Israeli economics minister Naftali Bennett has claimed of Binyamin Netanyahu that “The prime minister is not a private person but the leader of the Jewish state and the whole Jewish world.” Really? Netanyahu is the leader of all the Jews in London, or California, or Ethiopia, who may never have set foot in his state?
This extraordinary remark by Bennett lays bare the fundamental flaw in the very concept of Israel. It is not a modern state, defined as a territory and comprising all the various citizens of whatever descent who live within it. It is rather a vicious racist construct, defined absolutely by race, refusing territorial limits, and with an aggressive theocratic overlay that claims tribal superiority over the entire rest of the world.
Here is a picture of the New Zealand cricket team. In the last twelve months, New Zealand cricket teams have fielded payers including Hamish Rutherford, Peter Fulton, Colin Munro, Dean Brownlie, Ross Taylor, Rob Nicol, Corey Anderson, Grant Elliott, Jimmy Neesham, Kyle Mills, Adam Milne and Mark Craig, not to mention the McCullum brothers. But if I told you that Alex Salmond was the leader of all Scots around the world, including the Black Caps, you would quite rightly call me a nutter.
We would not tolerate the level of racism in any other country that we tolerate from Israel. There was a huge outcry against Labour MP Paul Flynn who dared question whether it was sensible to send a strongly professed Zionist Jew as British ambassador to Israel, but when the Israeli government itself proclaim the political leadership of all Jews all over the world, it is a logical impossibility not to ask the question.
I wish nothing but good to all people, including all Jewish people, but by their increasingly hardline racialist approach, their unceasing encroachment on Palestinian land and their rigorous adoption of all the racist mechanisms of an apartheid state internally, I feat that the window of opportunity for a peaceful future for those Jewish people living in what is currently Israel is closing fast.
It must be universally proclaimed: there is not a single racial group in the whole world from whom worldwide racial claims of political allegiance, or an internal racially based legislative order, are acceptable. Bennett’s remarks are beyond the limit of civilised political discourse.
. ” the only thing holding it up is the IDF………..”
Looks like the New York Times staff have closer connections to the IDF than most other non-Israeli media .
The Sulzbergers are packing their own court…Jesters all.
je – Yes Jews have been discriminated in Christian Europe for centuries, but one doesn’t understand why Jews are occupying historic Muslim Palestine? Should not the Zionist terrorist groups called for United Nations to award them some fertile region of Nazi Germany as India’s envoy at the UN, Krishna Menon suggested during his speech at the UNGA in 1947?
“Let the British or anyone talk about Zionism and they can use our terminolgy, but we know what the meaning of it is. It has one meaning to us, one meaning to Gentiles,” Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of World Zionist movement, who later became the first president of Zionist entity.
Peacewisher: Russia have given Ukraine a bloody good price for the gas,but it all hangs on Ukraine paying their gas bill.They haven’T, they’ve been lent by Russia the amount to pay it,they’ve been given a chunk by EU and US to cover it and the money still hasn’t reached Gazprom.Ukraine has stolen gas in the past the present and probably will try in the future.Russia has said they’ll cut off the same amount that is stolen.
Russia so far has been more patient than any western power company would’ve been and they’re being given shit for it by us the West.At the same time we are not prepared to pay the bill.
If Russia doens’t act they’ll look ridiculous.
‘Fiona Woolf has faced calls to resign over her familiarity with former home secretary Lord Brittan, who denies failing to act on a dossier of paedophilia claims he received while in office in the 1980s.
But the chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, Keith Vaz, claims a letter Mrs Woolf wrote to Home Secretary Theresa May was rewritten, with Home Office assistance, seven times to downplay her links to Lord and Lady Brittan.
Mr Vaz said: “It is extraordinary that Mrs Woolf did not even write the first draft of her letter which was supposed to detail her own personal experiences.
‘Investigation into historic Westminster report
Lord Brittan denies acting on the dossier of paedophilia allegations
“The letter then underwent seven drafts with a multiplicity of editors. The final version gave a sense of greater detachment between Lord and Lady Brittan and Mrs Woolf than her previous attempts.”‘
Shame on May, Woolf and the rest of the crowd involved in this attempt at a cover up.
Fresh Scandal Over Historical Sex Abuse Inquiry
Fiona Woolf, the new inquiry head, is accused of trying to play down her links to Lord Brittan by rewriting a letter seven times.
Yep Sarwar Steps out of it
Also Amazing Findings In this STV poll –
A new Ipsos Mori survey for STV shows that support for the SNP has surged to 52%, giving them a projected 54 seats at Westminster. The Liberal Democrats would have four and the Conservative party would be left without any Scottish MPs. Labour would poll 23% of the Scottish vote, leaving them with just four seats in Scotland.
And about 200 protest outside the Grand Central Hotel in Glasgow… the Protest aimed to highlight the plight of the most vulnerable in
society and featured a food bank collection.
Video 49 mins Aljazeera: The Day Israel Attacked America
Al Jazeera investigates the shocking truth behind a deadly Israeli attack on a US naval vessel (USS Liberty)
“ The Scottish clans seem to be what remained in North Britain (including part of Lancashire and Cumbria) of the old Celtic social structure: hierachical, autocratic, benevolent. Having been pushed to the fringes of the island by successive invasions they nevertheless managed to retain some sort of ownership of the least economically productive areas…”
Excuse me while I trow a big hibernian cat among your grey anglo pidgeons.
From Wikipedia, re the Scoti,
“…An early use of the word can be found in the Nomina Provinciarum Omnium (Names of All the Provinces), which dates to about A.D. 312. This is a short list of the names and provinces of the Roman Empire. At the end of this list is a brief list of tribes deemed to be a growing threat to the Empire, which included the Scoti.[1] There is also a reference to the word in St Prosper’s chronicle of A.D. 431 where he describes Pope Celestine sending St Palladius to Ireland to preach “ad Scotti in Christum” (“to the Irish who believed in Christ”).[2]
Thereafter, periodic raids by Scoti are reported by several later 4th and early 5th century Latin writers, namely Pacatus,[3] Ammianus Marcellinus,[4] Claudian[5] and the Chronica Gallica of 452.[6] Two references to Scoti have recently been identified in Greek literature (as Σκόττοι), in the works of Epiphanius, Bishop of Salamis, writing in the 370s.[7] The fragmentary evidence suggests an intensification of Scoti raiding from the early 360s, culminating in the so-called “barbarian conspiracy” of 367–8, and continuing up to and beyond the end of Roman rule c.410. The location and frequency of attacks by Scoti remain unclear, as do the origin and identity of the Gaelic population-groups who participated in these raids.[8] By the 5th century, the Gaelic kingdom of Dál Riata had emerged on the west coast of Scotland. As this kingdom grew in size and influence, the name was applied to all its subjects – hence the modern terms Scot, Scottish and Scotland.
The proof is in the language. Try translating the traditional Scottish greeting “Póg mo thóin” into Irish.
Here’s a reputable English – Scottish Gaelic dictionary for you.
today in Australia. bipartisan zionism, i’m afraid –
Labor senator blasts colleague over Israel
Labor senator Glenn Sterle has attacked his own colleague Melissa Parke for
supporting a controversial movement that seeks to pressure Israel through
boycotts and sanctions.
Senator Sterle on Friday used a Senate speech to “condemn” public statements
made by the West Australian Labor MP backing the Boycott, Divestment and
Sanctions Movement….
The comments have already earned a rebuke from Labor leader Bill Shorten,
and clearly didn’t impress Senator Sterle either.
He warned his colleague against diverting from Labor Party policy on the
Middle East, which supports a two-state solution and lasting peace for
Israel and Palestine.
He accused Ms Parke of being ill-informed about the BDS movement and called
her position “simplistic and unfortunately inflammatory”…
“Here’s a reputable English – Scottish Gaelic dictionary for you.”
No use to me, don’t speak no Irish here in the land of the Cati.
Try Baal, he’s the one you were quoting.
Sorry, here’s a dictionary,
Fred; Try to accept the olive branch, No Palestinian pun intended.
“Try Baal, he’s the one you were quoting.”
Fred. You’re right! But don’t let it go to your head.
Is minic a bhris béal duine a shrón!
@ Tony M:
Political correctness seems to have got rather a bad name, it became an insult …
Quite rightly.
Political correctness is the enforced regulation of speech and thought.
Lenin’s writings reveal an obsession with ‘Politicheskaya pravil’nost’ (political correctness) as a means of securing the Bolshevik tyranny, an obsession leading to the enforced adherence to not the truth, but to what the ruling elite wished the truth to be.
This is precisely what we have in the West, today: enforced lip service to the self-hating, autogenocidal rubbish that constitutes the politically correct view of the world. For example, opinion surveys repeatedly show that around seventy percent of the British population oppose mass immigration, yet any who oppose mass immigration are promptly labelled by the politically correct as “racists,” which in the majority of cases is simply a lie.
The great majority of the British people are, I am sure, hospitable people well disposed to decent people of another race or culture. But not hating someone is different from inviting them to come and take over your house and home and supplant your posterity with their own.
Political correctness in the West is not, obviously, enforced spontaneously. The power of police and the state indoctrination machinery of education work constantly to promote political correctness and punish through the courts or administratively those who infringe the precepts of political correctness. Political correctness is thus a covert form of tyranny and any state that imposes political correctness can be a democracy in name only.
@ Tony M
I expect you have bottles of HP Brown sauce sent over to Canada
tony, you really are a complete arse hole, aren’t you.
What the fuck do you know about me?
Well, nothing, actually, except what I write here.
So what do you do? Respond to what I say?
Hell no. You just make up a load of bollocks.
You truly are a brilliant specimen of that low form of life that seeks to impose a tyrannical control over what is acceptable discourse.
Well fuck off mate. You’re among the lowest life forms in existence, lower than a virus, and only slightly higher than a New Labor MP.
Political correctness seems to have got rather a bad name, it became an insult, but I don’t and never did regard not being racist, sexist, homophobic and so on as being politically correct, it’s just human decency
Tony M- that definition would be nicely rounded off by a chorus of Kumbaya; for a definition of PC that is both more accurate, and intellectually stimulating, the great Dr Theodore Dalrymple is a good place to start-
‘It isn’t easy to define political correctness with precision, but it is easy to recognise when it is present. It acts on me as the sound, when I was a child, of a teacher’s nail scraping down a blackboard because his piece of chalk was too short: it sends shivers down my spine. It is the attempt to reform thought by making certain things unsayable; it is also the conspicuous, not to say intimidating, display of virtue (conceived of as the public espousal of the ‘correct,’ which is to say ‘progressive,’ views) by means of a purified vocabulary and abstract humane sentiment. To contradict such sentiment, or not to use such vocabulary, is to put yourself outside the pale of civilised men (or should I say persons?). ‘
I have to go through a checkpoint every time I leave my village. Every journey is recorded – departure time, date, direction, speed. My progress is monitored. Any departure from the main route is recorded. When I return home, day or night, I am watched and a note is made. A complete detailed log is kept of all my movements. I’ve committed no crime.
The only access to my village is the A9. 27 average speed cameras have just been switched on over a 120 mile stretch of the A9. Every time I go anywhere, I am logged out then back in again by those cameras.
As far as I can determine, the data is held for a minimum of 5 years and apparently the Surveillance Commissioner has no remit over it because the cameras are overt rather than covert and are therefore not deemed to be surveillance as defined by RIPA. Its fucking surveillance as defined by me.
Dalrymple also gives a shorter definition of PC, which you may prefer-
Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small
Good night, and take your pick
This recent Op-ed by an Israeli citizen who happens to be a Palestinian married to a US Jew , and resident in the USA is a ‘ must read ‘ by anybody who doubts the true racist nature of the Zionist State . From the moment they land at Ben Gurion Airport the treatment she and her daughter receive is in marked contrast to the welcome her husband the US Jew is offered .
Political correctness in the 80s was derided by racists and right-wingers as restricting their ‘right’ to be offensive, and used to insult anyone respectful of minorities rights, and that is still the definition the haters work with today, they haven’t moved on one bit from their obsession that everything is about and aimed at them, at clipping their wings, challenging their deliberate and at times sub-conscious offensiveness. If anything those who think power can do no wrong, as long as they can be duped into thinking they too belong to superior caste, and like them imagine they too are perfect beings, incapable of self-examination, they are the most politically correct, they go with the prevailing wind wherever it takes them and everyone else, they occupy the establishment position on every issue, having no opinions of their own except for those pushed by the mainstream and the governing party apparatchiks, the grey people stood against a grey background, who think themselves rebels, free-thinkers, free only to think, and quite happy with it, only what is desired by coercive states, that they ought to think, they really are just crashing bores, conformists who opt for the life of supposed ease serving their masters. Who wouldn’t know a nuance it bit them on the hands. As I did describe earlier, those who talked the talk of political correctness when it was fashionable or expedient to do so, but deep down were quite reprehensible persons, for whom the form rather than the substance was all, the same ones who will selectively quote and distort what was said as they humourlessly work themselves into a rage, at the discordant workings of their shrunken minds being exposed and the possibility of their fallibility, some self-doubt engulfs them, as the littlest puncturing of their bloated pomposity causes cascades of dissonance that flood their limbic systems and the most primitive underpinnings of their minds, chemically driven, vault over the suppressed higher evolved parts of the brain and take control, the animal savagery that they struggle daily, mostly failing to suppress, prevails.
@RoS: “I’m afraid we’ll have to agree to disagree on this matter.”
It’s rare that I’d agree to such a thing, but here it seems appropriate for now. You have put forward an interesting case, and I’ll look at it again. You did it a bit more respectfully than I gave mine too, your courtesy humbles me.
As a point of possible interest, you may care to review this, for some future discussion:
We should consider, when evaluating official truths over devastating events, “quo bono”? On this Newtown massacre, I see the following as a benefit to creating such a myth: A government which is determined to disarm the country in advance of a takeover, fakes a massacre as a pretext to imposing a massive gun-grab and clampdown.
However, the government has no such intention – it has not followed up even remotely in any such legislation. The idea that a gun-grab is necessary to further the aims of the ultimate rulers is a joke anyway. A functionally disarmed populace is no worse placed to take on their government in any event.
So what would be the point in such a hoax?
Now on the other hand, who would benefit by presenting this as a myth? Here we have a much more realistic answer. For one, the weapons industry. Gun manufacturers, who have never – seriously, never – had it so good. Hey look, the government has to fix in here with this false-flag story – buy guns! Buy ammo! Arm up – they’re coming for you!
It ferments distrust of the government, Obama particularly. It stirs up the far-right, with their conspiracies of Obama-phones, the UN about to perform a takeover. Agenda-21. Gun-grabs. 2nd Amendment rights violations.
Who benefits from the idea that it was a hoax? The usual suspects. Teabaggers, gun-nuts, arms companies, the Rieght generally, the Republicans, Obama haters et cetera.
Who benefits from the understanding that this was real? Absolutely nobody. So expect far-right rear-guard action.
@Doug Scorgie: “They were active on the previous three threads Glenn, until 29th Nov; the day Craig posted his criticism of Israel. Interesting that.”
Indeed, but Craig has criticised Israel before. Did you notice a shutdown on any of those occasions? Neither did I. I’ll say it just once again, for those not inclined to appreciate subtleties: I hope it wasn’t something I said.
“I’ll say it just once again, for those not inclined to appreciate subtleties: I hope it wasn’t something I said.”
thieeeew ….. thieeeeeeww ……
[sound of Glenn_uk’s subtleties shooting straight over Node’s head]
Craig gets quoted here.
Jonathan Djanogly, example of UK’s Israel stooges
FEATURE – “Jonathan Djanogly, example of UK’s Israel stooges:” Stuart
Littlewood examines the behaviour of an Israel flag waver in the UK
parliament, Jonathan Djanogly, one of the “dirty dozen” lawmakers who voted against recognising Palestine as an independent state.
Wipeout for Labour looming in Scotland
Sam Coates and Lindsay McIntosh
Published at 12:01AM, October 31 2014
Labour faces near wipeout in Scotland next May in a setback that could cost Ed Miliband the general election, according to a new poll for The Times. Mr Miliband’s personal ratings have also plunged since the referendum seven weeks ago, the YouGov poll of Scottish voters has found. Only 15 per cent trust him, down from 25 per cent on the eve of the independence vote. Labour supporters are more likely to distrust him. The poll puts support for the Scottish National party at 43 per cent in the general election, up from 20 per cent in 2010 and giving it a 16-point lead over Labour. Support for Labour fell to 27 per cent, down from 42 per cent at the last general election. It means that Mr Miliband’s party is now performing significantly worse in a heartland than it is nationally, where it still commands 34 per cent of the vote. The poll…
Oh dear. Scraping the barrel now. Has beens and a soap actress enrolled for the poppy campaign. P Harry everywhere lately in a media blitz.
Prince Harry meets stars to support poppy appeal
Prince Harry meets Barbara Windsor in support of the London Poppy Day Appeal
A London bus driven to No 10 and Agent Cameron welcomes Babs. Pathetic stuff.
Political correctness Is essentially a form of understanding that creates unity amongst those who seek to adhere to its doctrine. Saying that in its egalitarian form political correctness is unable to distinguish the political from the practical and allows for manipulation and self abuse through stupidity and silliness which in itself are politically correct traits that fail to meet what is often practical and universal. So political correctness is an abuse of true humanism in terms of its achievements as a unifying measure of the whole.
Just spotted an LSE Public Lecture 18.30-20.00 on Tuesday 4 November at the Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building on “High-Risk Activism and Popular Struggle Against the Israeli Occupation of the West Bank” by Joel Beinin, Professor of Middle East History at Stanford. I have no further details about the speaker. A podcast or video may be available after the even (try ).
Yes Jay, I agree.
I was told to refer to black plastic bags as green in the 80’s so I wouldn’ offend black people.I was reprimanded some time later for calling black people black and that the term coloured was more PC.A month ago a black friend reprimanded me for referring to a black person as coloured.
Political correctness is wrong.
Back OT
Politicians have been trying to have criticism of Israel branded as anti semitism.
This is all while certain Israeli newspapers say and do what our press daren’t
Mats, 30 Oct, 1.13pm
Good link here discussing Swedish prosecutor Marianne Ny’s tactics as regards the women’s SMS/phone traffic – and why she is withholding all but one or two of the 100 texts known to exist (these 1 or 2 she interprets as providing “probable cause” evidence of rape) from being viewed and analysed by either Assange’s defence team or by the courts themselves:
Assange Case: Something Sick About the SMS,01.shtml
and this article discusses a ruling by Sweden’s SVEA Court of Appeal earlier this year giving Swedish police permission to destroy any evidence a prosecutor elects not to use in court proceedings [known as an investigation’s ‘slops bucket’ – something which must be immediately handed over to a defence team as soon as charges are brought, though this generally gives defence lawyers approx. 10-14 days to analyse whatever’s in those ‘slops’, at least that WAS the case until this SVEA ruling, I believe]. If Assange’s arrest is rescinded and the case dropped – or even if it continues in its current frozen deadlock until the statute of limitations runs out – this would potentially have the effect of putting the women’s SMS forever beyond the reach of any Freedom of Information request or public view.
Comments, anyone?
Other Swedish news:
Prosecutor Marianne Ny rejects the FCO’s invitation to her to question Assange in London, just as 100 Tory MPs threaten to revolt over the UK opting-back-in to the European Arrest Warrant. Sweden’s Expressen published a furious op-ed:
Everyone’s tired of the Assange circus. Go to London, for God’s sake! [English translation]
Even better news –
Sweden officially recognizes Palestinian state, Israel recalls ambassador