Metaphysics 141

Listening to the BBC and Sky, and reading The Guardian, all on the subject of whether the UK establishment knew about CIA torture or not, the realisation dawned on me that I had imagined my entire life story and in fact I had never actually existed. For a little while it was like being in a particularly scary Japanese film.

Then fortunately, I started to look through the comments threads and discovered that even though every journalist in the mainstream media does not know that I blew the whistle on all this a decade ago, the general public do apparently know of me and know a very great deal more than the so-called journalists. So it seems I do exist after all.

That is really quite a relief, because I was about to cancel my walk to Sandy Bell’s on the grounds that if I was merely a metaphysical concept, I probably would not be able to drink anyway.

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141 thoughts on “Metaphysics

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  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    Don’t you understand that trees drop their leaves for the purpose of surviving cold winters.”

    You can’t expect an old evergreen to understand that, surely.

    Did I just say evergreen?

    I must have meant evergrey!


    La vita è bella, life is gooood!

  • fred

    “US fracking might suffer from low oil prices, but not as much as the Russian economy. Cheap gas will suit the US consumer, regardless.”

    Yes, economically devastating.

    Still it could have been a lot worse, at least they have their own currency they can devalue and their own central bank that can put up interest rates, it could have been a lot lot worse.

  • Bunny la Roche


    “If you don’t know what “establishment narrative” means Bunny perhaps this blog is a bit above your intellectual paygrade.”

    Weak, Doug. It means whatever you want it to mean. I asked what you mean by it.

  • Bunny la Roche

    “I suspect Mary that our “Bunny” is more likely to be a right-wing infiltrator of the Left who’s embarrassing outburst against Nigel Farage was designed to give credibility to UKIP and at the same time undermine anti-racist campaigners.”

    Lol. This is how they deal with one of their own. It’s a conspiwacy!

  • Peacewisher

    So Jim Murphy is the new leader of Scottish Labour. I wonder what his position is regarding torture and extraordinary rendition…

  • Bunny la Roche

    Obviously some are having difficulty grasping the rather simple concept of being a brazen hypocrite. There is nothing wrong with being a multi-millionaire. If, however, you take the view that profit is filthy, marketing yourself as an anti-capitalist and revolutionary, whilst having accrued a $15 million fortune for yourself, which you have showed no sign of relinquishing, then you deserve absolutely no respect for your views. And that’s before we even get down to examining whatever it is Brand has to offer.

  • Mary

    Here’s Bunny again but with a different gravatar. Different person? Different IP address? Perhaps we should be told.

  • Bunny la Roche

    Some thoughts from Russell from his booky wook, Revolution:

    “This attitude of churlish indifference seems like nerdish deference contrasted with the belligerent antipathy of the indigenous farm folk, who regard the hippie-dippie interlopers, the denizens of the shimmering tit temples, as one fey step away from transvestites.”

    No wonder the Establishment has him in its sights. I’d advise to keep away from the hill-walking, remote woods etc.

  • KingOfWelshNoir

    @Resident Dissident

    ‘The point you haven’t grasped is that I am universally against torture – unlike many contributors here who take a more selective approach.’

    What nauseating bollocks. No one who posts on this blog approves of torture and I defy you to cite an example of someone claiming that they do. The fact that someone has not specifically posted to condemn a regime’s use of torture in no way indicates that they support it.

  • Bunny la Roche


    Seeing as you follow Gorgeous, any news of his film about Tony Blair? I mean I know making movies is all about making money, but don’t you at least have to release a film?

  • Rainborough

    I’m always very glad to post a link to your quality website, Craig and spread the word in other ways. You have plenty of allies who value your great courage and tenacity in exposing the barbarities the ruling class are capable of. Keep up the good work, and be sure the criminal lying bastards sleep less easily in their beds for it.

    It’s coming yet for a’ that!

  • nevermind

    As an arch zionist, peacewisher, Jim Murphy supports Israel’s right to imprison children, harass masses of women and young teenagers, kill just about anybody who fishes further out than five miles of sea in Gaza, incarcerate elected representatives at will, shoot at them with tear gas canisters, so, yes Jim Murphy has always supported torture imho, otherwise he would not have had Bliars and Broons support.

    We must not forget that he was shadow defence minister, before his immaculate conception as Scotland’s Labour leader, and most likely briefed on what was going on during the early in 2003/4.

  • Fool

    Posts here are a little disappointing today and mine has little to add. Its wrong that main stream threads / media censor. Habba (when he is aloof and not personal) is a good counter foil and therefore an asset to this thread. It would be better if main stream media let everyone post and Habbas could counter as they please.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    Bunny La Roche


    “If you don’t know what “establishment narrative” means Bunny perhaps this blog is a bit above your intellectual paygrade.”

    Weak, Doug. It means whatever you want it to mean. I asked what you mean by it.”

    He hasn’t got a clue, Bunny.

    He’s not into thinking, Bunny, it’s above his pay grade. All he’s good at is reading lines off his script (“Israel has no declared borders”, etc).

    (NB to Mr Scorgie – your various posts constitute links and references)

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “The fact that someone has not specifically posted to condemn a regime’s use of torture in no way indicates that they support it.”

    You may have a point – but perhaps only at first sight.

    Consider this:

    A commenter protests vociferously, on this blog, against tirture carried out by the agents of the CIA.

    However, that same commenter never protests against torture carried out by Russian forces in Chechniya.

