The Racist Concept of Israel 543

Israeli economics minister Naftali Bennett has claimed of Binyamin Netanyahu that “The prime minister is not a private person but the leader of the Jewish state and the whole Jewish world.” Really? Netanyahu is the leader of all the Jews in London, or California, or Ethiopia, who may never have set foot in his state?

This extraordinary remark by Bennett lays bare the fundamental flaw in the very concept of Israel. It is not a modern state, defined as a territory and comprising all the various citizens of whatever descent who live within it. It is rather a vicious racist construct, defined absolutely by race, refusing territorial limits, and with an aggressive theocratic overlay that claims tribal superiority over the entire rest of the world.


Here is a picture of the New Zealand cricket team. In the last twelve months, New Zealand cricket teams have fielded payers including Hamish Rutherford, Peter Fulton, Colin Munro, Dean Brownlie, Ross Taylor, Rob Nicol, Corey Anderson, Grant Elliott, Jimmy Neesham, Kyle Mills, Adam Milne and Mark Craig, not to mention the McCullum brothers. But if I told you that Alex Salmond was the leader of all Scots around the world, including the Black Caps, you would quite rightly call me a nutter.

We would not tolerate the level of racism in any other country that we tolerate from Israel. There was a huge outcry against Labour MP Paul Flynn who dared question whether it was sensible to send a strongly professed Zionist Jew as British ambassador to Israel, but when the Israeli government itself proclaim the political leadership of all Jews all over the world, it is a logical impossibility not to ask the question.

I wish nothing but good to all people, including all Jewish people, but by their increasingly hardline racialist approach, their unceasing encroachment on Palestinian land and their rigorous adoption of all the racist mechanisms of an apartheid state internally, I feat that the window of opportunity for a peaceful future for those Jewish people living in what is currently Israel is closing fast.

It must be universally proclaimed: there is not a single racial group in the whole world from whom worldwide racial claims of political allegiance, or an internal racially based legislative order, are acceptable. Bennett’s remarks are beyond the limit of civilised political discourse.

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543 thoughts on “The Racist Concept of Israel

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  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    ” Recall that in Sandy Hook, it wasn’t just dubious pharmaceuticals involved in the mind of that adolescent. His mother was also a well armed “prepper”.”

    Yes. She had issues as well, Glenn but my comment at EW had more to do with the hypocrisy of ‘progressives’ who must elicit control over the population like republicans, but with different agendas. They are all about local elections and they are just as full of it as is the other side.

  • Ed Ski

    Israel is a nation comprised of several religions: christian and muslim as well as hebrew. Israeli jews do not speak for Israeli muslims, nor Israeli christians. Jews are not a race, they are a religion, since there are black jews, brown jews, and white jews. So clearly these concepts are utterly and completely false: no one can speak for all jews, nor can anyone speak for all Israelis, since they are different races and religions. Nor can a politician from the nation of Israel ever claim to speak for everyone on Earth who adheres to the Hebrew religion. This is patently absurd. Nor do all jews agree with Israel’s pogrom policies of persecution, genocide and war crimes. Nor do all jews agree with Israel’s institutionalized racism, or policies of political assassinations.

  • John Goss

    “149 comments and not a peep out of Habbabkuk, ResDis or Kempe; our resident Zionists.”

    Make that 153. More posts on Israel’s disgusting racist policies please Craig.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    “Make that 153”

    I think it’s a coincidence. They are normally all over it because they have no shame.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    Max Blumenthal

    “WORONCZUK: So, Max, it’s worth recalling that the events that precipitated the Second Intifada was the visiting of former prime minister Ariel Sharon at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Do you think that Jerusalem is likely to see violence on that scale in the near future?
    BLUMENTHAL: My friends who are there are telling me that an explosion could be likely, and we’ve been hearing about the possibility of a third intifada for years. This is the first time, based on my most recent trip and the time that I got to spend in Shuafat, which is really the epicenter of the mini-intifada that’s burning right now, that I really think that something like that could be on the horizon.
    And the difference between today and the second intifada is that Israel’s put in a much more sophisticated and brutal matrix of control. The Separation Wall really prevents people from the West Bank from participating in any of the rebellion or protests in East Jerusalem and vice versa. And the Israeli police, which are basically an ancillary of the Israeli military, are able to contain protests and riots in East Jerusalem to one neighborhood.
    But we’re seeing, I think, another difference, which points in the direction of a widespread revolt, is the composition of the Israeli government. I mean, what Netanyahu is doing, authorizing over 1,000 new settlement units yesterday, is really pandering to the right wing of his coalition, which is incipient and powerful. It’s also the right wing of his own party, which represents the future of the Likud Party.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    Wasn’t there some noise from Sweden about a russian submarine?

    “Eight Russian Aircraft Intercepted over North Sea / Atlantic Ocean on 29 October 2014
    At approximately 3:00 a.m. CET on 29 October, NATO radars detected and tracked eight Russian aircraft flying in formation over the North Sea. F-16 aircraft from the Royal Norwegian Air Force were scrambled, intercepted and identified the Russian aircraft, which included four Tu-95 Bear H strategic bombers and four Il-78 tanker aircraft. The formation flew from mainland Russia over the Norwegian Sea in international airspace. Six of the Russian aircraft then turned back to the north-east towards Russia, while two Tu-95 Bear H bombers continued south-west, parallel to the Norwegian coast, heading to the south-west. The Russian aircraft continued over the North Sea, and Typhoon fighters from the United Kingdom were scrambled in response. While over the Atlantic Ocean west of Portugal, the two Russian aircraft were intercepted and identified by F-16s from the Portuguese Air Force. The Russian aircraft turned back heading north-east, flying to the west of the United Kingdom. NATO aircraft from the United Kingdom and Norway were standing by and NATO assets on the ground and in the air tracked the Russian aircraft throughout. At present, the two Tu-95 bombers appear headed back to Russia, but as of 4 p.m. CET the aircraft were still airborne.

    The bomber and tanker aircraft from Russia did not file flight plans or maintain radio contact with civilian air traffic control authorities and they were not using on-board transponders. This poses a potential risk to civil aviation as civilian air traffic control cannot detect these aircraft or ensure there is no interference with civilian air traffic.”

  • Mats

    Its official.
    Sweden has recognised Palestine as an Independent State.Margot Wallström told the press today.
    British vice foreign minister asks Swedish Head Prosecutor to come to Britain and interview Julian Assange.Britain is tired of the situation.(expressen)
    And the reported distress signal that began the hunt for red October never happened according to source in Säpo.It was just a reason for Sweden to withdraw from cooperation with Russia.Most likely on US orders.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    “Most likely on US orders.”

    Has Lofven taken office yet?

  • Ba'al Zevul

    If it was considered Jews and Arabs could live together on the same territory and in the same state, there wouldn’t be such a controversy over the “settlements”.

    Correct. Jews and Arabs lived together (with many more Arabs than Jews) in Palestine under the Ottomans. What changed? The insistence of the Jews on having their own exclusive country, partially to solve what was essentially a Russian and European problem, and partially because God said so. Now please go and tell chickenshit Netanyahu and Nazi Lieberman how you feel. Maybe they’ll stop grabbing land for the Jews and restricting the movement of non-Jews? Good luck with that one, bubbleh.

  • Ba'al Zevul

    Eight Russian Aircraft…

    Just testing. Used to happen all the time. Now Putin’s delusions of being Stalin have taken hold, expect plenty more. This is old-Soviet type activity. I once saw a Badger* over Lairg…

    *be serious, ok?

  • John Goss

    “I think it’s a coincidence. They are normally all over it because they have no shame.”

    Perhaps they’re having a strategic planning meeting to see how they can get sensible people to take them seriously. 🙂

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    “This is old-Soviet type activity.”

    Well the Bear has been bated quite a bit lately. Provocative activity is designed like a rattler’s tail for warning, I remember KAL 007 when the US was tickling the tail and it did not end well.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    “how they can get sensible people to take them seriously. ‘

    They seem to vacillate between serious and silly…a foolish inconsistency.

  • Ba'al Zevul

    Well the Bear has been bated quite a bit lately.

    Certainly. OTOH, the Bear has been making unfriendly noises about the Baltic states where there are ethnic Russians to, er, protect, and I wouldn’t dismiss it as just random growling. But the intelligence on our response, gathered by the sortie, will be useful in any context. OTOH again, how strangely convenient that as our relations worsen with the EU, there are big threatening threats like this nudging us in the direction of your own fine country…

    Think that covers the options.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    “Think that covers the options.”

    They stayed in international air space but I digress. I think they are more concerned with NATO brandishing their spears in a more westerly direction. Putin, though full of his own testosterone, is held back by his own oligarchs who would be the biggest financial losers.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    Tony Blair says he can’t remember the incident, Mary. 🙂

  • Mary

    —– Forwarded Message —–
    From: Amena Saleem

    Sent: Thursday, 30 October 2014, 13:05
    Subject: BBC upholds complaint about West Bank coverage

    The BBC has upheld a complaint about its West Bank coverage made by Ben White, author of A Beginner’s Guide to Israeli Apartheid.

    Ben’s story in Middle East Monitor is below. This is the link to the story:–bbc-upholds-complaint-over-operation-brothers-keeper-report

    As Ben writes: “A small result, but one that goes to show how misleading reporting – and dismissive responses – can be successfully challenged.”

    Let’s keep challenging!

    Best wishes


    BBC upholds complaint over ‘Operation Brother’s Keeper’ report
    The BBC has upheld a complaint on the grounds of accuracy concerning a July report on ‘Operation Brother’s Keeper’ that misrepresented the killings of Palestinians by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank.
    On 1 July, BBC News online published an article titled ‘Israel: Hamas ‘will pay price’ after teenagers found dead’, following the discovery of the bodies of three missing Israeli youth near Hebron. In an attempt to provide context for events in the West Bank, the BBC report noted the following:

    The disappearance of the teenagers on 12 June sparked a huge search operation in Palestinian towns and cities across the West Bank. More than 400 Palestinians were arrested, while five were killed in fighting with Israeli troops.

    To describe those Palestinians shot dead by Israeli forces as having been “killed in fighting with Israeli troops” was inaccurate, misleading, and offensive. One of them, for example, was unarmed and mentally disabled. Another was an unarmed 15-year-old boy shot dead with live ammunition.

    For the BBC to write that “five were killed in fighting with Israeli troops” clearly gave the impression that those killed were engaged in armed combat with Israeli soldiers, when in fact they were unarmed civilians shot dead in circumstances that could well constitute war crimes.

    That same day, I made a complaint, along the lines of the above. The BBC’s initial reply, which came a week later, was disturbing. Seemingly a generic, copy and paste job, the response ignored the specifics of my complaint, and instead offered reassurances that the reporting on Palestine/Israel had been “fair and impartial.”

    The reply noted: “BBC News has reported extensively on the wider aspects of the conflict; on the occupation, building of settlements, the impasse in negotiations and the decreasing likelihood of a two state solution”, adding: “Please be assured we raised your concerns with senior editorial staff at BBC News.”

    I subsequently complained again (17 July), stressing how “unsatisfactory” the process had been to date. I highlighted the BBC’s commitment to accuracy, and the fact that my complaint had highlighted an important failing in that regard.
    Then, earlier this month – a breakthrough.

    On 7 October, I received an email from the BBC offering their “apologies” for both “our previous response and for the long delay in our second response.” After reviewing the article in question, the BBC told me that they had reworded the relevant sentence so that it now reads “…five were killed by Israeli troops.”

    The original problematic wording still remained on some items, however (see here and here and ). After I pointed this out, the BBC replied once more to confirm that “the same changes have now been made to the other two stories”, thus “upholding your complaint on the grounds of accuracy.” A small result, but one that goes to show how misleading reporting – and dismissive responses – can be successfully challenged.

    Amena Saleem
    Fair News – Monitoring the Media’s Coverage of Palestine and Israel
    Palestine Solidarity Campaign
    T: 020 7700 6192
    E: amena.saleem at

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    It’s a shame Belhaj won’t get his case to the Hague. Subpoenas could be problematic for defense witnesses. 🙂

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    Tears for Dershowitz, Drinks with Shmuley

    Inside a conference hall in June 2013, Power stood before 40 of the most influential members of America’s Jewish establishment and openly cried. Having just been nominated by Obama to serve as the US Ambassador to the UN, the far-right Zionist Organization of America had attacked her for her supposed compassion for Palestinians living under Israeli occupation. With her ambitions on the line, Power was determined to mollify the fanatics.

    Power “suddenly became deeply emotional and struggled to complete her presentation as she expressed how deeply such accusations had affected her,” recalled Shmuley Boteach, the right-wing celebrity rabbi she had courted as her consigliere. “Tears streamed down her cheeks and I think it fair to say that there was no one in the room who wasn’t deeply moved by this incredible display of pain and emotion.”

  • YouKnowMyName

    More on provoking the bear, doesn’t directly involve Israel – other than they have played a role in the color revs…

    Fascinating interview with Dr. Ivan Katchanovski who teaches at the School of Political Studies and the Department of Communication at the University of Ottawa.
    He has done an academic analysis of the events surrounding the Ukraine ‘Maidan’ sniper-shooting,
    the interview and ‘forensic’ analysis linked below (edu website wants to slurp your FaceBook details, or you could use

    quote: Polish Media Question: In Russia, there’s now a big, well developed propaganda. Lots of people will think that your concept is a part of pro-Russian propaganda-strategy. What can you tell your enemies? In Ukraine, you can become an enemy number one. On the other hand, in your opinion, there is opposition-government who falsifies history. Now, you’re waiting for counterarguments made by Ukrainian-authorities? Are you ready to fight a discussion on the causes of the massacre of Kiev?


