CPS Cover-Up in Progress 303

I was told by a member of the Metropolitan Police Operation Lydd team that they believe there are grounds to prosecute Jack Straw, but that the Crown Prosecution Service will bury it. That was over two years ago when I gave my own sworn evidence to the investigation.

That cover-up by the CPS is now underway – and it is extremely unsubtle. The mainstream media barely reported that the first file has been passed to the CPS on Operation Lydd. You would think that a massive police investigation into criminal activity by Jack Straw and Sir Mark Allen, among others, would merit more of a splash, but not in our corporate controlled media. The timing was auspicious because, in the parallel civil case, the Court of Appeal has rejected the Government’s defence of “National Security” to prevent the case from even being heard. This after Jack Straw and Sir Mark Allen arranged the kidnap and deportation to torture in Libya of Mr Belhadj, his pregnant wife and children – only one of hundreds of such crimes in which the British state was deeply involved.

Infamously, the British Embassy in Washington had been lobbying the US authorities relentlessly to prevent the publication of the Senate Intelligence Committee report on extraordinary rendition, specifically on the grounds that this would weaken Jack Straw’s defence. That defence rests on the grounds that details of kidnap and torture would annoy the United States and thus damage Britain’s security interests. As a blanket license for state involvement in torture, it only takes a second’s thought to realise how astonishingly dangerous that doctrine is. The High Court swallowed it. Thank God, the Court of Appeal did not.

So the Courts having ruled against Jack Straw, there are now two lines of defence between Straw and Sir Mark Allen, and a long spell in the pokey. The first is that the Government is appealing to the Supreme Court in London to have the case kicked out once again on “National Security” grounds. The second line of defence is the Crown Prosecution Service.

I can give you very substantial evidence that a cover-up is in progress within the CPS. Astonishingly the Lydd file has been passed within the CPS not to the serious crime division, but to the Counter-Terrorism Division. Yet terrorism is not the alleged crime here. The crimes are Gross Misconduct in Public Office, Conspiracy to Torture, Conspiracy to Kidnap and Abduct. We might relate them rhetorically to terrorism, but they are not that legally.

The incredible truth is that the file has been passed not to the Division which deals with the crimes allegedly committed by the perpetrators, Messrs Straw, Allen et al. It has rather been passed to the Divison which deals with the crime falsely alleged against the VICTIM of the case, Mr Belhadj. That simple fact tells you all you need to know about the attitude of the CPS to Operation Lydd.

In fact, the Counter-Terrorism Division of CPS works on a daily basis with public servants and security service functionaries who are themselves deeply implicated in the crimes being uncovered by Operation Lydd. A cover-up is certain.

The British Establishment really does stink.

Footnote: I phoned the CPS Press Office to give them a chance to respond. I got through to a spokesperson and left details and my number. They have not come back to me.

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303 thoughts on “CPS Cover-Up in Progress

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  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    By the way, think of the following (and perhaps even act on it):

    Is it not better to light a candle than to curse the darkness?

    Have you lit any candles, Mary?

  • Mary

    No I am NOT wrong. Not a peep from ‘Habbabkuk’, ‘Kempe’
    or ‘Resident Dissident’ on pages 1,2 or 3 there in spite of several exhortations and invitations from others.

    Pull the other one!


    No use for candles until we have power cuts. I will leave the lighting of candles at Westminster Cathedral to the war criminal BLiar and his spouse.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    Are you losing it completely?

    You asked me : “Nothing to say on The Racist Concept of Israel presumably?”

    To which I replied with the following:

    “Craig’s post, which I’ve read rather quickly just now, is a curious amalgam of giving great prominence to, and drawing an unjustified general conclusion from, something one (repeat, one) minister said, and a repeat of all the old saws about Israel – racist, apartheid, etc, etc – without of course providing any concrete examples or sourcing; we have, apparently, just to take Craig’s word for it when he accuses Israel of practising apartheid.

    I was not impressed with this attempt and can only imagine that the post was designed to rally the troops.”

    Why, then, do you refer to the previous thread?


    And think about lighting a candle rather than cursing the darkness.

    Be positive rather than eternally negative.

  • Mary

    These poor souls could probably use some candles. There is no electricity.

    No shelter from winter rains for thousands in Gaza
    Nora Barrows-Friedman 10/23/2014

    “People live a desperate life,” says The Electronic Intifada’s Rami Almeghari about families without shelter in Khuzaa, a village in south eastern Gaza, which was heavily destroyed during Israel’s summer assault.

    In a recent interview from Gaza, which can be listened to above, Almeghari said that hundreds of families whose homes were bombed by Israel lack basic infrastructure, including electricity and access to water, and remain in metal caravan shelters or at United Nations-run schools. Heavy rainstorms have recently swept through Gaza, further damaging the electricity, water and sewage networks.


  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    Thank you Mary for referring us to the Crown Prosecution Service’s website:

    “These are the members of the CPS Board.


    I note that the website contains sections on Declarations of interests and Business expenses as well as a Hospitality register.

    This is to be welcomed as a sign of total transparency on the part of the CPS.

    I would also point out – this will perhaps be of particular interest to Mary and perhaps some others – that one of the non-executive directors is the Chair of trustees at Finchley Jewish Primary School Trust.


    Habbabkuk urges : it is better to light a candle than curse the darkness!

  • Al Onin-Duisburg

    And along comes Habbadabb with an entirely content-free post. Transparency? CPS?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    “And along comes Habbadabb with an entirely content-free post. Transparency? CPS?”

    Not at all, Al-Onanist.

    My post pointed out that the Crown Prosecution Service website contained information that served transparency.

    Sorry if that upsets you, but facts are facts and content is content.


    Habbabkuk says (to Al-Onanist) : playing with yourself causes blindness!

  • Mark Golding

    We remember last December, heavy rains forced some 40,000 Gaza residents from their homes, and flood waters reached a height of 2 meters (6 1/2 feet) in some areas.

    During the 50 days or so of the war this year, Israeli air strikes and shelling left tens of thousands of homes destroyed or significantly damaged the length of the Strip. The availability of water for home use was curtailed in many areas. Sewage and drainage infrastructure were hard hit.

    In mid-October the WHO published an assessment of the health system in Gaza that highlighted ongoing critical shortages of essential medicines, a disproportionate impact on people suffering chronic diseases, and an increase in the demand for referrals outside of Gaza.

    Al Shifa Hospital is over-whelmed; Al Aqsa Hospital lacks medical supplies and fuel for ambulances.

    My old boss Roni Lewin talked of ‘Tikkun Olam’ and often quoted Leviticus 19:18 to “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

    Yes Mary it has started to rain again – in Gaza.

  • John Goss

    “If the job is done, would that not appear to indicate that the person selected had the ability to get it done?”

    Not necessarily. Getting a job done through following orders (yes-man philosophy or yes-sir in the forces) shows a particular lack of original thinking. Such people are useless to an employer who needs somebody who is capable of taking the initiative without needing perpetual instruction. These are the employees best suited and with the most ability to get the job done. It is a possible reason why ex-military people often do not fit well into civilian employment because they are so used to taking orders. Industry relies on engineers who can look at a drawing, understand that there are several ways to make the end-product, and choose the most suitable method. Would you not agree?

    You see people who go into secret societies go into them blindfolded. Likewise military personnel obey orders, whether the orders are right or wrong. By those acts alone they have shown that they do not want to be informed, that they do not question what the consequences of their actions will be, and they would only be suitable for work that relies on instruction from above. Very often that puts an awful lot of pressure on busy employers who are looking for someone to lighten the load, someone who can think outside the box.

    A real entered (or indentured) apprentice, and I have been there and done that, has a period of training (5 years in my case), and is then qualified to think for himself or herself. Those who play at it with tracing boards and rough ashlars might as well be playing monopoly as to what use they will be to society at the end. Yes, if it’s just dominoes as someone said, what harm is there in it. So when they’ve arrived at the Royal Arch degree, learnt the colours and passwords, performed the “three times three” and been led over the rough and rugged road and all its obstacles from Babylon to Jerusalem blindfolded what have they achieved? What has it taught them? They’ve all been there in this play-acting. They’ve all done it before. But it does not qualify them for anything, because it is just a game that moves them up into the seventh degree.

    Can you see the difference Habbabkuk?

  • Ruth

    ‘The first is that the Government is appealing to the Supreme Court in London to have the case kicked out once again on “National Security” grounds. The second line of defence is the Crown Prosecution Service.’

