The Racist Concept of Israel 543

Israeli economics minister Naftali Bennett has claimed of Binyamin Netanyahu that “The prime minister is not a private person but the leader of the Jewish state and the whole Jewish world.” Really? Netanyahu is the leader of all the Jews in London, or California, or Ethiopia, who may never have set foot in his state?

This extraordinary remark by Bennett lays bare the fundamental flaw in the very concept of Israel. It is not a modern state, defined as a territory and comprising all the various citizens of whatever descent who live within it. It is rather a vicious racist construct, defined absolutely by race, refusing territorial limits, and with an aggressive theocratic overlay that claims tribal superiority over the entire rest of the world.


Here is a picture of the New Zealand cricket team. In the last twelve months, New Zealand cricket teams have fielded payers including Hamish Rutherford, Peter Fulton, Colin Munro, Dean Brownlie, Ross Taylor, Rob Nicol, Corey Anderson, Grant Elliott, Jimmy Neesham, Kyle Mills, Adam Milne and Mark Craig, not to mention the McCullum brothers. But if I told you that Alex Salmond was the leader of all Scots around the world, including the Black Caps, you would quite rightly call me a nutter.

We would not tolerate the level of racism in any other country that we tolerate from Israel. There was a huge outcry against Labour MP Paul Flynn who dared question whether it was sensible to send a strongly professed Zionist Jew as British ambassador to Israel, but when the Israeli government itself proclaim the political leadership of all Jews all over the world, it is a logical impossibility not to ask the question.

I wish nothing but good to all people, including all Jewish people, but by their increasingly hardline racialist approach, their unceasing encroachment on Palestinian land and their rigorous adoption of all the racist mechanisms of an apartheid state internally, I feat that the window of opportunity for a peaceful future for those Jewish people living in what is currently Israel is closing fast.

It must be universally proclaimed: there is not a single racial group in the whole world from whom worldwide racial claims of political allegiance, or an internal racially based legislative order, are acceptable. Bennett’s remarks are beyond the limit of civilised political discourse.

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543 thoughts on “The Racist Concept of Israel

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  • BrianFujisan

    Israel… what a GANG OF fucking COWARDS..destroying Villages… The Olive Trees…Stealing the Children… The military wearing Sniper Cross hair t shirts..With Pregnant Palestinian women in Centre.. ” one Bullet Two Kills ”

    Videos and Fotos a plenty of the Bastards Brutality….And they don’t care where else they Provoke more wars..Craig Fucked them with his Troodos Conundrum Thread.. Delayed our bombs awhile.

    War…War…Some personal talk of war aroon here …

    ” A war on poverty or racism or any bad thing that we want eliminated is quite different from a war on a nation or a population which, typically, only a certain section of a war’s supporters actually wants eliminated.

    I don’t just mean that other wars fail to compare to war in terms of investment (“If the war on poverty were a real war we’d actually be putting money into it!”). I mean that war is entirely the wrong way, metaphorically or literally, to think about ending poverty.

    And I don’t just mean that war always fails, although it does. (“The war on terror has brought more terror and the war on drugs has brought more drugs; maybe we should have a war on happiness!”) I mean that war is a violent, reckless, irrational lashing out at a problem in order to very noisily make seen than one is “doing something.” This is entirely different from trying to develop a world without poverty or without racism or — for that matter — without war. You cannot have a war upon the makers of war and expect to get peace out of it.

    It is certainly important to recognize who is causing a problem. The 1% is hoarding wealth and imposing poverty. Promoters of sexism are driving sexism. Et cetera. But treating them as war enemies makes no more sense, and will work no better, than your local police treating your public demonstration as an act of terrorism. We don’t have to kill the 1% or win them over. We have to win over and engage in strategic nonviolent action with enough people to control our world….

