Israeli economics minister Naftali Bennett has claimed of Binyamin Netanyahu that “The prime minister is not a private person but the leader of the Jewish state and the whole Jewish world.” Really? Netanyahu is the leader of all the Jews in London, or California, or Ethiopia, who may never have set foot in his state?
This extraordinary remark by Bennett lays bare the fundamental flaw in the very concept of Israel. It is not a modern state, defined as a territory and comprising all the various citizens of whatever descent who live within it. It is rather a vicious racist construct, defined absolutely by race, refusing territorial limits, and with an aggressive theocratic overlay that claims tribal superiority over the entire rest of the world.
Here is a picture of the New Zealand cricket team. In the last twelve months, New Zealand cricket teams have fielded payers including Hamish Rutherford, Peter Fulton, Colin Munro, Dean Brownlie, Ross Taylor, Rob Nicol, Corey Anderson, Grant Elliott, Jimmy Neesham, Kyle Mills, Adam Milne and Mark Craig, not to mention the McCullum brothers. But if I told you that Alex Salmond was the leader of all Scots around the world, including the Black Caps, you would quite rightly call me a nutter.
We would not tolerate the level of racism in any other country that we tolerate from Israel. There was a huge outcry against Labour MP Paul Flynn who dared question whether it was sensible to send a strongly professed Zionist Jew as British ambassador to Israel, but when the Israeli government itself proclaim the political leadership of all Jews all over the world, it is a logical impossibility not to ask the question.
I wish nothing but good to all people, including all Jewish people, but by their increasingly hardline racialist approach, their unceasing encroachment on Palestinian land and their rigorous adoption of all the racist mechanisms of an apartheid state internally, I feat that the window of opportunity for a peaceful future for those Jewish people living in what is currently Israel is closing fast.
It must be universally proclaimed: there is not a single racial group in the whole world from whom worldwide racial claims of political allegiance, or an internal racially based legislative order, are acceptable. Bennett’s remarks are beyond the limit of civilised political discourse.
@Doug Scorgie: “However it matter because a pattern has emerged where the above band (together with others) defend Zionism and attack any poster that dares to criticize Israel; except when it is Craig that does the criticism.
They then go quiet until another, non-Israel thread appears.”
A sound hypothesis, with only one minor flaw – they don’t appear to be on any of the other active threads either. Hope it wasn’t anything I said…
@mary, if I was Palestinian I would have a very dim view of Israel and much better informed than the poor view I have of them from the perspective of an Englishman.
Tony M …
“we have spin doctors and mainstream media now to tell us what to think and who is unworthy. Religious believers then are nutters, being told what to do, and not, by other nutters”.
Well Said Tony
Here’s A great Piece dealing with this subject…And R. Brand.
“But where was the human context? There was no mention of the profound power capitalism has wielded over every aspect of daily life, no suggestion of the staggering inequalities, mental anguish, alienation, despair, greed, misery and murder of the market system. And certainly no admission of the considerable role a capitalist media has played in all of that.
In a sense, Davis and Brand weren’t even in the same studio. Davis, fixated with statistical ‘realities’, seemed to be ‘hearing’ Brand’s concerns about corporate capitalism and its monolithic sovereignty – economic, political, social, ecological, cultural – as though it were some kind of unintelligible language…
Davis also asked Brand why he doesn’t stand for political office, an illustration, like the narrow view of capitalism, of the template liberal politics we’re encouraged to accept, and why figures like Davis are trusted to be on Newsnight helping to keep it so.
Any hostile chain reaction to Brand says as much about our routine exposure to Davis’s ‘sensible’ establishment language as it does to Brand’s seemingly ‘madcap’ declarations. In effect, Brand’s views only ‘stand out’ as ‘insane’ because we’re so relentlessly conditioned to see the standard line as sane.
Good stuff from John Hilley @
“Stockholm needs to understand relations in the Middle East are more complicated than self-assembly furniture at IKEA, said Liberman”
Racist bastard !
I know Norwegians despise Swedes but I didn’t know Liebermann was anti-Japhetic.
Ben E. Geserit Muad’Dib
Further Confounding
Gender Speculators
30 Oct, 2014 – 6:26 pm
“I know Norwegians despise Swedes…”
I don’t like swedes either Ben, I prefer turnips.
Jessie Ventura on RT today also talking about grass roots movements and no choice political systems. Abolish political parties and sleeping voters @15 mins
@Tony M
The first step is to demonise them and make them the ‘other’ as you do with Muslims
Sorry Tony, you’re just fantasizing, or well lying, actually. but I suppose your lies justify your hatred of the not politically correct. And they confirm what I said about moral, which is to say religious, beliefs: they are not rational.