    Ruling against Jack Straw is the first part of the initial strategy. The judiciary need to have the appearance of impartiality. After that anything will go to prevent the Establihment being ‘dishonoured’ – PII, fabricated evidence, lying witnesses, omission etc etc And for the finale, a bent judge.

    Sadly this is way most court cases involving state crime go.

  • Criminal Protection Service

    The UK as a treaty party of the Rome Statute has made a commitment to prosecute or extradite persons suspected of the crime against humanity of torture under Article 7(f). This case is clearly in the jurisdiction of the ICC.

    If the UK leaves investigation to the torturers, it triggers the admissibility standards of Article 17(2c): “The proceedings were not or are not being conducted independently or impartially, and they were or are being conducted in a manner which, in the circumstances, is inconsistent with an intent to bring the person concerned to justice.” In that case propria motu action by the ICC Prosecutor is consistent with the OTP Policy Paper on Preliminary Examinations of November 2013 and with the precedent of the ICC’s examination of alleged crimes by the UK armed forces begun 13 May 2014. The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (“ECCHR”) and the Public Interest Lawyers (“PIL”) spurred the ICC’s examination, and they are in a position to communicate this further information to the ICC and redefine the situation to more accurately reflect the widespread and systematic scope of UK torture.

    If the SNP really wants out of Britain, all they have to do is enforce the law. Write ECCHR and PIL to denounce the impunity of British government criminals Allen and Straw.

  • guano

    Did Habbabkuk not understand that being vindictive and vile to Mary is not acceptable?

    I repeat. If the mods do not deal with this viperous clown, by removing all non-political insults, I’m going.

    He goes away for a few days shagging boys and returns with renewed vitriol against Mary. It’s just not acceptable.

  • glenn_uk

    @Habbabkuk : “we have, apparently, just to take Craig’s word for it when he accuses Israel of practising apartheid.”

    Well not _just_ Craig’s word. It can be surely be discerned through observation, recognising that different laws apply to people of a disfavourable race in a negative way, and/or one that advantages the dominant race. If (say) Germans would only grant citizenship to those who could demonstrate direct ancestry – pure German blood, if you will – that would be selective on a racial basis.

    The first time I heard the term applied to Israel, is when President Carter introduced the notion.

  • Mary

    No. This cannot be true! Amnesty must have it wrong! Surely!

    Israel ‘Flouted War Laws’ During Gaza Conflict
    Entire families died as Israel “brazenly” failed to limit the risk to civilians during strikes on Gaza this summer, says Amnesty.

    The report
    5 November 2014
    Israeli forces displayed ‘callous indifference’ in deadly attacks on family homes in Gaza
    50 pages

    Nothing on the BBC website about the report although there are many other links.

  • Fool

    Does not life appear to commence in the dark in the earth but grow towards the light?

    The germ or impregnated seed of life that starts off in the darkness perhaps also has some qualities of light – at least it has something about it that is attracted by the light.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    Guano starts off his latest with this:

    “Did Habbabkuk not understand that being vindictive and vile to Mary is not acceptable?”.

    He then goes on, immediately, to say:

    “He {ie, Habbabkuk} goes away for a few days shagging boys”.

    Guano is a fool with zero self-awareness.

    Would his threatened “going” be a loss to this blog? Discuss.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    John Goss (00h10)

    All fair enough.

    But was not the implication of what you wrote :

    “Appointments are made on the basis of getting the job done much more than whether a person has the ability to get the job done.”

    that people appointed to do a job and who happen to be Masons do not have the ability to do the job?

    What you wrote may of course be true in he case of some but equally it may also be untrue in the case of others.

    Rather than making such vast prior generalisations, might it not be better to await the fulfilment of the task before passing judgement on the appointee’s ability?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “The germ or impregnated seed of life that starts off in the darkness perhaps also has some qualities of light – at least it has something about it that is attracted by the light.”

    Certainly. Let us therefore see if the person in respect of whom I offered the aphorism can emerge from the darkness and enter the light. Future posts from that person will help us test your theory.

    Fiat lux.