    “… I’m proposing that we try thinking differently as well as talking differently, that our foreign policy make use of diplomacy, aid, and the rule of law, rather than mass-murder — or what might in strategic terms be called terrorism generation; and that our domestic policies follow suit, that we don’t just madly attack social ills, but transform the systems that generate them. A war on climate change doesn’t sound like it includes a radical reduction in consumerism and capitalism, as it must. It sounds more like a big but token investment in solar panels and perhaps a very shiny train. And a war on climate change is already something the Pentagon is beginning to use to mean actual war on human beings….

    FULL piece by By David Swanson @

  • Sofia

    Peacewisher. 11 35pm

    Good news indeed!

    More on that subject.

    Ukrainian and Novorussian feild commanders were recently filmed “…by three TV crews at the same time: a Russian one, a Novorussian one, and a Ukrainian one.  The big news here was, of course, that a Ukrainian journalist was given access to the city of Gorlovka, currently surrounded by Ukrainian forces, and that she got to speak with the local people, including combatants and then that she was given access to Bezler himself.   Since all the journalists were more or less openly accusing each other of “filtering the truth” all parties agreed that the full recording, unedited, would be made available on YouTube.”

    Full story plus youtube links here,

    Some bits here,

    …First and foremost, it was amazing to see how much both sides fully agreed upon.  Both sides agreed that this war was useless and only benefited the enemies of the Ukraine.  Both sides expressed contempt, disgust and even hatred for the politicians in power and the oligarchs who rule over Banderastan today.   Both sides also agree that Yanukovich was a scumbag and that the Maidan protests were absolutely legitimate but that the original protests had been hijacked by enemies of the Ukraine.  Both sides also agreed that this war had to be stopped.  Now, please keep in mind that Ukrainian Nazis were, of course, not invited.  These were mainly regular Ukrainian military speaking to Novorussian military and Ukrainian activists speaking to Mozgovoi.   There were also some real disagreements.

    The Ukrainian position was this (paraphrase – not real quote): “the Maidan was legitimate and correct but you – the Novorussians – took up arms and you thereby created a crisis which the illegitimate junta used and which prevented us from defending our political goals.  We don’t want our country to further break up and what you are doing is exactly that.  Also, we know that the Russian “Polite Armed Men in Green” are fighting on your side and many of you are not representing true Ukrainian interests, but Russian interests.  Stop fighting and join the political process to clean our country from the crazies”.

    To which Mozgovoi replied (paraphrase – not real quote): “we did not choose to fight, you came to our land and you are killing our people.  If you really want to clean Kiev from the Nazi scum, then don’t stand between us and Kiev and let us pass – we will take care of them no problem.  You are taking orders from Nazis and oligarchs and you are doing nothing to stop them from killing our people.  If we were to lay down our arms, we would all be massacred.”

    One interesting thing was that when the Ukrainians accused the Novorussians of doing Russia’s bidding, Mozgovoi replied that the Ukrainians were pawns of the CIA and, amazingly, the Ukrainians pretty much agreed that the CIA was running the show.  As for Mozgovoi, he did not deny that Russia was helping.

    Both sides were expressing frustration that they could not unite their forces and jointly get rid of the oligarchs and Nazis

    And then there’s this,

    Both incidents show there is a space opening for a resolution through dialogue.

    I wish them all well with it.

  • guano

    ‘I should not have accepted the premise of the question’. It got Lord Freud into a lot of problems last month. Similar rule with all Hasbara logic. Never accept the premise of the question.

    Praise be to God, the Tunisian people have routed political Islam out of power. How long will it take for the Syrian people and the Iranian people and the Saudi people and the Qatari people to free themselves of centuries of village/ tribal politics which has nothing to do with Islam, just the process of inner battling greedy political minds fighting for being in charge.

    ISIS blew up a Naqshabandi mosque recently in Kurdistan because they venerate their imams. ISIS brain-washed idiots will do anything their nutter leaders tell them, so it’s a fight for power isn’t it nothing whatsoever to do with Islam.

    ISIS is an Israeli organisation supported by USUK for Israel to carve out the Greater Israel which will give substance to the concept of a chosen people in a Holy Land. The land has been stolen from Syria by USUKIS proxies of many descriptions and origins.

    The premise of the question that Netanyahu is a spokesman for all Israelis is about this expansionism by USUK into new territory. Islam can’t keep it all. A large part of Syria will be given to Israel to look after and a bit of it will be given to political Islam. Land, oil, houses. Both their ambitions are the same.

  • Tony_0pmoc

    You see…The Real Reason why Everyone From All Over The World wants to come Beacuse WE Come From Lancashire…couldn’t Give a Fuck about The Colour Of Your Skin..Can You Please Take That Bin Bag Off..I want to Make Love To You…well she wasn’t wearing a bin bag..she introduced me to Neil Young..and I introduced Her To Led Zeppelin…

    I confessed how much I was in Love with her…

    And she was gone.

    Story of my Life Mate…But I didn’t do Anything Wrong…

    If Falling in Love With a Beautiful Girl is a Sin…

    Well..We Eventually Turn Round and Look at You..

    You See….oh Fuck Me…They are all Looking…nah not Possible…


    and they think…that is not possible…

    Still Working On It Mate..Some Of My Old Girlfriends Kids…Are Extremely Well Qualified…

    The Evidence is Overwhelming..and My Daughter Will Personally Supply It…

    She’s 23


  • Rehmat

    The racism in Israeli society is found in every field – from Palestinian to Russian Jews to Jewish women. According to Israeli sources, there are over 350,000 Russian Jews who have been refused to get marriages perform by rabbis because they couldn’t provide proofs that they were born to a Jewish mothers.

    There are at least eight fields where a Jewish woman is discriminated in Israel.

  • ------------·´`·.¸¸.¸¸.··.¸¸Node

    @ Brian

    Hmmmm. That piece you just posted is also incredibly clever and insightful … just like Tony M’s at 10.37 …. hmmm …. two, one after the other …. could be a lucky co-incidence, or it could be that tahose tasty biscuits my friend gave me have put me in a better mood than I realised … could be both!! ….. better go to bed and read them again in the morning, see if they’re still so brilliant then ……..
    …… ” Goodnight, Mary Jane” ….. “Goodnight, John-Boy” …..

  • CanSpeccy

    @ Tony M

    Let me say also that religious belief is now largely only the preserve of the insane or mentally defective, it has been outflanked by commonsense and rationality…


    Religion is universal to humanity. Those who don’t believe in God don’t believe in nothing, they believe in anything — Communism, Liberalism, aka, political correctness, or some other bollocks usually worse by far than the Christian gospel.

    Or to put that in more abstract terms, all humans attach high emotional significance to rules of conduct, a characteristic without which human society and civilization would be impossible. That inherent human trait is usually accentuated by education or indoctrination that inculcates a belief in the power of ancestral spirits, gods, historical necessity, the unmitigated evil of racism, etc., but whatever they may believe, every person has a religion, whether they know it or not.

  • Iain Orr

    The link I provided at 11.14 pm on 29 October to the documentation of other states’ and Israel’s own view of her human rights record is worth following through.
    It gives access to all the documentation of the 2013/2014 review of Israel’s Human Rights record. The key documents to read [click E for the English language texts] are:
    National Report
    Summary of Stakeholders’ Information
    Working Group Report
    Addendum 1
    Annex 1

    It’s a slog. I’ve done it through the corresponding (and revealing) UK UPR documents. But it’s worth it. There’s certainly material for both defenders and critics of Israel and her policies as the deliberate intention of the Human Rights Council is that each country’s critics and defenders should both have their say.

    I come down on the relatively unrepresented third side, that the best solution is the one-state one, where all Israeli citizens have the same rights, whatever their religion or irreligion, race or racelessness (humanist melanists and albinos). The contiguous Greeks had, I fear, a phrase for it: “cloud-cuckoo-land”. Nevertheless, it’s the solution that might involve least suffering, hypocrisy and despair.

  • glenn_uk

    @Ben: Thanks for he Empty Wheel link. Read the comments too. Marcy Wheeler (IIRC) started that site, I recall some interviews she had on The Majority Report, on Air America back in the day.

    About politicising gun control Vs ebola. If one were to follow the most honest and logical route, it would be to use the most sound, objective advice of subject matter experts. It would not to be for rabble-rousing, hysteria and fear mongering, in the hopes of appearing the guy most able to protect the feeble masses.

    It should deal with facts. With the nebulous threat of “terrorism”, we had to suspend any form of law or decency, and spend blood and treasure on a lie – “we have to fight them over there, or we’ll have to fight them over here”.

    With ebola, we really should be fighting it over there, or we’ll have to fight it over here. It’s a genuine threat, a clear and present danger (if you will), and what are we doing about it? Almost nothing. Making political hay on public fear – at least in the US. The rest of the world pretty much still sees it as an African problem, and are happy for it to remain as such.

    With guns, I see them differently to you, in all likelihood. The fewer of them around, the fewer people will get shot. I like living in a largely gun-free society. Recall that in Sandy Hook, it wasn’t just dubious pharmaceuticals involved in the mind of that adolescent. His mother was also a well armed “prepper”.

  • glenn_uk

    @CanSpeccy: “Religion is universal to humanity. Those who don’t believe in God don’t believe in nothing, they believe in anything — Communism, Liberalism, aka, political correctness, or some other bollocks usually worse by far than the Christian gospel.

    Rubbish to you in return.

    All of the religions you feel so fondly towards, have led directly to the most appalling abuses, all in the names of their supposed gods. It must certainly puzzle you why atheists are not disproportionally represented in jails compared with Christians, instead it’s the other way around. My own sense of morality forced me to question and finally abandon my own Christian faith, for instance.

    There is not a scrap of evidence for any religious belief, which is why they demand “faith” – which is believing what you know ain’t so, to quote a certain Mr Clemens.

    Despite scams, abuses, massive fraud, a total lack of evidence – and I do mean total – this “belief” pervades. Like a zombie – arms outstretched – the faithful absorb every blow fired, of logic, evidence, appeals to reason, examination of the facts. Blows surely enough to stop any sentient creature. Yet nothing stops it, the faith-filled zombie staggers on.

  • CanSpeccy

    There is not a scrap of evidence for any religious belief, which is why they demand “faith” – which is believing what you know ain’t so, to quote a certain Mr Clemens.

    Who said anything about evidence?

    All humans attach high emotional significance to rules of conduct, a characteristic without which human society and civilization would be impossible.

    The inherent human tendency to assimilate moral rules is accentuated in the case of those of the traditional religions by belief in the power of ancestral spirits or gods to punish or reward. But for those without belief in the supernatural, fear of the moral disapprobation of those of like indoctrination and the desire for their applause is sufficient to enforce a morality resting solely on some such belief as historical necessity, the unmitigated evil of racism, vegetarianism, the moral equivalence of man and animals, or God help us, something even crazier such as the power of common sense and rationality to achieve the greatest good of the greatest number.

    But whatever it is that they believe or disbelieve, every person has a religion, whether they know it or not.

  • Tony_0pmoc

    It is not about a music score nor trying to make money…it is about trying to find a way forward from the people we are..

    We are not doing so well are we…

    But we see our kids doing their best in their own sweet ways…yes we all have our ups and downs..I tried to explain this too her..after I brought the most beautiful girl in the world home to see my Mum…and everyone thought we were going to get marrried…but we didn’t. We split up..I mean even before that I couldn’t bring my Girlfriend back home..but my latest was blonde..and that would be completely acceptable…except..she liked Hawkwind too..and was far more experienced..and she had two of her own kids…That would not be I hardly phoned my Mum in over 12 months..Then we Split Up…She Loved Me So Much…well that is my eff off and find your own life and wife…

    so I effed off back from Yorkshire To Lancashire and Introduced My New Lancashire Blonde Girlfriend to My Mum…

    I could Tell…

    The thing is…bringing Your Girlfriends home for the first time to see Your Mum…No its O.K. For me…but they are all really nervous….