    Such kind of false and baseless charges already started. Such personal attacks are used to divert attention from the evidence presented and from finding and prosecuting actual organizers and perpetrators of the mass killing. In retaliation for my academic research on such issues and on the OUN and the UPA, my house, the land, and all personal possessions in the Volyn Region of Ukraine were recently de facto seized with help of local courts on orders from the higher-up authorities. I did this study as a part of my academic research, and I did not receive any outside funding or requests to do it. I do not expect that any such new evidence would be presented or discussion initiated by the Ukrainian government and the media in Ukraine.

    The findings about the “snipers'” massacre also provide a rational explanation for the Russian actions in Ukraine after the largely violent overthrow of the pro-Russian government, specifically, Russia’s support for separatists, its illegal annexation of Crimea, and its military intervention in Crimea and Donbas. Russian propaganda incorrectly represented the ouster of Yanukovych as a fascist coup, and similar propaganda was used on other important issues, such as denials of their direct military intervention in Crimea and then in August in Donbas. But Putin and other Russian government officials also publicly stated that the opposition, and specifically, the Right Sector, organized the massacre on February 20 as a key part of a violent overthrow of the pro-Russian government, although they did not present specific evidence. It is now appears that they had such evidence, likely from intelligence sources and the Yanukovych government officials who fled to Russia. An international investigation of the massacre could help to reduce a possibility of a full-scale war between Russia and Ukraine.

  • doug scorgie

    Religious Nutter Alert!!!

    30 Oct, 2014 – 2:13 am

    “Religion is universal to humanity. Those who don’t believe in God don’t believe in nothing, they believe in anything — Communism, Liberalism, aka, political correctness, or some other bollocks usually worse by far than the Christian gospel.”

    “…That inherent human trait is usually accentuated by education or indoctrination [indoctrination?]that inculcates a belief in the power of ancestral spirits, gods,[Fairies, Leprechauns] historical necessity, the unmitigated evil of racism, etc…”

    “…but whatever they may believe, every person has a religion, whether they know it or not.”

    I rest my case.

  • Republicofscotland

    The ‘Hoax’ is that no one died, isn’t it RoS? Are they hiding the passengers on MH370? To deny a hoax is hardly denying there was funny bizness. The hoax relates to gun ownership when it should be applied to the pathetic condition of mental health imperatives and the over medication of children who display behaviors supposedly needing to be drugged. Many psychotropics cause delusion and hallucinations.


    Essentially in a hoax or false flag scenario no one has to die but they often do, its the run up and the circumstances surrounding said events that make them what they are. Many people died in the 9/11 event, and folk also died in the 7/7 event, but to many people including myself, both were hoax false flag events.

    The hoax false flag event are in essence premeditated events carried out by a countries governments in order to sway public opinion towards that governments desires.

    Some event are carried out in such a large scale involving many departments that it becomes difficult for citizens of that country to believe anyone, but, an exterior foe, could have planned and executed such an event, and that’s what governments rely on.

  • Vronsky

    Just had a very quick tour of the blogs I usually read and got struck by a thought. This blog is the only one where visitors read what others have posted before commenting – even the trolls.

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    “I started to research the Maidan massacre because it was the crucial event, which led to the violent overthrow of the government”

    Then he says; ” Russian propaganda incorrectly represented the ouster of Yanukovych as a fascist coup,”

    He is not a conspiracy theorist as he says, but he uses a scientific method. Isn’t he making the hypothesis a little strained when he kind of contradicts himself above without appearing conspiratorial? He admits to not having facts on the ground except some bullet trajectories, so isn’t he speculating just like a CT?

  • Ben E. Geserit Muad'Dib Further Confounding Gender Speculators

    I thought you were suggesting what others more extreme suggest RoS. They say the kids didn’t really exist or are alive…somewhere.

  • Republicofscotland

    “Come on. There will always be the odd discrepancy with confused initial reporting, but saying that the _entire_ thing is a hoax is heartless and crazy. It shows a poor ability to think through the fantastic ramifications. For instance, did that school really exist, do you reckon? How about the place itself – Newtown – was that entirely a fiction? For sure, someone there would be speaking out unless they were all bought-off or actors in the first place!”

    Glenn UK

    Its obviously too big a scenario for you to comprehend, and that’s why you find it difficult to digest that’s fine Glenn I’m not on here to convince you, I’m sure you’ve checked it out and came to your conclusion,after serious thought, re the Sandyhook shooter Adam Lanza, like Thomas Hamilton of the Dunblane Massacre, there’s always a, lets call him, a handler, who makes sure the shooter kills himself.

    Which in turn leaves the government and press open to spin the event in which ever direction they want, ie, he was a loner/ he always played with guns,etc.

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