  • DoNNyDarKo

    I see the Troll seminar is over, vitriol revitalised and back in with a great gnashing of gums.
    Re: your comments about Craig and apartheid Habbanotherseminar,
    Apartheid is a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race.That is exactly what is going on in Israel.Tzipi Livni in Haaretz last week called her country’s policies apartheid.Barak and Olmert both have said their country was becoming apartheid.the fact that Israel has chosen to call herself a Jewish state smacks of religious apartheid as well.The education system is apartheid.The justice system is apartheid.
    Why don’t you provide proof that Israel is not the apartheid State that you seem to believe it to be.The IDF are probably the only institution that isn’t apartheid for soldiers,but the Officers are definitely of one religion and race.

  • John Spencer-Davis


    I have a comment awaiting moderation, a response to Mr John Goss.

    Please may I request that it is released? I do not think there is anything unreasonable or offensive in it.

    I would be interested to know the reason why it went in to moderation. If it was the content, for example.

    Please may I also request that any criteria for moderation be published? Perhaps this would assist me to avoid comments going to moderation in the future.

    With kind regards.


    [craigmurray.org.uk – comment already approved. The keyword that stopped it was out of date and has been removed from the keywords list.]

  • nevermind, there's a future, still

    Thank you Ruth and CPS for bringing the thread back on to the rails.

    So what can one do?, can we petition the ECHR for this abuse of legally agreed parameters? Can we ask for legal observers to the process, fearing that it might be abused?
    With the republicans now being in charge and a two year stalemate looming, what chance that the heavily redacted records even wing their ways on to the CPS desk?

  • John Goss

    “But was not the implication of what you wrote :

    “Appointments are made on the basis of getting the job done much more than whether a person has the ability to get the job done.”

    that people appointed to do a job and who happen to be Masons do not have the ability to do the job?”

    No. This might be what you inferred. What I implied was explained in my last comment.

  • John Goss

    John Spencer-Davis, I have met some very intelligent, articulate, competent, free-thinking and good-minded freemasons – and a few who need help – over the years. The first question I ask my myself about the bright ones is whatever possessed them, when they are so intelligent, to enter a secret organisation of which they know nothing.

  • Ba'al Zevul

    Thanks, Rose @ 6.57. It’s encouraging to think that at least one person here actually reads, and, better, understands my comments. Re. waterproofing: deeply appreciated.

    @ Glenn: It’s only a guess, but I’d say that the number of criminals escaping conviction due to their membership of the masons is at least equalled by the non-conviction rate experienced by members of the judge’s golf club; and is probably spectacularly exceeded by alumni of the same posh school or prestigious university as the judge.

    John Spencer-Davis @ 10.13 has already dealt with the issue of codes of conduct. Well.

    Much is made of the masons’ committment to help their brother masons. Which is certainly not secret. Something like 5% of judges are masons, and no evidence of malpractice was uncovered in a 1997 review. Something like 100% of the government front bench has strong connections with global corporations, accept substantial political funding from these, and can confidently expect lucrative positions in them when they leave Parliament….if not before. Most of ministers’ meetings with corporate representatives are completely secret, at least as regards content. Look at the wood, not the trees.

  • John Spencer-Davis

    John Goss

    Freemasonry is not a secret organisation, and people who enter it do not know nothing of it.

    Kind regards,


  • nevermind, there's a future, still

    This from the poodles tail, the Lancashire Telegraph.

    “Mr Straw told the Lancashire Telegraph last night: “I am unable to make any comment while legal proceedings are continuing.”

    Mr Belhaj, now a politician in Libya, said: “My wife and I are gratified by the judges’ decision to give us our day in court.”

    He added their alleged torture was, ‘as fresh and as painful for us as if it happened yesterday’. ”

    ” Last year, Mr Justice Simon threw out the case against Mr Straw and ex-head of MI6 counter-terrorism, Sir Mark Allen.

    The government had argued an English court could not adjudicate on the claims, even though UK officials allegedly knew about them. The judge said because the claims related to officials in China, Malaysia, Thailand and Libya they were ‘non-justiciable’ in the UK”

    Well that is wriggling, lets see what Sadiq Khan said in this case against Mr Incedal and Mr Rarmoul-Bouhadjar and whether he will stand up again for openness.
    “Sadiq Khan MP, Labour’s shadow justice secretary, said: “I welcome the Court of Appeal judgment which has confirmed that the cloak of secrecy of the scale proposed is not acceptable.


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