lagarde from the IMF…

    THE MAGIC NUMBER SEVEN Christine Lagarde on The Global Economy (Full Speech)

    (first 5 mins is enough see how many times she mentions 7 in occult terms)

  • Peacewisher

    @Ian Orr: That’s amazing! The Germans invented the Haber process (main ingredients water + air) so by 1917 they could make explosives literally on an industrial scale with very few raw materials. Weltzmann’s biological catalyst was probably the counter to Haber which tipped the balance back in Britain’s favour. This “conspiracy theory” about Weltzmann has been bubbling around the Internet for years… and GBS had the event tagged all along! Is this meant to be an “official secret”, I wonder? Otherwise, GBS’s play should be part of the BBC’s 2014-2018 glamorisation of war (today on the radio 4 news I heard ww1 soldiers described as “Saving the British Empire”).

  • Ba'al Zevul

    It’s Act 3 which grabs me. How right he was. Though probably on a larger scale than he could imagine.

    Frightnight appears to be a troll. Boring.

  • doug scorgie

    31 Oct, 2014 – 5:38 am

    “Prince Harry meets stars to support poppy appeal”
    “Prince Harry meets Barbara Windsor in support of the London Poppy Day Appeal”

    Yes Mary, the poppy appeal is well and truly hijacked by the elites.

    Soap and fantasy-land royalty shows the contempt they have for British public our military and war dead.

  • FrIGhTnIgHt

    re habby et al I think they realised everybody hates them and what they stand for. Maybe mission aborted?
    When was the hasbara crew’s last post? maybe today/tonight is busy day for them too?

  • Ba'al Zevul

    I was actually trying to engage with you

    I would never discourage that. Motives always interest me. Why? I don’t do numerology, and have no reason to believe the moon landings were faked. Warning – if you deny the holocaust, the owner will ban you. Over to you. Engage.

  • Tim

    Maybe Habbakuk has just realised that he can wind you up even more by not posting – and it costs less effort. Better than thinking that there might be better things in the world

  • FrIGhTnIgHt

    Absolutely not denying the holocaust – never have and never will.

    No motive other than to discuss. honest injun.

    re space – jurys out for me. I studied physics at undergrad level and can’t believe nonsense that nasa.spews out. LOOK AT THE SPACECRAFT THAT WENT TO THE MOON. I mean seriously? Also do you believe that pumpkin picture is real btw? One thing I would love to ask nasa is if lying still works in a vacuum?! 🙂

    Why no interest in numerology? It probably is a load of bollocks but one things for sure the occult elite use it a lot – so why not recognise the fingerprints of their machinations? Do you seriously believe you know the people in power? these are administrators. Thats why it doesn’t matter who you vote for.

    Where do you stand on 9/11? also I know I am not supposed to discuss that either but the other thread is locked.

    Genuinely here for a discussion not for bother 🙂

  • Mary

    Maybe Habbabkuk has returned in ghoul mode as ‘Frying

    Small portion of chips please. Salt. No vinegar. 😉

  • Ba'al Zevul

    Ok Fright, I’ll buy it for now. 9/11 – can’t be quite certain of who did it or why, but I’m sure it was done by aircraft, as stated and independently filmed. Occam’s Razor is my friend – do not multiply hypotheses unnecessarily. They should have taught you that at uni…I see nothing inexplicable in the mode of collapse, and while it may possibly be true that a vanload of Jewish-looking people was seen cheering and waving as the towers went down, a Jewish conspiracy theorist might be moved to observe that of course they were (insert Muslim/ Iranian/ antisemitic / other villain of choice) dressed up as Jews to deflect the blame. Or they might have been celebrating something else entirely. Yes, I am aware of PNAC.

    THere is IMO no ‘occult elite’: you are entitled to your opinion, of course. The mutual interest of the rich and privileged in preserving their agreeable existences needs no occult explanation. All too human, I’m afraid. Ditto lizard people from Planet Icke and the poor old Masons. Sorry.