    And My Mum Welcomes Them With Open Arms…

    Thinking..well I didn’t make him a Priest..and He Certainly Ain’t Gay (she was very Religious..I just liked Girls)

    My Mum Could Tell…

    Yeh She’ll Do…

    The Girls just INSTANTLY got on so Well…

    My Girlfriend and My Mum..seriously good friends…well forever.

    They are both rather Nice and Special..The Girls just give all their Love..even when they are 86.

    My Wife and My Mum – they never fell out…and neither have I with her Mum..all Angels.


  • glenn_uk

    @CanSpeccy: Just as a top-note, nice to be corresponding with you again.

    C: “All humans attach high emotional significance to rules of conduct, a characteristic without which human society and civilization would be impossible.

    Which has absolutely nothing to do with religion. Religious gatherings might be a useful place to remind people to behave themselves a bit, but you’d be quite amazed the horrible things people do, while apparently in full belief that their god is watching them. Ergo, it is of highly dubious value.

    Your major paragraph could do with a bit of breaking up, or punctuation to clarify the point(s). Sorry, I’ve given it a couple of look-overs, it doesn’t make much sense.

    I’m surprised that you consider vegetarianism to be “unmitigated evil”, though. Good grief, man. I’d work on that angle again just a bit before taking it public, if I were you – seriously.


    But whatever it is that they believe or disbelieve, every person has a religion, whether they know it or not.

    On the contrary, everyone knows it’s nonsense really. Why doesn’t every religious person rejoice, instead of mourn, when a loved one dies? Let’s face it. The argument between science and religion was lost, when Churches started putting lightning rods on the steeples.*

    * I cannot claim originality to that one.

  • glenn_uk

    @CanSpeccy: “Who said anything about evidence?

    Sorry, this was your first point and I failed to address it.

    I introduced the concept to this discussion, because evidence is kind of important if said discussion has any basis in reality. “Evidence’, as with facts, repeatable observation, everything that makes a concept reliable.

    “We’ve always believed it” is not evidence, for instance.

  • oddie

    all i know is i am sick of the US sense of exceptionalism:

    The Atlantic: Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel: Get Used to Endless War
    From ISIS to climate change, the Pentagon chief says, the threats that face the United States are long-term challenges.
    It sure seems like there are frightening events happening everywhere today—from ISIS to Ebola, Russian imperialism to Chinese saber-rattling, climate change to congressional dysfunction. But is it really worse, or will this, too, pass?
    Bad news: It’s really worse, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told James Fallows at the Washington Ideas Festival Wednesday….
    And Hagel didn’t seem especially sanguine that it would end anytime soon. In other words: Get used to endless war…

  • Mary

    30 October 2014
    Egypt destroys homes for Gaza buffer
    Military operation to create buffer zone in Rafah
    Egypt begins demolishing homes along its border with Gaza as part of a planned 500m buffer zone intended to prevent weapons smuggling.

    The Palestinians in Rafah are under the heel of el Sisi’s boot.

  • Rabbi Ovadia Yosef

    I have had to intervene in this blog from the grave, the 800k who followed my cortège in Jerusalem demand this. God has made it clear in the Talmud Sanhedrin 57a, you dumb goyim are meant to serve us, now CM please repent otherwise as any good Christian evangelist will tell you you will be cursed for denying Gods chosen. BTW – the muzzy God Allah got it all wrong when he said in the Quran that the taking of just one life is like taking the lives of all humanity. He must be another dumb goy who hasn’t read the Talmud, there is no way ONE cattle life can be equated to ALL humanity – cant you see what my dear cousin caliph rolex baghdadi is doing, you cattle may be slain with impunity as bibi has just demonstrated?

  • Mary

    October 29, 2014
    Freedom Doesn’t Ring
    How Israel is Turning Gaza into a Super-Max Prison

    It is astonishing that the reconstruction of Gaza, bombed into the Stone Age according to the explicit goals of an Israeli military doctrine known as “Dahiya”, has tentatively only just begun two months after the end of the fighting.

    According to the United Nations, 100,000 homes have been destroyed or damaged, leaving 600,000 Palestinians – nearly one in three of Gaza’s population – homeless or in urgent need of humanitarian help.

    Roads, schools and the electricity plant to power water and sewerage systems are in ruins. The cold and wet of winter are approaching. Aid agency Oxfam warns that at the current rate of progress it may take 50 years to rebuild Gaza.

    Where else in the world apart from the Palestinian territories would the international community stand by idly as so many people suffer – and not from a random act of God but willed by fellow humans?

    The reason for the hold-up is, as ever, Israel’s “security needs”. Gaza can be rebuilt but only to the precise specifications laid down by Israeli officials.


  • Mary


    I had half an ear listening to Radio 4 Today just now. This item came up. LOL

    ‘Floating bunker’ plan to help Queen escape nuclear attack
    The Queen was to be put aboard a “floating bunker” and moved around remote Scottish lochs in the event of a nuclear attack on Britain, newly-declassified papers has revealed.

    Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: ‘Floating bunker’ plan to help Queen escape nuclear attack

    The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh would have been put on the Royal Yacht Britannia in the event of a nuclear attack, according to newly-classified papers Photo: Chris Jackson-Pool/Getty Images
    By Simon Johnson, Scottish Political Editor
    12 Jul 2010

    Professor Peter Hennessy has obtained the previously secret plan for the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh and the Home Secretary to use the Royal Yacht Britannia to escape Soviet missiles.

    Under the so-called “python system”, they would hide in sea lochs on the coast of North West Scotland while other senior ministers scattered to a variety of secret locations.

    Professor Hennessy, a Whitehall historian, said it was vital to keep them separate from the Queen as only she could appoint a new Prime Minister if Britain’s War Cabinet was wiped out by nuclear attack.



    How do you rebuild the UK after a massive nuclear strike? Files we’ve found, just released at the national archives, show how in the 1980s home office officials drew up plans for this – and tried to test them through a war game. One idea – briefly considered – was to make use of psychopaths to restore order after the bombs fell. Sanchia Berg reports.

  • Mark Golding

    lol Thanks Mary – It was Loch Fyne no far from Queen Elizabeth Forest Park. I believe some ministers would reside in Inveraray Castle. Poor ol’ Glen Campbell. My daughter lives in Inveraray.

  • MK

    Racism, or more correctly ethnocentrism, exists in Israel, and after 66 years of continuous conflict with Israel’s Arab inhabitants (who have come to be known as Palestinians) I would expect Israeli Jews to be more racist than they actually are.

    But what anti-Israel types, like Graig Murray, ignore is that while Israel has undoubted problems with racism in its own society, the entire existence of a Palestinian Arab national identity is, I would argue, based around Antisemitism, i.e, a resistance to Jewish presence anywhere in historic Israel. The fact that Palestinian society is Antisemitic is why there is so much outrage over Jewish residents (“settlers”). If it was considered Jews and Arabs could live together on the same territory and in the same state, there wouldn’t be such a controversy over the “settlements”.

  • Ba'al Zevul

    Are the Clans of Scotland so removed from the Tribes of Israel?

    Interesting point. The Scottish clans seem to be what remained in North Britain (including part of Lancashire and Cumbria) of the old Celtic social structure: hierachical, autocratic, benevolent. Having been pushed to the fringes of the island by successive invasions they nevertheless managed to retain some sort of ownership of the least economically productive areas. The comparison might be better made with the Palestinian Arabs.

    Following the Norman Conquest, and like the Germanic tribes – also originally Celts – who displaced them from England, the Scots found their aristocracy had been partially supplanted by Normans (cf. Robert the Bruce and Edward). The Middle Eastern parallel might be with the early Ottoman expansion.

    But even then the clan system persisted, as did a separate, autonomous Scotland. There are plenty of differences between the Scottish and Israeli cases. The major ones being that the Scots are no longer, for the most part, narrow-minded, exclusive, religious bigots and that Scotland is a genuinely egalitarian country, not a theocratically ordered state in breach of numerous international conventions.

    The Scottish diaspora is as extensive, and has sometimes been as successful commercially as the Jewish one. However, Scots are not notorious for partitioning themselves from the surrounding society or being persecuted (the two go together IMO), and the Scots diaspora has only a sentimental and often ill-informed attachment to the land of its ancestors. It is not an obligation to make aliyeh to Scotland if your name is MacDonald and you live in Chicago.

    Later, Fred, someone asked you why you don’t move back to England, and you responded with your usual absence of charm and originality. You don’t move back to England because Scotland is a nicer place. That is, there is a difference between the national atmospheres.

    So fuck off and die, retard.

  • Mary

    E mail received Wednesday, 29 October 2014, 15:04
    Subject: Please complain: Israel breaches Gaza truce daily, BBC reports that ‘ceasefire is holding’

    BBC Online reports in October concerning Gaza have included a sentence along these lines: “The ceasefire continues to hold”

    However, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights reports that there has been one attack on Gaza a day by Israel during September, including civilians being shot. Fishing boats have been attacked within the six mile nautical zone, even though the ceasefire agreement was that the zone would be taken back up to six miles, from the three miles which Israel had reduced it to (the Oslo Accords stipulated it should be 12 miles). And the blockade has not been lifted.

    In the West Bank, Israel shot dead a 16-year-old teenager and a 22-year-old man in September, and a 13-year-old boy and 14-year-old boy in October.

    In the two months since the truce was signed, the Palestinians have fired no rockets into Israel.

    Below are a few BBC Online reports which claim the ceasefire is holding, followed by reports about the Israeli actions I’ve mentioned above.

    Please complain:
    Please pick one of the BBC reports from those given below and submit a complaint via the website – – asking why the BBC is reporting that the ceasefire is holding when Israel has breached it multiple times. Please ask for a reply.

    If you wish to make your complaint by post, the postal address is BBC Complaints, PO Box 1922, Darlington, DL3 0UR. If you provide your email address, you can receive your reply by email.

    Once you’ve made your complaint via the website, please can you forward the BBC’s acknowledgment email to me (this email will contain the text of your complaint). Thank you.

    As always, please don’t mention PSC or Fair News in your correspondence with the BBC.

    BBC reports:
    7th October: Israeli families scarred by Gaza war
    This report begins: “While the August ceasefire which ended the 50-day conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza has held…”
    The rest of that report is also atrocious, and paragraph five states that schools in Israel were hit during the July/August attacks, although I’m not aware of this.

    22nd October: UN chief Ban Ki-moon to set up Gaza conflict inquiry
    Paragraph seven is: “Following several short-lived ceasefires, both sides agreed to an open-ended truce on 26 August which has so far held.”

    25th October: US urges probe after teenager shot dead in West Bank
    The final paragraph is: “Although a fragile ceasefire has been holding since the end of the 50-day conflict between Israel and Palestinians in Gaza, incidents of violence have continued sporadically throughout the West Bank and near holy sites in Jerusalem.”

    It’s worth noting that the BBC reports that “incidents of violence” have taken place in the West Bank and Jerusalem (which should read East Jerusalem), but not in Gaza. This is presumably because the West Bank violence includes Palestinians throwing objects, whereas violence in Gaza is being committed by the Israeli military, which the BBC appears unwilling to inform its audiences about.

    29th October: After the Ceasefire: the Cost of Reporting Gaza
    The written introduction to this audio report states: “The ceasefire has now been in place for two months”
    Israeli violations:
    More than one Israeli attack on Gaza per day in September This report details attacks on fishing boats and their occupants by the Israeli navy, as well as ground incursions and shootings by Israeli army troops.

    Killing of 16-year-old Mohammed Sunokrot in September:

    Killing of 22-year-old Issa Qatari in September:

    Killing of 13-year-old Bahaa Badr in October:

    Killing of 14-year-old Orwa Abd al-Wahhab Hammad in October:

    Many thanks for your time.
    Best wishes

    Amena Saleem
    Fair News – Monitoring the Media’s Coverage of Palestine and Israel
    Palestine Solidarity Campaign
    T: 020 7700 6192
    E: amena.saleem at

  • DoNNyDarKo

    MK Palestinian Arabs are just as semitic a people as the Jews.The Bedouin of the Negev are the authentic semites of Israel as they still try to stick to their ancient way of life moving pasture to pasture.It is the Israeli racist regime that tries to extinguish and erase all traces of the pre 1947 semites.Israelis arriving after 1917 are Ashkenazi and their semitic roots have been called into question by many Jewish and Non Jewish historians,Shlomo Sand the Israeli historian has put forward the theory that Palestinains are remnants of the original Jews from Palestine who have simply converted to Islam through the ages.
    But at the end of the day,there is no reason for Israeli’s to treat any people the way they do the Palestinians.
    That in my book makes the Israel the most anti semitic nation in the world.

  • Tony M

    An ignoramus (MK) writes: “Israel’s Arabs, Who have come to be known as Palestinians”

    No they are and were Palestinians long before the bogus ‘Israelis’ came along and stole from them at gunpoint, their land, their homes, shops and businesses, and will still be Palestinians when Israel is as their history alone will record, long gone from Palestine.

    Israel you blew it, no-one’s fault but your own.

  • Tony M

    Even if even one ‘settler’ could demonstrate any historical connection with Palestine, which is an absurd contention, it still wouldn’t excuse their coming along 2000+ years later and killing, persecuting and stealing from others there now, by force.

    How anyone can even take such claims seriously, without fits of laughter, beggars belief.

    What we’ve seen and are seeing is genocide and organised theft, a killing spree with looting, pure and simple, no excuse or justification could ever exist for this, it and those responsible, with their accomplices, stand condemned and must face the severest consequences.

    It’s all over for Israel, stupid idea, gone horribly wrong, time to make a run for it, the law is on your tail and there are few if any places left to run. Time to seize their stolen proceeds of a despicable crime and apportion it as compensation. Prove there is justice in the world and start to help the victims recover, perhaps one day they might even forgive.

  • Kurtan

    Mary “As if any of us named by the troll (lurking on an earlier thread) give a stuff what he thinks. The Z support mob are certainly quiet on the topic here!”

    Is their job not to turn the topic to Israel/Jew/Zionist/Holocaust?On this thread there is no need.

  • Silvio

    FYI, I see a new cable TV news channel is supposed to go live in the UK today.

    RT launches dedicated UK news channel – RT UK
    October 29, 2014 15:37

    Global news network RT is set to launch a dedicated British news channel on Thursday. The new station, RT UK, will challenge dominant power structures in Britain by broadcasting live and original programming with a progressive UK focus.

    RT UK will be available to more than 90 percent of UK households via Freeview (Channel 135), Sky (Channel 512) and Free Sat (Channel 206), Monday to Friday, 6pm to 11pm.

    Airing from its new London studios at Millbank, the channel will cover local, regional and national UK stories, focusing on issues that matter most to Britons. It will also examine a diverse spectrum of international news, analyzing the implications of major global developments for a British and wider international audience.

    RT’s Editor in Chief, Margarita Simonyan, emphasizes RT strives to “bring new perspectives” to viewers, many of whom have grown weary of a bland broadcast culture dominated by mainstream analysis and corporate interests.

  • doug scorgie

    29 Oct, 2014 – 9:00 pm

    “Time to start thinking about a different approach while there is still some Palestine left to save.”

    I agree Fred. That different approach being a secular, democratic single state, consisting of all Israel/Palestine with guaranteed equality of all its citizens.

    The “two-state solution” is not on the cards and never has been. The Zionists won’t allow it.

  • doug scorgie

    149 comments and not a peep out of Habbabkuk, ResDis or Kempe; our resident Zionists.

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