Glenn uk
30 Oct, 2014 – 6:08 pm
“A sound hypothesis, with only one minor flaw – they don’t appear to be on any of the other active threads either. Hope it wasn’t anything I said…”
They were active on the previous three threads Glenn, until 29th Nov; the day Craig posted his criticism of Israel. Interesting that.
Everybody is nervous in the service.
A Royal Air Force fighter jet apparently threatened to “shoot down” a Latvian cargo plane after it lost contact with air traffic controllers above Kent.
Two RAF Typhoons scrambled to intercept the Russian-made aircraft, breaking the sound barrier and creating a sonic boom.
There is talk that the nurse under forced quarantine in Maine worked for the CDC. Now why would she be so belligerent? I can think of a few reasons. Much has been made of other uncooperative ebola suspects.
Establish a pattern of behavior
Engage Media in campaign of disbelief and outrage.
Institute population controls that the public demands.
Ergo; anyone can be quarantined with public support.
Glenn UK
No photographic evidence or video footage was released to confirm the official story that these 28 persons actually died. In fact, no video surveillance footage shows anything—not even Adam shooting out the front plate-glass window or walking through the halls like Rambo, even though this is a school that had updated its security system at the start of the 2012-13 academic year.
The best the authorities could come up with was a heavily redacted report that includes numerous photos of the inside of the school, with a few dings that look like bullet holes, several bullets on the floor, and many black images with white numbers, which we are supposed to associate with dead people. One photo shows the blown-out glass window through which Adam Lanza presumably entered the premises. But how did he get past the furniture, with all his weaponry, without moving anything out of position?
Compounding the situation, the parents were not even allowed to view their children’s bodies to identify them. Instead, they were reportedly shown photographs of the deceased. This was done, according to the Medical Examiner, Wayne Carver, in order to “control the situation.” But what was there about the situation that required “control”? No parent of our acquaintance would have agreed to accept the death of a child without viewing the body.
There is no evidence of any frantic effort to save lives or to remove bodies to hospitals; instead the scene outside the school looked calm and largely bloodless—with police and other personnel milling around casually and a severe shortage of dead or injured victims. One Sandy Hook researcher decided to call Lt. Paul Vance to ask who cleaned up the blood, which would have been considered to be a bio-hazard, and got the reply, “What blood?” Here is Jim Fetzer’s interview with Kelley from Tulsa on “The Real Deal” where she discusses this, which also includes several of the 911 calls.
Kelley was onto a real issue. Under the CT Medical Waste Tracking Act of 1988, a paper trail must kept by all parties involved in the clean up and must be tracked all the way to the incinerator with names and dates.
In a Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) like Sandy Hook, the proper protocol is START triage (Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment) using tarps of different colors with the aim being to save lives and get the injured to the hospital for treatment. Not even the black tarps for the dead were used, much less the red ones for those who needed immediate treatment. As Sofia Smallstorm has documented, nothing at all like this occurred at Sandy Hook: the appropriate protocols were not followed:
Well Glenn that’s your opinion of the shootings and I respect it I for one don’t believe Adam Lanza killed 26 people.
Remarkably, the state has done its best to avoid releasing the death certificates and even recordings of the 911 calls. Death certificates were eventually “released” but not to the public or those who might want to investigate the case further, where only a short, general summary was available.
I’m afraid we’ll have to agree to disagree on this matter.
Unable to pinpoint who might have come in close contact with Ebola, and be at risk of contracting the virus, they will reach for their most absolute tool – forced quarantine – as a way to mitigate threat amidst uncertainty. The number of people who will be placed into forced quarantines could easily number in the hundreds.
If this scenario sounds far fetched, take a closer look at the accelerating epidemic in West Africa. If the rate of spread doesn’t start to subside soon (there are some encouraging signs of deceleration in Liberia, but spread is accelerating in Guinea and Sierra Leone) it’s just a matter of time before Ebola breaks out to a region with closer connections to the U.S. — like Latin America. Once it goes to such a market, and becomes epidemic, the U.S. would be importing far more than the sporadic case.
This begs the question, how will state and federal governments exercise their authority to quarantine people in such a scenario. As we have seen from recent events, that legal power is sweeping, intrusive, poorly defined, and absolute
Zionism is a secular fascist ideology and Judaism is a religion, they are antithetical.
Israel changed its mind.
Israel has decided to reopen Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque hours after ordering its closure, police told AFP news agency.
The mosque, in the Al-Aqsa complex which contains sites holy to Muslims and Jews, was shut by Israel following the shooting of a Jewish activist.