    Have a good evening – I’m off.

  • FrIGhTnIgHt

    Surely you’re not missing your nemesis Mary?

    ISIS : A CIA Creation to Justify War Abroad and Repression at Home

    Ever since the creation of democratic nations – where public opinion somewhat matters – the political class is faced with a dilemma: War is needed to gain power, riches, and control, but the general public has a tendency to be against it. What to do? The answer was found decades ago and is still used successfully today: Create an enemy so terrifying that the masses will beg their government to go to war.

    This is why ISIS exists. This is why the beheading videos are so “well-produced” and publicized worldwide through mainstream media.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    Just because the trolls are disiinterested in the thread is no reason to slow the pace of posts.

  • Iain Orr

    @ Peacewisher 7.52 pm and @ Ba’al Zevul at 7.56 pm and 7.59 pm:
    Thank you both for confirming my view that GBS scratches itches others are unaware of. His “lost” play/ playlet about the Balfour Declaration is known more widely than I had anticipated, as you’ll find by googling any distinctive phrase from his script. Balfour’s approach lends credence to feminist deconstructions of international law – however much these may appear to be plausible candidates for Private Eye’s “Pseud’s Corner”, such as:

    “Penetration of dark, unbounded territory (terra nullius) justified its ownership. Colonialism was represented in an erotic way, with the male coloniser taming, through intercourse, an unbounded, uncontrolled female people [cf the UK’s “Palestine MANdate”- bad but irresistible unetymological pun]. Colonised territories were presented as uncivilised, unable to protect their territory or to resist the well- organised incursions of a superior culture.”
    From “The boundaries of international law: a feminist analysis” by Hilary Charlesworth and Christine Chinkin, Manchester UP, 2000 p 130. Note: Hilary Charlesworth gave an excellent lecture at LSE on 21 October – ”Rituals and Ritualism in the International Human Rights Systems”. Feminism is a language that translates poorly into both misogynism and UK/US English. The dictionary relating these languages awaits its lexicographer.

    Who else has/has not read the Shaw playlet before? Who thinks it has relevance now? Who knows if it can be found on Israeli websites?

  • Mary

    When referring to Branson, please remember to use plenty of mouthwash afterwards. Dangerous. Taking over more and more of OUR NHS. I am sure not for any motive other than to make money.

    Read – Explore our services
    ‘We run over 230 NHS services across the country. Find a service near you here.’

    He doesn’t seem to have penetrated into Wales or Scotland, yet.

    I am one of the patients on his ‘virtual’ ward. YCNMIU. Care non existent.

    c/o Virgincare Virtual Ward,
    Necker Island Enterprises,
    British Virgin Islands.

    A snip if you want to stay.
    From $62,000 per night for 30 adults
    ($2,070 per person per night)

  • Mary

    What is this pair of old duffers doing trailing round Santos’s Colombia with its terrible human rights record? A nice little jolly in the sun?

    Charles and Camilla complete final day of Colombia tour No comment

    They follow on in the footsteps of the war criminal duo, Clinton and BLiar.

  • Iain Orr

    Mary – thank you for your Branson-watching, both locally and as far as the British Virgin Islands. I have a strong interest in BVI as a UK overseas territory; but also in Branson’s marketisation of space. [Google does not recognise the word and suggests “militarisation”. What does Google know?] Please keep us posted on Branson’s manoeuvres, wherever they are.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    “Grassy knoll, it only means one thing here in America’

    – See more at:

    He knew exactly what the confluence is. He must also know that Obama lacks the same cajones as JFK who threatened to break CIA into a million pieces. that sort of self-sacrificial element within CIC is missing from this POTUS.

    Netanyahu is officially ‘The Worst Person of the Year’ but it comes out of desperation. He knows the hammer of ICC hangs like the sword of Damocles and he is the worthy recipient.

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