    What, in your opinion, does that reveal about the commenter?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    Bunny La Roche


    Seeing as you follow Gorgeous, any news of his film about Tony Blair? I mean I know making movies is all about making money, but don’t you at least have to release a film?”

    A question some of the many financial contributors might also be asking themselves as time goes by…..

  • doug scorgie

    13 Dec, 2014 – 10:55 am

    “So Jim Murphy is the new leader of Scottish Labour. I wonder what his position is regarding torture and extraordinary rendition…”

    Some details about James Francis Murphy:

    Murphy was a supporter of David Miliband’s failed bid for the Labour leadership.

    On 21 February 2008, Miliband admitted (despite previous government denials) that two U.S. extraordinary rendition flights had stopped on Diego Garcia, a U.K. territory, in 2002.

    When questioned as to whether the government had deliberately misled the public over rendition, Miliband apologised and stated that the government had “made a mistake”.

    Murphy was appointed Shadow Secretary of State for Defence on 8 October 2010. In this role Murphy criticised moves to boycott the state of Israel.

    In 2011, The Daily Telegraph published documents, compiled by a senior US official at the US Embassy in London and published by WikiLeaks, stating that throughout 2009, Murphy was in charge of organising a coalition of Unionist parties whose aim was to “block an independence referendum” in Scotland. {such a democrat eh?]

    In 2012 Murphy was among a group of MPs named as benefiting from up to £20,000 per year expenses to rent accommodation in London, at the same time as letting out property they owned in the city.

    After an egg was thrown at Murphy during his No campaign he said:
    “In the past 10 days or so, the Yes Scotland campaign has organised mobs to turn up at every meeting that I’m taking part in to try and silence undecided voters and to try and intimidate me”.

    However, it turned out the man responsible [for throwing the egg] was a local resident who was simply frustrated that Jim Murphy had not answered a question he had asked him.

    Murphy never made any subsequent public apology for his incorrect claim that the attack was organised by Yes Scotland

    What a nice man.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “..kill just about anybody who fishes further out than five miles of sea in Gaza,”

    Just on a technical point, Ingo, fish within 3 (or 6) nautical miles from the coastline are generally recognised to be more abundant than further out on the high seas, as well as being easier to catch for small (ie, non-industrial) fishing vessels.

    This is certainly the case off West Africa (and in warmer waters more generally), which is xhy fisheries agreements with West African countries reserve fishing opportunities within 3 (or 6 ) nautical miles for vessels from the coastal states concerned.

    So it is not clear why you consider this to be a particularly egregious example of Israeli turpitude.

  • jives

    Peacewisher 4.55am,

    Excellent post.Bang on.

    I believe it was Karl Rove-or possibly Donald Rumsfeld=who from their righteous firmament sneeringly used the term “those in the reality-based community” towards us plebs.

    Bastards,horrible bastards.

    The clock is ticking on them,humanity is hot on their hubristic tails now.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    Mr Scorgie

    Is your long (too long) post at 13h07 an attempt to disprove what I said about you a few minutes before, ie “He’s not into thinking, Bunny, it’s above his pay grade.”?

    If so, it does not convince.

    Must try harder!

  • OldMark

    …Also, Ms La Roche is (or was ?) a near neighbour of Craig in South Thanet.

    I wonder if our host had the misfortune to meet her down there ?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    Mr Scorgie (re. Jim Murphy)

    “However, it turned out the man responsible [for throwing the egg] was a local resident who was simply frustrated that Jim Murphy had not answered a question he had asked him.”

    How fortuitous that the “local man” just happened to have some eggs on him when Mr Murphy “didn’t answer his question”.

    Perhaps he was on the way back home from his local supermarket?

    I think we should be told. Links and references, please, Doug.

  • Mary

    Troll @ 1.10pm obviously approves of the total imprisonment of the Palestinian people in Gaza by air,
    land and sea.

    A reminder that the coastal waters are full of sewage, the plant having been destroyed multiple times by the Occupiers.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    Old Mark

    I believe George Orwell once wrote something along the lines of “you can tell what’s wrong with socialism by the appearance of its female supporters”.

    Possibly a macho and misguided commment…..but possibly not.

    I did not see the programme on which Mssss La Roche appeared, but am I correct in assuming that she is not very attractive?

    If that is so, I think we can assume that Craig – a bon viveur in matters many, including people of the female persuasion – will NOT have met her.


    Don’t take the above too seriously, it’s dry martini time where I am.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “Troll @ 1.10pm obviously approves of the total imprisonment of the Palestinian people in Gaza by air,
    land and sea”

    Whatever makes you say that, Mary? Can you link or refer? I was making a technical point about fisheries for the edification of Nevermind.

    Are you a sea angler, by any chance?

  • Fool

    Good to hear about Jacob Rees Mogg call for US report on use of torture to be published w/o UK fig leaf and challenging security service’s for being a law unto themselves. It reminded me of a lesson learnt by labour in the Wilson era. It is generally easier for old school tories to stand up to the service then it is for labour. Labour tend to be so worried about being perceived as weak on issues of national security that ironically they end up being more of a push over. I don’t know if that is true – it is in any event a generalisation.

  • Ben the Inquisitor

    PeacewiisherL Glad you picked up on the Matrix ref.

    The Fingermen are not so bold as yet. They keep their heads low for now.

  • John Goss

    The Telegraph did not go on Bunny La Roche shout-down but the more serious research into Nigel Farage’s affinity, toadyism and idolatry of Enoch Powell. Peas in a pod comes to mind, but Farage’s racist banter is not just confined to bar-room condemnations of the “niggers”, his word not mine.

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