Speccy: Political correctness is relative, today it’s seemingly politically correct to jump on the anti-muslim, anti-immigrant bandwagon, with politicians of every stripe leading the way for the unthinking herd. As an ex-pat (you claim) you fall into that category which mythlogises and idealises the old country, not as what it was but as some figmentary ideal which in reality never existed, or even came close to. I expect you have bottles of HP Brown sauce sent over to Canada, so you can keep your feet on the ground, connect you with the old country and pretend you have finger on the pulse of the ‘street’ back where you still consider ‘home’, in the old country, but the likelihood is you’re so utterly remote and detached from reality, you have even less of a clue about Britain today as someone just arrived or who’d barely heard of the place until asked and just hazarded a guess. It’s pitiful that you as an immigrant there refuse to integrate, but remain in limbo. Some day you’ll come back to the old home town and ask complete strangers if they remember you. Nostalgia is sweet, but it’s no basis for an over-arching philosophy of everything.
That’s good news for all concerned, Mary. They could blow the lid off with stuff like that.
Ol’ Chickenshit himself pulled them back from the brink.Because according to a journalist that works for Haaretz,in Jerusalem at least, it was the brink.
I think the use of the term “chickenshit” to describe Netanyahu is an absolute insult – against chickens. What did they ever do to be be lumped in with lunatics like Netanyahu and Bennett? It is high time John Kerry apologised to all chickens world-wide.
Netanyahu did reach the dizzying heights of military rank – of a captain.
The Israelis , a sick society , an insane society or maybe both ?
Well Cap’n Netanyahoo pushed the chicken-switch but at least he’s not a chickenhawk. I wonder if a bird whispered in his ear ‘now is not the time.’
But these are actions that every Israeli regime has been taking as a routine. They won’t satisfy any one in Israel, not even Netanyahu’s own dashed ego. He is sure to be under pressure to do something dramatic to take his stock up and to keep the hope of Greater Israel live and kicking.
In this situation, I am afraid nothing could come handy for Netanyahu than to wink Israeli right wing activists go ahead with their long planned destruction of the Al Aqsa Mosque – the third holiest mosque for Muslims after the Masjid al-Haram (the Grand Mosque) in Mecca and Al-Masjid al-Nabawi (Prophet’s Mosque) in Medina (Saudi Arabia). I sincerely hope my fear is wrong but I don’t see any other option Netanyahu is left with that would let him satisfy every constituency and recover his ego.
Canspeccy: Political correctness seems to have got rather a bad name, it became an insult, but I don’t and never did regard not being racist, sexist, homophobic and so on as being politically correct, it’s just human decency, I was politically correct in that sense before the term even entered common usage. You seem on the other hand to require someone or thing to tell you these thing things are wrong, before recognising them as such or indeed conversely to give you license to behave and mouth off offensively towards others. We should be walking the walk rather than just, as some only do, talking the talk; that you seem to regard political correctness pejoratively suggests you think of it as only consisting of the latter behaviour, rather than the former. Actions count, not words. Some people and politicians paticularly are good at this, can be meticulously ‘politically correct’, but also be seething with racism sexism and homophobia, as well as being discriminatory to sundry other groups and individuals on the flimisiest of grounds or none; the hate, the lack of empathy is the root of such flaws.
Why do you hate those you don’t and probably won’t ever know on the basis of their religion or skin colour, their past or present nationality or other non-defining characteristic? Is that a rational position? Are you capable of even thinking for yourself?
Chickenshit or not (the chicken part may be redundant), every time Netanyahu pushes the al-Aqsa button, he pushes it a little harder and longer. He’ll be back with another manufactured incident within the year, operating the reverse ‘crying wolf’ approach. The world’s media will murmur ‘Oh, no. Not al-Aqsa again,’ and publish skateboarding-parrot stories instead. He knows exactly what he’s doing.
Tony M
Why ask why of a why-denier? He denies there is a why and an answer to why and he doesn’t like the people who open the question. That’s the definition of Zio-n-ism – zzzzzzz – sleep and don’t ask awkward questions, hence no interference from Mr Boring.
Netanyahu does know what he is doing.He hasn’t hidden it.He does not regard the West bank as being part of a Palestinian state.Netanyahu is populating the ancient lands of Samaria and Judea.He does not want peace.They offer cheap subsidised holidays for young Jewish couples from the US to marry and honeymoon in Israel… just as they subsidise our FOI Politicians to fly off on their Jolly’s ,It’s ethnic cleansing…
But the truth is that the veneer is coming awrf !! 25% of the population in Israel are chancing Russians enjoying the benefits.Then there are the Hasidic that are far from patriotic.Their moral argument has gone.Israel is in decline on all fronts.The economy is not native friendly and then you have Govt after Govt that provoke War.The cracks are obvious,and the only thing holding it up is the IDF which has a pile of foreigners in their ranks.I see a house of cards instead of Abrahams hoose.
Breaking news
Deputy leader of the Scottish branch of Labour, Anas Sarwar is to stand down from the position.
Enemies without , enemies within . The increasing paranoia in the ‘ bubble of irrationality ‘ that is the Israeli State .
Russia and Ukraine seem to have come to an agreement over gas supplies until March next year: